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Topic: Home > Policies > Defense

Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer
    Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer
    Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer
    Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer
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President Bush to Nominate Four Individuals to Serve in His Administration
    President Bush to Nominate Four Individuals to Serve in His Administration
    Nominations Sent to the Senate
    President Bush to Nominate Eight Individuals to Serve in His Administration
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Remarks by the President and Chancellor Schroeder in Photo Opportunity
    Nominations Sent to the Senate
    President Speaks to CIA Employees
    Joint Statement by President Bush and Prime Minister Mori of Japan
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- 18. Department of Defense
    A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- 6. Revitalize National Defense
    A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- 29. Department of Veterans Affairs
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Press Secretary's Remarks on Bombing in Iraq
    Nominations Sent to the Senate
    Remarks at Roundtable with Guardsmen
    President Speaks to National Guard Personnel in Charleston, West Virginia
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President George W. Bush signs a defense appropriations bill at the Pentagon, Jan., 10. ..
    President George W. Bush signs a defense appropriations bill at the Pentagon, Jan., 10. ..
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"Today, I have given formal notice to Russia, in accordance with the treaty, that the ..
    "Today, I have given formal notice to Russia, in accordance with the treaty, that the ..
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President Bush speaks at the American Legion's 83rd annual convention in San Antonio, Aug. ..

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