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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Presidents Holiday Message to the Armed Forces

WASHINGTON, Dec. 23, 1999 – During this joyous season, our hearts turn to you, our men and women in uniform, who have served and sacrificed so much for our great nation.

This past year our country has called upon you many times – and each time you answered that call with professionalism and skill. From Kosovo to East Timor, you have transformed chaos into calm and brought hope to those who have known only despair. These are not only great military accomplishments; they are great humanitarian accomplishments. Whether serving in the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, or Coast Guard, you exemplify America’s leadership and resolve, and you stand as our nation’s strongest shield.

As all Americans gather to celebrate the holidays, we rejoice in your successes and in the freedom that your service and sacrifice have guaranteed for us. But even as we celebrate, we remember that many of you are standing lonely watch in foreign lands, on distant seas, and in dangerous skies – safeguarding peace and protecting our nation at every point on the globe.

Wherever you may be this year, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Hillary joins me in sending our warmest wishes to you and your families for a blessed holiday season and peace and joy in the coming year.

Bill Clinton