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We are not alone in the Universe, and this needs to be officially acknowledged by Barack Obama in 2009!

Dear Mr. Obama and fellow American citizens,

Please read this with an open mind.  Over 70% of Americans think UFOs are real and the U.S. Government is not telling the full truth regarding the phenomena.  Project Blue Book and the Condon Report were PR campaigns designed to quell public interest in UFOs.  We needs to open the books on this important subject and finally once and for all disclose the truth.  It is a part of our human history that has been denied to us.

There are dozens of U.S. Government and Military "insiders" who are willing to testify before Congress under oath as to what they know about UFOs and Extraterrestrials.  These people deserve an open public hearing.  The last such hearing on UFOs was back in 1968.  Since then the UFO phenomena has not gone away.  UFOs have been tracked on radar, and seen by many credible witnesses such as military generals, military pilots, commercial pilots, and policemen.

Instead of ridiculing the subject, we aught to study it in a purely unbiased way.  I hope that the UFO subject is taken seriously during the Obama Presidency, and all information regarding UFOs is made available to the public.  Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney took the opposite approach.  They believe the American people are not ready to know the truth.  They are also criminals so go figure...

I mean what I've said in the most sincere way.  On behalf of the majority of Americans who want full official UFO disclosure, thank you!

39 Comments  »  Posted by Eric to Energy and Environment, Technology, Additional Issues on 1/12/2009 5:43 PM


1/12/2009 9:54 PM
Agreed. How long do you plan on being silent about this?
1/12/2009 11:41 PM
I just want to know what this all means to me, and why I have been visited by ET's, it has confused me my entire life... What am I?! And why is it so important to you that you don't reveal the actual truth to people? 
1/12/2009 11:47 PM
I have read and seen so much stuff on the interenet about the government WORKING with the ET's....not just KNOWING about ufos.  This ALL needs to be made public.
From what I gather from my research, our whole history needs to be re-written!!
We have been greatly deceived, but many are becoming more enlightened now....thank goodness!
1/13/2009 1:11 AM
It would just be nice to have a government that respects us enough to tell the truth. That would be a first though, right?
1/13/2009 1:29 AM
Seriously, we die for you. Don't treat us like children.
1/13/2009 2:23 AM
Help us find truth
1/13/2009 2:27 AM

The World has the right to know!

And the US should be the first to tel because they are probable the first to have made contact or found undeniable proof!

Greetings from the EU!
1/13/2009 6:49 AM
Its obvious to anyone with a brain who thinks for themselves that we are not alone in the universe, but an official statement would be pretty cool.
1/13/2009 7:38 AM
America deserves the truth,The world deserves the truth.....We believe in you Barack...Give us the truth...
1/13/2009 9:09 AM
You would be a leader like no other leader in history, beyond Abraham Lincoln!  You would be trusted by the globe, unite the globe under one human life, and make us see the important realities of life on Earth.  This would ignite hope into a blaze of truth that would have profound and beautiful implications!  Do what's right even if it's hard.  "Going towards the source(truth) is never easy, because you go against the current."

1/13/2009 9:17 AM
The world is closing in on itself, people are depressed and see no bright future - can't breathe. Too long has the world been in shadows. Release the truth on this subject. It is far too important to keep officially denied!
1/13/2009 10:00 AM
The only reason our government still has 'control' is simply because the ET's have not made themselves public. if that happens, do you realize how ignorant you will look in the eyes of the world.

The table will have turned to such a degree that the 70% of the public who believe in ufos will be laughing at YOU this time, instead of the other way around. avoid this ignorant reaction by the believers and simply DISCLOSE already!!

Others who have commented on this are right, you know the history books have to be rewriten and many other 'religious' events and or people need to be revisted.

but it must be done. do it!
1/13/2009 10:59 AM
Please join us in our solidarity on this issue Mr. President.  I am deeply concerned, when I look into my daughter's eyes, about what kind of world I will leave to her. I feel that full disclosure of extraterrestrial visitation could usher in a sea change of social, technological and spiritual advancement.

1/13/2009 11:59 AM
This issue has gone on far too long and is one of the greatest crimes against humanity ever committed. Full disclosure would shake things up worldwide and make much of the petty issues that we deal with every day totally pointless. Would there be serious upheaval in the day to day actions of our species? Absolutely. But the time for that upheaval and awakening is just what is needed. Our world needs a serious kick in the butt to progress into a better race. Its time for the governments of this planet to admit that they have been lying to us and take responsibility for their actions. The good that will come of this will far outweigh the bad. There will be social unrest and the transition will not be an easy one, but it needs to take place now. President Obama, as the leader of the greatest nation on the planet, you must bring this issue into the light so that the rest of the world can join us in what will most certainly be the most important event that has ever taken place in the history of the human race. The people don't want to be "protected" anymore. We want, no demand, the proof. Good or bad, the time for full disclosure rests firmly on your shoulders. I have faith that you may be the one who will finally put an end to one of the greatest charades ever forced on the people of the planet Earth. We who sign this request are not demented or delusional. Many of us have spent countless hours researching this issue and the only conclusion, faced with insurmountable evidence, is that we have been lied too. Buck up, face the facts, and insist that this veil be lifted once and for all.
1/13/2009 1:01 PM
As hard a pill as it will be for the world to swallow, the fact of extra-terrestrial presence in our universe is more and more a subject for us all to face and to consider as calmly and dispassionately as possible.  The more it is kept secret, the more implicit is the suspense and therefore, the fear, behind the possibility of disclosure.
But -- it HAS TO BE FACED sooner or later.  Let it be sooner and let us get on with it.
It's the suspense that is driving us all toward fear.  The fear of the unknown.
Make it known and make it known now.
God bless you Mr. President and keep you safe.
1/13/2009 1:36 PM
The citizens of this great nation had long been denied the truth regarding UFOs. There has never been a better time to reveal what the government knows about these mysterious crafts.

My only hope is that your position as President is not regarded in a 'need-to-know' basis. Thank you
1/13/2009 1:40 PM
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Ask Senator Clinton....she's ALREADY been briefed ! (As has Bill Clinton and James Woolsey) Ask moon-walker Ed Mitchell....Ask Laurence Rockefeller...

Bob Welch

1/13/2009 1:51 PM
I believe I understand why we haven't been told already, Mr. Obama. The truth of the matter is that the Government fears the reprecussions of such an admission in regards to the stability of our society. In other words, the Government and the military are afraid of losing their grip.
However, one must realize that if anything were to happen at any time that made it abundantly clear to everyone that this was in fact happening, those reprecussions would be multiplied when people realize what lengths the Government has gone to in keeping it hidden. The fact of the matter is, from my perspective anyhow, that a lot of these problems that we see in the world today can be solved with a simple statement, by you.
I KNOW it is in the best interest of the people. The only question remains is whether the Government will actually now, or ever, take the steps to do what is right by those people. 

I have my doubts. I hate to sound defeatist, but the simple fact of the matter is that you guys act in a manner that directly contradicts our wishes on a daily basis. Your stance on all of this bailout money is a perfect example... But that is another issue, eh? 

Please do the right thing.

1/13/2009 2:09 PM
It's time. We can handle it
1/13/2009 2:10 PM
Mr. Obama please do the right thing and tell not only the American people, but the World  (who's leaders by-and-large already acknowledge the existence of UFOs/ETs). The time is right.
1/13/2009 2:14 PM
Mr. Obama: you seem like a reasonable man.  It is only  reasonable to be forthright with the American public - and the world - in addressing this issue openly.
1/13/2009 2:24 PM
I believe the reason that the Secret has been kept from the general public for so long is that sometime in the future the Truth Will Come Out to explain many of the Earth Shaking Events we are yet to see (but have no doubt -they are coming) and it will be finally released to explain - in their (Hidden Elite's) favor, to continue trying to control the world.

If Mr. Obama is half the man that he appears to be, he will not be a puppet to the powers and elite that really run the world.

Do What You Know Is Right Mr. Obama! Stand Up For Freedom!, Truth and The People of The World!

Good Day!,

1/13/2009 2:32 PM
Mr. Obama, all I have to say is do the right thing. Do not let those who lust for control, power, and greed to cloud your judgment. Disclose to the world our true galactic reality and unite humanity in a common purpose. To do so can change the world for the better. Thank you.
1/13/2009 2:42 PM

Dear President-elect Obama:   It is easy to laugh and ridicule the subject of UFOs.  But on a closer inspection - the evidence that something beyond our control is happening in our world and to our citizens is overwhelming.  Other governments have realized this and have opened their files to the people.   I urge you to look at this matter with an open mind, and educate yourself and your staff on this complex and compelling issue.  Then - please - raise the "laughter curtain" that surrounds this phenomenon and tell us the truth.

You have promised change.  Indeed, the time has come for real change - in the way we conduct ourselves and the way we view the world and universe around us.  The time is right for full disclosure.  Thank you.

Laura Steiger Fitzpatrick

1/13/2009 2:50 PM
I think its time for the WORLD to know that they do in fact exist, even if they are just natural phenomenon. we need an explination instead of being ignored when we ask whats going on. there has to be reason to why it was kept secret. security maybee? fear of religion falling apart and going into anarchy? i mean come on, if they exist, so be it, if they dont, they dont. if they in fact do exist, then we all can handle it. we are at an age to where we can understand this new idea. how long ago was it when we were told the world was flat, or that the earth was the center of the universe, or when the sun revolved around us. a lot of erras to where the people were lied to by the church, but they corrected themselves eventualy, and i think they are slowly doing it now by stating (aliens are our brothers.) disclosure is comming soon, and its now or never! 
1/13/2009 2:58 PM

Oh, and if you haven't really found them you we should try to look for them, well traces of them anyway.  Please invest in SETI.  For the cost of one B2 Stealth we could increase SETI's search by 150 fold.

1/13/2009 3:04 PM
 Be sure to search UFO on the side and vote for disclosure it already has 1600 points
1/13/2009 3:20 PM
As a representative of the will of the people, let these entreaties make our position clear.

Statistics currently state that about three quarters of the citizens of the United States believe the U.S. government is lying about the existence of ufos (and extraterrestrials).

The fact of this is now plain for all the world to see. A fact that has only been confirmed again and again by official whistleblower testimony.

Tell the truth and let's move on.
1/13/2009 3:35 PM
  Mr. Obama.  PLEASE read this:    UFO Disclosure is more important than you may realize.  It would change everything !    Our perspectives, our entire VIEW of ourselves as unique in this universe needs to be corrected.   We are NOT alone.   The proof is within your grasp if you know how to ask for it.    

  Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton ALL asked for the US government documents relating to UFO's to be released.  They were ALL denied because even as PRESIDENTS of the UNITED STATES they had "No Need To Know".    George H.W. Bush himself, as then CIA director, told Mr. Carter he had "no need to know".   President Carter, frustrated, then let the matter drop.  

  You need to perservere.   Ask the right people.    Put a high level priority team on it.   Figure it out.    There are many, many DOZENS of high-level military personnel that can testify to first hand knowledge of encounters with UFO's.    Astronauts such as Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper were in the know.    These are highly respected high-level achievers like yourself who, in my opinion, are umimpeachable sources. 

  Please, take this seriously.   The effects of Disclosure on the United States and the world are incalculable.   Many other nations are already doing this.    It's time.  It's time for the CHANGE you so eloquently expressed in your campaign.  


Rick E Koen

1/13/2009 3:36 PM
Go Tell it to the World !!!!!!!
1/13/2009 3:36 PM
Go Tell it to the World !!!!!!!
1/13/2009 4:11 PM

SOLAR EXTINCTION= MAN' S EXTINCTION. Experts estimate, depending on whom you ask, that the Sun has about 5 million yrs. of Life left, and that Earth (or, at least, Man) has about 3 billion. See, the experts pretty much agree, We WILL Die before the Sun does.

If there are Beings and Technology capable of visiting this rock we call Earth, and They can survive not only the trip, but also, the Environment of this Planet (even if by assisted means), ergo it follows: So can we ensure the survival of the species.

Bear in mind, the estimates could be wrong. Consider if the Sun, en route to expanding to around 300 times it's current size, along with the exponential increase of It's Hydrogen- Helium Solar Thermal Activity- that is to say, as it gets extremely hotter- it could ignite the Combustable Gas atmosphere of Venus.
Or, maybe, it could, with it's increased Gravity and Mass, pull Mercury and/ or other Celestial Bodies out of their Orbits and, say, draw them into itself. If Newton and Keppler are correct, wouldn't that have a potentially catastrophic effect on the Earth, since the Sun "theoretically" controls things like the speed of our Orbit and it's Gravity tethers our planet to the others, so that if one moves out of position or alignment, they all do? Or are we being taught falsehoods in our Schools and Media?
So, potentially, the estimates of our Earth and/ or Man's Extinction due to Solar Extinction, although not expected to give us the precise date and hour of our Guaranteed and Certain Demise, might well be grossly over- stated.

Therefore, if there be no such thing as the Existance of Extra- Terrestrial Beings and these things truly are merely Man- made, Psychological, or Natural to earth in Origin- Disclose as much. Wouldn't Public Interest and National Security of the USA, in part, and the Global Community, overall, be best Served (and that is what you vowed to do- Serve- so put your Oath of Office above all other Oaths you undertake past, present, or future, even if you vowed to put, say, your Brotherhood, or Other, first already).
This is too important an issue, because, we as a people need to concentrate our time, resources, and intellect in real areas of endevour which will advance mankind and ensure our survival from an otherwise Inevitable Extinction.

1/13/2009 4:13 PM
It is not right to leave the decision to the Un-Elect or the Elect who fail to adequately represent us. This decision does not belong to Men who think purely Objectively, either, as they tend to discard Subjective and Relatavistic thoughts, which tend to favor the few at expense of the many and morality is purely Perspective- based, and is generally tossed to the wind or the Opinions of the Few tend to be imposed on the Many. The Constitution protects Minority individuals and entities from the Majority, it does not Empower them. Disclose the truth, so that, if there are no ET's, UFO's and the like, we can focus on reality- based Issues. If there are, such Intelligence and Access belong's to the Citizen's of the World and the Spirit of Democracy and the Replican Idea demand as much, as you do not Represent all the Citizen's and Countries of the Earth. Only Tyrants and Dictators naively assume they speak for the Global Community at Large. Even head's of Organized crime Syndicates and Families know not to overstep the Jurisdiction of all the Other Heads. No matter how Powerful and Connected one may be. No one has a claim to Non Earth based Assets and Resources. The US NAVY may have Jurisdiction of Space to Regulate and Control Activities Conducted there, and to protect US interests, but, the Constitution neither dealt with or implied any right with regard to Aliens, UFO's, and Space- neither did any of the Laws or Treaties it honors. Therefore, since States and Government have officially declared a non- interest in the Issue, it falls as a Right of the People, without contest. You have no Right to keep it from us, and doubtful any legal Right to Enforce it's being retained.
Disclose the Information, or maybe, we'll devise a Way to catch one for ourselves. If we capture one of your toys what can you say or do, Officially, you have no such things, they're all in our heads, how are we to know. It's not ignorance of the Law if the Law is: It doesn't exist.
Enough said, I guess.
Except: You could sit on it, but, someday, we may quit asking.
And for those of you who vote it down, who "butters your bread?" There can't be any real opposition to this request as this requesy will, if Disclosed, either shut us up or prove us right. And religious fanatics can't really be offended. If God made Man God can make beings that are not Man. There were "Sons of God" Rapha'im, Nephalim, the Heroes and Legends of old. All the Pagans believe in Non-Human Beings from Space. Eastern Principles don't conflict with the idea of Universal Life Principles and Extra Dimensional Beings. So, if you Vote this down, you are either the real crackpot here, a ploy to downplay the interest in Disclosure, or suffering from the pure fear that the answer will perhaps not be the one you want, or, will put you out of a profession. Vote it up and Vote it Repeatedly
Even the Founding Fathers knew the Mob rules. History shows that when Governments fail to assist the needs, wants, and desires of their people long enough, dark forces soon move in to fill the void of that absence. They may say to themselves, "Self, if the President's powerless against these "black" operatives at Work behind the scenes, I wonder what the GodFather might be able to do." Just saying, it's not uncommon to trade one dictatorship for another. If high ranking officials and their Congressional testimony -that ET's, UFO's, and the like are, in fact, real- are so easily dismissed, what power could this request or you have to change the current paradigm on this Issue? Likely, none. Take away People's Avenues of ReDress long enough, and what choices are left? Disclose.
1/13/2009 4:44 PM
 come on more votes!
Sam Bell
1/13/2009 5:03 PM
 UFOs are not real.  The government would have no incentive for hiding their existence.  This discussion demeans this website.
1/13/2009 5:25 PM
Sam Bell -

UFOs are real.  What makes you say they aren't?  How does this discussion demean this website?  The Government would have no incentive for hiding their existence?  I can come up with several reasons.  If you can't, then I feel sorry for your intelligence level. 
1/13/2009 5:26 PM

I and four to six others in Abingdon, VA saw multiple LARGE UFO’s on June 23, 2008 starting at 10:03 PM. I am an ex military paratrooper and Pathfinder as well as a vehicle recognition specialist for Long Range Recon. I have seen and jumped out of just about every military aircraft in service, and have never seen anything like this. Large Black rectangle just larger than football fields, with lights (smaller) on each of four corners underneath, one larger, dimmer set back from front two and centered, with large red beacon rotating in center. First was at about 2,000 ft (I know as I’ve jumped from that level), second in half hour later as we watched it descend through 8,ooo ft to about 4 to 5,000, level out, move east and then begin to rise at about 8 miles out over Bristol, TN. Both moved at 35 - 45 knots going East to West along Interstate 81 and Lee Hwy. First went right over my head on Beverly Drive in Abingdon and others saw them as they passed directly in front of us at an insanely close distance. I worked my rear end off for the McCain camp as a volunteer. You promised change, let's see if you'll bring what you have promised!!

The technology I saw, will emphatically, change the current economic and energy crisis in which we now find ourselves embroiled.

Dennis J. Wisnosky Jr.


1/13/2009 5:40 PM
     It would be a step in the right direction for the American people and more importantly human consciousness if the U.S. Government would come clean with any information it's withholding regarding any inter/planetary/dimensional races and technologies. 
     Honestly folks, anyone who has spent more than a few errant seconds stargazing within the past few months can clearly see the variety of shifting lights above our heads. We'd have to be completely physically and spiritually blind to miss them,( look @ orion's belt and to the constellation preceding it, look for the bright gold orb, for what I'm referring to)
     Bottom line is the American people are tired of the lies and we deserve the truth  because this is not just a national or international issue, it is a globally important matter that should be addressed by the people of this planet in a manner that is most beneficial for all of the people of this planet rather than the small few retaining this information.

NG Moony
1/13/2009 6:44 PM

Dear President Obama,

Ending the truth embargo regarding the presence of foreign, off world influences and the technologies with which have been and can further be revealed is quite possibly the most brave and important action a person could ever do. Are you able to accept that challenge? Do you have the strength and courage to bring forth the truth that is so evident to millions of people. Or are you just another example of political servitude given to the masses in a phony attempt to placate a false democracy? We are dying out here, sir, under ecomic homicide. PLEASE HELP US! Please listen to what you are being told in these comments and reports. These technologies will provide so much for the world. Let it be known! You were chosen!

Thank You and God Bless the Peacemakers.

Sean C. Markut

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