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About Sharon Harrington

Sharon Anne Harrington is Chief Administrator of the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC). She was first appointed in March 2004 and reappointed by Governor Jon S. Corzine in January 2006. Ms. Harrington is the fourth woman, and 21st individual, to lead the organization in its slightly more than 100 years of existence.

Prior to assuming the Motor Vehicle Commission post, she was the State Director for U.S. Senator Frank R. Lautenberg. Harrington was previously a partner with Public Strategies Impact, a Trenton-based professional firm and served as a Deputy Campaign Manager for former Governor James J. Florio.

Harrington serves as Vice President of the Region 1 Board of Directors of the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA), is a member of the State Ethics Commission and is also a council member and past chairperson of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.

Sharon A. Harrington

Ms. Harrington, 53, is a graduate of Glassboro State College, now Rowan University. She is married to George Sullivan. They reside in the City of Trenton, Mercer County.

In her more than four years with the MVC, Harrington has focused her efforts on advancing projects and initiatives that enhance the areas of security, safety and service and ultimately ensure a sustainable motor vehicle organization.

From the long-awaited introduction of credit card transactions in MVC agencies to improved customer convenience with expanded and more convenient Web services, Harrington has sought to make the organization more accessible and customer friendly.

In the last year and half, Harrington has also worked to bring more accountability and efficiency to a once highly-criticized motor vehicle inspection program. Through the implementation of several key initiatives and the signing of a new multi-year contract Harrington has brought nearly $19 million in annual savings to the program.

Making good on her commitment to teen driver safety, Harrington has led the way in providing the necessary tools to prepare young drivers for a lifetime behind the wheel. From the award-winning publication, Safe Driving: A Parent Guide to Teaching Teens to the recent overhaul of the New Jersey Driver Manual and the creation of an interactive, companion Web version, Harrington seeks to ensure that young motorists are well-informed from the earliest stages of driving.

And in keeping with her belief that a strong technological and physical infrastructure is essential for the continued success of the MVC, Harrington has moved forward with a multi-year revamp of the organization’s nearly 30-year-old core computer system known as the Comprehensive System and the implementation of the state-of- the-art Point of Service project, which will provide a modernized agency cash register system that offers tremendous security and operational benefits.

Adding to the technology enhancements, Harrington has utilized a comprehensive Facility Master Plan to guide improvements to MVC facilities statewide. Leading the way with the highly successful initiative known as the Model Agency, Harrington has revitalized MVC services through the opening and updating of locations statewide that offer more operationally efficient workspaces and enhanced customer amenities.

In continuing to meet the challenges first presented by the Fix DMV Commission, Harrington has guided the MVC through a period of tremendous success. Just four years after the creation of the MVC, Harrington reconvened the Fix DMV Commission to evaluate the progress the organization had made and the challenges ahead. Through the work of over 100 stakeholders, this reevaluation produced a report MVC Forward: Strategies for Excellence, which will provide a blueprint for success in the future. In moving the MVC forward during her tenure, she has ensured that the organization is on the road to becoming of model of excellence in motor vehicle services.