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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Voting Slogan Contest Set

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, April 23, 1997 – Service members, their family members and federal workers have until June 30 to create a slogan that will inspire troops and federal workers to vote in the 1998 elections.

Federal Voting Assistance Program officials are looking for the right words that will prompt voters to register and take part in next year's federal elections.

"Voting is your expression, it is your voice, it is your constitutional right," a voting program official said. "Now you have an opportunity to express your personal thoughts on the importance of voting by entering the 1997 voting slogan contest."

The voting program will feature the winning slogan in its voting information and promotion materials. These include voting posters, the 1998-99 Voting Assistance Guide and news releases distributed to citizens voting under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act worldwide.

Officials said the 1997 contest winner, the next four finishers and honorable mentions will receive a certificate of recognition from the secretary of defense.

Officials said a panel of independent judges will evaluate entry originality and motivational value. The contest is open to all voters who may submit as many slogans as desired.

Entrants must submit each slogan separately on a 8 1/2-by-11-inch sheet of paper. Each entry must include full name (service members must include rank and military service) and full mailing address, to include country if living at overseas military postal address. They must also include commercial telephone and fax numbers, with country and city codes, if applicable, with each entry.

Send your slogans to:
Federal Voting Assistance Program
Room 1B457, ATTN: Voting Slogan Contest
The Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20301-1155.

The fax number is (703) 693-5507. The e-mail address is

Address questions concerning this contest or any voting-related questions to the Federal Voting Assistance Program at (800) 368-8683, DSN 225-0663 or (703) 695-0663.