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Simon Ernest Sobeloff

A Register of His Papers in the Library of Congress

Prepared by Paul Ledvina with the assistance of Sherralyn
McCoy, Susie Moody, and Cassandra Ricks

Revised by Michael Spangler

Manuscript Division

 Library of Congress

Washington, D.C. 


Contact information:

Finding aid encoded by Library of Congress

 Manuscript Division, 2003

Collection Summary

Title:		Papers of Simon Ernest Sobeloff 

Span Dates:	1882-1973  (bulk 1950-1973)

ID No.:		MSS50674

Creator:		 Sobeloff, Simon Ernest, 1894-1973

Size:			95,000 items; 395 containers; 158 linear feet;
3 microfilm reels

Repository: 	 Manuscript Division, Library of Congress,
Washington, D.C.

Abstract:		General correspondence, appointment books,
solicitor general files, case and office files of the
United States Court of Appeals, speeches and writings,
subject file, and miscellany relating to Sobeloff's
involvement in Baltimore and Maryland law and politics,
his duties as solicitor general, and cases heard before
the Fourth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.

Selected Search Terms

The following terms have been used to index the description
of this collection in the Library's online catalog.
They are grouped by name of person or organization,
by subject or location, and by genres and listed alphabetically


Sobeloff, Simon Ernest, 1894-1973 

Bazelon, David L. (David Lionel), 1909- --Correspondence

Burger, Warren E., 1907- --Correspondence

Douglas, William O. (William Orville), 1898- --Correspondence

Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969--Correspondence

Frankfurter, Felix, 1882-1965--Correspondence

Haynsworth, Clement F. (Clement Furman), 1912- --Correspondence

Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895-1972--Correspondence

Javits, Jacob K. (Jacob Koppel), 1904-1986--Correspondence

Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968--Correspondence

Leventhal, Harold, 1915-1979--Correspondence

McKeldin, Theodore R. (Theodore Roosevelt), 1900-1974--Correspondence

Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis), 1880-1956--Correspondence

Parker, John Johnston, 1885-1958--Correspondence

Paul, John, 1883-1964--Correspondence

Soper, Morris Ames, 1873-1963--Correspondence

Watkins, R. Dorsey (Robert Dorsey), 1900- --Correspondence

Wright, J. Skelly--Correspondence

United States. Court of Appeals (4th Circuit) 

United States. Solicitor General

United States. Subversive Activities Control Board

American Bar Association

American Jewish Congress

Baltimore Urban League (Md.)

National Council on Crime and Delinquency

Courts--United States

Jews--Societies, etc.



Law--United States--Cases

Race relations

School integration

Segregation in education


Baltimore (Md.)--Politics and government

Maryland--Politics and government




Public officials

Administrative Information

Provenance: The papers of Simon Ernest Sobeloff, lawyer,
solicitor general of the United States, and judge of
the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit,
were given to the Library of Congress in 1980 by his
daughters Ruth Mayer and Evva Vale. Scrapbooks pertaining
to Sobeloff were lent by his grandson, Michael S. Mayer,
to the Library of Congress for microfilming in 1984.

Processing History: The papers of Simon Ernest Sobeloff
were arranged and described in 1983. This register was
revised to incorporate the scrapbook microfilm in 1999.
A description of the Sobeloff Papers appears in the
 Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress, v. 31,
Oct. 1974, p. 271, and in  Library of Congress Acquisitions:
Manuscript Division, 1982, pp. 23-26.

Copyright Status: The status of copyright in the unpublished
writings of Simon Ernest Sobeloff is governed by the
Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, U.S.C.).

Microfilm: A microfilm edition of scrapbooks relating
to Sobeloff is available on three reels. Consult a reference
librarian in the Manuscript Division concerning availability
for purchase or interlibrary loan.

Preferred Citation:  Researchers wishing to cite this
collection should include the following information:
Container number, Simon Ernest Sobeloff Papers, Manuscript
Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Biographical Note

1894, Dec. 3			

Born, Baltimore, Md.


Page, U.S. House of Representatives


LL.B., University of Maryland, College Park, Md.

Began private law practice in Baltimore, Md.


Married Irene Ehrlich


Assistant city solicitor, Baltimore, Md.


Resumed private law practice, Baltimore, Md.


Deputy city solicitor, Baltimore, Md.


U.S. attorney for the District of Maryland


Conducted Baltimore Trust Company Investigation


Resumed private law practice, Baltimore, Md.


City solicitor, Baltimore, Md.


Resumed private law practice, Baltimore, Md.


Chief judge, Maryland Court of Appeals


Solicitor General of the United States


Judge, Fourth Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals

1973, July 11			

Died, Baltimore, Md.

Scope and Content Note

The papers of Simon Ernest Sobeloff (1894-1973) span
the years 1882-1973, but are concentrated in the period
1950-1973. Sobeloff's duties as United States Solicitor
General are represented in the collection. Documentation
of his tenure as judge and chief judge of the Fourth
Circuit Court of Appeals is particularly extensive and
comprehensive. The papers are divided into eight series:
Appointment Books, General Correspondence, United States
Solicitor General Files, United States Court of Appeals
Files, Speeches and Writing Files, Subject File, Miscellany,
and Scrapbooks.

Few items from Sobeloff's youth and early professional
career are contained in the collection. Letters in the
General Correspondence series, 1930-1973, contain references
to his early childhood in Baltimore, his experiences
as a page in the United States House of Representatives,
and his early law practice. The correspondence concerns
both his professional duties and his social activities.
The letters in this series complement correspondence
found in the Solicitor General Files, United States
Court of Appeals Files, and the Speeches and Writings
File. Correspondents in these series include the justices
of the United States Supreme Court, judges of the Courts
of Appeals and circuit courts, and various political,
government, and literary figures, among them being David
Bazelon, Warren Burger, William O. Douglas, Dwight D.
Eisenhower, Felix Frankfurter, Clement F. Haynsworth,
Jr., J. Edgar Hoover, Jacob Javits, Robert F. Kennedy,
Harold Leventhal, Theodore McKeldin, H. L. Mencken,
John J. Parker, John Paul, Morris Soper, Dorsey Watkins,
and J. Skelly Wright.

The Solicitor General Files, 1953-1956, while not extensive,
reveal how Sobeloff conducted the office and decided
which cases the government should appeal and when it
should confess error. Files for cases which Sobeloff
either argued personally or was on the brief before
the Supreme Court include notes and drafts of briefs
detailing his methods of argumentation as well as correspondence
relating to the cases. Among the cases were those concerning
actions of the Subversive Activities Control Board,
the validity of trying a civilian by court-martial,
federal preemption of state sedition laws, and segregation
in the public schools. When the Supreme Court outlawed
racial segregation in the public schools in May 1954,
it ordered reargument the following term on the question
of an appropriate decree to implement the decision.
Opposing counsel were invited to address the court on
this point, and Sobeloff appeared for the government.
President Eisenhower took a personal interest in this
case and called Sobeloff as solicitor general to the
White House on a Saturday morning to review the brief.
A copy of the brief with Eisenhower's notations is in
the papers along with other related material on the
segregation issue.

Sobeloff's confirmation as a judge of the Fourth Circuit
Court of Appeals was held up for a year by several members
of the Senate Judiciary Committee, mainly because of
his role in the desegregation decision and his views
on other controversial issues of the 1950s. This period
is documented in the correspondence and the published
hearings in the United States Court of Appeals Files
series. When he became a judge and subsequently chief
judge of the Fourth Circuit, Sobeloff rendered several
important decisions in cases from counties in Virginia
and North Carolina, striking down certain school districting
plans and ordering a more speedy implementation of desegregation.

The Court of Appeals series contains a comprehensive
record of Sobeloff's seventeen years on the federal
bench and provides the opportunity for a close study
of the judicial process in one appellate court. The
case files include correspondence among the judges,
intracourt memoranda, bench memoranda, notes, draft
opinions, and other related material produced and collected
by Sobeloff. Also included are records of the judicial
conferences, which provide an account of the topics
of interest discussed at the annual meetings of the
judges of the Fourth Circuit. The United States Judicial
Conference files contain correspondence, notes, and
working drafts for various advisory committees upon
which Sobeloff served. The Court of Appeals series also
includes an office file of personnel records, court
dockets and other scheduling matters, financial records,
and general reference material relevant to the operation
of the court.

Throughout his public life, Sobeloff made a great number
of speeches both before the legal profession and various
philanthropic organizations. Correspondence, notes,
and rough drafts are included with these speeches, which
make up the greater part of the Speeches and Writings
File, 1928-1972. The writings consist of book reviews
and scholarly articles which appeared mainly in legal
journals. Major subjects include criminal insanity,
courts and the press, civil liberties, freedom and security,
administration of immigration laws, the criminal code,
and the work of the solicitor general's office. At the
end of this series is a group of speeches written by
Sobeloff for the use of others, including his close
friend and advisee, Theodore McKeldin, governor of Maryland.

The Subject File, 1936-1973, documents Sobeloff's activities
in the American Bar Association, the Federal Bar Association,
Maryland Commission on Administrative Organization of
the State, National Council on Crime and Delinquency,
Institute of Judicial Administration, the Jewish Court
of Arbitration and Defamation League, and the Baltimore
Urban League. These files reveal Sobeloff's involvement
in the Jewish community both locally and nationally.
He served as director of the Association of Jewish Charities,
director of the Jewish Educational Alliance, and as
an officer in the American Jewish Congress. Locally
he served on the Baltimore Board of Jewish Education
and the Baltimore Jewish Council. He was a trustee of
Brandeis University and a member of the Visiting Committee
in the Social Sciences at Johns Hopkins University.

Some of Sobeloff's early work in municipal and state
functions is noted in the Miscellany series, 1882-1973,
including material from the 1930s concerning the Baltimore
Employment Stabilization Commission and Sobeloff's appointment
as the United States attorney for the district of Maryland
in 1931. Also included in this series are fragmentary
files of Sobeloff's tenure as chief judge of the Maryland
Court of Appeals, 1952-1954, which consist of drafts
and printed copies of opinions and a small amount of
correspondence and memoranda. Social correspondence,
gift lists, travel files, and other personal and financial
material are also included as well as biographical material
for both Sobeloff and his wife, Irene. Few items in
this series concern Sobeloff's early years, with the
exception of a phonetic shorthand manual used while
he served as a page in the House of Representatives
in 1909. Additional biographical information can be
found in an oral history transcript at the Maryland
Historical Society.

The Scrapbook series consists of microfilm copies of
fourteen volumes of scrapbooks relating to Sobeloff's
career, 1914-1972.

Organization of the Papers

The collection is arranged in eight series:

	 Appointment Books, 1952-1972.

	 General Correspondence, 1930-1973, n.d.

	 United States Solicitor General Files, 1953-1956.

	 United States Court of Appeals Files, 1955-1973, n.d.

	 Speeches and Writings File, 1928-1972, n.d.

	 Subject File, 1936-1973, n.d.

	 Miscellany, 1882-1973, n.d.

	 Scrapbooks, 1914-1972.

Container List

Box 1-8 

Appointment Books, 1952-1972

Volumes including a daily record of Sobeloff's professional
and social activities. 

Arranged chronologically.

Box 1 

1952-1953, 1957-1958 

(4 vols.)

Box 2 


(3 vols.)

Box 3 


(3 vols.)

Box 4 


(3 vols.)

Box 5 


(3 vols.)

Box 6 


(3 vols.)

Box 7 


(6 vols.)

Box 8 


(3 vols.)

Box 9-20 

General Correspondence, 1930-1973,  n.d.

Letters sent and received, memoranda, and miscellaneous
attachments and enclosures. 

Arranged alphabetically, with correspondence relating
to family matters at the end.

Box 9 

"A" miscellaneous, 1951-1973 

(2 folders)

Barksdale, Alfred D., 1958-1972

Bazelon, David L., 1955-1956, 1972

Bell, J. Spencer, 1961-1967

Biggs, John, Jr., 1957-1962

Boreman, Herbert S., 1958-1972

Bryan, Albert V., 1958-1972

Box 10 

Butler, Algernon L., 1959-1968

Butzner, John D., Jr., 1962-1973

"B" miscellaneous, 1950-1972 

(3 folders)

Chestnut, W. Calvin, 1958-1963

Clark, Chase A., 1958-1960

Box 11 

Craven, J. Braxton, Jr., 1961-1973

"C" miscellaneous, 1951-1973 

(2 folders)

Dalton, Theodore R., 1959-1971 

(2 folders)

Dobie, Armistead M., 1956-1964

"D" miscellaneous, 1951-1972

Box 12 

"E" miscellaneous, 1951-1956

Feldman, William Taft, 1953-1970

Field, John A., 1959-1973

Frankfurter, Felix, 1955-1956, 1961 

"F" miscellaneous, 1933, 1953-1973 

(2 folders)

Gibson, Ernest W., 1959

Gilliam, Don, 1958-1959

Gordon, Eugene A., 1964-1967

Grooms, H. H., 1958-1959

"G" miscellaneous, 1953-1972

Box 13 

Hamley, Frederick G., 1960

Haynes, Johnson J., 1958-1962

Haynsworth, Clement F., Jr., 1957-1972 

(4 folders)

Hemphill, Robert W., 1964-1967

Hoffman, Walter E., 1959-1973

Box 14 

Holland, John W., 1958-1959

Hutcheson, Sterling, 1958-1969

"H" miscellaneous, 1951-1963 

(2 folders)

"I" miscellaneous, 1953

"J" miscellaneous, 1952-1967

"K" miscellaneous, 1951-1972 

(2 folders)

Box 15 

Lamb, Frances, 1954-1956

Larkins, John Davis, Jr., 1961-1962, 1971

Lewis, Oren R., 1960-1970

"L" miscellaneous, 1951-1972 

(3 folders)

Martin, James R., 1961-1964

McKeldin, Theodore R., 1950-1956

McMillan, James B., 1968-1973

Medina, Harold R., 1966

Merhige, Robert R., Jr., 1968-1971

Michie, Thomas J., 1961-1967, 1973

Miner, Julius H., 1955-1960

Box 16 

"M" miscellaneous, 1950-1973

"Mc" miscellaneous, 1953-1973 

(2 folders)

Northrop, Edward S., 1961-1970

"N" miscellaneous, 1952-1958

"O" miscellaneous, 1948-1964

Box 17 

Parker, John J., 1952-1958

Paul, Charles F., 1960-1965

Paul, John, 1958-1965

Preyer, L. Richardson, 1961-1963, 1969

"P" miscellaneous, 1951-1970

Reeves, Albert L., 1959-1960

Rhyne, Charles S., 1955-1957

Russell, Donald S., 1967-1972

"R" miscellaneous, 1951-1973 

(2 folders)

Soper, Morris A.


Box 18 


(3 folders)

Stanley, Edwin M., 1958-1971

"S" miscellaneous, 1951-1971 

(3 folders)

Box 19 

Thompson, Roby C., 1959-1962

Thomsen, Roszel C., 1954-1968

Timmerman, George Bell, 1958-1962

"T" miscellaneous, 1951-1968

"U" miscellaneous, 1933, 1953-1956

"V" miscellaneous, 1956-1967

Warlick, Wilson, 1958-1968

Watkins, Harry E., 1958-1963

Watkins, R. Dorsey, 1951-1973

Widener, H. Emory, Jr., 1969-1973

Wilkin, Robert N., 1958-1959

Williams, Ashton H., 1958-1962

Box 20 

Winter, Harrison, 1961-1972

Wyche, Charles C., 1958-1966

"W" miscellaneous, 1951-1966

"X-Z" miscellaneous, 1953-1956

Unidentified, 1954, 1971

Family matters, 1953-1956 

(2 folders)

Box 21-33 

United States Solicitor General Files, 1953-1956

Correspondence, memoranda, Supreme Court files, and
office files including research material, printed matter,
and clippings. 

Arranged by subject, and chronologically or alphabetically

Box 21 

Appointment as solicitor general, 1954



(7 folders)

Box 22 


(4 folders)

Induction and testimonial dinner, Feb. 1954 

(2 folders)

Box 23 

(2 folders)

Nomination hearings

Testimonial dinner, Oct. 1954

Supreme Court file


October term, 1953

Franklin Nat'l Bank v. New York

(1 folder)

Box 24 

(2 folders)

Phillips Petroleum v. Wisconsin 

Box 25 

October term, 1954

General Am. Investors Co. v. Internal Revenue


(2 folders)

United States v. Capps 

(2 folders)

Box 26 

School segregation cases, nos. 1-5 

(3 folders)

October term, 1955

Communist Party v. Subversive Activities Control Bd.

(2 folders)

Box 27 

(1 folder)

Federal Power Comm'n v. Detroit

Greenwood v. United States

Pennsylvania v. Nelson

United States v. Quarles 

(2 folders)

Box 28 


(3 folders)

American Bar Association

ABA Journal article "Attorney for the Government,"Mar.

Chicago, 1954 

(3 folders)

Box 29 

Dallas, 1956

House of Delegates, 1955-1956

Philadelphia, 1955

Sentencing file 

(2 folders)

Box 30 

American Law Institute

Attorney General's Office

Baltimore County Bar Association

Conference of chief justices, 1955

Judicial Conference of the United States

Judicial conferences, circuit court

Maryland Bar Association

Memoranda notebook, 1955-1956

Box 31 

Office personnel--law clerk applicants

Parole and probation

Recommendations by Sobeloff 

(2 folders)

Republican National Committee

Segregation file 

(2 folders)

Box 32 

(4 folders)

Box 33 

State Department

Stonewall Jackson Hall of Fame

Subversive, etc.

Wallace, Weldon, interview, 1954

Box 34-307 

United States Court of Appeals Files, 1955-1973,  n.d.

Box 34-l09 

Opinions, Dissents, and Special Concurrences.

Correspondence, memoranda, opinions in manuscript, near-print,
and printed form, research material, and printed matter.

Arranged chronologically by term and alphabetically
therein by name of case.

Box 34 

1956 term

Algodon Mfg. Co. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

American Monorail Co. v. Parks-Cramer Co.

Blalock v. United States

Brooks Transp. Co. v. United States

Brown v. Brock

Burna v. United States

Cagle v. Norfolk S. Ry.

Chesapeake Motor Lines v. United States

Box 35 

Christian v. United States

Colonial-American Nat'l Bank v. United States

Corsa v. Tawes 

(2 folders)

Cowles v. Ohio Farmers Ins.

Curtis Bay Towing Co. v. Sadowski

Dorsett v. Shore

Box 36 

Erlanger Mills v. Cohoes Fibre Mills

Girard v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Hawkins v. United States

Internal Revenue Serv. v. Poe Mfg. Co.

Jersey Ins. Co. v. Heffron

Knipp v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Kress v. Aghnides

Lester Coal Co. v. National Shawmut Bank

McCracken v. Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac R.R.

McDonald v. Patton

McJunkin Corp. v. Orangeburg

McKnight v. M. & J. Fin. Corp.

Meredith v. United States

Meredith v. United States

Mid-Century v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Middleton v. United States

North Beach Amusement Co. v. United States

Pennsylvania Threshermen & Farmers' Mut. Casualty Ins.
Co. v. Owens

Pennsylvania Threshermen & Farmers' Mut. Casualty Ins.
Co. v. Thornton

Ralston Purina v. Edmunds

Box 37 

Romm v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Rosedale Coal Co. v. United States Bureau of Mines

Smoot Sand & Gravel v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Southern Ry. v. United States 

(2 folders)

Spriggs v. Hoffstot

United States v. Kyle

United States v. Smoot Sand & Gravel

Utica Mut. Ins. Co. v. Rollason

Ventimiglia v. United States

Zoby v. American Fidelity

Box 38 

Miscellaneous correspondence


(2 folders)

Matters concerning Judge Parker

West Publishing Co.

Williams, R. M. F.

1957 term

Armpriester v. United States

Atlantic Coast Line R.R. v. Truett

Citizens Bank of Weston v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Davies v. Kahn

Davis v. Pepersack

Export Leaf Tobacco Co. v. American Ins. Co.

Farmer v. Fidelity Casualty Co.

Finn v. United States

Box 39 

Guest v. Breedin

Hall v. United States

Hart v. United States

Harvey v. Smyth

Herd v. Krawill

Hilton v. Duke Power Co.

Hunt v. Bradshaw

Ieronimakis v. Steamship Johnstar 

(2 folders)

Internal Revenue Serv. v. Reynolds Tobacco Co.

Box 40 

Johnson & Johnson v. Carolina Lee Knitting Co.

Largent v. Lemley

Linden v. United States

Loesch v. Federal Trade Comm'n

Manke v. United States

McCall v. United States

McCoy v. United States

Meek & Bledsoe v. Harris

Miller Motors v. Ford Motor Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v Broadway Express

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Jones Sausage Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Moss Planing Mill

National Labor Relations Bd. v. School-Timer Frocks

Nicholson v. Stroup

Ore Navigation Corp. v. Thomsen

Box 41 

Oriole Paper Box Co. v. Reliance Ins.

Passaro v. Norfolk & W. Ry.

Pittsburgh Plate Glass v. United States

Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. v. Wertz

Romm v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Scott v. United States

Sims v. United States

Smith v. Smith

Stroud v. Benson

Sullivan v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Box 42 

Tiedman v. American Pigment Corp.

Tuck v. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry.

United States v. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co.

United States v. Seaboard Airline R.R.

United States v. Shirah

Via v. United States

Westley v. Southern Ry.

Willis v. United States

Miscellaneous correspondence, 1957-1958 

(2 folders)

Box 43 

1958 term

American Export Lines v. Revel

Atlantic Coast Line R.R. v. Massengill

Becket v. School Bd. of Norfolk

Bogley v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Bounds v. United States

Burkley v. Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.

Calmar S.S. Corp. v. Naciremen Operating Co.

Carriker v. United States

Carter Products v. Colgate-Palmolive Co.

Box 44 

Clark v. United States

Commodity Credit Corp. v. Worthington

Continental Casualty Co. v. White

Fletcher v. Bryan

Freeman v. Swink

Funkhouser v. United States

General Elec. Co. v. Moretz

Gentry v. United States

Girard v. Gill

Glatt v. G. C. Murphy Co.

Gosnell v. United States

Grady v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.

Grooms v. Minute-Maid

Grove v. Smyth

Guest v. Farm Bureau Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.

Gundlach v. United States

Hamm v. Arlington County School Bd.

Holcombe v. United States

Holley v. Steamship Manfred Stansfield

Hollman v. Manning

Home Indem. Co. v. J. H. Poladian & Son

Hood v. Gordy Homes

Inland Mut. Ins. Co. v. Stallings

Box 45 

Janaf v. John W. Daniel & Co.

Jones v. United States

Kilby v. School Bd. 

Kirkpatrick v. Sanders

Lee v. Smyth

Liverman v. United States

Lynn v. Nationwide Ins. Co.

MacCrowe v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Madison v. Reichelt

McElhenny Co. v. Western Auto Supply Co.

McGann v. United States

McKinney v. Appalachian Elec. Power Co.

Box 46 

Mearns v. Lewis

Metz v. Tusico

Moore v. Order Minor Conventuals

Morehead v. Barksdale

Nardini v. Gilbert

National Labor Relations Bd. v. United Rubber

Navios Corp. v. Steamship Ulysses II

P. Lorillard Co. v. Federal Trade Comm'n

Patapsco Scrap Corp. v. Maryland Shipbuilding & Drydock

Prindes v. Steamship African Pilgrim

Rich v. United States

Richardson v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Royal Oil Corp. v. Federal Trade Comm'n

Saint Lawrence v. Clemmer

Box 47 

Schoppel v. United States

Sharpe v. United States

Smith v. United States

Snider v. Smyth

Stancil v. United States

Sutton v. United States

Tank Steamer Fort Fetterman v. South Carolina Highway

United States v. One 1956 Model Oldsmobile

United States v. Bland

United States v. Harrington

Virginia Ry. v. Rose

Weathersbee v. United States

Webb v. United States

Williams v. United States

Witherspoon v. United States

Woodside Mills v. United States

1959 term

Aiken v. United States

American Ins. Co. v. Peyton

American Tramp Shipping v. Coal Export Corp.

Bland v. Britt

Box 48 

Brown v. Smyth

Carolina Lee Knitting Co. v. Johnson & Johnson

Charles v. United States

Cooner v. United States

Cunningham v. United States

Davis v. United States

Farley v. Turner

Funkhouser v. United States

Goins v. County School Bd.

Grove v. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co.

Hill v. School Bd.

(1 folder)

Box 49 

(1 folder)

Holly v. Smythe

Ingram v. United States

Janaf Shopping Center v. Chase Manhattan Bank

Katz v. Cie Generale Transatlantique

King v. United States

Mickel-Hopkins v. Frassinetti

Milanovich v. United States

Box 50 

Mitchell v. Emala & Assocs.

Morrison v. Smyth

Morse v. Arthur H. Richland Co.

Myers v. Blalock

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Spartanburg Sportswear

Nichols v. Cities Serv. Oil Co.

Orthopedic Equip. Co. v. Eutsler

Osborn v. Sinclair Ref. Co. 

(3 folders)

Penedo Cia Naviera v. Maniatis

Pledger v. United States

Box 51 

Ploster v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Pride of Va. Poultry Corp. v. Rocco Feeds

Puerto Sequor Cia v. Pitsillos

Rhodes v. United States

Rish v. United States

Roberts v. Henry V. Dick & Co.

Rock-Ola Mfg. Co. v. Wertz

Rollins v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Roper v. United States

Box 52 

Sansbury v. Pepersack

Smoot Sand & Gravel Co. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Souter v. State Mut. Life Assurance Co.

Spangler v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Steamship Santa Madre v. Dagounakis

Textile Workers Union of Am. v. American Thread Co.

Tickle v. Summers

Timanus v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Tonkins v. City of Greensboro

Trent v. Blalock

Tribble v. Bruin

United States v. Holcombe

United States v. Mohr

United States v. Mountain State Fabricating Co.

Box 53 

Walker v. Walker

Whiting v. Chew

Wright v. Carrigg

1960 term

Angell v. Fleming

Austin v. United States

Auto Fin. Co. v. Martin

Bell v. O'Hearne

Brown v. Posin

Brown v. United States

Burgess v. Maryland House of Correction

City of Lexington v. Federal Power Comm'n

Clark v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Davis v. Nelson

Davis v. Saint Paul Mercury Indem. Co.

Dodson v. School Bd.

Entron v. Jerrold Elecs. Corp.

Fox v. Steamship Moremacwind

Galloway v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

German v. South Carolina

Box 54 

Gary v. Citizens Casualty Co.

Grundler v. North Carolina

Hall v. United States 

(3 folders)

Box 55 

Harper v. Flemming

Holly v. Smyth

Hostetler v. Brotherhood of R.R. Trainmen

Jennings v. United States

Jones v. Cunningham

Lewis v. Lowry

Lynchburg Traffic Bureau v. Smith's Transfer Corp.

McElhenney Co. v. Western Auto Supply Co.

McLean v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Mounts v. Boles

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Threads

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Washington Aluminum

Box 56 

Nelms v. United States

Neterer v. United States

Noel v. Isbrandtsen Co.

Penello v. Retail Store Employees

Perkins v. Banster

Pitt v. United States

Player v. Steiner

Price v. United States

Reed v. United States

Rich v. Naviera Vacuba

Sewell v. Pegelow

Shelton v. South Carolina

Sims v. Smyth

Sizer v. United States

Slack v. Atlantic White Tower Sys.

Southern Cross S.S. Co. v. Firipis

State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v. Drewry

Textile Workers Union of Am. v. American Thread Co.

Box 57 

Textile Workers Union of Am. v. Cone Mills Corp.

United States v. Bagdasian

United States v. Baker

United States v. Boyette

United States v. Carnley

United States v. Goodman

United States v. Price

United States v. Stone

United States v. Wilson

1961 term

Aiken v. United States

Ball v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Blanco v. Phoenix Compania

Bourke v. Krick

Burgess v. Williams

Clarke v. Montgomery Ward & Co.

Box 58 

Davis v. North Carolina

Dillard v. School Bd.

Division 14, Railroad Telegraphers v. Leighty

Gardner v. National Bulk Carriers 

(2 folders)

Box 59 

Green v.School Bd.

Guilford Nat'l Bank v. Southern Ry.

Heyward v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Hobbs v. Pepersack

International Ass'n of Machinists v. International Aircraft

Jeffers v. Whitleu

Jones v. Cunningham

Kirby v. Maryland Penitentiary

Kissinger v. Frankhouser

Box 60 

Lee v. Veatch

McIntosh v. United States

Marsh v. School Bd. 

Mitchell v. Internal Revenue Serv.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Overnite Transp. 

(2 folders)

Northern Va. Steel Corp. v. National Labor Relations

Pannell v. Cunningham

Poyner v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Rederi v. Maher

Simmons v. United States

Box 61 

Stephens v. Ribicoff

Thomas v. Hogan

Turner v. Maryland

United States v. Eldridge

United States v. Foster

United States v. Funkhouser

United States v. Milanovich

United States v. Pledger

United States v. Sorce

Vaughan v. Atkinson

Wheeler v. Durham City Bd. of Educ.

Whitaker v. Blidberg Rothchild Co.

Whitley v. Steiner

Yaeger v. Department of Welfare & Insts.

Young v. Clinchfield R.R.

Box 62 

1962 term

American Export Lines v. Atlantic & Gulf Stevedores

Bell v. School Bd. 

Berry Bros. Corp. v. Sigmon

Broida v. United States

Carpenter v. United States

Childs v. Pegelow

Dudley v. Inland Mut. Ins. Co.

Fisher v. United States

Jackson v. School Bd.

Jennings v. United States

Jones v. Cunningham

Jones v. Cunningham

Box 63 

Lee v. Hodges

Lowe's v. Fidelity Mut. Life Ins. Co.

Lynchburg Traffic Bureau v. Smith's Transfer Corp.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Davison

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Globe Products Corp.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Jesse Jones Sausage

Nelms v. United States

North Am. Loan & Thrift Co. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Osborn v. Sinclair Ref. Co.

Box 64 

Parks v. International Bhd. of Elec. Workers 

(2 folders)

Pilkington v. United States

Simkins v. Cone Hosp. 

(2 folders)

Box 65 

Thomas v. Cunningham

Thompson v. Block's

Thompson v. Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters

Tune v. Cunningham

Turner v. Maryland

United States v. Austrew

United States v. Chaney

United States v. Farmer

United States v. Glass

United States v. Lawrenson

United States v. Lunsford

United States v. Oberman

United States v. Painter

United States v. Sapperstein

Box 66 

United States v. Sutton

United States v. Yadkin Valley Dairy Coop.

United States v. Zambito

United Textile Workers v. Newberry Mills

W.T. Jones & Co. v. Foodco Realty

Williams v. Howard Johnson's

Wilson v. United States

Wirtz v. DuMont

Yaeger v. Department of Welfare & Insts.

Young v. International Paper Co.

1963 term

American Cast Iron Pipe Co. v. McKoy-Helgerson Co.

American Export Lines v. Norfolk Shipbuilding & Drydock

Appalachian Power Co. v. Federal Power Comm'n

Box 67 

Barbee v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Bell v. Tug Shrike

Blakeney v. Fairfax County School Bd.

Bolden v. Pegelow

Brooks v. School Bd. 

Brown v. Lee

Brown v. School Dist. No. 20

Buckley v. Valley Camp Coal Co.

Buckner v. County School Bd. 

Box 68 

Davis v. North Carolina

Duckett v. Steiner

Eaton v. Grubbs

Edmondson v. Warden

Florence Printing Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Hunt v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Johnson v. Wall

Jones v. Rivers

Link v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Matthews v. United States Rubber Co.

Montgomery Ward & Co. v. Roy Stone Transfer Co.

Morse v. United States

Box 69 

National Labor Relations Bd. v. InternationalLongshoremen's

Preston Corp. v. Raese

Radiator Specialty Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Rose v. Woolwine

Ruckle v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Rumbaugh v. Winifrede R.R.

Shank v. Baker

Simmons v. King

Smith v. United States

Solo Cup Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Box 70 

Sykiotis v. Sea Enterprises Corp.

Thomas v. Celebrezze

United States v. 91.69 Acres

United States v. Baysden

United States v. Bebik

United States v. Bellamy

United States v. Bethlehem Steel Co.

United States v. Gearhart

United States v. Johnson, J.

United States v. Johnson, T. 

(2 folders)

Box 71 

United States v. Kendrick

United States v. Martell

United States v. Solice

Wheeler v. Board of Educ. 

1964 term

A. S. Abell Co. v. Baltimore Typographical Union Local

A/S Skaugaas v. Dredge Cartegena

Amos v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Ardovini v. Immigration & Naturalization Serv.

Baines v. Danville

(1 folder)

Box 72 

(4 folders)

Box 73 

(2 folders)

Bowditch v. Buncombe County School Bd.

Bradley v. Richmond School Bd. 

(2 folders)

Box 74 

Chemical Bank N.Y. Trust Co. v. Steamship Westhampton

Collision Surgical Eng'g Co. v. Murray-BaumgartnerSurgical
Instrument Co.

Cyrus v. Celebrezze

Ellis v. Baltimore

First Nat'l Bank v. Saxon

Gardens of Faith v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Box 75 

Gillam v. Hopewell County School Bd.

Gkiafis v. Steamship Yiosonas

Griffin v. Prince Edward County

Harris v. Boles

Hopson v. Texaco

Jacobs v. United States

Johnston v. J. P. Stevens & Co.

Lackey v. Celebrezze

Loan v. Southern Ry.

Lynchburg Traffic Bureau v. Smith's Transfer Corp.

Box 76 

McEachern v. Macy

Martin v. Virginia

Maryland Casualty Co. v. Bank of Charlotte

Maryland Casualty Co. v. Burley

Mas v. Fowler

Moses v. Peyton

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Cross Poultry Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Life Ins. Co. of Va.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. M & B Headwear Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Randolph Elec. Membership

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Southern Material Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Southland Cork Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Stanton Enters.

Nesbit v. Statesville Bd. of Educ.

Newsom v. Peyton

Pappas v. Tanker Eurynome

Box 77 

Pennco Eng'g Co. v. Allied Chem. Corp.

Perry v. McVey

Pridemark v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Register v. Great Atl. & Pac. Tea Co.

Richardson v. Kubota

Richmond Television Corp. v. United States

Service Trucking Co. v. United States

Simmons v. Avisco

Sullivan v. Simons

Szantay v. Beech Aircraft Corp.

Taylor v. Local 7, Int'l Union of Journeymen

Turner v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Box 78 

United States v. James Barry-Robinson Home

United States v. Bynum

United States v. Hutchison

United States v. Isaacs

United States v. Jenkins

United States v. Keaton

United States v. Morse

United States v. Mullins

United States v. O'Brien

United States v. Sawyer

United States v. Shiflette

United States v. Temple

United States v. Ward

United States v. Weir

Vance Trucking Co. v. Canal Ins. Co.

Virginia v. Morris

Virginia v. Wallace

Whittle v. Tawes

Wilken v. Holland

Wirtz v. Wardlaw

1965 term

Bibb v. Central Gulf S.S. Corp.

Braxton v. Peyton

Burris v. Texaco

Cantrell v. United States

Carey v. State Farm Mut. Ins. Co.

Box 79 

Columbia Band for Coops. v. Lee

Cooke v. Celebrezze

Emaldio v. Pocahontas S.S. Co.

Evans v. Jones

Fanning v. United Fruit Co.

Floyd v. United States

General Tire & Rubber Co. v. Watkins

Great Lakes Carbon Corp. v. National Labor Relations

Hayden v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Heslep v. Celebrezze

Box 80 

Ingram v. Peyton

Irby v. United States

Jennings v. United States

Lankford v. Schmidt

Ledbetter v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Lewis v. Celebrezze

Local 24, Int'l Bhd. of Elec. Workers v. Hearst Corp.

Lozado v. Sotelo

Martin v. Virginia

Mathis v. United States

Mode v. Celebrezze

Moore v. United States

Box 81 

Moorer v. South Carolina

Morpul v. Glen Raven Knitting Mill

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Associated Naval Architects

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Huttig Sash & Door Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Sehon Stevenson & Co.

Old Va. Brick Co. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Palmer v. Peyton

Poindexter v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Robert A. Johnston Co. v. Southland Dairy Distrib. Co.

Rohm & Haas Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Securities & Exch. Comm'n v. Tax Serv.

Simmons v. Celebrezze

Sitnick v. United States

Smith v. Hampton Training School for Nurses

Thompson v. Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters

Box 82 

Travelers Ins. Co. v. Employers' Liab. Assurance Corp.

Tuck v. Price

United Fuel Gas Co. v. Federal Power Comm'n

United Mine Workers v. National Labor Relations Bd.

United Serv. Auto. Ass'n v. Pinkard

United States v. Davis

United States v. Dutsch

United States v. Galloway

United States v. Hawthorne

United States v. Kittelt

United States v. Murray

United States v. Pardee

United States v. Pitt

United States v. Thaw

Walden v. Petroleum Transit Co.

Wanner v. County School Bd. 

Box 83 

White v. Celebrezze

Whitley v. North Carolina

Wilson v. Marshall Enters.

Wirtz v. Durham Sandwich Co.

1966 term

Allstate Ins. Co. v. Lanier

Amdur v. Lizars

Anders v. Turner

Arent v. Bray

Bowman v. School Bd. 

(2 folders)

Box 84 

Boyd v. Gardner

Brotherhood of R.R. Signalmen v. Southern Ry.

Browne v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Crawford Mfg. Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Custer Channel Wing Corp. v. United States

Cypress v. Newport News Gen. Hosp. Ass'n 

(2 folders)

Duncan v. Railroad Retirement Bd.

Dunn v. United States

Dunn v. Virginia

Earnest v. Gardner

Box 85 

Eversharp v. Philip Morris

Fields v. Peyton

Green v. School Bd. 

H. B. Agsten & Sons v. Huntington Trust & Sav. Bank

Haney v. Gardner

Hicks v. United States

Hirons v. Patuxent Inst.

Howard v. Smyth

International Terminal Operating Co. v. Steamship Valmas

Jones v. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry.

Kolodner v. Harris

Landman v. Peyton

(1 folder)

Box 86 

(1 folder)

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Baltimore Luggage Co.

North Carolina v. Hawkins

Steinpreis v. Shook

United States v. Acosta

United States v. Biggerstaff

Box 87 

United States v. Brown 

United States v. Chestnutt

United States v. Greenwell

United States v. Harbin

United States v. Lawrenson

United States v. Sharp

United States v. Southern Ry.

Whaley v. North Carolina

Witcher v. Peyton

Wyley v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

1967 term

Beaty v. M. S. Steel Co.

Bethlehem Steel Corp. v. Devers

Calhoun v. Washington Investors Plan

Chapman v. International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union

Corbin v. Washington Fire & Marine Ins. Co.

Coyle v. United States

Box 88 

Dalldorf v. Higgerson-Buchanan

Dostert v. Crowley

Gillespie v. Peyton

Grades v. Boles

Hardy-Latham v. Wellons

Harper v. United States

Heaton v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.

Intertype Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Kibert v. Peyton

Kuykendall v. Puckett

Lowndes v. United States

Marine Stevedoring Corp. v. Oosting

Box 89 

Nantahala Power & Light Co. v. Federal Power Comm'n

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Baldwin Supply Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Baltimore Luggage Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Carolina Natural Gas

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Edinburg Mfg. Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Kayser-Roth Hosiery

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Leas & McVitty

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Lifetime Door Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Stevenson Brick & Block

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Virginia Metalcrafters

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Visador Co.

Nesmith v. YMCA

Box 90 

North Carolina Teachers Ass'n v. Asheboro Bd. of Educ.

Parker v. Maryland

Patton v. North Carolina

Philip Morris v. Imperial Tobacco Co.

Pitts v. North Carolina

Redden v. Gardner

Roberts v. Fuquay-Varina Tobacco Bd. of Trade 

(2 folders)

Box 91 

Rose v. Railroad Retirement Bd.

Russo v. United States

In re Ryder

Sanderlin v. Old Dominion Stevedoring Corp.

Satchell v. Svenska Ostasiatiska Kompaniet

Schneider Mills v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Seago v. North Carolina Theatres

Security Gen. Ins. Co. v. Universal Underwriters

Smith v. Regina Mfg. Corp.

Stebbins v. Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co.

Strickland v. Gardner

Thomas v. Bruton

United States v. Costanzo

United States v. Cousins

United States v. Dyer

United States v. Gibson

United States v. Guthrie

United States v. Hayes

United States v. Hildreth

United States v. Hull

United States v. Hutto

Box 92 

United States v. Jackson

United States v. Mabe

United States v. Maddox

United States v. McGinnis

United States v. McLean Trucking Co.

United States v. Norfolk, Baltimore & Carolina Line

United States v. Smith

United States v. Thrower

United States v. Webb

United States v. Weems

Vancouver Plywood Co. v. Godley Constr. Co.

Van Horn v. Gulf Atl. Towing Co.

Venable v. A/S Det Foreneded Dampskibsselskab

Virginia Airmotive v. Canair Corp.

Williams v. Coiner

Winston-Salem Printing Pressmen & Assistants' Union
Local 338 v. Piedmont Publishing Co.

Box 93 

Wirtz v. Peninsula Shipbuilders Ass'n

Woods v. Hanley

1968 term

Advanced Business Sys. & Supply Co. v. SCM Corp.

Ballou v. Basic Constr. Co. 

Brendle v. General Tire & Rubber Co.

Buckeye Union Casualty v. Perry

Clark v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Craven v. Southern Ry.

Crowley v. United States

Flack v. Cohen

Box 94 

Fulk & Needham v. United States

Gambert v. United States

Hill v. James Walker Memorial Hosp.

Horning v. United States

Iozzi v. United States 

(2 folders)

Jones v. Peyton

Leonhart v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Lynchburg Foundry Co. v. United Steelworkers 

Mickel v. South Carolina

National Labor Relations Bd. v. J. P. Stevens & Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Terry Indus.

Box 95 

National Lead Co. v. Kanawha Block Co.

Parish v. Peyton

Powell v. United States

Raines v. United States

Ramos v. United States

Ratliff v. Cohen

Ritter v. Allied Chem. Corp.

Ruscon Constr. Corp. v. Acrow Carolina

Sachs v. Davis & Hemphill

Spaulding v. Blair

Stone v. Stone

Tebbs v. Baker-Whiteley Towing Co.

United States v. Andrews

Box 96 

United States v. Bell

United States v. Berrigan 

(2 folders)

United States v. Butler

United States v. Chesapeake Gardens

United States v. Gantt

United States v. Howard

United States v. Jackson

United States v. Leysith

United States v. MacCorkle

United States v. Miller

United States v. Missler

Box 97 

United States v. Shipp

United States v. Williams

Williams v. Peyton

1969 term

Akers v. Norfolk & W. Ry.

Blackburn v. Copinger

Boren Clay Prods. Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Brewer v. Norfolk School Bd.

Brunson v. Bd. of Trustees School Dist. No. 1

Chambers v. Iredell County Bd. of Educ.

Clark v. James Island School Dist.

Conwell v. Gutbertlet

Cooper Agency v. United States

Cummins Engine Co. v. General Motors Corp.

Dupont deNemours & Co. v. D. H. Overmeyer Warehouse

Exide Alkaline Battery v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Box 98 

Griggs v. Duke Power Co. 

(2 folders)

Graniteville Co. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Comm'n

Guiney v. United States

Harrelson v. Lewis

Hawkins v. General Motors Corp.

Hendricks v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Hohensee v. Scientific Living

Box 99 

Huntington Piping v. Ward

Iron City Sand & Gravel v. West Fort Towing Corp.

Jenkins v. Averett

Jenkins Metal Shops v. Pneumafil Corp.

Johnson v. Tamsberg

Koehl v. Resor

McCall Corp. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Moorcones v. Shell Oil Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Queen City Coach Co.

Northern Va. Regional Park Auth. v. United States Civil
Serv. Comm'n

Rogers v. United States; United States v. Sumter County

Saint Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. v. MountaineerContractors

Schultz v. Jack Smith's Automatic Transmission Serv.

Scott v. Young

Southern Ry. v. Champion Papers

Stokes v. Peyton

Box 100 

Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg School Bd. 

(4 folders)

Thorn v. Parkland Chevrolet Co.

Tippett v. Maryland 

(2 folders)

Box 101 

Triangle Improvement Council v. Ritchie

Tyndall v. United States

United States v. Bishop Processing Co.

United States v. Bradley

United States v. Browney

United States v. Burruss

United States v. Canty

United States v. Dobie

United States v. Eades 

United States v. Eason

United States v. Farley

United States v. Frazier, C.

United States v. Frazier, R.

United States v. Hollis

United States v. Horton, M.

Box 102 

United States v. Horton, T.

United States v. Jackson

United States v. Ketchem

United States v. Melvin

United States v. Rutkowski

United States v. Sawyers

United States v. Smith

United States v. Taylor, I.

United States v. Taylor, W.

United States v. Windsor

Unsatisfied Claim & Judgment Fund Bd. v. Bar Harbor
Ins. Co.

Whitley v. Wilson City Bd. of Educ.

Williams v. Insurance Co. of N. Am.

Box 103 

1970 term

Atlas Storage Co. v. United States

Bekris v. M/V Aristoteles

Bernstein v. Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co. 

(2 folders)

Communication Equipment Workers v. Western Elec. Co.

DeTreville v. United States

Filterite Corp. v. Tate Eng'g

General Dynamic Corp. v. Whitcomb

Hyde v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Box 104 

Jones v. United States

Kinnear Corp. v. Crawford Door Sales Co.

Latex Constr. Co. v. Jacksonville Shipyards

Lewis v. Finch

Martin v. Cohen

Miller v. Cox

Robinson v. Lorillard Corp.

Safeway Moving v. Aetna Ins.

Scott v. Young

Scovill Mfg. Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Sharpe v. Bradley Lumber Co.

Stone v. Finch

Tights v. Stanley

Box 105 

United States v. Avery

United States v. Borkowski

United States v. Clark

United States v. Eubanks

United States v. Gibbs

United States v. Johnson

United States v. Kirk

United States v. Leak

United States v. Mullins

United States v. Sanders

United States v. Smith

United States v. Williams

Vitek v. Finch

Vuono v. United States

Ware v. Richardson 

Welch v. General Motors Corp.

Winchester TV Cable Co. v. Federal Communications Comm'n

Wright v. Emporia 

(2 folders)

Young v. Maryland

Box 106 

1971 term

Bahan Textile Mach. Co. v. United States

Broadwell v. United States

Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. v. Miltenberger

Colicchio v. United States

Contris v. Miller

Ely v. Velde

Ferguson v. Cox

Finance Co. of Am. v. Hans Mueller Corp.

Frinks v. North Carolina

Garland v. Cox

Griffin v. United Auto Workers

Hammond v. Powell

Hodgson v. Amalgamated Clothing Workers 

Hopkins v. Finch

Hunter v. United States

Box 107 

Johnson v. Gartlan

Johnson v. Capitol City Lodge No. 74

Kenrose Mfg. Co. v. Fred Whitaker Co. 

Mastrototaro v. United States

McCorkle v. First Pa. Banking & Trust Co.

McCray v. Maryland

Morris v. Internal Revenue Serv.

National Homes Corp. v. Lester Indus.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Rockingham Sleepwear

Newell v. Slayton

Peckat v. Lutz

Perry v. Blackledge

Ross v. Blackledge

Sabel v. Wickes Corp.

Scherer v. Fairfax Furniture

Smith v. Blackledge

Starkey v. Maxwell

Tucker v. Calmar S.S. Corp.

United States v. Baldivid

United States v. Boone

Box 108 

United States v. Butler

United States v. Cardillo

United States v. Carrigg

United States v. Castell

United States v. Davis

United States v. Fackelman

United States v. Giordano

United States v. Green

United States v. Guthrie

United States v. Jackson

United States v. Jordan

United States v. Martin

United States v. Nevens

Box 109 

United States v. Nickolson

United States v. Patchin

United States v. Richards

United States v. Riggs

United States v. Saunders

United States v. Shuford

United States v. Theodore

United States v. Wagoner

United States v. West

United States v. Wilson

Universal Film Exchs. v. Lust

Walden v. International Bhd. of Teamsters

West v. Cunningham

Willey v. Coiner

Wilson v. Richardson

Wilson v. Slayton

Wolman v. Tose

Box 110-125 

Three-Judge Courts.

Correspondence, memoranda, opinions in manuscript, near-print,
and printed form, research material, and printed matter.

Arranged alphabetically by name of case.

Box 110 

Adams v. Aikens

Aldler v. Pomerleau 

(2 folders)

Albaugh v. Sobeloff

Albaugh v. Tawes

Alexandria, Barcroft, & Wash. Transit Co. v. United

(1 folder)

Box 111 

(1 folder)

Archie's Motor Freight v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n

Atlantic Coast Line R.R. v. United States

Association of Am. R.R. v. United States

Baltimore & Ohio R.R. v. United States

Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Soc'y of Friends
v. Rusk

Bass v. United States

Box 112 

Beckett v. Norfolk School Bd.

Better Roads Corp. v. United States

Blackwell v. Harrison

Blanchard v. Buechner

Blue Diamond Co. v. United States

Boineau v. Thornton

Bottoms v. Hammond 

Boulevard Farmers Mkt. v. Mayfield

Butts v. Harrison 

(2 folders)

Carolina Amusement Co. v. Hollings

Carolina & Northwestern Ry. v. United States

Carolina Scenic Stages & Coastal Stages Corp. v. United

Central Md. Lines v. United States

Chesapeake Motor Lines v. United States

Clay Hyder Trucking Lines v. United States

Box 113 

Cohen v. Maryland

Colonial China Co. v. Mayfield

Cope v. United States

Cree v. United States

Culotta v. Rinehart

Davis v. School Bd.

Dorsey v. Hammond 

(2 folders)

Drueding v. Loftus

Box 114 

Dunkel v. Elkins

Forssenius v. Harman

Freedman v. Mason

Garland v. United States

G.E.M., Inc. v. Hawes

Griffin v. Richardson 

(3 folders)

Box 115 

Griffin v. Virginia

Hamm v. Virginia

Harper v. Virginia

Hawkins v. United States

Henderson v. Trailway Bus Co.

Hennis Freight Lines v. United States

Houff Transfer v. United States

James v. Carnegie Pub. Library

James v. Almond 

(3 folders)

Box 116 

Jarman v. United States 

(2 folders)

Johnson Bros. Trucking v. United States

Kanawha County v. Carson

Kent Freight Lines v. United States

Keystone Motor Express v. United States

Krause v. Elkins

Kuhn v. Maryland 

(2 folders)

Box 117 

Liberty Transfer Co. v. United States

Long v. Robinson

Loving v. Virginia

Lynchburg Traffic Bureau v. United States 

(2 folders)

Magness v. Davidson

Mann v. Davis

Mantell v. Dandridge

Maryland & Va. Milk Producers Ass'n v. Burrows

Maryland & Va. Milk Producers Ass'n v. Louthan

Maryland Citizens Comm. for Fair Congressional Redistricting
v. Tawes

(2 folders)

Box 118 

(3 folders)

Middle Atl. Conference v. United States

(1 folder)

Box 119 

(1 folder)

Murray v. Frank

NAACP v. Ames

NAACP v. Boatwright

NAACP v. Harrison

National Motor Freight Traffic Ass'n v. United States

North Carolina v. United States

Perry v. Gilliam

Pine v. Maryland

Radio Position Finding Corp. v. Bendix Corp. 

(2 folders)

Box 120 

Railway Labor Executives' Ass'n v. United States 

(2 folders)

Reid v. Norfolk

Robinson v. Hunter

Roscoe v. Butler

Scholle v. Prescott

Seaboard Airline R.R. v. United States

Service Trucking Co. v. United States 

(3 folders)

Box 121 

Seversmith v. Machiz 

(4 folders)

Skyline Transp. v. United States

Smith v. Virginia

South Carolina State Ports Auth. v. International Longshoremen's

Southern Ry. v. United States

(1 folder)

Box 122 

(6 folders)

Star v. Preller

(1 folder)

Box 123 

(1 folder)

Stickel v. Davidson 

(2 folders)

Tank Lines v. United States

Tidewater Express v. United States 

(3 folders)

Turner Express v. United States 

Box 124 

United States v. Livingston

(5 folders)

Box 125 

(1 folder)

Washington Free Community v. Montgomery County 

(2 folders)

Whitehill v. Elkins 

(2 folders)

Wilkins v. Davis

Wood's Petersburg Dairy v. Burrows

Youngblood v. United States

Box 126-253 

Opinions, Dissents, and Special Concurrences by Other

Correspondence, memoranda, opinions in manuscript, near-print,
and printed form, research material, and printed matter.

Arranged chronologically by term and alphabetically
therein by name of case.

Box 126 

1958 term

Abady v. Hanover Fire Ins. Co.

Allen v. Charlottesville School Bd.

Allen v. School Bd. 

American Casualty Co. v. United States

Arlington County School Bd. v. Deskins

Asheville Tobacco Bd. of Trade v. Federal Trade Comm'n

Baltimore Gas & Elec. Co. v. United States Fidelity
& Guar. Co.

Bank of Fort Mill v. Lawyers Title Ins. Corp.

Barbee, William W.

Batzell v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Blackburn v. John Hancock Mut. Life Ins. Co.

Blankenship v. Ellerman's Wilson Line N.Y.

Blue Ridge Rural Elec. Coop. v. Byrd

Board of Educ. v. Groves

Bondy v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Booth v. American Casualty Co.

Bowling v. Lewis

Bowser v. Richmond Eng'g Co.

Burch v. United States

Burger Brewing Co. v. Summer

Butler v. United States

Call v. United States

Cargo Carriers v. Richmond Steel Co.

Carpenter v. United States

Carva Food Corp. v. Equitable Fire & Marine Ins. Co.

Cato v. United States

Chadbourn Gatham v. Vogue Mfg. Co.

Chandler v. United States

Chesapeake & Ohio R.R. v. Walker

Coleman v. Smyth

Collins v. Risner

Box 127 

Crawley v. United States

Crisp v. United States

Crook v. Bryant

Crosse & Blackwell Co. v. Federal Trade Comm'n

Dawley v. Norfolk

Dillingham v. Smith-Douglass Co.

Duckworth v. James

Eaton v. James Walker Memorial Hosp.

Elmore v. United States

Enterprise Wheel & Car Corp. v. United States

Faraco v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Foremost Dairies v. Woolard

Griffin v. United States

Holt v. Raleigh City Bd. of Educ.

Inglett v. Baugh & Sons Co.

Jackson v. Steiner

Johnson v. United States

Leas v. Courtney Co.

Lee v. Smyth

Leonard v. Helms

Lumbermen's Mut. Casualty Co. v. Chapman

Manville Boiler Co. v. Columbia Boiler Co.

Martin v. United States

Miller v. United States

Mitchell v. Sherry Corine Corp.

Montgomery Ward & Co. v. Collins Estate

Box 128 

Morrison v. United States

Myers v. Blalock

Myers v. United States

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Empire Mfg. Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Pittsburgh Plate Glass

National Labor Relations Bd. v. United Rubber Workers

Naviera v. Maniatis

Nelligan v. Ford Motor Co.

Newsom v. Smyth

Nichols v. Cities Serv. Oil

Noland v. Internal Revenue Serv.

O'Dwyer v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Petite v. United States

Plater v. Warden

Rogers v. Pennsylvania R.R.

Ross v. Peck Iron & Metal Co.

Seaboard v. Connor

Sessions v. South Carolina Prison

Smith v. United States

Smith's Transfer Corp. v. Barksdale

South Carolina Generating Co. v. Federal Power Comm'n

Spanos v. Steamship Lily

Starks v. United States

State Farm v. Herron

Steuart Bros. v. Commissioner

Stiers v. Martin

Stokes v. Adair

Studds v. Fidelity & Deposit Co. 

Textile Banking Co. v. Widener

Thomson v. United States

Town of Ninety Six v. Southern Ry.

Turner v. Kelly

Union Carbide Corp. v. Frederick

United States v. 45.33 Acres of Land

Box 129 

United States v. 2979.72 Acres of Land

United States v. Colonial Chevrolet Corp.

United States v. Marine Chevrolet Co.

United States v. National Bank of Commerce 

Walker v. United States Gypsum Co.

West v. Drytrans

Westcott-Alexander v. Dailey

Whittington v. Pegelow

Williams v. Howard Johnson's Restaurant

Williams & Horney Livestock v. Nichols

Willis v. United States

Wolf v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Wolfe v. Rogers

Woolridge v. United States

Wyatt v. Smyth

York v. Commissioner

1959 term

Aiken Drive-In Theatre Corp. v. United States

Allen v. Smyth

Alvord v. Internal Revenue Serv.

American Brake Shoe Co. v. International Union Local

Arnold v. United States

Atlantic Coast Line R.R. v. Gantt

Baldwin v. United States 

Berry v. Atlantic Coast Line R.R.

Birchfield v. United States

Blanco v. Steamship Michael Tracy

Blum v. Cottrell

Bolling v. Smyth

Boswell v. County School Bd.

Bradshaw v. United States

Brookshire v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Bryan v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Buchanan v. United States

Byrd v. Pepersack

Charles v. United States

Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. v. United States

City of Richmond v. Atlantic Co.

Clark v. Gulf Oil Corp.

Clark v. Manning

Cole v. North Carolina

Collins v. Rogers

Commercial Ins. Co. v. Trawick

Cunningham v. United States

Dantzler v. Dictograph Prods.

Davis v. United States

Decatur Carthage Co. v. Miami Transp. Co.

Box 130 

Doggett v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Dow Chem. Co. v. Metion Corp.

Employers Mut. Casualty Co. v. New Amsterdam Casualty

Eureka-Security Fire & Marine Ins. Co. v. Maxwell

Evans v. United States

Fidelity-Baltimore Nat'l Bank & Trust Co. v. United

Fort Fetterman v. South Carolina State Highway Comm'n

Foster v. United States

Funkhouser v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Gardner v. Tugboat L. N. Danzler

Giles v. City of Danville

Gilliland v. Ruke 

Glendale Mfg. Co. v. Local 520, Int'l Ladies Garment
Workers' Union

Graves v. Garvin

Graybar Elec. Co. v. Doley

Great Atl. & Pac. Tea Co. v. Lethcoe

Grombach v. Oerlikon Tool & Arms Corp.

Grzybowski v. Arrow Barge Co.

Guthrie v. Flemming

Ham, John Luther

Harms v. United States

Hash v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Hellenic Lines v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp.

Henry v. Greenville

Herberts-Princess Stores v. Southern Realty Corp.

Holmes v. United States

Horton v. Blalock

Iliff v. American Fire Apparatus Co.

Ingram v. Steiner

Internal Revenue Serv. v. Phillips

International Bhd. of Teamsters v. United States

Jackson v. Steiner

Johnson v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Box 131 

Johnson v. Nationwide Ins. Co.

Johnson v. United States

Jones, Clarence E.

Jones, Ottis Mayo

Jones v. School Bd.

Jones v. Smith

Jones v. United States

Jones v. United States

Jordan, Charles W.

Judy v. Pepersack

Kale v. Douthitt

Kirby v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Kirkland Distrib. Co. v. United States

Kubel v. Minton

Largent v. Lemley

Lindsey-Robinson & Co. v. Grady

Looney v. Castellano

Mars, Inc. v. Massanutten Bank

Martin v. United States

McCallum v. Mutual Life Ins. Co. 

McLarty v. Lady's Island Builders

Michigan Sur. Co. v. United States

Milestone v. Green Tree Corp.

Mills v. United States

Mills Dairy Prods. Co. v. United States

Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. v. United States Rubber

Box 132 

Moffett v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Moore v. United States

Mountain State Steel Foundries v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Namrow v. Internal Revenue Serv.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Daniel Constr. Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Diamond Mills Corp.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. G. & H. Coal Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. North Carolina Furniture

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Rockwell Mfg. Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Russellville Lumber

National Labor Relations Bd. v. C. F. Sauer Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. United Millinery Workers

New Amsterdam Casualty Co. v. Novick Transfer Co.

Nolan v. Jensen

Noland v. Allied Contractors

North Carolina Theatres v. Thompson

Nydegger-Friedman Realty Corp. v. Sweeney

Offutt v. Internal Revenue Serv.

O.M.I. Corp. v. Kelsh Instrument Co.

Orta v. Schafer

Ortiz v. Greyhound Corp.

Ostrofsky v. United Steelworkers

People Supply v. Vogel-Ritt 

Pepsi-Cola Distribs. v. Baker

Perkins v. United States

Phillips Constr. Co. v. Claussen-Lawrence Constr. Co.

Prack v. Weissinger

Price v. Pepersack

Quesada v. United States

Quillin v. Prudential Ins. Co.

Ram v. Paramount Film Distrib. Corp.

Raybourne v. Gulf Atl. Towing Corp.

Richmond Eng'g Co. v. Bowser

Riddick v. State Capital Ins. Co.

Roberts, Jeremiah N.

Rogers v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Rohm & Haas Co. v. Roberts Chems.

Santorinakis v. Steamship Orpheus

Box 133 

Saturn Trading & Transp. v. Boston Metals

Schull v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Seigle v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Silas v. Paroh S.S. Corp.

Simpson v. Thomas

Smith v. United States 

(2 folders)

Smith v. Jugoslavenska Linijska Plovidba 

Snead v. Smythe

Snyder v. United States

Stanback v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Steelcraft Mfg. Co. v. Davis H. Elliott Co.

Stout v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Sweeney v. Bell

Taylor v. Roane

Tidewater Dev. & Sales Corp. v. United States

Tidewater Patent Dev. Co. v. Cosmetics Patent Co.

Townsend v. United States

Union Carbide Corp. v. Goett

United Fin. & Thrift Corp. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

United Fuel Gas Co. v. Federal Power Comm'n

United States ex rel Air-Con Co. v. Al-Con Dev. Co.

United States v. Amherst Coal Co.

United States v. Bond

United States v. W. R. Bonsal Co.

United States v. Brown

United States v. Cato Bros.

United States v. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry.

United States v. Crew

United States v. Endebrock-White Co.

United States v. Jarvis

United States v. Mount

United States v. Neustadt

United States v. Peckinpaugh

United States v. Rogers

Box 134 

United States v. Scott

United States v. Stallard

United States v. Texas Co. 

United States v. Trask

United States v. Wilson

United States v. Woodell

Utica Mut. Ins. Co. v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.

Vroon v. Templin

Wallace v. United States

Welsh Homes v. Internal Revenue Serv.

West Virginia N. Ry. v. Commissioner

White v. United States

White Stack Towing Corp. v. Bethlehem Steel Co.

Wiley v. United States

Williams v. United States

Willow Farms Dairy v. Benson

Winnsboro Granite Corp. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

1960 term

Ambrose v. Norfolk Dredging Co.

Arc & Gas Welder Assocs. v. Green Fuel Economizer

Argo v. Lineberger-Bergen

Asheville Tobacco Bd. of Trade v. Federal Trad Comm'n

Atlantic & Pac. Stores v. Pitts

Steamship Audrey v. Steamship Moise Bay

Aulick v. Largent

Barnett v. Love

Bew v. United States

Biltmore Homes v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Blake v. United States

Bryan v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Burleson v. Canada

Box 135 

Burley v. Maryland

Byrd v. Steiner

Cabarrus Bank & Trust Co. v. Finlayson

Carpenter v. Union Ins. Co.

Chavis v. E. I. DuPont Co.

Chicopee v. Kendall

Clarke v. Tatum

Clayton, Gilbert

Club Ramon v. United States

Collier v. United States

Compania Nacional de Navegacao v. Cabins Tanker

Cooper v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Cranston Print Works Co. v. Public Serv. Co.

Curtis v. Edison S.S. Corp.

Deering Milliken v. Johnston

DeFoe v. Duhl

Delevay v. Richmond County School Bd.

Dobson v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Edwards, Dennis

Fidelity & Casualty Co. v. Jackson

Gatling v. Internal Revenue Serv.

General Constr. Co. v. Hering Realty Co.

Gilstrap v. Clemmer

Graham v. Lawrimore

Grannis & Sloan, Inc. v. Renegotiation Bd.

Gary v. Maryland State Parole Bd.

Great Am. Ins. Co. v. Harleysville Mut.

Green v. Pegelow

Haber v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Hargrove v. Little Constr. Co.

Harris v. United States

Haug v. Gersten Constr. Co. v. United States Fidelity
& Guar. Co.

Henderson v. Eastern Gas & Fuel Assocs.

Henry v. Greenville Airport Comm'n

Hicks v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Holmes v. United States

Holub Indus. v. Wyche

Honolulu Oil Corp. v. Shelby Poultry Co.

Hood v. Sumter County School Bd.

Internal Revenue Serv. v. Saint Luke's Hosp.

Johnson v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Box 136 

Kasey v. Goodwyn

Kent Mfg. Co. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Kilduff v. United States

Kimbrell v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Lee v. Nationwide Ins. Co.

Lee Dying Co. v. Webco Dyers

Markham v. Newport News

McCoy v. Greensboro City Bd. of Educ.

McJunkin Corp. v. North Carolina Natural Gas Co.

McLain v. Carolina Power & Light Co.

Mitchell v. Wall

Murray v. Railroad Retirement Bd.

National Found. v. First Nat'l Bank 

National Labor Relations Bd. v. United Brass Works

Near v. Cunningham

Nicholson v. Carl W. Mullis Eng'g Co.

Nixon v. Loyal Order of Moose, Lodge No. 750

Patrick v. United States

Perkins v. Tawes

Perkins v. United States Lines

Piccott, Howard B.

Pittsburgh v. Federal Power Comm'n

Pomponio v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Porter v. Eyster

Ransburg Electro-Coating Corp. v. Ionic Electrostatic

Reed v. Franke

Roberts v. United States

Roberts v. Pepersack

Savas v. Maria Trading Corp.

Schubert v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Seaboard Sur. Co. v. North Carolina Gas Corp.

Segars v. Atlantic Coast Line R.R.

Shelton v. South Carolina

Short v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Shull v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Snider v. Cunningham

South Carolina Natural Gas Co. v. Phillips

Box 137 

Spinks v. Zeller

Stewart v. Smyth

Stradley v. United States

Thomas v. Peerless Mattress Co.

Thomason v. Johnson Motor Lines

Tuttle v. American Oil Co.

United States v. Ayscue

United States v. Borda

United States v. Cowan

United States v. Freeman

United States v. Hamrick

United States v. North Carolina Granite Corp.

United States v. Sawyer

United States v. Upchurch

United States v. Whittle

United States v. Woodland Terrace

Urban Redevelopment Corp. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. v. United States

Walker v. Walker

Wall v. Mitchell

Ward v. United States

Washington v. District of Columbia

Williams v. Steamship Richard de Larringa

1961 term

Airport Comm'n v. Aeronautics Bd.

Allison v. Ribicoff

Allied Mut. Ins. Co. v. Roberson

Altvater v. Battaocletti

Arnold v. United States

Ballenger v. United States

Baltimore Luggage Co. v. Federal Trade Comm'n

Barron v. United States

Bartsch v. Clarke

Batter v. Mandell

Beach v. United States

Beidler v. Veno 

Bennett v. Charlotte

Bethlehem Steel Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Betty v. Liverpool & Longon & Globe Ins. Co.

Bilton Insulation v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Black, Edwin P.

Blankenship v. Cunningham

Bolling v. Cunningham

Brady v. Ribicoff

Bramlett v. Ribicoff

Brown Dynalube Co. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Burleson v. Canada

Box 138 

Cain v. Beecher

Carney v. Sears, Roebuck Co.

Cheers, William Thomas

Cleveland v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Cofield v. Brown

Council v. Perry

Council v. Perry 

Crosby v. Meredith

Crown Cent. Petroleum Corp. v. Port Oil Co.

Currey v. United States

Currie v. United States

Dantzler v. Dictograph Prods.

Darter v. Greenville Community Hotel Corp.

Dawely v. Holladay

DiCesare v. Chernenko

Dingess v. United States

Dodd v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Douglas v. Union Carbide Corp.

Dudley v. Inland Mut. Ins. Co.

Dudley v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Dunlop v. Warden, Md. House of Corrections

Edgewood Country Club v. United States

Faust v. North Carolina

First Nat'l Bank v. Glens Falls Ins. Co.

Food Fair Stores v. Lakeland Grocery Corp.

Funkhouser v. Butschky

Garnett v. Cunningham

Gaskins v. Ryder Truck Lines

Gholston v. Boles

Goldberg v. DuMont

Gonzales v. Baltimore & Ohio R.R.

Gooding v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Gore v. Pechin

Gotshaw v. Ribicoff

Gowdy v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Hargette, Harvey W.

Harrison v. Boles

Heath v. Ribicoff

Hellings v. Ives Funeral Home

Herndon v. Southern Pest Control Co.

Hoffler v. Short

Hollman, Gentlee

Box 139 

Home Fire & Marine Ins. Co. v. Tisdale

Houska Co. v. United States

Hunt v. United States

Industria E. Comercio de Minerios v. Nova Genuesis Societa

Internal Revenue Serv. v. Lake Forest

Internal Revenue Serv. v. Liftin

Internal Revenue Serv. v. Tow

Jackson v. Steiner

Jaudon v. F. W. Woolworth Co.

Johnson v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Jordan v. Steiner

Keiser v. High Point Hardware Co.

Kline v. United States

Kohler-Campbell Corp. v. United States

Ktistakis v. Liberian S.S. Star

Lacy v. Levine

Lane v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Leon v. Steamship National Progress

Litton Indus. v. Renegotiation Bd.

Local No. 149 Int'l Union v. American Brake Shoe Co.

London v. Troitino Bros.

Luhring v. Glotzbach 

(2 folders)

Lumbermen's Mut. Ins. v. Massachusetts Bonding & Ins.

Maddox v. Shroyer

Mann v. Bowman Transp.

Marine Midland Trust Co. v. United States

Mason v. Mathiasen Tanker Indus.

May v. Internal Revenue Serv.

McClure v. Price

McGrady v. Cunningham

McIntyre v. Rogers

McJunkin Corp. v. North Carolina Natural Gas Corp.

McLaughlin, Frank

Meiselman v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Miller v. East Georgia Motors

Box 140 

Millikin v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Moore v. Hecht Co.

Moore-McCormack Lines v. Bunge Corp. 

Nashville Bridge Co. v. A.B. Burton Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Altex Mfg. Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Atlantic Furniture Prods.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Baltimore Paint & Chem.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Brookside Indus.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Carteret Towing Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Croscill Curtain Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Fant Milling Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Gibraltar Indus.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Harley Bag Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Industrial Rayon Corp.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Lester Bros.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Lord Baltimore Press

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Preston Feed Corp.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Threads

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Wix Corp.

New Amsterdam Gas Co. v. Waller

Noland Co. v. Graver Tank & Mfg. Co.

Norwood v. Lineberger-Bergen

Osaka Shosen Kaisha v. Angelos, Leitch & Co.

Parke, Davis & Co. v. G.E.M., Inc.

Pearman v. Ribicoff

Perkins v. Cingliano

Perkins v. Phillips

Piedmont Fed. Sav. & Loan Ass'n v. Hartford Accident
& Indem. Co.

Power & Combustion v. Wilson

Power Curbers v. E. D. Etnyre & Co.

Reickauer v. Cunningham

Reid v. Richardson

Rine v. Boles

Robinson v. Cunningham

Rosenberg v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Royal McBee Corp. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Rundle v. Grubb Moter Lines

Rutland v. Sikes

Samann v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Savon Gas Stations v. Shell Oil Co.

Sewell v. Pegelow

Box 141 

Shealy v. Challenger Mfg. Co.

Sheppard v. Cornelius

Sisney v. Rivers

Solan v. Colebank

Smith v. Allen

Snyder v. Ribicoff

Sonnier v. United States

Southern Materials v. Rock

Southern Ry. v. Fourney

Spry v. Boles

Spruill v. Boyle-Midway

Stout v. Grain Dealers Mut. Ins. Corp.

Swift v. Southern Ry.

Talley v. Ribicoff

Taylor v. Anderson

Taylor v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Tidwell v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Tow v. Miners Memorial Hosp. Ass'n

Tridigo v. Timberlake

Triumph Hosiery Mills v. Alamance Indus.

Turner v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Underwood v. Ribicoff

Union Trust Co. v. Kansas City Life Ins. Co.

United States v. 2,974.49 Acres of Land

United States v. Beaver

United States v. Bebik

United States v. Brown

United States v. Carroll

United States v. Cecils Land & Improvement Co.

United States v. Certain Interests in Property

United States v. Chatham

United States v. Cherry

United States v. Cline

United States v. Continental Casualty Co.

United States v. Davenport

United States v. Davison

United States v. Gantt

United States v. Guerini

United States v. Gunther

United States v. Haith

United States v. Hammond

United States v. Hardy

United States v. Hester

United States v. Irby

United States v. Jacobs

Box 142 

United States v. Joyce

United States v. Lankford

United States v. Lawrenson

United States v. Lee

United States v. Lowery

United States v. Madden

United States v. McCoy

United States v. McGann

United States v. McNicholas

United States v. Mercks

United States v. Mitchell

United States v. Morgan

United States v. Peisner

United States v. Ragland

United States v. Roberts

United States v. Sawyer

United States v. Shively

United States v. Smith

United States v. Stewart

United States v. Taylor, B.

United States v. Taylor, H.

United States v. Turner

United States v. Union Livestock Sales Co.

United States v. Village Corp.

United States v. Walker

United States v. Wallace

United States v. Whitehall Terminal Corp.

United States v. Wiles

United States v. Woods

United States Fidelity & Guar. Co. v. Lawrenson

United States Retail Credit Ass'n v. Federal Trade Comm'n

Universal v. Kay Mfg. Co.

Vecellio v. United States

Virginia Greenstone Co. v. United States

Vokorokos v. Panamanian S.S. Matador

Welch v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Wells v. Douglas

Whittaker v. Van Fossan

Williams v. Mutual of Omaha

Wilson v. Manning

Wilson, Curtis E.

Wirtz v. Secretary, Highway Transp.

Wright v. B. F. Huntley Furniture Co.

Box 143 

1962 term

In re A & H. Transp.

Abell v. Hoots

Alexandria, Barcroft & Washington Transit Co. v. Washington
Metro. Area Transit Comm'n

American Football League v. National Football League

Anthony v. International Paper Co.

Associated Stores v. Industrial Loan & Inv. Co.

Atlantic Seaboard Corp. v. Van Sterkenburg

Austin v. National Discount Corp.

Ballentine Motor Co. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Balogh & Co. v. Northern Va. Doctors' Hosp. Corp.

Bannister v. Ribicoff

Beck v. Railway Express Agency 

Boles v. Kershner

Bradley v. School Bd. 

Bridges v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Bristow v. Safway Steel Prods.

Brunson v. Board of Trustees 

Bull v. Smith

Burbage v. United States

Byerly v. Shell

Cabell v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.

Carleno v. Marine Transp. Lines

Carriers Ins. Exch. v. Truck Ins. Exch.

Carter v. Pinkston

Case v. North Carolina

Cibelli v. Hot Shoppes

Clarke Baridon, Inc. v. Merritt-Chapman & Scott Corp.

Clokey v. United States Parole Bd.

Coastal Terminals v. United States

Cole v. Eastern Gas & Fuel Assocs.

Collins v. Rivers

Community Counselling Serv. v. Reilly

Crew v. United States

Cross v. United States

Curry v. School Pictures

Cutting, Audrey I.

Darlington Mfg. Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Dawson, Melvin Edward

Box 144 

District of Columbia Transit Sys. v. Washington Metro.
Area Transit Comm'n

Deininger v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Duggins v. Colonial Stores

Edgerton v. North Carolina

Elliot v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Elm Dev. Co. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Evans v. Cunningham

Firemen's Fund Ins. Co. v. Dunlap

Fischer v. United States

Fitzgerald v. Weatherly

FMC Corp. v. Greensboro

Forster v. Mars

Frady v. Celebrezze

Gantt v. Clemson College

General Constr. Co. v. Hering Realty Co.

General Instrument Corp. v. National Labor Relations

Gibbs v. Blackwelder

Glasscock v. United States

Gober v. Revlon

Goldman, Florence & Goldman v. Virginia-Carolina Wholesale

Goosman v. Pyle

Griffin v. County School Bd. 

Guilford Nat'l Bank v. Southern Ry.

Guy v. United States

Box 145 

Hall v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Hallenbeck v. Penn Mut. Life Ins. Co.

Hammond v. United States

Hampton Roads Carriers v. Allied Chem. Corp.

Haney v. Woodward & Lothrop

Hardware Mut. Casualty v. Jones

Harris v. Norfolk S. Ry.

Hayes v. Pegelow

Haywood v. Gill

Heyl & Patterson v. McDowell Co.

Hicks v. United States

Hill v. Diamond

Hodges v. Diamond

Holliday v. Great Atl. & Pac. Tea Co.

Houff v. United States

Howard D. Johnson Co. v. Henry Johnson Restaurant

Internal Revenue Serv. v. City Bank 

Internal Revenue Serv. v. Paragon Jewel Coal Co.

Internal Revenue Serv. v. Raleigh Properties

Internal Revenue Serv. v. Universal Leaf Tobacco Co.

Jackson v. Atlantic Coast Line R.R.

Jarrel v. Ford Motor Co.

Jewell Ridge Coal Corp. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Johnson v. Barnes

Johnson v. United States

Jordan v. Hucheson

Karlsson v. Rabinowitz

Keco Indus. v. ACF Indus.

Kershner v. Boles

Krizak v. W. C. Brooke & Sons

Lawrence v. Norfolk Dredging Co.

Lawrenson v. Thomsen

Leesona Corp. v. Cotwool Mfg. Corp.

Leitman v. Rivers

Box 146 

Lewis v. Lowry

Lifton v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Lovely v. United States

MacMullen v. South Carolina Elec. & Gas Co.

Mardel Sec. v. Alexandria Gazette Corp.

Maryland Casualty Co. v. Davis

McAllister v. Driever

McCall v. Commissioner

McDonough, William L.

McDougle v. Woodward & Lothrop

McEachern v. United States

Medomsley Steam Shipping Co. v. Elizabeth River Terminals

Milio v. First Nat'l Bank

Mitchell v. North Carolina

Monarch Ins. Co. v. Beaty Shopping Center

Moore v. Maryland

Moore-McCormack Lines v. Maryland Ship Ceiling Co.

Morant v. Railroad Retirement Bd.

Morris v. International Auto. Ins. Exch.

Murray v. United States

Nappier v. Jefferson Standard Life Ins. Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Inland Motor Corp.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Quaker City Life Ins.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Ryder Tank Lines

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Trosch

New Amsterdam Casualty Co. v. Waller

Nickelson v. Davis

Norris Mfg. Co. v. R. E. Darling Co.

North Am. Loan & Thrift Co. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

North Carolina Nat'l Bank v. United States Casualty

Oliver v. United States

Orient Mid-East Great Lakes Serv. v. International Export

Parker v. International Bhd. of Teamsters

Pati-Port v. Federal Trade Comm'n

Patrick v. United States

Patton v. North Carolina

Peckham v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Pennsylvania Threshermen & Farmers' Mut. Casualty Co.
v. Hartford Accident & Indem. Co.

Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. v. Indemnity Ins. Co.

Poinsett Lumber & Mfg. Co. v. Hammond

Box 147 

Potter v. Carvel Stores 

Prendis v. Central Gulf S.S. Co.

Provenza v. American Export Lines

Rackley v. Board of Trustees 

Rakes v. United States

Ramsey v. Travelers Ins. Co.

Ransburg Electro-Coating Corp. v. Proctor Elec. Co.

Rawls, David J.

Reffett v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Ritchie, Gerald

Roberts v. Pegelow

Rush, John

Safeway Trails v. Stuyvesant Ins. Co.

Scaggs v. Zacharia

Schack v. Preston Trucking Co.

Schnur & Cohan v. McDonald

School Pictures v. Curry

Scott v. Isbrandtsen Co.

Seymour v. United States

Shell v. Byerly

Sheppard, Charles S.

Singer Sewing Mach. Co. v. National Labor Relations

Small v. Williams

Snider v. Cunningham

Spanos v. United States

Stewart v. Combs

Summers v. Watkins Motor Lines

Sweeney v. United States

Taylor v. United States

Teamsters Union Local 71 v. International Union

Technograph v. Bendix

Thaxton v. Vaughan

Travelers Indem. Co. v. Wells

Trent, Lowry

United States v. Arlington County

Box 148 

United States v. Bass

United States v. Brooks

United States v. Brown

United States v. Chaney

United States v. Chatham

United States v. Cole

United States v. Comi

United States v. Crawley

United States v. Davis

United States v. Durham

United States v. Farese

United States v. Five Boro Constr. Corp.

United States v. Foster

United States v. Gray Line Water Tours 

United States v. Harmon

United States v. Hill

United States v. Honeycutt

United States v. Ivey 

(2 folders)

United States v. Johnson

United States v. Jordan

United States v. Kolakowski

United States v. Koneski

United States v. Lawrenson

United States v. Leggett 

(2 folders)

United States v. Lemons

United States v. Levine

United States v. Lewis

United States v. Ligon

United States v. Millikin

United States v. Mills-Willow Farms Dairy

(2 folders)

Box 149 

(1 folder)

United States v. Moffitt

United States v. Moore-McCormack Lines

United States v. Mucherino

United States v. Norris

United States v. Oates

United States v. Osborn

United States v. Parker

United States v. Pennix

United States v. Quinn

United States v. Roland

United States v. Ross

United States v. Shew

United States v. Smith, C.

United States v. Smith, E.

United States v. Smith, G.

United States v. Stewart

United States v. Taylor, G.

United States v. Taylor, H.

United States v. Towsend

United States v. Van de Reit

United States v. Welborn

United States v. Wenzel

United States v. Whitcomb

United States v. White

United States v. Whiting

United States v. Wooten

United States v. Young

United States Pipe & Foundry Co. v. Woodward Iron Co.

Uptagrafft v. United States

Valdosta Livestock Co. v. Williams

Virginia Greenstone Co. v. United States

Vogel v. United States

Walker v. Pepersack

Walsh v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Weirton Steel Co. v. Federal Trade Comm'n

Box 150 

Wellington Mill Div. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

White v. United States

Wicker v. National Sur. Corp.

Wiles v. Nationwide Life Ins. Co.

Williams v. United Mine Workers 

Wirtz v. B.A.C. Steel Prods.

Wirtz v. G. & W. Packing Co.

Wirtz v. Modern Trash Removal

Wirtz v. Nello L. Teer Co.

Wood v. Vaughan

Woodson v. Chamberlain

Woodson v. Celebrezze

Young v. Pepersack

1963 term

Allen v. Standard Crankshaft & Hydraulic Co.

Anderson v. North Carolina

Aptitude Assocs. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Baker v. American Ins. Co. 

Ball v. United States

Ballwanz v. Isthmian Lines

Barnes v. Norfolk S. Ry.

Barnes Motor & Parts Co. v. Federal Trade Comm'n

Barsotti v. Arundel Corp.

Bayliss v. United States

Bellam, John P.

Berman v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Bielawski v. American Export Lines

Blumenthals v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Bond Distrib. Co. v. Carling Brewing Co.

Boston Metals v. O'Hearne

Bouligny v. United Steelworkers 

Bowler v. Iowa Mfg. Co.

Bowles v. Iowa Mfg. Co.

Bradley v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Brinson v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Brinson v. Brinson

Brooks, Julian D.

Brown v. Pepersack

Bryant v. Patenreederei-Ernest Russ

Box 151 

Burgess v. Farrell Lines

Callander v. Hunter Motors Lines

Carrington v. Civil Aeronautics Bd.

Celebrezze v. Jenkins

Clark v. United States

Clarkson v. Finance Co. 

Cochran v. Celebrezze

Compton v. United States

Connell v. Indiana Ins. Co.

Cooper v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Coral v. Gavino

Craig v. Texaco

Culler, Troy L.

Cuthrell v. Celebrezze

Daniel Constr. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Danville Tobacco Ass'n v. Bryant-Buckner Assocs.

Dean v. Cole

DeToro v. Maryland

Dunning v. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co.

Durox Co. v. Duron Paint Mfg. Co.

Epstein v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Esso Standard Oil Co. v. Oil Screw Tug Maluco I

Fairchild Stratos Corp. v. Lear Siegler

Fairfax County Water Auth. v. United States

Farmer v. Greene County Bd. of Educ.

Fidelity-Baltimore Nat'l Bank v. United States

Fihelly v. Smith

First Nat'l Exch. Bank v. United States

Florence Printing Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Flota Maritima Browing de Cuba v. Ciudad de la Habana

Franklin v. Steiner

French v. Hillman

Froehlinger v. United States

Box 152 

Gadsen v. Fripp

Galis Elec. & Mach. Co. v. National Labor Relations

Gallegly v. White

Gardner v. National Bulk Carriers

Garian v. Prudential Ins. Co.

Gary v. United States Oil Screw Echo

General Tire & Rubber Co. v. Watkins

Gilliam v. School Bd. 

Gladner v. United States

Glass v. United States

Goforth v. Allstate Ins. Co.

Goode v. Morgan Pipe Haulers

Goosman v. A. Duie Pyle

Government Employees Ins. Co. v. Lally

Graham v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Granger v. Aetna Ins. Co.

Grant v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Griffin Mortgage Co v. Cunningham Brick Co.

Hanes v. Celebrezze

Hastings v. Boslow

Helton v. Celebrezze

Holland v. Patuxent Inst.

Humble Oil & Ref. Co. v. Steamship Bay Belle

Hunter v. United States

Ingalls v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Insurance Co. of N. Am. v. Atlantic Nat'l Ins. Co.

Internal Revenue Serv. v. Lake Forest

Internal Revenue Serv. v. Offutt

Isgett v. Atlantic Coast Line R.R.

Jackson v. Dunham-Bush

James River Hydrate & Supply Co. v. United States

Johnson v. Allstate Ins. Co.

Johnson v. United States

Jones v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Jones v. Seaboard Sur. Co.

Katz v. Peyton

Kinsley v. Markovic

Kushner v. Legette

Lilly v. Roane

Logan v. Havtor

Lopes v. Steamship Ocean Daphne

Lovedahl v. North Carolina

Lynch v. United States Branch Gen. Accident Fire & Life
Assurance Corp.

Box 153 

Madison, John H.

Magness v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Majerus v. Venable

Marks, C. Hardaway

Marvel Specialty Co. v. Bell Hosiery Mills

Mayflower Ins. Co. v. Osborne

McCloskey v. Maryland

McDaniel v. Celebrezze

McKinley v. Rawls

Meltser v. Atlantic Research Corp.

Midgett v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Miller v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Morgan v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Mounts v. Boles

National Bank of Orange v. United States

National Labor Relations Bd. v. A. S. Abell Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Atkinson Dredging Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Community Motor Bus

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Craig-Botetourt Elec.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Daniels Constr. Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Hurd Corp.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Insulation Fabricators

National Labor Relations Bd. v. International Bhd. of
Pulp Workers

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Lester Bros.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Local Union No. 453

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Newberry Mills

National Labor Relations Bd. v. H. K. Porter Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Reeves Broadcasting
& Dev. Corp.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Wix Corp.

National Mut. Ins. Co. v. Akers

Newton v. American Sur. Co.

Nissen v. Internal Revenue Serv.

North Carolina Nat'l Bank v. Lumbermen's Mut. Casualty

Otten v. Warden, Baltimore City Jail

Overnite Transp. Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Box 154 

Page v. McCain

Pan-American World Airways v. O'Hearne

Pascale v. Pritzker

Pati v. Newman

Perkins v. Henry J. Kaiser Constr. Co.

Pettaway v. County School Bd. 

Petty v. United States Bd. of Comm'rs 

Pierpont v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Post v. Boles

Pruitt v. Peyton

Pugh v. North Carolina

Rachesky v. Finlea

Ralph v. Pepersack

Rees v. Peyton

Reeves v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Riggs Distler & Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Roberts v. Fuquay-Varina

Rothacker v. Black

Rowe v. Brooks

Russo v. Leary

Sas v. Maryland 

(2 folders)

Box 155 

Servo Corp. of Am. v. General Elec. Co.

South Carolina Elec. & Gas Co. v. Federal Power Comm'n

In reSpring Valley Country Club 

Maryland ex rel Geils v. Baltimore Transit Co.

Stephens v. Atlantic Coast Line R.R.

Stevenson v. Boles

Switzerland Co. v. Udall

Taylor v. Pegelow

Thomas v. Cunningham

Thompson v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Todd v. Sandidge Constr. Co.

Tompa v. Virginia

Travelers Indem. Co. v. Smith

Turnage v. Northern Va. Steel Corp.

Tuttle v. United States Slicing Mach. Co.

Umstead v. United States

United States v. Alexander

United States v. Baker

Box 156 

United States v. Barwick

United States v. Blythe

United States v. Bowen

United States v. Boyce

United States v. Brown

United States v. Bynum

United States v. Carrier

United States v. Chapman

United States v. Chatham

United States v. Criswell

United States v. Chunn

United States v. Crews

United States v. Driscoll Co.

United States v. Gabardini

United States v. Gaskins

United States v. Goss

United States v. Grisby

United States v. Grow

United States v. Harris

United States v. Hayes

United States v. Hopps

United States v. Jenkins, A.

United States v. Jenkins, E.

United States v. Jones

United States v. Jordan

United States v. Kirk

United States v. Koneski

United States v. Lewis, E.

United States v. Lewis, O.

United States v. M/V Wuerttemberg

United States v. Magliano

United States v. Miller

United States v. Mullin

United States v. North Carolina Nat'l Bank

United States v. Oliver

United States v. Perry

United States v. Portee

United States v. Pruitt

United States v. Ramey

United States v. Shoaf

Box 157 

United States v. Smith

United States v. Steamship Soya Atlantic

United States v. Taylor

United States v. Tucker

United States v. Virginia Erection Corp.

United States v. Waller

United States v. Whitehurst

United States v. Williams

United States Fidelity Guar. Co. v. Lawrenson

United States ex rel Gulfport Piping Co. v. Monaco &

Utica Mut. Ins. Co. v. Travelers Ins. Co.

Virginia v. Wallace

Virginia Nat'l Bank v. Woodson 

Watkins v. Continental Can Co.

Wertz v. Rock-Ola Mfg. Co.

White v. Norfolk & W. Ry.

White v. O'Hearne

Whorton v. T. A. Loving & Co.

Wicker v. National Sur. Corp. 

Wilson v. Hy-Lan Furniture Co.

Wirtz v. Chesapeake Bay Frosted Foods Corp.

Wirtz v. Lee Elec. Co.

Woodson v. Gilmer

Wright v. Bailey

Wright, John

1964 term

Adams v. Ellenbrand

Aetna Casualty & Sur. Co. v. Sherwood Distilling

Alberti v. Cruise

Allied Chem. Corp. v. Tug Condor

Ambold v. Seabord Airline R.R.

Avery v. Oosting

Barnes v. Rederi A/B Fredrika

Barnes v. Sind

Becler v. Philco Corp.

Black Diamond S.S. Corp. v. United States

Box 158 

Boleski v. American Export Lines

Bonded Armored Carrier v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Braddy v. Randolph

Bradley v. School Bd. 

Brantley v. Devereux

Brewer v. School Bd. 

Broadwell v. United States

Brown v. Brough

Brown v. Celebrezze

Brown v. General Motors Corp.

Brown v. North Carolina

Brown v. School Bd. 

Bryan v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Bryant v. Partenreederei-Ernest Russ

Bullard Co. v. General Elec. Co.

Carey v. Foster

Carolina Coach Co. v. Cox

Carroll v. Boles

Cassada v. Russo

Chesapeake Mfg. Co. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Clouse v. American Mut. Liab. Ins. Co.

Coleman v. Peyton

Construction Prods. Corp. v. Di-Noc Chem. Arts

Cook v. Republic Steel Corp.

Cook Eng'g & Elecs. v. Hickory Foundry & Mach. Co.

Cooper Agency v. McLeod

Darden v. Houtz

Daugherty v. Maryland

Davidson v. Tramel

Detyens Shipyards v. Marine Indus.

Box 159 

Dillard Paper Co. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Dillon v. Celebrezze

Dixon v. Oosting

Douglas v. Wirtz

Dove v. Peyton

DuBoise v. North Carolina

Duffield v. Peyton

Easter v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Felder v. Harnett County Bd. of Educ.

Fenco v. United States

Fennell v. Monongahela Power Co.

Filesi v. United States

Fitzgerald v. Polish Ocean Line

Fletcher v. Taylor

Flynn v. Kalb

Frankum v. Celebrezze

Freehill v. Gallant

Frist v. Gallant

Frye v. Celebrezze

Fuller v. Weakley

Gadsden v. Fripp

Gaskins v. Kennedy

Giannakouros v. Oriental Tanker Corp.

Gibbs v. Blackwelder

Glass v. United States

Goodson v. Peyton

Grantham v. Quinn Menhaden Fisheries

Graves v. Associated Transp.

Greene v. Steamship Invicta

Greentree v. United States

Hall v. Celebrezze

Halle v. United States

Hammett v. Seastrunk

Hamrick v. Peyton

Hawkins v. North Carolina Dental Soc'y

Hayes v. Peyton

Henry v. Steamship Mount Evans

Holmes v. Eddy

Hooker v. Boles

Huber v. Mullan

Box 160 

Imco Container Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Imperial Furniture Co. v. Piedmont Aviation

Internal Revenue Serv. v. Mendel

Internal Revenue Serv. v. Sperapani

Internal Revenue Serv. v. United Contractors

Jacobs v. Maryland Penitentiary

Jacobs v. United States

James v. Boles

Janosek v. Price & Detwiler

Johnson v. Dawes

Julian, Inc. v. President of Elkton

Justice v. Prudential Ins. Co.

Kalopodes v. Federal Reserve Bank 

Katz v. Peyton

Kearns v. Gay Apparel Corp.

Kerr v. Aetna Casualty & Sur. Co.

Koontz v. Celebrezze

Lawson v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Ledbetter v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Levine v. Lacy

Liadakis v. Immigration & Naturalization Serv.

Long v. Maryland

Magee v. Peyton

Maryland Jockey Club v. United States

McCloskey v. Boslow

McGann v. United States Marshal

McLean v. Prudential S.S. Co.

McManus v. Midland Valley Lumber Co.

Miskiewicz v. Goodman

Moorer v. South Carolina

Moots v. Secretary of Health, Educ. & Welfare

Morgan v. Phillips

Morris v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Mount Saint Mary's College v. Aetna Casualty & Sur.

Mozingo v. York County Natural Gas Auth.

Box 161 

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Bonnie Enters.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Covington Motor Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Harvey

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Kotarides Baking Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Metalab-Labcraft Co.

Norfolk & W. Ry. v. Anderson's Black Rock Co.

Nelson v. Victory Elec. Works

Norris Mfg. Co. v. Darling

North River Ins. Co. v. Connecticut Fire Ins. Co.

Olah v. Steamship Jaladurga

Outing v. North Carolina

Parke, Davis & Co. v. Health Cross Stores

Parker v. Board of Educ.

Pine Hall-Pomona Corp. v. United States

Pinehurst v. Schlamowitz

Puckett v. North Carolina

Purdham v. Celebrezze

Pyles v. Boles

Ray v. Celebrezze

Reickauer v. Peyton

Rhinehart v. North Carolina

Rich v. Hoffman

Root v. Cunningham

Root v. Peyton

Rosso & Mastracco v. Finley

Royal Indem. Co. v. Aetna Ins. Co.

Sabbagha v. Celebrezze

Sas v. Maryland Penitentiary

Sawyer v. United States

Shaw v. J. C. Penney Co.

Shelton v. Jones

Shows v. Harrison

Skaugass A/S v. T/T P. W. Thirtle

Slaughter v. United States

Smith v. Fihelly

Smith v. Moore

Box 162 

Smith v. Robinson

Smith v. United States

Snider v. Peyton

Snyder v. Wylie

Solo Cup Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Spaulding v. Anchor Motor Freight

Stalvey v. Pure Oil Co.

Starke v. United States

Stone v. Chesapeake Ins. Co.

Sykes v. Virginia

Tele-Trip Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Tenney v. A. B. & W. Transit Co.

Terry v. Yancey

Thomas v. Virginia

Thomas v. Maryland Penitentiary

Thornton v. Victory Carriers

Tincher v. Boles

United Broadcasting Co. of E. Va. v. Montague

United States v. Bennett

United States v. Boyd

United States v. Brown

United States v. Carrier

United States v. Carthers

United States v. Certain Parcels of Land 

United States v. Cline

United States v. Close

United States v. Coleman

United States v. Crim

United States v. Dillinger

United States v. Ellicott

United States v. Forester

United States v. Hall, C.

United States v. Hall, R.

United States v. Harman

United States v. Harris

United States v. Hassel

United States v. Hinson

United States v. Hutchison

Box 163 

United States v. Isaacs

United States v. Jones

United States v. Leister

United States v. Luciano

United States v. Massachusetts Trustees of E. Gas &
Fuel Assocs.

United States v. McAllister

United States v. McClenny

United States v. Morse

United States v. Poitras

United States v. Rorer

United States v. Semel

United States v. Smith, F.

United States v. Smith, G.

United States v. Smith, J.

United States v. Southern Ry.

United States v. Sparre

United States v. Stradford

United States v. Talbert

United States v. Thaw

United States v. Travis

United States v. Walker

United States v. Weir

United States v. White, R.

United States v. White, W.

United States v. Williams

United States v. Worley

Virginia-Carolina Chem. Corp. v. Hartford Accident &
Indem. Co.

Virginia Elec. & Power Co. v. Federal Power Comm'n

Wagoner v. United States

Wall v. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry.

Ward v. Peyton

Webb v. Peyton

Wheeler v. Durham City Bd. of Educ.

Williams v. Celebrezze

Williams v. Howard Johnson's

Box 164 

Ex parte Wilson

Wood Preserving Corp. v. United States

Wright v. Masonite Corp.

Young v. Boles

1965 term

Aldridge v. Roberts

Allstate Ins. Co. v. Stuart

American Fidelity & Casualty v. London & Edinburgh Ins.

American Ins. Co. v. South Carolina Ins. Co.

Andrews v. Atlantic & Gulf Stevedores

Armwood v. Brough

Atha v. Gardner

Austin v. Cooper

Ballwanz v. Jarka Corp.

Baltimore Transit Co. v. Maryland

Barnhart v. American Oil Co.

Bartsch v. Washington Metro. Area Transit Comm'n

Beggs v. Celebrezze

Bell v. Johnson Motor Lines

Bells v. Celebrezze

Benson Veneer Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Bevans v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Cos.

Biggs v. Norfolk Dredging

Boddie v. Weakley

Bowman v. Curt G. Joa, Inc.

Bradford v. School Dist. No. 20

Bramlett v. Arthur Murray

Brown v. Celebrezze

Bullock v. Celebrezze

Byrd v. Pawlick

Canaday v. Celebrezze

Capital Investors Co. v. Devers

Capital Investors Co. v. Fairchild

Carroll v. Seaboard Air Line R.R.

Carter v. Celebrezze

Caudill v. Peyton

Chambers v. Hendersonville City School Bd.

Box 165 

Champion Spark Plug Co. v. T. G. Stores

Chewning v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Citizens & S. Nat'l Bank v. Dickerson

Cizdyn v. Minneapolis-Honeywell Co.

Coleman v. Peyton

Conroy v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Crawford v. Bailey

D.C. Transit Sys. v. Washington Metro. Area Transit

(2 folders)

Daugherty v. Maryland

Davis v. Dusch

Davis v. Mathews

Dawson v. Peyton

Dickenson v. United States

Don Swart Trucking Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Donohue v. Maryland Casualty Co.

Driver v. Hinnant

Duval v. McGuffin

Eagles v. Harriss Sales Corp.

Eastern Serv. Management Co. v. United States

Edwards v. Mayes

Etzler v. Dille & McGuire Mfg. Co.

Evans v. Blidberg Roothchild Co.

Evans v. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co.

Exchange & Sav. Bank v. United States

Faucette v. Van Dolson

Faulkner v. United States

Federated Mut. Implement & Hardware Ins. Co. v. Gupton

Flota Maritima Browing De Cuba v. Snobl

Fooks v. Mister

Forester v. United States

Franklin v. School Bd. 

Freehill v. Lewis

Funkhouser v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Gardner v. Stewart

General Tire & Rubber Co. v. Watkins

Box 166 

Giddens v. Isbrandtsen Co.

Goforth v. Avemco Life Ins. Co.

Plan v. Avemco Life Ins. Co.

Golding v. Celebrezze

Graphic Arts Finishing Co. v. National Labor Relations

Greensboro Hosiery Mills v. National Labor Relations

Griffin v. School Bd. 

Hall v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Hamilton v. Salter

Haney v. Woodward & Lothrop

Hanson v. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry.

Hardesty v. Keightley

Hardware Mut. Casualty Co. v. Jones

Hart v. Wilkins

Hawkins v. North Carolina

Hawks v. Peyton

Hexcel Prods. v. American Cyanamid Co.

Hicks v. United States

Hilton v. Celebrezze

Holly Hill Lumber Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Holt v. Wallace & Tiernan

Honea v. West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co.

Horne v. Peyton

Humphreys v. Celebrezze

Humphries v. McCrory-McLellan Stores Corp.

Hyde v. First & Merchants Nat'l Bank

Johnson v. Branch

Jones v. Virginia

Jones v. United States

J.R. Land Co. v. United States 

Kaufman v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Box 167 

Kaufman v. Abramson

Kearney v. Peyton

Kirby v. Union Carbide Corp.

Kitchen v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Lambert v. Celebrezze

Langley Park Apartments v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Lark v. United States

Lawrence v. Peyton

Laws v. Celebrezze

Leek v. Maryland

Leonhardt v. United States

Lewis v. Peyton

Loewy Drug Co. v. United States

Lovedahl v. North Carolina

Lumbermen's Mut. Casualty Co. v. Harleysville Mut. Casualty

Lutz v. McNair

Maphis Chapman Corp. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Marston v. J. C. Penney Co.

Martin v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Marvel Specialty Co. v. Bell Hosiery Mills

Maryland Casualty Co. v. Baldwin

McCall Coal Co. v. United States

McClure v. United States Lines Co.

McNeil v. North Carolina

Medomsley Steam Shipping Co. v. Elizabeth River Terminals

Miller v. Blalock

Moore v. Virginia

Morgan v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Morris v. South Carolina

Box 168 

National Bank & Trust Co. v. Allied Supply Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. B.B.S.A.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Bata Shoe Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Dove Coal Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Lexington Chair Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. S. S. Logan Packing

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Lyman Printing Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Rish Equip. Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Schapiro & Whitehouse

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Webb Furniture Corp.

Nyman v. Celebrezze

Ohio Casualty Ins. Co. v. Pennsylvania Nat'l Mut. Casualty
Ins. Co.

Old Dominion Stevedoring v. Polskie Linie Oceaniczine

Oneita Knitting Mills v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Otis Elevator Co. v. Kass Realty Co.

Owsley v. Peyton

Paesch v. Winter

Patterson v. City of Newport News

Pokrinchak v. Holiday House Motel

Porter v. Peyton

Pruitt v. Peyton

Rakes v. United States

Ralph v. Tidewater Constr. Corp.

Redden v. Celebrezze

Rich v. United States

Rivers v. Royster

Sawyer v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Scindia Steam Navigation Co. v. Moon Eng'g Co.

Shuman v. Peyton

Simpson v. Lambert Bros. Div.

Smallwood v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Smith v. Maryland

Snyder v. Eastern Auto Distribs.

South Carolina Council of Milk Producers v. Newton

Stevens v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Stevens v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Swacker v. Southern Ry.

Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Bd. of Educ.

Box 169 

Syer v. United States

Tackett v. Celebrezze

Tanner v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Taylor v. United States

Timmons v. Peyton

Tincher v. Boles

Toole v. Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co.

Tucker v. Peyton

Twilley v. United States

Union Carbide Corp. v. Microtro Corp.

United States v. 531 Acres of Land 

United States v. Al-Majied Muhamad

United States v. Anderson

United States v. Ard

United States v. Ardner

United States v. Arnold

United States v. Ball

United States v. Banks

United States v. Bayne

United States v. Baysden

United States v. Boyce

United States v. Bryant

United States v. Central Magazines Sales Co.

United States v. Chandler 

(2 folders)

Box 170 

United States v. Chappell

United States v. Chestnutt

United States v. Diodati

United States v. Ford

United States v. Foster

United States v. Galloway

United States v. Gills

United States v. Godel

United States v. Goss

United States v. Graves

United States v. Hawthorne 

(2 folders)

United States v. Henson

United States v. Inman

United States v. Keller

United States v. Kincaid

United States v. Leach

United States v. Lee

United States v. Leister

United States v. Moore

United States v. Overton

United States v. Pardee

United States v. Payne

United States v. Pennell

United States v. Radford

United States v. Ray

United States v. Register

United States v. Salliey

United States v. Scott

United States v. Smith

United States v. Sutton

United States v. Swartz

United States v. Taft

United States v. Tippett

United States v. White

United States v. Williams, J.

United States v. Williams, P.

United States v. Wilson

United States Lines v. King

United Steelworkers v. Bagwell

Utsey v. Southern Ry.

Vernatter v. Allstate Ins. Co.

Box 171 

Vess v. Peyton

Virginia Elec. & Power Co. v. Khabiri

Walker v. Monsanto Chem. Co.

Walker v. Southern Ry.

Walker v. Brough 

Walton v. Peyton

Western Casualty & Sur. Co. v. Brooks

Wheeler v. Durham City Bd. of Educ.

Whitaker v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

White v. Pepersack

White v. Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co.

White v. United States

Williams v. United States Fidelity

Williams v. Celebrezze

Williams v. United States

Wimmer v. Celebrezze

Wirtz v. Charleston Coca Cola Bottling Co.

Yates v. United States

Zoby v. United States

1966 term

Abernethy v. Utica Mut. Ins. Co.

Abshire v. Gardner

Akers v. Norfolk & W. Ry.

Alford v. Local Bd. No. 20 (Selective Serv.)

Box 172 

T. C. Allen Constr. Co. v. Stratford Corp.

Allstate Ins. Co. v. McNeill

American Casualty Co. v. Gerald

American Cyanamid Co. v. Nopco Chem. Co.

Amplex v. Outboard Marine Corp.

Amsley v. West Virginia Racing Comm'n

Arey v. Peyton

Arrow Wrecking Co. v. Semonian

Autry v. Crumpler

B's Co. v. Cleveland Elec. Co. 

Baker v. United States

Baltimore Contractors v. Renegotiation Bd.

Banko v. Continental Motors Corp.

Beaman v. Pacific Mut. Life Ins. Co.

Belton v. Traynor

Black v. United States

Bland v. Hopewell Yacht Club

Blow v. Compagnie Maritime Belge

Boam Int'l Corp. v. Peters & Co.

Bowers Wholesale Corp. v. Norge Sales Corp.

Brandon v. Gardner

Brockinton v. Scott

Brokaw v. United States

Cain v. Gardner

Carico v. Gardner

Box 173 

Carver, Herschel F. 

Casella v. Norfolk & W. Ry.

Chambers v. Gray

Chandler v. Aero Mayflower

Charles Town v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Chase v. Aiken

Chesapeake Bay Bridge & Tunnel Dist. v. Lauritzen

Cobb v. Clark

Coles v. Peyton

Collins v. Collins

Collins & Aikman Corp. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Conner v. Gardner

Consolidated Masonry & Fireproofing v. Wagman Constr.

Corrie Corp. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Cram v. Sun Ins. Office

In re Crouse 

Crowe v. Cherokee Wonderland

Cruz v. United States

Danville Tobacco Ass'n v. Bryant-Buckner Co.

Davenport v. Ralph N. Peters & Co.

Davila v. Steamship Vercharmian

Davis Harvester Co. v. Long Mfg. Co.

Drew v. Lawrimore

Drumgold v. Splosna Plovba

Dubladenhill, Inc. v. Sharretts

Eastern Gas & Fuel v. Midwest-Raleigh, Inc.

Eaton v. Steamship Export Challenger

Edwards v. Southern Ry. 

England v. American S. Ins. Co.

Farrow v. Grace Lines

Fender v. General Elec. Co.

Fields v. Eazor Express

Fields v. Gardner

Fields v. United States

Filler Prods. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Fine v. Weinberg

Box 174 

Firestone Synthetic Fiber v. National Labor Relations

Fleming v. Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co.

Florence Printing Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Foust Inv. Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Foy v. Norfolk & W. Ry.

Friend v. Tropis Co.

Ganger v. Peyton

Gaskill v. Preferred Risk Mut. Ins. Co.

Gauldin v. Virginia Winn-Dixie

General Elec. Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

General Motors Acceptance Corp. v. Smith

General Tire & Rubber Co. v. Watkins 

(2 folders)

Glenn v. United States 

Government Employees Ins. Co. v. United States

Grand Union Co. v. Laurel Plaza

Graney v. United States

Gregory v. Town of Pageland

Gunter & Cooke v. Southern Elec. Co.

Hall v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.

Hamby v. Johnson Motor Lines

Hamilton v. North Carolina

Hamric v. Bailey

Harris v. United States

Harrold v. Coble

Haughton Elevator Co. v. Donata Corp.

Box 175 

Hayes v. Gardner

Heine v. Raus

Intertype Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Jacobs v. Brough

James v. Gardner

Johnson v. United States

Kelly v. Chillag

Kelly v. Raese

Kirby v. Atlantic Coast Line R.R.

Kirby v. Union Carbide Corp.

Korn Indus. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Langley v. Turner's Express

Leftwich v. Gardner

Logan-Mingo Gas & Oil Co. v. National Labor Relations

Long v. Immigration & Naturalization Serv.

Mabs v. Piedmont Shirt Co.

Macloskie v. Royal Indem. Co.

Macy v. United States

Marietta Mfg. Co. v. Brad Foote Gear Works

Martin v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.

Marvel Specialty Co. v. Bell Hosiery Mills

Maryland Nat'l Bank v. Tower

Massey v. Gardner

McKittrick v. Gardner

McNial v. Bell

Mickel v. South Carolina Employment Serv.

Mid-Eastern Elecs. v. First Nat'l Bank 

Miller Equip. Co. v. Colonial Steel & Iron Co.

Box 176 

Monette v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Moore v. Midgette

Moore v. Island Creek Coal Co.

Morgan v. Schlanger

Morris v. Boles

Motor Vessel Ciudad De Neiva v. Thomsen

Mozingo v. Lancaster County Natural Gas Auth. 

(2 folders)

Mullins v. United States

Munson v. Murphy

Murray v. Internal Revenue Serv.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Bata Shoe Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Becker County Sand &
Gravel Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Cone Mills Corp.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Electro Plastics Fabrics

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Hanes Hosiery Div.,
Hanes Corp.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Heck's 

(2 folders)

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Leas & McVitty

National Labor Relations Bd. v. McCormick Concrete Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Weston & Brooker Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Winn-Dixie 

National Motels v. Howard Johnson 

Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co. v. New Amsterdam Casualty Co.

Newman v. Piggie Park Enters.

North Carolina Teachers Ass'n v. Asheboro City Bd. of

Box 177 

Northern Assurance Co. v. Spencer

Nuckoles v. F. W. Woolworth Co.

Oglialoro v. Allen

Outing v. North Carolina

Overnite Transp. Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Owsley v. Peyton

Paige v. Ross

Parrish v. United States

Perel v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Perkins v. Peyton

Peters v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Phoenix Sav. & Loan v. Aetna Casualty & Sur. Co.

Piedmont Corp. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Piracci v. Hearst Corp.

Preferred Risk Mut. Ins. Co. v. Thomas

Price v. Lowman

Progner v. Eagle

Rambo v. Peyton

Reese v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Reynolds v. Gardner

Riddick v. Baltimore Steam Packet Co.

Robert A. Johnston, Co. v. Southland Dairy Distrib.

Robertshaw Controls Co. v. National Labor Relations

Robinson v. Gardner

Rowe v. United States Fidelity & Guar. Co.

Rowe v. Peyton

Ryder v. United States

Saint Michaels Utils. Comm'n v. Federal Power Comm'n

St. Paul Mercury Ins. Co. v. Pennsylvania Lumbermen's
Mut. Ins. Co.

Sanderlin v. Martin

Schreter & Sons Co. v. Samuel J. Miller & Co.

Schulze v. Arundel Corp.

Servo Corp. v. General Elec. Co.

Shanklin v. Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co.

Sheftic v. Boles

Box 178 

Sims v. Berkeley Loan & Thrift Corp.

Sims v. United States

Skeens v. Gardner

Sligh v. Columbia, Newberry & Laurens R.R.

Smith v. United States

Snider v. Peyton

Solite Corp. v. United States

Spears v. United States

Stem v. Turner

Sterling v. Blackwelder

Stevens v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Stewart v. Gardner

Stokes v. United States Lines Co.

Syer v. United States

Thomas v. Consolidation Coal Co.

Tidewater Patent Dev. v. Kitchen

Tilley v. United States

Tompa v. Peyton

Townes v. United States

Tracy v. Robbins

Twiford v. Peyton

Tyndall v. Gardner

Union Carbide Corp. v. Microtron Corp.

United Bond & Mortgage Corp. v. Crown Cent. Petroleum

Box 179 

United Fuel Gas Co. v. Federal Power Comm'n

United States v. Adams

United States v. Andrews

United States v. Arnold

United States v. Atomic Fuel Coal Co.

United States v. Banks

United States v. Barden

United States v. Barnes

United States v. Barrier

United States v. Bencon Constr. Co.

United States v. Bennett

United States v. Black

United States v. Bloombaum

United States v. Boswell

United States v. Central Magazine Sales

United States v. Certain Parcels of Land

United States v. Chase

United States v. Clover Spinning Mills

United States v. Coltraine

United States v. Cosby

United States v. Davis

United States v. Davison Fuel & Dock Co.

United States v. Edlin

United States v. Edwards

United States v. Greenwood

United States v. Guffey

United States v. Hailey

United States v. Hayes, J.

United States v. Hayes, M.

Box 180 

United States v. Hemphill

United States v. Hinton

United States v. Jackson

United States v. Jones

United States v. Kennell

United States v. Leevy

United States v. Martin

United States v. Mattox

United States v. Nimmo

United States v. Ostendorff

United States v. Peerless Ins. Co.

United States v. Perez

United States v. Pinkerman

United States v. Potomac News Co.

United States v. Quarels

United States v. Raybon

United States v. Reliable Sales Co.

United States v. Schmidt

United States v. Schwartz

United States v. Smith

United States v. Temple

United States v. Thompson

United States v. Wallace

United States v. White

United States v. Wilkins

United States v. Williams

United States v. Wilson

United States v. Worley

Universal Mfg. Co. v. Lewis

Box 181 

Valentine Waterways Corp. v. Tug Choptank

Vanater v. Boles

Vance Trucking Co. v. Canal Ins. Co.

Vaughan v. Gardner

Virginia Elec. & Power Co. v. System Council No. U-1

Virginia Mut. Ins. Co. v. Insurance Co. of N. Am.

Visidor Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Wade v. Peyton

Walker v. North Carolina

Wall v. Stanly County Bd. of Educ.

Wansley v. Virginia

Webb v. Lenn

Webb v. Rivers

Wehrle v. Brooks

Western Contracting Corp. v. Power Eng'g Co.

Western Contracting Corp. v. United States

Westinghouse Elec. Corp. v. National Labor Relations

Wetherbee v. Norfolk, Baltimore & Carolina R.R.

White v. Gorham Corp.

Williams v. Peyton

Williams v. Weyerhaeuser Co.

Willis v. Gardner

Wilson v. Bailey

Wilson v. Ohio River Co.

Wirtz v. Ti Ti Peat Humus Co.

Wright v. Pilot Life Ins. Co.

Wurz v. Pollin

Yates v. Peyton

Zambezi S.S. v. Tsetseris

Zimmerman v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Box 182 

1967 term

Abernathy v. Cunningham

Adkins v. Gardner

Alford v. North Carolina

Allred v. Peyton

American Cyanamid Co. v. Nopco Chem. Co.

Andrews v. Commerical Union Ins. Co.

Antrim v. Internal Revenue Serv. 

Arguelles v. United States Bulk Carriers

Atkins v. Schumtz Mfg. Co. 

(3 folders)

Atlantic Seaboard Corp. v. Federal Power Comm'n

B's Co. v. B. P. Barber Ass'n

Bailey v. MacDougall

Barker v. Hardway

Bates v. Warden, Baltimore City Jail

Bell v. Richmond Redevelopment & Hous. Auth.

Bi-Lo v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Blaw-Knox Co. v. Hartsville Oil Mill

Box 183 

Boeckenhaupt v. United States

Bowman v. White

Bradshaw v. Island Creek Coal Co.

Brewer v. School Bd. 

Brown v. Fogel 

(2 folders)

Brown v. Gardner

Brunwasser v. Suave

Brunswick Corp. v. Long

Buckingham v. United States

Burtnette v. Mt. Vernon Nat'l Bank & Trust Co.

Capital Investors Co. v. Devers

Carolina Pipeline Co. v. York County Natural Gas Auth.

Caroline Farms Div. of Textron v. National Labor Relations

Carr v. North Carolina

Chesapeake Bay Bridge & Tunnel Dist. v. Lauritzen

Childless v. Earl Whitley Enters.

Clark v. United States

Cline v. United States

Coggins v. United States

Colangelo v. United States

Collins & Aikman Corp. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Collins v. Weirton Steel Co.

Commonwealth Natural Gas Corp. v. United States

Coppedge v. Franklin County Bd. of Educ.

Cost v. Coiner

Crawford v. Bounds

(1 folder)

Box 184 

(1 folder)

Darlington Mfg. Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Darlington-Hartsville Coca-Cola v. United States 

Davis v. Social Sec. Admin.

Delta Coastal Corp. v. Wright Contracting Co.

Dix v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Dotson v. Kwiki Sys.

Dubin-Haskell Lining Corp. v. National Labor Relations

Duffy v. Gudger

Duncan v. Peninsula Shipbuilders Ass'n

Durham v. Fitzharris

Durham v. Gardner

Durham v. North Carolina

Egerton v. R. E. Lee Memorial Church

Faucette v. Van Dolson

Financial Serv. v. Kulman

Flanagan v. Gardner

Folk v. Wallace Business Forms

Ford v. Moore

Foster v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Box 185 

Funkhouser v. Internal Revenue Serv.

General Ins. Agency v. Internal Revenue Serv.

General Steel Prods. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Gkiafis v. Steamship Yiosonas

Golden Belt Mfg. Co. v. Janler Plastic Mold Corp.

Grinnell Corp. v. American Monorail Co.

Grinnell Corp. v. Virginia Elec. & Power Co.

Halsey v. Nitze

Hammerman v. Arlington Fed. Sav. & Loan Ass'n

Harding v. Attorney for Alexandria, Va.

Harner v. McShain

Henderson v. Arundel Corp.

Hicks v. Freeman

Hicks v. Gardner

Higgins v. Thompson

H. K. Porter Co. v. United Steelworkers

Hooker Furniture Co. v. United States

Houff v. Biser

Humble Oil & Ref. Co. v. Copeland

Humble Oil & Ref. Co. v. Fidelity & Casualty Co.

Humphreys & Harding v. Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Co.

Internal Revenue Serv. v. Talbott

Intertype Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Island Creek Coal Co. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

J.P. Stevens & Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Jacksonville Shipyards v. Jenkins

Jacobs v. Peyton

Jarboe Bros. Storage Warehouse v. Allied Van Lines

Johnson v. Seaboard Coast Line R.R.

Jones v. Hamm

Jules Hairstylists v. United States

Kapral v. Hartzelius

Kronenberg v. MacLaughlin

Leonard v. Wharton

Levy v. Resor

Lewron Television v. D. H. Overmyer Leasing Co.

Logner v. North Carolina

LTV Electrosystems v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Box 186 

Mahaffy & Harder Co. v. Standard Packaging Corp.

Manderacchi v. United States

Markowitz Bros. v. Minneapolis Honeywell Regulator Co.

Maryland Petition Comm. v. Johnson

Maryland Shipbuilding & Drydock Co. v. Baker-Whitely
Towing Co.

May v. Peyton

McFalls v. Peyton

Melchiorre v. California Canners

Mesker Bros. Iron Co. v. A & H Plumbing Supply Corp.

Miazga v. MacLaughlin

Mills v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Mills v. Mealey

Montgomery v. Stuyvesant Ins. Co.

Moore v. Guthrie Hosp.

Murray v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Murray v. Spartan Undies

Box 187 

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Aerovox Corp.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Beverage-Air Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Courtesy Motors

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Electro Motive Mfg.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Gissel Packing Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Greensboro Hosiery Mills

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Harry T. Campbell &
Sons Corp.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Heck's 

(4 folders)

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Hammonds

National Labor Relations Bd. v. J. B. Martin Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Marion Mfg. Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Preiser Scientific 

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Queen City Coach Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Rish Equip. Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Union Bros.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Wheeling Steel Corp.

In re Navagas

Norfolk Monument Co. v. Woodlawn Memorial Gardens

North River Ins. Co. v. Davis

Owens v. Traynor

Pagano v. Martin

Palmer Asphalt Co. v. Debardelaben Co.

Papciak v. Richardson-Merrell Co.

Patterson v. Newport News

Pavement Salvage Co. v. Anderson's-Black Rock, Co.

Pearce v. North Carolina

Pierson v. Hurley

Pilkenton v. Kingsport Publishing Corp.

Pillis v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Pollard v. Fennell

Porter Cable Mach. Co. v. Black & Decker Mfg. Co.

Poulter v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Radford v. Gray

Railing v. United Mine Workers 

Ray v. Gardner

Reed v. General Fin. Loan Co. 

Reserve Ins. Co. v. Gayle

Resolute Ins. Co. v. North Carolina

Retolaza v. United States

Roberts v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Roberts v. Garden

Box 188 

Rockett v. Stanley

Rogers v. United States

Rosens v. Internal Revenue Serv.

St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. v. Piedmont Natural
Gas Co.

Sanner v. Sheppard & Enoch Pratt Hosp.

Schell v. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry.

Schnieder Mills v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Scott v. Gardner

Seaboard Fire & Marine Ins. Co. v. Gibbs

Sharpe v. Grindstaff

Shorey v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Sindler v. Innocenti Corp.

Singleton v. Anson County Bd. of Educ.

Smith v. Humble Oil & Ref. Co.

Smith v. Brady

Southern Material Co. v. Merritt-Chapman & Scott Corp.

Sterling v. Blackwelder

Strohkorb v. United States

Tenney v. A.B. & W. Transit Co.

Thacker v. Gardner

Townes v. Payton

Union Camp Corp. v. Lewis

Box 189 

United Furniture Workers v. National Labor Relations

United States v. Albright

United States v. Bagdasian

United States v. Bailey

United States v. Beaver

United States v. Berrigan

United States v. Boney

United States v. Browning

United States v. Butler, C.

United States v. Butler, M.

United States v. Campbell

United States v. Champion

United States v. Cook, C.

United States v. Cook, T.

United States v. Cothren

United States v. Dicks

United States v. Eskridge

United States v. Fabio

United States v. Frazier

United States v. Garrick

United States v. Gibson

United States v. Glassman Constr. Co.

United States v. Greenberg

United States v. Gregg

United States v. Gregory

United States v. Grossman

United States v. Grow & Mensik

United States v. Hall

United States v. Harris

United States v. Helm

United States v. Hodge

Box 190 

United States v. Hollen

United States v. Isaac

United States v. Jacobs

United States v. Jones, E.

United States v. Jones, R.

United States v. Jones, S.

United States v. Kargoe

United States v. Koon

United States v. Law

United States v. Lawrence

United States v. Lawson

United States v. Leavell

United States v. Lewis

United States v. Mancuso

United States v. Marcum

United States v. Marson

United States v. Martin

United States v. McConnell

United States v. McGinnis

United States v. McGlone

United States v. McKoy

United States v. McLernon

United States v. McNeil

United States v. Metcalf

United States v. Moore

United States v. Moran Towing & Transp. Co.

United States v. Owens

United States v. Parks

United States v. Parzow

United States v. Perry

United States v. Pierce

United States v. Shoemake

United States v. Shue

United States v. Sisk

United States v. Smith, D.

Box 191 

United States v. Smith, J.

United States v. Sox

United States v. Trotta

United States v. Tyson

United States v. Van Horn

United States v. Vickers, C.

United States v. Vickers, O.

United States v. Walker

United States v. Weaver

United States v. Wechsler

United States v. Williams, D.

United States v. Williams, E.

United States v. Whitaker

United Steelworkers Local 37 v. H. K. Porter Co.

Vincent v. Devison

Walpert v. Bart

Walutes v. Baltimore Rigging Co.

Washington v. United States

Wayne Knitting Mills v. Russell Hosiery Mills

Weathers v. United States

Wheeling Antenna Co. v. United States

White v. United States

Wilcox Mfg. Co. v. Eastern Gas & Fuel Assocs.

Williams v. Maxwell

Winchester Spinning Corp. v. National Labor Relations

Witcher v. Peyton

Word v. North Carolina

Wooten v. Moore

Wratchford v. Groves & Sons Co.

Ziady v. Curley

Box 192 

1968 term

A. S. Abell Co. v. Chell

Adams v. United States

Aerovox Corp. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Alba-Waldensian v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Amalgamated Transit Union v. Miller

American Mut. Liab. Ins. Co. v. State Farm Mut. Auto.
Ins. Co.

Amsley v. West Virginia Racing Comm'n

Atlantic States Constr. Co. v. Robert E. Lee & Co.

Baker v. United States

Barnes v. Sears, Roebuck & Co.

Barnes v. Vadico Terminals

Bateman v. South Carolina State Port Auth.

Baugh v. Seaboard Air Line R.R.

Baumel v. Rosen

Beall v. Standard Elec. Co.

Beaty v. Seabord Air Line R.R.

Benton v. United States Lines

Blackhurst v. DuPont Co.

Bland v. Norfolk & S. R.R.

Blankenship v. Thurston Motor Lines

Blanks v. Chunningham

Blumcraft of Pittsburgh v. Citizens & S. Nat'l Bank

Breaker Confections v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Bremen v. United States

Brown v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Brown v. Gaston County Dyeing Mach. Co.

Broyhill v. Morris

Bryant v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co.

Calaway v. Admiral Credit Corp.

Box 193 

Carpenter v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Carter-Wallace v. Gardner

Charleston County Hosp. v. Drug & Hosp. Union Local

Chatham Mfg. Co. v. National Labor Relation Bd.

Cherry v. Stanley

Clark-Fontana Paint Co. v. Glassman Constr. Co.

Cone Mills Corp. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Conmy v. United States

Coppedge v. Franklin County Bd. of Educ.

Cost v. Coiner

Cowen v. Fulton

Crawford v. Bounds

Creasy v. Leake

Dairyland Ins. Co. v. McGraw

Daniel v. Gardner

Deel v. Cohen

Deering Milliken Research Corp. v. Textured Fibres

Dingus v. Tate

Dixon v. Gardner

Electronic Sys. Inv. Corp. v. Small Business Admin.

Everett v. Gardner

Fairmont Foods Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Fasco Indus. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Felder v. Harnett County Bd. of Educ.

Felderbaum v. MacLaughlin

Ferrell v. Gardner

First Citizens Bank & Trust Co. v. Camp

Fowler v. Peyton

Frasca v. Steamship Safine E. Ismail

Future Plastic v. Ware Shoals Plastics

General Elec. Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Grose v. Cohen

Box 194 

Hall v. United States

Hanson v. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry.

Hester v. New Amsterdam Casualty Co.

Hewett v. North Carolina

Hewlett v. Bertie

Hipp v. Kennesaw Life & Accident Ins. Co.

Hoffler v. Peyton

Hoss v. Gardner

Iatomasi v. Rhodes

International Harvester Co. v. National Labor Relations

Iowa Nat'l Mut. Ins. v. McGhee

Jackson v. American Mut. Fire Ins. Co.

Jacobi v. IBM Corp.

Jefferson Standard Life Ins. Co. v. United States

Johnson v. Mueller

Johnson v. Patterson

Joye v. Great Atl. & Pac. Tea Co.

King v. North Carolina

Kraus v. Selective Serv. Sys. Local 23

Ladd v. South Carolina

Lancaster v. Gardner

Lassiter v. Turner

Lester v. McFaddon

Ling Elec. v. Federal Ins. co.

Looney v. McLaughlin

LTV Electrosystems v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Lumbermen's Mut. Casualty Co. v. Harleysville Mut. Casualty

Box 195 

Marriott Corp. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Marshall v. Gardner

Massengale v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Mayhew v. Wirtz

McArthur v. Clifford

McCown v. Humble Oil & Ref. Corp.

McCreight v. South Carolina

McGough v. United States

Medical College v. Drug & Hosp. Union Local 1199

Mefford v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Middlebrooks v. Curtis Publishing Co.

Miller v. Semet-Solvay Div., Allied Chem. Corp.

Miller v. Blalock

Morris v. Schoonfield

Moses v. Manufacturer's Life Ins. Co.

Moss v. Gardner

Nalle v. First Nat'l Bank 

National Homes Corp. v. Lester Indus.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Allegheny Mining Corp.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Bratten Pontiac Corp.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Clement-Blythe Cos.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Hanes Hosiery Div.,
Hanes Corp.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Hevi-Duty Elec. Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Kingwood Mining Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Rish Equip. Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Shenadoah Brick & Tile

National Spinning Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Nelson v. Peyton

North Carolina State Highway Comm'n v. United States

Oliver v. United States

Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp. v. National Labor Relations

J. C. Penney Co. v. D. D. Jones Transfer & Warehouse

Pennington v. Peyton

Phillips v. Glens Falls Ins. Co.

Box 196 

Phoenix Sav. & Loan v. Aetna Casualty & Sur. Co.

Piedmont Aviation v. Air Line Pilots Ass'n

Potash Import & Chem. Co. v. M/S Klaus

Prince Lithograph Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Pritchard Prods. Corp. v. Fullerton Constr. Co.

Railing v. United Mine Workers

Regan v. Parson

Road Materials v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Robertson v. Federal Trade Comm'n

Robinson Co. v. Alpha-Continental Co.

Rogers v. First Nat'l Bank 

Rose v. Atlantic Coast Line R.R.

Ross v. Gardner

Rowe v. United States Fidelity & Casualty Co.

Saco-Lowell Shops v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Sams v. Ohio Valley Gen. Hosp. Ass'n

Sappington v. United States

Satterfield v. Boles

Schell v. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry.

Box 197 

Schoen v. Sulton

Sexton v. Figgins

Shiflett v. Virginia

Sides v. Richard Mach. Works

Sligh v. Fullerton Constr. Co.

Smith v. Norfolk & W. Ry.

Smith v. Peyton

Smith v. United States

Southern Fire & Casualty Co. v. Teal

Southern R.R. v. Earnhardt

Sterling v. Blackwelder 

(2 folders)

Strouth v. Peyton

Taylor v. Cohen

Tempest v. United States

Tempo v. Myers

Thomason v. Great Atl. & Pac. Tea Co.

Thompson v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Tolson v. Hodge

Treakle v. Pocahontas S.S. Co.

Tucker v. School Bd.

Tug Raven v. Trexler

Turner v. North Carolina

Tyrone v. Wilkinson

Union Carbide Corp. v. Goett

United States v. Agofsky

United States v. Anderson

United States v. Apples

United States v. Bandy

United States v. Batten

United States v. Bauguess

United States v. Baxley

United States v. Berube

United States v. Black

United States v. Blackburn

Box 198 

United States v. Blackemore

United States v. Bullock

United States v. Bully

United States v. Burgess

United States v. Call

United States v. Cass

United States v. Cassiagnol

United States v. Cates

United States v. Chandler

United States v. Clark

United States v. Clay

United States v. Clifford

United States v. Closkey

United States v. Collette

United States v. Collins

United States v. Cooley

United States v. Covington

United States v. Curry

United States v. Daughtry

United States v. Davis, M.

United States v. Davis, R.

United States v. Davis, T.

United States v. Decker

United States v. Ditommaso

United States v. Dow

United States v. Duke

United States v. Dulin

United States v. Eanes

Box 199 

United States v. Easley

United States v. Fentress

United States v. Foster

United States v. Furr

United States v. Gambill

United States v. Golden

United States v. Goodwin

United States v. Grier

United States v. Harris

United States v. Hawthorne

United States v. Horning

United States v. Hunt

United States v. James

United States v. Johnson

United States v. Kilgore

United States v. Kirkman

United States v. Kochel

United States v. Lance

United States v. Levi

United States v. Longfellow

United States v. M/V Marilena

United States v. Mason

United States v. McCullough

United States v. Meyers

United States v. Millikin

United States v. Mitchell

United States v. Morton

United States v. Myers

United States v. Null

United States v. Parkway Towers

United States v. Penny

United States v. Pearce

United States v. Perchalla

United States v. Powell, C.

United States v. Powell, L.

United States v. Pritchard

United States v. Redfield

United States v. Reid

United States v. Resor

United States v. Richardson

United States v. Riggleman

Box 200 

United States v. Robinson

United States v. Ryder

United States v. Safley

United States v. Saunders

United States v. Smith, C.

United States v. Smith, L. E.

United States v. Smith, L. T.

United States v. Smith, W.

United States v. Stout

United States v. Sussman

United States v. Thomas

United States v. Thompson

United States v. Tobias

United States v. Tongue

United States v. Tucker

United States v. Veal

United States v. Waddell

United States v. Walden

United States v. Walsh

United States v. Wechsler

United States v. Weston

United States v. Williams, F.

United States v. Williams, W.

United States v. Wood

United States v. Yokum

United States v. Young

Vanover v. Maloney

Vessella v. United States

Vincent v. Small Business Admin.

Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. v. Dameron

Walker v. School Bd.

Wallenius Bremen v. United States

Warner v. Billups E. Petroleum Co.

Webb v. Nolan

Webb v. Old Salem, Inc.

West v. United States

Westinghouse Credit Corp. v. State Furniture Co. 

Williams v. Peyton

Wooten v. Skibs

Ziglar v. Reidsville Bd. of Educ.

Box 201 

1969 term

Abernathy v. Conroy

Activists v. Perrott

Aerovox Corp. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Allen v. Asheville City Bd. of Educ.

All-State Indus. v. Federal Trade Comm'n

American Mut. Ins. Co. v. Selected Risks Ins. Co.

Ames v. Hales

Anderson v. Finch

Anderson v. South Carolina

Arvonia-Buckingham Slate Co. v. United States

Atkins v. State Bd. of Educ. 

Atwell v. Retail Credit Co.

Ballard Fish & Oyster Co. v. Glaser Constr. Co.

Bayliss v. Rood

Bellomy v. Union Concrete Pipe Co.

Bennett v. Finch

Bennett v. Maryland

Bennett v. United States

Berkley Mach. Works & Foundry Co. v. Internal Revenue

Bevans, Milton

Bishop Processing Co. v. Thomsen

Black Hawk Corp. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Blount v. State Bank & Trust Co.

Box 202 

Blue Ridge Shoe Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Bolick v. Finch

Bowl Am. v. Fair Lanes

Brammer v. Arrow Lines

Brandenburg v. Anderson

Bray v. Peyton

Brewer v. Peyton

Brown, F., v. Finch

Brown, W., v. Finch

Brown v. Maryland

Brown v. Peyton

Brown v. Truck Drivers Local Union

Bryant v. Sears, Roebuck & Co.

Buschow v. Smith

Business Dev. Co. v. North Carolina 

Carolina Power & Light Co. v. Federal Power Comm'n

Carr v. United States

Carson v. Elrod

Carson v. Finch

Carter v. Finch

Carter v. Lynch

Carter v. Brotherhood of Locomotive Eng'rs

Caulder v. Durham Hous. Auth.

Cauthen v. Finch

Chauffeurs Union v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Chemithon Corp. v. Procter & Gamble Co.

Cole v. Graybeal

Cole v. North Carolina

Communication Satellite Corp. v. Comcet

Cone Mills Corp. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Cornish v. Agnew

Cornwell v. State Bd. of Educ.

Clark v. Dillon Supply Co.

Box 203 

Crane v. Coker

Crawford v. Peyton

Creasey v. Leake

Croci v. City Bank & Trust Co. 

Cross Country Leasing Corp. v. Ryder Truck Rental

Croxton v. Kings Dep't Store

Curtis v. Small

Daniel v. Finch

Daniel Constr. Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Daniels v. Horace Mann Mut. Ins. Co.

Dash v. Commanding Gen. 

Dawson v. Shenandoah Retreat Land Corp.

Dixon v. West Virginia Univ. Bd. of Governors

Doe v. United States Dist. Court

Dukane Corp. v. United States Fidelity & Guar.

Easley v. Finch

Easter v. Aetna Ins. Co.

Elkins v. United States

Equal Employment Opportunity Comm'n v. Liggett & Myers
Tobacco Co.

First-Citizens Bank & Trust Co. v. Camp

First v. Leatherwood

Fuller v. Scott

General Dynamics Corp. v. Whiticomb

Giles v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Gilliam v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Gillin v. F/V Nancy

Glassman Constr. Co. v. United States

Green v. School Bd. 

Griffey v. Finch

Griffin v. Matthews

Griggs v. Farmer

Groce v. Rapidair

Box 204 

Grosfeld v. Morris

Hackney v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Hamilton v. Maryland

Hannon v. Hannon

Harris v. Potomac Edison Co.

Haynes v. James H. Carr Co.

Hemsley v. Maryland

Hiesler v. Cox

Hohensee v. Scientific Living

Hosiery Corp. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Hubbard v. United States

Hughes v. Finch

Jackson v. United States

Johns Hopkins Univ. v. Hutton

Kane v. Virginia 

Kane Realty Corp. v. Harllee-Quattlebaum Constr. Co.

Kemplen v. Maryland

Kennedy v. North Carolina

Key Sales Co. v. South Carolina Elec. & Gas Co.

Box 205 

Khabiri v. Covert

Kinloch v. News & Observer Publishing Co.

Kolodner v. Harris

Krodel v. Magic Fingers

Lassiter v. Turner

Lea v. Cone Mills Corp.

Leake v. Cox

R. E. Lee Elec. Co. v. Stack

Leftwich v. Coiner

Lehigh Portland Cement Co. v. Federal Trade Comm'n

Lehman v. Laird

Levine v. Peyton

Lewis v. Finch

Livingston v. Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co.

Long v. Burdette Mfg. Co.

Long v. Robinson

Lundy v. Isthmian Lines

Lundy Packing Co. v. United States

Lusk v. Eastern Prods. Corp.

Malone v. United Steel Workers 

Martie v. Cogan

Maryland Citizens for a Representative Gen. Assembly
v. Governor of Md.

Massengale v. Internal Revenue Serv.

McDonough v. Director of Patuxent Inst.

McGowan v. Gillenwater

McReynolds v. School Bd. 

Mid-Eastern Elecs. v. First Nat'l Bank 

Miller v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Monroe v. Moessner

Moore v. Finch

Box 206 

Mullins v. Beatrice Pocahontas Co.

Mungo v. United States

Murphy-Palmer Seeds v. Mitchell

Murray v. Finch

Naimaster v. NAACP

National Homes Corp. v. Lester Indus.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. International Union
of Dist. 50 Local 12225

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Petroleum Constr.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Reliable Coal Corp.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. W. S. Thomas Transfer

National Socialist White People's Party v. Ringers

National Spinning Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Nationwide Ins. Co. v. Aetna Casualty & Sur. Co.

Nationwide Ins. Co. v. McLaughlin

Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co. v. Allstate Ins. Co.

Nelms v. Laird

Nesbit v. Statesville City Bd. of Educ.

Newport Mining Corp. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Nichols v. Sterling Drug Co.

Nichols v. Finch

O'Brien v. Resor

Ocean Elec. Corp. v. Northeast Constr. Co.

O'Quinn v. Great Atl. & Pac. Tea Co.

Phoenix Sav. & Loan v. Aetna Casualty Co.

Piedmont Minerals Co. v. United States

Pledger, Norman Lee

Porter v. Ashmore

Box 207 

Price v. Tug Carville

Prickett v. Duke Power Co.

Prudential Ins. Co. v. Barden

Pruitt v. Campbell

Q.H.S. v. Gardner

Quaglia v. Boswell

Ralph v. Warden, Md. Penitentiary

Rawlings v. Hardaway

Rogers v. Luchini

Rowe v. Finch

Russo v. United States

Safely v. T.I.M.E. Freight

Saunders v. Virginia Polytechnic Inst.

Scheu v. United States

Schultz v. W. R. Hartin & Son

SCM Corp. v. Merhige

Securities & Exch. Comm'n v. Bowler

Sherby v. Weather Bros. Transfer Co.

Shiflett v. Virginia

Shole v. Howard

Shole v. O'Ferrall

Simms v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Sipes v. Statesville City Bd. of Educ.

Sission v. Wetenko

Sivertsen v. Guardian Life Ins. Co.

Smith v. Finch

Smith v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Snell v. Quality Mobile Home Brokers

Snoddy v. Holcombe

South Carolina Tricentennial Comm'n v. Timmons

Box 208 

Stein v. State Admin. Bd. of Election Laws

Strickland v. Seaboard Coast Line R.R.

Summers v. Horton

Swedish Am.n Line v. Evans Prods.

Taylor v. Calmer S.S. Corp.

Technitrol v. Honeywell

Terrell Mach. Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Terry v. Peyton

Thomas v. Humble Oil & Ref. Co.

Thompson v. Durham County Bd. of Educ.

Thurston v. United States

Tidewater Patent Dev. Co. v. Kitchen

Toyomenka v. Wilmington Shipping Co.

Tuck v. Finch

Underwood v. City Council

Underwood v. Finch

United Mortgagee Servicing Corp. v. Wright

United States v. 131.6 Acres of Land

United States v. 365 Acres of Land

United States v. Adams

United States v. Apple

United States v. Armpriester

United States v. Baker

United States v. Barksdale

United States v. Bauguess

United States v. Berrier

United States v. Berthiaume

United States v. Bittinger

United States v. Black

United States v. Bowen

United States v. Brown, M.

United States v. Brown, R.

United States v. Broyles

Box 209 

United States v. Bryant

United States v. Bryson

United States v. Cabbell

United States v. Cabbler

United States v. Canty

United States v. Carter, W.

United States v. Carter, W. E.

United States v. Central Carolina Bank & Trust Co.

United States v. Cobb

United States v. Corsi

United States v. Cross

United States v. Crutchfield

United States v. Cunningham

United States v. D.C. Transit Sys.

United States v. Daniels

United States v. Danielson

United States v. Davis

United States v. DeVore

United States v. Diggs

United States v. Dockery, L.

United States v. Dockery, R.

United States v. Doran

United States v. Duck

United States v. Dunn

United States v. Eason

United States v. Eaton

United States v. Edick

United States v. Elmore

United States v. Evans

United States v. Ferrell

United States v. Fersner

Box 210 

United States v. Fields

United States v. Fish

United States v. Franklin City School Bd.

United States v. Freeland

United States v. Frye

United States v. Galayda

United States v. Gambert

United States v. Gomori

United States v. Gray

United States v. Graydon

United States v. Green

United States v. Greene

United States v. Greenwell 

(2 folders)

United States v. Haley

United States v. Hammond

United States v. Hargrave

United States v. Harris

United States v. Haynes

United States v. Hedgecoe

United States v. Heffner

United States v. Herring

United States v. Hornbuckle

United States v. Howard

United States v. Iozzi

United States v. James

United States v. Johnson, R.

United States v. Johnson, T.

United States v. Jones, E.

United States v. Jones, J.

United States v. Jones, N.

United States v. Jones, T.

United States v. Jones, W.

United States v. Kind

United States v. King

United States v. Kirkman

Box 211 

United States v. Knight

United States v. Kochel

United States v. Lack

United States v. Laney

United States v. Lanier

United States v. Lent

United States v. Leopold

United States v. Looper

United States v. Lynch

United States v. Mack

United States v. Mandello

United States v. Maples

United States v. Marsden

United States v. Marshall

United States v. Maye

United States v. McCallum

United States v. McClain

United States v. McCloud

United States v. McCray

United States v. McGirr

United States v. McGowan

United States v. McKinney

United States v. Miller

United States v. Missler

United States v. Moore

United States v. Moose

United States v. Mullen

United States v. Mullins

United States v. Murvin

United States v. Nicholson

United States v. O'Dell

United States v. Pace

United States v. Palmer

United States v. Patterson

United States v. Payne

United States v. Pearce

United States v. Peebles

United States v. Perdue

United States v. Potts

United States v. Prince

United States v. Puckett

United States v. Quinn

Box 212 

United States v. Rodriguez

United States v. Ross

United States v. Salsbury

United States v. Sampson

United States v. Samuel

United States v. Scott

United States v. Seohnlein

United States v. Seward

United States v. Sherman

United States v. Simpson

United States v. Smith, C.

United States v. Smith, J.

United States v. Spease

United States v. Stamey

United States v. Starkey

United States v. Steger

United States v. Stokes

United States v. Swanson

United States v. Swindler

United States v. Ten Erotic Paintings

United States v. Teresa

United States v. Thomas

United States v. Thompson, E.

United States v. Thompson, V.

United States v. Townsend

United States v. Trieber

United States v. Tucker, E.

United States v. Tucker, J.

United States v. Turner

Box 213 

United States v. Vlasits

United States v. Wargo

United States v. Washington

United States v. Watson

United States v. Webber

United States v. Webster, G.

United States v. Webster, W.

United States v. White

United States v. Willett

Vance v. North Carolina

Varga v. United States

Vickers v. Chesapeake & Potomac Tel. Co.

Walutes v. Thorington Constr. Co.

Ware v. Gilford Bldg.

Weiford v. Thiebaud

Wells v. Finch

Westreich v. McFarland

Wheeler v. Roberts

Whitcomb v. Sanitary Comm'n 

Whittenberg v. School Dist. 

Williams v. Lambert's Point Docks

Williams v. Stone Towing Line

Wilson v. North Carolina

Winn Dixie Stores v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Wood v. Ross

Woodson v. Gilmer

Wright v. Maryland Penitentiary

Wuelfing v. Sears, Roebuck & Co.

Yahr v. Resor

Box 214 

1970 term

Academy Tanker v. Steuart Transp. Co.

Adams v. School Dist. No. 5

Allen v. State Bd. of Educ. 

Alves v. United States

Amherst v. United States

Ampthill Rayon Workers v. E. I. DuPont DeNemours & Co.

Anderson v. Stanco Sports Library

Anglin v. Director, Patuxent Inst.

Ball v. Mercer Motor Co.

Barnes v. Sears, Roebuck & Co.

Barrow v. Bounds

Barton-Gillet Co. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Baughman v. Freienmuth

Beam v. Laird

Bearden v. South Carolina

Beazley v. Zilberger

Beckett v. School Bd. 

Bell v. Clarke

Bennett v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Berndtson v. Lewis

Bernstein v. Levenson

Berube v. United States

Bishop v. Richardson

Blackmon v. Georgia R.R. Bank & Trust

Box 215 

Blatt v. Local Bd. No. 116, Fredericksburg City Selective
Serv. Sys.

Bluth v. Laird

Boone v. Cox

Border Belt Warehouse Ass'n v. Industry-Wide Flue-Cured
Tobacco Mktg. Comm.

Boush v. Finch

Bradley v. School Bd. 

Bradshaw v. Laird

Brady v. Superintendent

Brant v. Robinson Inv. Co.

Brendle v. General Tire & Rubber Co.

Brewer v. School Bd. 

(2 folders)

Bright v. Maritime Overseas Corp.

Britt v. Peninsula Shipbuilders Ass'n

Brown v. Amoco Shipping Co.

Brown v. Cox

Brown v. Finch, R.

Brown v. Finch, W.

Brown v. Hirst

Brown v. Norfolk & W. Ry.

Brown v. Peyton

Brown v. Ward

Browning v. Finch

Bruce v. United States

Burnett v. United States

Butler v. Richardson

Callaghan v. Commercial Credit Corp.

Camarias v. British M/V Lady Era

Carolina Throwing Co. v. S & E. Novelty Corp.

Casey v. Henry

Chestnut v. Ford Motor Co.

Chipley v. McLeod

Box 216 

Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pac. Ry. v. Chesapeake
& Ohio Ry.

Clevenger v. Richardson

Close v. United States

Clubb v. General Motors Corp.

Coffey v. Romney

Cohen v. Laird

Cole v. Graybeal

Cole v. Seaboard Coast Line R.R.

Coleman v. Tolson

Collins & Aikman Corp. v. J. P. Stevens & Co.

Columbia Nitrogen Corp. v. Royster Co.

Compton v. Metal Prods.

Computer Servicenters v. Beacon Mfg. Co.

Conn v. Richardson

Consolidation Coal Co. v. Disabled Miners 

Cordero v. Pasquith

Counts v. Voorhees College

Davenport v. Laird

DeTreville v. Outboard Marine Corp.

Dew v. Hardin

Dickson v. North Carolina

Disabled Miners v. Consolidated Miners 

Downey v. Peyton

Drive In Theatres v. Huskey

Duffy v. Gudger

Duncan v. Seaboard Coast Line R.R.

Box 217 

Elefteriou v. Tanker Archontissa

Ely v. Velde

Eslinger v. Thomas

Evans v. Bass

Federal Communications Comm'n v. Jefferson Standard

First Nat'l Bank v. Wachovia Bank & Trust

Fish v. Laird

FMC Corp. v. Knowles Elec.

Gardner v. Q.H.S., Inc.

Garren v. City of Winston-Salem

Goss v. Goebel

Grammenos v. Chariot

Grange Mut. Casualty Co. v. Short

Grant v. Colonial Foods

Grantham v. Columbia, Newberry & Laurens R.R.

Great Dane Trailers v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Green v. MTD Prods.

Green v. School Bd. 

(2 folders)

General Business Servs. v. Fletcher

General Elec. Co. v. Acme Fast Freight

General Maintenance Serv. Co. v. National Labor Relations

General Steel & Crown Flex v. National Labor Relations

Gissell Packing Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Givens v. Poe

Greenwood v. Resor

Greer v. United States

Gunion v. Krause

Guynn v. United States

Box 218 

Hall v. Thornton

Ham v. North Carolina

Harbor Towing Corp. v. Aetna Ins. Co.

Harmon v. Maryland

Harmon v. Davila

Harrah v. Richardson

Harris v. Marion Concrete Co.

Harris v. North Carolina

Harris v. Richardson

Healey v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Heine v. Raus

Hodgin v. Noland

Hodgson v. Virginia Roofing

Holloway v. Cox

Hughes v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Hundley v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Hunter v. Seaboard Coast Line R.R.

Hutton v. Kaufman

Iowa State Univ. Research Found. v. Sperry Rand Corp.

Isaacson v. Penn Community Servs.

J. P. Stevens & Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

(2 folders)

Jackson v. Cox

James River Apartments v. Internal Revenue Serv.

James v. Copinger

Jeffcoat v. K-Mart Discount Store

Jeffrey Mfg. Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Jenks v. Potomac Edison Co.

Jenkins v. Fitzberger

Jennings v. Couch

Johnson v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Johnston v. LHP Corp.

Kelly v. Eclipse Motor Line

Kerst v. Laird

Kimbrough v. Cox

Kirby v. Cox

Kirker v. Moore

Kleiman v. Jourdan Transfer Co.

Kondos v. West Virginia Bd. of Regents

Kreis v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Kyle v. Cohen

Landman v. United States Bd. of Parole

Box 219 

Lantz v. Richardson

Larck v. Allied Towing Corp.

Larus & Bro. Co. v. Federal Communications Comm'n

Lawton v. Tarr

Leifermann v. Secretary of the Army

Leigh v. Seaboard Coast Line R.R.

Lekkas v. Caledonia

Leonard v. United States

Levine v. Peyton

Leviner v. Richardson

Lion v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Littell v. Morton

Lloyd v. Salem Towne Apartments

Lockwood Bros. v. McAllister Bros.

Logan v. Vlasic Food Prods. Co.

Long v. Vlasic Food Prods. Co.

Louisburg Sportswear Co. v. National Labor Relations

Lucas v. Gardner

Lunnermon v. Peyton

Lyman Printing & Finishing Co. v. National Labor Relations

M. M. Crockin Co. v. Portsmouth Redevelopment & Hous.

Madison v. Oakes

Mage Corp. v. Boston-Old Colony Ins. Co

Marshall v. Phoenix of Hartford Ins. Co.

Massie v. Henry

Matzelle v. Pratt

McAlister v. Cohen

McCabe v. Virginia

McKenzie v. Director, Patuxent Inst.

McLaughlin v. Calhoun

Mead v. Cox

Melton v. Maritime Overseas Corp.

Box 220 

Meltzer v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Messick v. Gordon

Miller v. Finch

Miller v. Perry

Millman v. Blackwelder

Monongahela Power Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Moore v. South Carolina

Moore v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Morgan v. Gettings

Morris v. Finch

Mullins v. Oakley

Mulroy v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Murray v. Jamison

Muse v. United States

Mystic S.S. Corp. v. Steamship Amalfi

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Clement-Blythe Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Community Motor Bus

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Drexel Enters.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Great Dane Trailers

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Hy-Lan Furniture

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Jewell Smokeless Coal

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Kane

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Kingwood Mining Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Kline Iron Steel Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Nu-Southern Dyeing &

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Owens-Corning Fiberglass

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Pepsi-Cola Bottling

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Progressive Cafeterias

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Renner Plumbing, Heating
& Air Conditioning

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Roanoke Ready Mix Concrete

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Smoky Mountain Stages

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Southern Materials

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Union Carbide Corp.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Wheeling Elec. Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. E. V. Williams Co.

National Spinning Co. v. Washington

Box 221 

Nell v. United States

Nelms v. Laird

New-Loeb Sports Enters. v. Scott

Norfolk Port & Indus. Auth. v. Samuels

North Carolina State Bd. of Educ. v. Smith

Olgers v. Sika Chem. Corp.

Oliver v. Richardson

Orgettas v. Crinis

Owens v. United States Bd. of Parole

Paige v. United States

Panamerican Consulting Co. v. Technical Enters.

Parson v. Norfolk & W. Ry.

Phillips v. North Carolina

Picking v. State Fin. Corp.

Pillis v. State Bd. of Elections

Polk v. Kessler

Powell Mfg. Co. v. Long Mfg.

Preiser Scientific v. Piedmont Aviation

Public Serv. Comm'n v. Federal Power Comm'n

Quarterman v. Byrd

Railing v. United Mine Workers 

Ransburg Electro-Coating Corp. v. Ionic Electrostatic

Ratliff v. Cooper Laboratories

Ray v. Craig

Regency Realty v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Rhodes v. Haynes

Riddle v. Coiner

Robinson v. Davis

Robinson v. Victory Carriers

Robinson Terminal Warehouse Corp. v. Adler

Rochester Corp. v. Rochester

Rogers v. Laird

Rumler v. Board of School Trustees

Saint Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. v. Lack

Sauvageot v. Green

Sawyer v. Atlantic Discount Corp.

Scherer v. Virginia

Box 222 

Schnitzer v. Nixon

Scott v. Winston-Salem Bd. of Educ.

Seaboard Coast Line R.R. v. Johnson

In re Separate Seasons

Shaw v. United States

Sherengos v. Seamans

Shiflett v. Virginia

Shultz v. Factors

Shultz v. Falk

Shultz v. Nalle Clinic

Shumate v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Silver v. American Export Isbrandtsen Lines

Simmons v. Finch

Skaggs v. Rausman Corp.

Slaughter v. McLaughlin

Sliger v. Richardson

Smith v. Cox

Smith v. Henry

Smith v. Jackson

Smith v. Maryland

Smith v. North Carolina State Bd.of Educ.

Societe Indus. Mechaniques Allies v. Lewis

Sorensen-Christian Indus. v. Ry. Express Agency

Sperry Rand Corp. v. A-T-O, Inc.

Stephens v. Cox

Stephens v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Stevens v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Stokes v. United States

Sullins, Howard O.

Sword v. Fox

Swords v. American Sealanes

Taggart v. Cox

Box 223 

Taylor v. American Heritage Life Ins. Co.

Taylor v. United States

Thomas v. North Carolina

Thompson v. School Bd.

Tillman v. Wheaton-Haven Recreation Ass'n

Time v. Johnston

Tobacco Workers Int'l Union Local 317 v. Lorillard Corp.

Travelers Indem. Co. v. Rosedale Passenger Lines

Turcov. Maryland

U.F.O., Inc. v. Agnew

United States v. 144 Acres of Land

United States v. Adams

United States v. Ard

United States v. Arseneaux

United States v. Ashworth

United States v. Ballard

United States v. Barrett

United States v. Bauguess

United States v. Beamer

United States v. Becker

United States v. Berrigan

United States v. Bittinger

United States v. Blaylock

United States v. Boney

United States v. Borkowski

United States v. Brown

United States v. Bullock

United States v. Burgin

United States v. Burton

Box 224 

United States v. Cavendish

United States v. Chalk

United States v. Chambers

United States v. Chatman

United States v. Colbert

United States v. Collins

United States v. Cooke

United States v. Corso

United States v. Cox, C.

United States v. Cox, P.

United States v. Curry

United States v. Davis

United States v. Dellinger

United States v. Dillon

United States v. Dobie

United States v. Doran

United States v. Dowd

United States v. Drakeford

United States v. Edwards

United States v. Elmore 

(2 folders)

United States v. Epps

United States v. Ervin

United States v. Fackelman

United States v. Fisher

United States v. Florence

United States v. Fonville

United States v. Ford Thunderbird

United States v. Fuller

United States v. Galloway

United States v. Garris

United States v. Garrison

United States v. George

United States v. Gilliam

United States v. Goff

United States v. Gomez

United States v. Gore

United States v. Gorham

United States v. Gray

United States v. Hancock

United States v. Harden

United States v. Harrington

United States v. Head

Box 225 

United States v. Hepler

United States v. Hirschfeld

United States v. Hunt

United States v. Idlewild Pharmacy

United States v. Jackson

United States v. Jefferson

United States v. Johnson, H.

United States v. Johnson, J.

United States v. Johnson, W.

United States v. Jones, M. 

United States v. Jones, N.

United States v. Jones, R. E.

United States v. Jones, R. G.

United States v. Jones, R. L.

United States v. Jordan, C.

United States v. Jordan, E.

United States v. Justiniano

United States v. Kennon

United States v. King

United States v. Knupp

United States v. Kohlus

United States v. Lane

United States v. Lineberger

United States v. Locklear

United States v. Lomax

United States v. Mace

United States v. Marr

United States v. Marraffa

United States v. Mattison

United States v. McDaniel

United States v. McKee

United States v. McKillop

United States v. McMillan

United States v. McMillian

United States v. Meier

United States v. Melton

United States v. Mensik

United States v. Nash

United States v. Nolan

United States v. Oakcrum

United States v. Oliver

United States v. Outten

United States v. Owens

United States v. Parker

United States v. Patillo

Box 226 

United States v. Pelfrey

United States v. Phillips

United States v. Powers

United States v. Reddington

United States v. Richards

United States v. Riffe

United States v. Rigdon

United States v. Robertson

United States v. Roman

United States v. Sawyers

United States v. Siegel

United States v. Simuel

United States v. Sims

United States v. Slater

United States v. Smith, J.

United States v. Smith, L.

United States v. Smith, S.

United States v. Spears

United States v. Spivey

United States v. Swindler

United States v. Taft

United States v. Taylor, J.

United States v. Taylor, R.

United States v. Tharpe

United States v. Tibbs

United States v. Trivette

United States v. Turner

United States v. Upper Potomac Properties Corp.

United States v. Van Dusen

United States v. Venuti

United States v. Warford

United States v. Washington

United States v. Waugh

United States v. Wiley

United States v. Williamson

United States v. Young

Box 227 

United States v. Zaza

United States v. Zigler

United States Fidelity & Guar. v. Landers Chevrolet

United States Lines v. Jarka

United States Servicemen's Fund v. Shands & Yarborough

Urbano v. Liston

Vale v. Coiner

Virginia Impression v. SCM Corp.

Virginia Nat'l Bank v. Virginia

Virginia Nat'l Bank v. United States

Virginia Stage Line v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Walker v. Carter

Ware v. Richardson

Washington Gas Light Co. v. Virginia Elec. & Power Co.

Washington v. Schuyler

Waterhouse v. Mitchell

Watson v. Richardson

Webb v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n

Weddle v. Director, Patuxent Inst.

Wellford v. Hardin

West Virginia Highlands v. Conservancy

Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corp. v. Algernon Blair

Whiten v. Finch

Whitley v. Willard

Wickline v. Brooks

Wike v. Finch

Williams v. Annapolis Emergency Hosp. Ass'n

Williams v. United Mine Workers 

Wilson v. North Carolina

Winn-Dixie Stores v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Woodward v. United States

Yeager v. Bekins Van Lines

Yorgey v. Oliver

Cases dismissed without hearing, 1970-71

Box 228 

1971 term

Adkins v. Kelly's Creek R.R.

Aghnides v. Marmon Group

Alexander v. Graves

Alexander v. Seaboard Air Line R.R.

Allegheny Airlines v. Civil Aeronautics Bd.

Allen v. Gifford

Allen v. Greensboro

Almond v. Kent

Alonson v. Kaiser Aluminum & Chem. Corp.

Ampthill Rayon Workers v. E. I. DuPont De Nemours &

Anderson v. Southampton County School Bd.

Antonia v. Barnes

Arlington Coalition on Transp. v. Volpe

Armstrong v. Peoples Nat'l Bank

Armstrong v. Frostie Co.

Associated Stations v. Cedars Realty & Dev. Corp.

B. F. Diamon Constr. Co. v. Butler

Barthelmes v. Morris

Bell Lines v. United States

Bennett v. Gravelle

Bennett v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Bentex Pharmaceuticals v. Richardson

Ben-Tom Supply Co. v. Shaver

Berndtson v. Lewis

Berry v. Richardson

Bertnick v. Home Fed. Sav. & Loan Ass'n

Blake v. National Research Ass'n

Blalock v. Richardson

Box 229 

Blasecki v. Durham

Blatt v. Local Bd. No. 116, Fredericksburg City Selective
Serv. Sys.

Blevins v. University of N. C.

Bogue Elec. Mfg. Co. v. TMC Sys. & Power Corp.

Bosley v. Atlantic Seaboard Corp.

Bradley v. School Bd. 

(2 folders)

Brandon v. Richardson

Breeden v. Jackson

Breman v. United States

Brewer v. School Bd. 

Brooks v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Brown v. Cox

Brown v. Gaston County Dyeing Mach. Co.

Bruce v. United States

Bunn v. Bound

Buresch v. International Bhd. of Elec. Workers, Local
No. 24

Burrus Land & Lumber Co. v. United States

Burton v. Richardson

Calico Scallopo Corp. v. Willis Bros.

Capital Investors v. Morrison

Carey v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Carson v. American Sav. Life Ins. Co.

Carter v. Slayton

C. D. Constr. Corp. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Box 230 

Chapman v. Richardson

Chinese Maritime Trust v. Carolina Shipping Co.

Chitwood v. Feaster

Citizens Nat'l Bank v. Camp

Civic Improvement Comm. v. Volpe

Cloak v. Cody

Conservation Council v. Froehlke

Continental Leasing Co. v. Pageant Beauty Prods.

Cooper Agency v. United States

Copeland v. School Bd. 

Corollo v. S. S. Kresge Co.

Cox v. United States

Crawford v. Courtney

Criddle v. Richardson

Croxton v. King's Dep't Store

Daly v. Scott

Darden v. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co.

David v. Maryland

DeAngelis v. South Carolina

DeJardin v. Allen & Rocks

DeTreville v. Outboard Marine Corp.

Donohoe v. Duling

Dowell v. Aetna Life Ins. Co.

Downey v. Peyton

Downing v. School Bd.

Box 231 

Doxzen v. Director, Patuxent Inst.

Drummon v. Froehlke

Dudley v. United States

Duke Power Co. v. Kasper

Eason v. Mitchell

Eaton v. New Hanover County Bd. of Educ.

Edco, Inc. v. McElrath

Edgens v. Richardson

Edwards v. Flowers

Eitel v. Schmidlapp

Ellett v. Finch

Elm v. Richardson

Elmore v. United States

Embrey v. Hampton

Emerson v. Richardson

Estep v. Richardson

Evans v. Carolina Shipping Co.

Falk v. Hodgson

Fayetteville Area Chamber of Commerce v. Volpe

Federal Ins. Co. v. Piper Aircraft Co.

Federal Land Bank of Columbia v. Wood

Felts v. Seaboard Coast Line R.R.

Ferguson v. Hanes

Filipidis v. United States

First Nat'l Bank v. Morrison

Fisher v. United States

Floyd v. United States

Forte v. S. S. Kresge Co.

Gershman v. Finch

Golden v. Oil Screw Frank T. Sherman

Goldseker v. Federal Communications Comm'n

Golf Ranch Resort Motel v. Johnson

Government Employees Ins. Co. v. United States

Grant v. North Carolina

Gray v. United States

Greene v. Vantage S.S. Corp.

Greene v. Moncks Corner Motor Co.

Greer v. Sears, Roebuck & Co.

Grimes v. Nottoway County School Bd.

Grosch v. Tarr

Groves v. Richardson

Gurney Indus. v. St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co.

Box 232 

Hackney v. Tarr

Hairston v. Cox

Hall's Motor Transit Co. v. Hartnett

Hamilton Erection v. Northwestern Mut. Ins. Co.

Hamilton v. Chesapeake & Ohio R.R.

Hamlett v. Conco

Hannon v. Hannon

Harris v. Anchor Coupling Co.

Hart v. County School Bd.

Hayes v. Chauffeurs, Local 39l

Haynes v. Rhodes

Hazeltine Research v. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.

Head Ski Co. v. United States

Hembree v. United States

Henderson v. Eastern Freight Ways

Herman v. University of S. C.

Hicks v. Richardson

Hill v. Rowland & Treadaway

Hitchcock v. Laird

Hodgson v. Centralized Servs.

Hodgson v. Duke Univ.

Hodgson v. Fairmont Supply Co.

Hodgson v. Virginia Baptist Hosp.

Holland v. Unico Corp.

Holt v. City of Richmond

Holt Mfg. Co. v. Federated Mut. Implement & Hardware
Ins. Co.

Honchok v. Hardin

Hopkins v. C. E. Whalen Co.

Horton v. Orange County Bd. of Educ.

Hudson, Benny

Hughes v. Ranger Fuel Corp.

Hurst v. City of Virginia Beach

Hynson v. Richardson

International Bhd. of Teamsters v. Pilot Freight Carriers

International Longshoremen's Ass'n v. North Carolina
Ports Auth.

Iron Ore Transp. Co. v. Steam Vessel Flying Foam

James v. Beaufort County Bd. of Educ.

James v. United States

James v. West Virginia Bd. of Regents

Box 233 

Johnson v. Fraley

Johnson v. Richardson

Jones v. Superintendent

Kasey v. Richardson 

Kaufman v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Kelly v. Lewis

Kennedy v. Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corp.

Kerr v. Travelers Ins. Co.

Kline v. Wheels by Kinney

Knollman v. Hughlett

Kriesel v. Berkshire Ass'n

Lambert v. Richardson

Lea v. Cone Mills Corp.

Legum Store Corp. v. Moore

Lemley v. United States

Long Mfg. Co. v. Lilliston Implement Co.

Lucas v. Gardner

Lynchburg Foundry Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Lyons v. Richardson

Maloney v. Pettigrew

Manns v. Koontz

Box 234 

Marlowe v. Marlowe

Mas v. Fowler

Mastrom v. Professional Management

Maxworth v. Horn Elec. Serv.

McCain v. Abel

McCall v. Laird

McCormick & Co. v. Childers

McDougall v. Dunn

McGirr v. Harvey

McGuire v. Lloyd

McKinney v. United States

McLaughlin v. Merhige

Miller v. Cox

Miller v. Gardy

Miller v. United States

Mims v. Yarborough

Misegades & Douglas v. Schuyler

Mislak v. Plovier Maritime

Monroe v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Monroe Lodge No. 770 v. Litton Business Sys.

Morgan v. Gettings

Morris v. Richardson

Munchak Corp. v. Cunningham

Nacirema Operation Co. v. Oosting

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Great Atl. & Pac. Tea

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Americana Nursing Home

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Collins & Aikman Corp.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Constr. Prod. & Maintenance
Workers' Local Union No. 1293

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Dewey Bros.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Holly Farms Poultry

(2 folders)

National Labor Relations Bd. v. J. B. Broadcasting 

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Petroleum Constr.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Southern Seating Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. State Elec. Supply Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Tobacco Processors

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Town & Country Mfg.

Box 235 

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Turner's Express

National Labor Relations Bd. v. U-Tote M 

National Socialist White People's Party v. Ringers

Nationwide Mut. Ins. v. United States Fidelity & Guar.

Natural Resources Defense Council v. Grant

Neely v. Field

Nickell v. Westervelt

O'Connor v. Richardson

Old Kent Bank & Trust v. Hobbs

Oliver v. Richardson

Ouzts v. Richardson

Parker v. Lewis

Parker v. Norfolk Dredging Co.

Pembroke Steel Co. v. Phoenix Gen. Constr. Co.

Penco Corp. v. Carmen Cosmetics

Penello v. International Longshoremen's Ass'n

Peoples v. Richardson

Perry v. Richardson

Pillis v. Governor of Virginia

Pitts v. Camp

Pittston Co. v. Board of Mine Operations

Plastilene v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Plaza Assocs. v. Sterling Concrete Corp.

Box 236 

Pogue v. Retail Credit Co.

Poindexter v. Teubert

Price v. Oosting

Quarterman v. Byrd

Ramantanin v. United States

Ranger Ins. Co. v. Lewis

Raulston v. Carolina-Caribbean Corp.

Raybestos-Manhattan v. Rowland & Rowland Enters.

Reamer Indus. v. McQuay

Reish v. Sheriff 

Reynolds v. Richardson

Rhode Island Trust Nat'l Bank v. Swartz

Rice v. North Carolina

Richmond v. Young

Road Materials v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Robinson v. Warden, Md. House of Corrections

Rockingham Sleepwear v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Ross v. South Carolina

Rubber Fabricators v. Laird

Ruffin v. Greenwood & Charles

Ruggiero v. Manchin

Rumler v. Board of School Trustees

Box 237 

Sachs v. Local Union No. 48, United Ass'n of Journeymen
and Apprentices of the Plumbing & Pipefitting Indus.

Sandler v. Tarr

Scherer v. Lewis

Scherer v. International Business Machs. (IBM)

Scyphers v. Zuk

Slusher v. Paramount Warrior

Smith v. Secretary, Health, Educ. & Welfare

Smith v. Coiner

Smith v. Custom Transp.

Smith v. Internal Revenue Serv.

South Carolina Underwriters v. Dixie Auto Ins. Co.

Southern Block & Pipe Corp. v. Adonis

Soya v. Evergreen Marine Corp.

Standard Sec. Life Ins. Co. v. Evers

Starratt v. Morse

Stebbins v. Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co.

Stirewalt v. Brendell

Stone v. Stone

Stubbs v. Hardee

Summers v. Crown Constr. Co.

Sutton v. United States

Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Bd. of Educ.

Swindell v. Cahoon; Payne v. Cahoon

Sydnor v. Villain & Fassio

Technograph Printed Circuits v. Martin-Marietta Corp.

Thompson v. Fugate

Thompson v. Lambert Point Docks

Thompson v. School Bd.

Thonen v. Jenkins

Turco v. Allen

Turner's Express v. National Labor Relations Bd.

U.F.O., Inc. v. Agnew

Box 238 

United States v. Berkley 

United States v. Buffaloe

United States v. Burton

United States v. Bush

United States v. Butler

United States v. Callanan

United States v. Cardillo

United States v. Castillo

United States v. Castle

United States v. Childs

United States v. Clark

United States v. Coleman

United States v. Copas

United States v. Cox

United States v. Cranson

United States v. Crawford

United States v. Crowthers

United States v. Davis

United States v. Debruhl

United States v. Dickson

United States v. Douglass

United States v. Echeverria

United States v. Edwards

United States v. Embry

United States v. Epperson

United States v. Escamilla

United States v. Evans

United States v. Feather

United States v. Figueroa

United States v. Florence

United States v. Gaineous

United States v. Gatling

United States v. Gibboney

United States v. Gillingham

United States v. Gilmore

United States v. Gladden

Box 239 

United States v. Gomez

United States v. Greene

United States v. Hall

United States v. Hammond

United States v. Hankish

United States v. Harris, J.

United States v. Harris, T.

United States v. Harriss

United States v. Harvey

United States v. Heard

United States v. Henderson, F.

United States v. Henderson, W.

United States v. Holloway

United States v. Holly

United States v. Howard, R.

United States v. Howard, W.

United States v. Hudson

United States v. International Longshoremen's Ass'n

United States v. Jackson, F.

United States v. Jackson, W.

United States v. Johnson, E.

United States v. Johnson, G.

United States v. Jordan

United States v. Kain

United States v. Kasubinski

United States v. Kaufman

United States v. Kelley

United States v. King, J.

United States v. King, T.

United States v. Kizar

United States v. Kyle

United States v. Lane

United States v. Langley

United States v. Lansdown

United States v. Lawless

United States v. Liles

United States v. Lisk

United States v. Lofty

United States v. Lopez

United States v. Maners

United States v. March

United States v. Marchetti

United States v. Marshall

United States v. Martin

Box 240 

United States v. McGirr

United States v. McLean

United States v. McMullen

United States v. Merrick

United States v. Middough

United States v. Miller, J.

United States v. Miller, O.

United States v. Miller, R.

United States v. Moore, H.

United States v. Moore, R.

United States v. Morningstar

United States v. Morton

United States v. Murphy

United States v. Navarro

United States v. O'Connor

United States v. Ollary

United States v. One 1968 Int'l Harvester

United States v. Overstreet

United States v. Pacheco

United States v. Pack

United States v. Partridge

United States v. Patton

United States v. Pawlik

United States v. Payne

United States v. Pigford

United States v. Pilkerton

United States v. Pluchino

United States v. Poweleit

United States v. Proffitt

United States v. Puckett

United States v. Ragland

United States v. Ramey

United States v. Ready

United States v. Rivers

United States v. Roberts

United States v. Rosemond

United States v. Ross

United States v. Russell

United States v. Rye

United States v. Schellenberg

United States v. Shafer

United States v. Shelton, C.

United States v. Shelton, J.

United States v. Shorter

United States v. Silverstein

United States v. Simmons

United States v. Simpkins

United States v. Smith, G.

Box 241 

United States v. Smith, G. P.

United States v. Smith, H.

United States v. Smith, J. H.

United States v. Smith, J. M.

United States v. Smith, W.

United States v. Smygelski

United States v. Spotts

United States v. Stanley

United States v. Stapleton

United States v. Stokes

United States v. Superior Life Ins. Co.

United States v. Sutherland

United States v. Tabory

United States v. Tate

United States v. Teeter

United States v. Thomas

United States v. Thompson

United States v. Toineeta

United States v. Toler

United States v. Truett

United States v. Trump

United States v. Tuck

United States v. Vacca

United States v. Valentine, J.

United States v. Valentine, L.

United States v. Van Fossen

United States v. Vingino

United States v. Virginia Nat'l Bank

United States v. Walden

United States v. Walsh

United States v. Walters

United States v. Ward

United States v. Weidlein

United States v. West

United States v. White

United States v. Williams

Box 242 

United States v. Wilson, A.

United States v. Wilson, T.

United States v. Wood

United States v. Woodard

United States v. Wright

United States v. Wynn

United States v. York

United States v. Zayas

United States Steel Corp. v. United Mine Workers 

United Steelworkers v. National Labor Relations Bd.

USV Pharmaceutical Corp. v. Richardson

Van Hoy v. Richardson

Varney Wood Prods. v. Strickler

Vaughan v. Ackiss

Vulcan Material Co. v. Oman Constr. Co.

Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. v. Harris

Wade v. Coiner

Walden v. Local 71, Int'l Bhd. of Teamsters

Walton v. Richardson

Wardell v. Richardson

Wasmer v. Briggs

Weaver v. Huston

Welch v. United States

Wells v. Allstate Ins. Co.

Whitley v. Wilson City Bd. of Educ.

Whitlock v. Slayton

Wiggins v. Proctor & Schwartz

Williams v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Wilson v. Steuart Transp. Co.

Winburn v. County of Darlington

Winchester TV Cable Co. v. Federal Communications Comm'n

Wolman v. A.I.C. Fin. Corp.

Woodall v. Pettibone

Woolfolk v. Brown

Young v. United States

Box 243 

1972 term

Acorn Elec. Supply v. Powell Elec. Mfg.

Adams v. Hunter

Adams v. Richardson

AFA Distrib. Co. v. Pearl Brewing Co.

Aghnides v. F. W. Woolworth Co.

Ajax v. Realty Corp. v. J. F. Zook

Albert v. Chemical Leaman Tank Lines

Alexandria, Barcroft & Washington Transit Co. v. Washington
Metro. Area Transit Comm'n

Allen v. State Bd. of Educ. 

American Trading & Prod. Corp. v. United States

Appalachian Power Co. v. Environmental Protection Agency

Appalachian Research & Defense Fund v. Federal Power
Comm'n--Appalachian Power Co.

B.A. Berkus Assocs. v. Keen

Barb v. Piersol

Baker v. United States

Ballistreri v. Equitable Life Assurance Soc'y

Baltimore Regional Joint Bd. of Amalgamated Clothing
v. Eisman

Baughman v. Freienmuth

Behrend v. United States

Bernard v. United States Lines

Bigham v. Westinghouse Corp.

Bittorie v. Potomac Edison Co.

Blackwell v. Thomas

Blakey v. Daily Progress

Blum v. Campbell

Bob Jones Univ. v. Connally

Bohannon v. United States

Borek v. Steamship Sarah Bowater

Bovello v. Kaplan

Brannan v. Marshall

Brinkley v. United States

Brown v. United States

Brown v. Cox

Burgess v. Charlottesville Sav. & Loan Ass'n

Burnett v. Tolson

Box 244 

Burroughs v. Hampton

Burton v. Marett

Business Aides v. Chesapeake & Potomac Tel. Co. 

Camp v. Kaiser Aluminum & Chem. Corp.

Cardillo v. United States

Carracter v. Morgan

Casale v. Dooner Laboratories

Celanese Corp. v. Hemphill

Chapa v. American Bank

Chauffeurs Local Union No. 171 v. National Labor Relations

Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. v. United States

Cleeton v. Hewlett-Packard Co.

Cohen v. Chesterfield County School Bd.

Connor & Royal Persian Rug Co. v. Koons Ford

Conservation Council v. Froehlke

Cook v. Blackledge

Cord v. United States

Cox v. Babcock & Wilcox Co.

Cox v. United States

Cozart Packing Co. v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Crosson v. Vance

Cuthrell v. Director, Patuxent Inst.

Dailey v. Liszka

Daniel Constr. Co. v. Welch Contracting Corp.

Box 245 

Dartt v. Jonathan Logan

David v. Maryland

Delevay v. Downs

Denny v. Seaboard Lacquer

Dorsey v. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry.

Duncan v. Cary

Early Settler Co. v. International Serv. Ins. Co.

Edwards v. Richardson

Edwards v. United States

Eslinger v. Thomas

Ethyl Corp. v. Environmental Protection Agency

Evans Prods. Co. v. Elvapores

Evans Prods. Co. v. M/V Hellenic Dolphin

Fair v. Korhumel Steel & Aluminum Co.

Farmers' & Merchants' Bank v. United States

Federal Ins. Co. v. Piper Aircraft Corp.

Fergusson v. United States Law Enforcement Assistance

Fisher v. United States

Ford Motor Credit Co. v. Minges

Forstner v. Richardson

Fowler v. Alexander

Fralin & Waldron v. City of Martinsville

Fraser v. Continental Realty Corp.

First v. Haynsworth

Fuqua Homes v. National Labor Relations Bd.

In re General Steel Tank Co.

Gibbs v. Norfolk S. R.R.

Globe Fireworks Co. v. Washington Nat'l Ins. Co.

Government Employees Ins. Co. v. Melton

Grammenos v. Chariot

Gray v. Slayton

Greenmount Sales v. Davila

Ham v. North Carolina

Ham v. South Carolina

Hamilton Elecs. Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.

Harper v. Mayor & Council of Baltimore

Harris v. Callis

Harris v. Coiner 

Harris v. Internal Revenue Serv.

In reHawks, John Edward

Hickory Center v. Kent

Hill v. Rowland

Box 246 

Hodgson v. Bradley

Hodgson v. Lyles

Hodgson v. Virginia Baptist Hosp.

Huckabee v. Richardson

Huneycutt v. Richardson

Industrial Life Ins. Co. v. United States

Inland Terminals v. United States

J. M. Huber & Co. v. M/V Plym

Joy v. Daniels

Joyner v. Whiting

Kaehni v. Difraction Co.

Kelly v. Kelly

Kimbrough v. Duke

Klein v. Commissioner of Patents

Kloster v. Steamship Chatham

Kopalko v. United States

Kota v. Little

Krodel v. Houghtaling

Kyhos v. Perpetual Sav. & Loan Ass'n

Ladzinski v. Moore-McCormack Lines

Lawson v. Baltimore Paint & Chem. Corp. 

Lee v. Lockheed Shipbuilding & Constr. Co.

Lefaivre v. United States

Long v. Zopp

Lovisi v. Nationwide Mut. Fire Ins. Co.

Lynch v. Snepp

Male v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Mangum v. A-1 Painting Contractors

Marine Atl. Corp. v. Dent

Marston v. J. C. Penney Co.

Marston v. Oliver

Box 247 

Maryland Casualty Co. v. Memorial Gen. Hosp. Ass'n

Maslin v. M/S Heering Lotte

Mastini v. American Tel. & Tel. Co.

Matthews v. Ford Motor Co.

Mays v. Chaffee

McCarthy v. Harper

McCloud v. Bounds

McClung v. Ford Motor Co.

McGaw v. Farrow

McKnight v. Meiselman

McLawhorn v. North Carolina

McNeill v. Butz

Melson v. Naviera Bilbanbana

Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. v. United States

Mewborn v. Slayton

Mick v. Sullivan

Miller v. Hampton

Miller v. United States

Modern Social Educ. v. Preller

Moody v. Albemarle Paper Co.

Moore v. McClean Trucking Co.

Moss v. Lane Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Cast-A-Stone Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Consolidated Diesel
Elec. Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Daniel Constr. Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Holly Farms Poultry

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Marvin C. Threlkeld

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Supak & Sons Mfg. Co.

National Labor Relations Bd. v. Universal Mfg. & Supply

Norfolk Shipbuilding & Drydock Corp. v. M/V Fay

Norris v. Slayton

Old Dominion Box Co. v. United States

Oppenheim v. Secretary of Health, Educ. & Welfare

Painter v. Leeke

Parker v. Ross

Pat Ryan & Assocs. v. Dupree

Patler v. Slayton

Peppers v. United States Army

Box 248 

Perkins v. South Carolina Nat'l Bank 

Phillips v. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry.

Phillips v. Columbia Gas

Phoenix Mut. Life Ins. Co. v. Weber

Picking v. Jenifer

Piedmont Aviation v. Air Line Pilots Ass'n

Piedmont Tel. Co. v. United States

Piggott v. United States

Plaza Assocs. v. Sterling Concrete Corp.

Proctor v. Colonial Refrigerated Transp.

Reliable Coal Corp. v. Morton

Revere v. Tidewater Tel.

Ridgely v. Secretary of Health, Educ. & Welfare

Roanoke Indus. Loan & Thrift Corp. v. Bishop

Rock v. Norfolk & W. Ry.

Rogallo v. United States

Rowe v. Warden, Baltimore City Jail

Royster Co. v. United States

Ruddy v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Sager v. Richardson

Saint Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. v. Lack

Saunders v. Cox

Scott v. Winston-Salem Bd. of Educ.

Scott v. Vandiver

Securities & Exch. Comm'n v. Datronics Eng'rs

Security Indus. Loan Ass'n v. Pearson

Services Unlimited v. Federal Communications Comm'n

Sessoms v. International Harvester

Shaw v. International Harvester

Shepard v. Fayetteville City Bd. of Educ.

Shepherd v. Ross

Shole v. O'Donnell

Shrader v. Edson Corp.

Shumate v. Board of Educ.

Shurkin v. United States

Sills v. Slayton

Sims v. Internal Revenue Serv.

Skinner v. Spellman

Slade v. Smith

Slaughter v. Winston

Smith v. International Magazine Serv.

Smith v. Cox

Snepp v. Reddy

Southern Ry. v. Dayco Corp.

Spires v. Orangeburg County Comm'n

Box 249 

Springston v. King

Stanley v. Cox

State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v. Nationwide Mut. Ins.

Stebbins v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.

Strader v. Long

Sullivan v. Virginia

Technograph Printed Circuits v. Martin-Marietta Corp.

Teer v. United States

Terry v. Superintendent

Tolleson v. Russell

Topik v. Catalyst Research Corp.

Turner v. Drug Fair Community Drug Co.

Turner v. Military Square

United Philippine Lines v. USS Daniel Boone

United States v. Adams, A.

United States v. Adams, P.

United States v. Aiken

United States v. Ajaba X

United States v. Algernon Blair, Inc.

United States v. Allen

United States v. Anstead

United States v. Arriagada

United States v. Ashburn

United States v. Atkinson, D.

United States v. Atkinson, G.

United States v. Azarow

United States v. Baker

United States v. Barber

United States v. Barnes

United States v. Barr

United States v. Barton

United States v. Bass

Box 250 

United States v. Bates

United States v. Battle

United States v. Bauer

United States v. Bennett

United States v. Bethea

United States v. Biles

United States v. Billings

United States v. Birch

United States v. Bittinger

United States v. Blalock

United States v. Bluett

United States v. Bobo

United States v. Bobrow

United States v. Boone

United States v. Bostic

United States v. Bouley

United States v. Bowen

United States v. Braswell

United States v. Braud

United States v. Bremer

United States v. Browder

United States v. Brown, D.

United States v. Brown, E. A.

United States v. Brown, E. C.

United States v. Brown, R.

United States v. Brown, T.

United States v. Bryant

United States v. Bryden

United States v. Cade

United States v. Carey

United States v. Chancey

United States v. Cooley

United States v. Cooper

United States v. Coston

United States v. Creighton

United States v. Crockett

United States v. Culpepper

United States v. Curry

United States v. Davis, D.

United States v. Davis, R. C.

United States v. Davis, R. S.

Box 251 

United States v. Dawson

United States v. Dickson

United States v. Dixon

United States v. Dowdy

United States v. Downing

United States v. Easley

United States v. England

United States v. Erdos

United States v. Evans

United States v. Fane

United States v. Ferrara

United States v. Fink

United States v. Fisher

United States v. Gallagher

United States v. Garris

United States v. George

United States v. Giordano

United States v. Gladden

United States v. Glover

United States v. Grant

United States v. Gurley

United States v. Hamilton

United States v. Harling

United States v. Harris

United States v. Hobson

United States v. Hogge

United States v. Holland

United States v. Holly

United States v. Hopkins

United States v. Ingram

United States v. Jackson, J. D.

United States v. Jackson, J. L.

United States v. Jackson, L.

United States v. Jarvis 

(2 folders)

United States v. Jeffers

United States v. Jefferson

United States v. Johnson, C.

United States v. Johnson, D.

United States v. Jones

United States v. Karnap

Box 252 

United States v. King, A.

United States v. King, G.

United States v. Knox

United States v. Lanham

United States v. Lee

United States v. LeVora

United States v. Lomax

United States v. Mackey

United States v. Malcolm

United States v. Mason

United States v. Matthews

United States v. McCoy

United States v. McFarlin

United States v. McGehee

United States v. McPhatter

United States v. McWhirter

United States v. Medlin

United States v. Miller

United States v. Mock

United States v. Moore

United States v. Morin

United States v. Mullins

United States v. Neeley

United States v. Omirly

United States v. Parrish

United States v. Paurowski

United States v. Payne

United States v. Persinger

United States v. Plummer

United States v. Powell

United States v. Richardson

United States v. Ritajack

United States v. Rocks

United States v. Rosenfield

United States v. Schembari

United States v. Sea Bird Navigation

United States v. Searcy

United States v. Shipp

United States v. Showalter

United States v. Sidella

United States v. Six Access Rights 

United States v. Skeens

United States v. Spruill

United States v. Stamper

United States v. Stanback

United States v. Stevens

Box 253 

United States v. Stumpf

United States v. Suarez

United States v. Tanner

United States v. Taylor

United States v. Teeter

United States v. Terry

United States v. Thomas

United States v. Tidd

United States v. Todd

United States v. Truglio

United States v. Turner, D.

United States v. Turner, W.

United States v. Underwood

United States v. Wainscott

United States v. Walker

United States v. Wallace

United States v. Watson

United States v. Webb

United States v. Wheeler

United States v. Wilhelm

United States v. Williams, F.

United States v. Williams, G.

United States v. Williamson

United States v. Wilmoth

United States v. Woods, L.

United States v. Woods, M.

United States v. Workman

Ussery v. Federal Laboratories

Vaughn v. Board of Educ. 

Virginia Elec. & Power Co. v. Westinghouse Elec. Co.

Vuitch v. Hardy

W. G. Cosby Transfer & Storage Corp. v. Froehlke

Walker v. Coiner

Wansley v. Slayton

Webb v. Nolan

White v. Brough

Whitehurst v. United States

Wilke v. Department of the Army 

Williams v. Vector Co.

Williams v. Dairyland Ins. Co.

Willis v. Montgomery

Wilson v. F. W. Constr. Co.

Witherspoon v. United States

Witmer v. Kleppe

Wohl v. Keene

Wood v. South Carolina

Woodhous v. Virginia

Wray v. Hall

Yarborough v. Eastern Fin. Corp. 

Zuckerman v. Hospital Auth. 

Box 254-258 

Case File Miscellany.

District court cases and District of Columbia court
cases (1971-1973). 

Organized alphabetically by name of case. Also included
is a miscellany of unidentified material organized by
docket number.

Box 254 

District Court cases

Brady v. Steamship African Queen

Brown v. South Carolina State Forestry Comm'n

Byrd v. Gary

Byrd v. Blue Ridge Rural Elec. Coop.

Carver Theatres v. Paramount Pictures

Cummings v. City of Charleston

French v. Hillman

Girard v. Gill

Green v. School Bd. 

Henry v. Greenville Airport Comm'n

Hunter v. Raleigh City Bd. of Educ.

Imperial Tobacco Co. v. United States

Iseley v. County School Bd. 

Jordan v. Hutcheson

Kamboris v. Steamship Matador

National Bus Clearing House Ass'n v. Coastal Stages

National Pile Driving Corp. v. Hartford Accident & Indem.

Perkins v. North Carolina

Smith v. Armstrong Rubber Co.

Summer & Premier Photo Serv. v. Looker

Swacker v. Interstate R.R.

United States v. Certain Parcels of Land 

United States v. Culver

United States v. Dansby

United States v. Freshour

United States v. King

United States v. Pearson

United States v. Wallace

Walker v. Farley

Box 255 

District of Columbia cases

American Fed'n of Gov't Employees v. Rogers

Baltic Inv. Co. v. Perkins

Bloomgarden v. Coyer

Burrough v. American Sec. & Trust Co.

Cooper v. Goodwin

Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft v. Civil Aeronautics

Fisher v. Renegotiation Bd.

Furbee v. Vantage Press

Hudson v. Capital Cab Ass'n

Hunter v. United States

International Bhd. of Elec. Workers v. National Labor
Relations Bd.

Reservists Comm. to Stop the War v. Laird

Box 256 

United States v. Anderson

United States v. Kerr

United States v. Mack

United States v. Wilder

United States v. Wilson

Vogel v. Tenneco Oil Co.

Walkden v. Khosrovi

Other material

Docket numbers


(3 folders)

Box 257 


(5 folders)

Box 258 


(5 folders)


Box 259-307 

Office Files.

Material related to Sobeloff's appointment to the Fourth
Circuit Court of Appeals, judicial conferences, court
dockets and other scheduling matters, personnel records,
financial records, and general research material. 

Organized alphabetically by subject and, where applicable,
chronologically therein.

Box 259 

Appointment to Fourth Circuit, United States Court of
Appeals, 1955-1956



(6 folders)

Box 260 


(9 folders)

Box 261 


(6 folders)

Box 262 


(7 folders)

Box 263 


(5 folders)

Miscellaneous files

(7 folders)

Box 264 

(7 folders)

Box 265 

(1 folder)

First anniversary as circuit judge, 1957

Fifth anniversary as circuit judge, 1962

Promotion to chief judge, 1958

Retirement from chief judgeship and seventieth birthday,

(3 folders)

Box 266 

Judicial Conference of the Fourth Circuit


(6 folders)

Box 267 


(6 folders)

Box 268 


(5 folders)

Box 269 

(5 folders)

Box 270 


(7 folders)

Box 271 


(6 folders)

Box 272 


(7 folders)

Box 273 


(6 folders)

Box 274 


(6 folders)

Box 275 


(6 folders)

Box 276 


(10 folders)

Judicial Conference of the United States


(4 folders)

Box 277 


(6 folders)

Box 278 

Administration of the Criminal Law Committee, 1966-1970

(6 folders)

Box 279 

(2 folders)

Appelate Rules Committee, 1960-1968

(3 folders)

Box 280 

(4 folders)

Box 281 

(3 folders)

Habeas Corpus Committee, 1958-1968

(2 folders)

Box 282 

(3 folders)

Rules of Evidence Committee, 1965-1973

(2 folders)

Box 283 

(5 folders)

Box 284 

(5 folders)

Box 285 

(3 folders)

Miscellany, 1960-1970

Box 286 

Memoranda/notebooks, 1956-1958, 1966-1972

Court dockets, scheduling matters


(5 folders)

Box 287 


(7 folders)

Box 288 


(8 folders)

Box 289 


(8 folders)

Box 290 


(10 folders)

Box 291 


(3 folders)



(4 folders)

Box 292 


(4 folders)

Box 293 


(2 folders)


Clerk's reports on pending caseloads


Box 294 


(3 folders)

Conference of chief justices of state courts, 1960

Box 295 

District court files

Correspondence and reports, 1965-1973 

(2 folders)

Criminal Justice Act (district courts' amended plans)

North Carolina, 1961-1965

(1 folder)

Box 296 

(3 folders)

Representation on Circuit Council

En banc hearings

Escobedo cases

Box 297 

Federal Magistrates Act, 1969-1971

Habeas Corpus 

(3 folders)

Implementation of 1964 Criminal Justice Act, 1964-1969

(2 folders)

Box 298 

In forma pauperis 

(4 folders)

Institute of Judicial Administration

Box 299 

Inter-Circuit Assignments Advisory Committee

Judgeships in the Fourth Circuit 

(2 folders)

Judicial Council monthly meetings, 1961-1973 

(2 folders)

Jury selection plans, 1968-1973 

(2 folders)

Box 300 

Jury system, 1961-1971

National Council on Crime and Delinquency

Omnibus bill, 1957-1961 

(2 folders)

Opinions from other circuits

(2 folders)

Box 301 

(2 folders)

Personnel records

Law clerks and secretaries

(10 folders)

Box 302 

(17 folders)

Box 303 

(12 folders)

Box 304 

Clerk's office

Personnel requirements, 1964-1970

Retired judges


Bell, J. Spencer

Chestnut, Calvin

Dean, Claude

Box 305 

Dobie, Armistead

Nyburg, Sidney

Parker, John J. 

(4 folders)

Box 306 

Soper, Morris 

(3 folders)

Box 307 

Rules of court 

(2 folders)

Sentencing Institute, 1967

Travel vouchers, itineraries, etc.

Box 308-343 

Speeches and Writings File, 1928-1972,  n.d.

Speeches and writings by Sobeloff, correspondence, and
other related material. 

Arranged chronologically with speeches and writings
by Sobeloff for others filed at the end of the series.

Box 308 


Jan. 12, 1928-Feb. 15, 1942 

(30 folders)

Box 309 

May 2, 1942-Nov. 1, 1948 

(26 folders)

Box 310 

Feb. 3, 1949-May 27, 1953 

(32 folders)

Box 311 

June 11, 1953-Apr. 9, 1954 

(28 folders)

Box 312 

Apr. 11-June 16, 1954 

(10 folders)

Box 313 

June 29-Sept. 14, 1954 

(9 folders)

Box 314 

Sept. 16-Oct. 26, 1954 

(9 folders)

Box 315 

Oct. 27-Dec. 21, 1954 

(13 folders)

Box 316 

Jan. 13-Mar. 24, 1955 

(10 folders)

Box 317 

Apr.4-May 19, 1955 

(9 folders)

Box 318 

May 22-Oct. 13, 1955 

(11 folders)

Box 319 

Oct. 15-Nov. 8, 1955 

(5 folders)

Box 320 

Nov. 8, 1955-Feb. 4, 1956 

(12 folders)

Box 321 

Feb. 11-Apr. 11, 1956 

(9 folders)

Box 322 

Apr. 15-May 25, 1956 

(8 folders)

Box 323 

May 29-June 27, 1956 

(12 folders)

Box 324 

Aug. 28-Dec. 19, 1956 

(12 folders)

Box 325 

Jan. 17-Sept. 12, 1957 

(14 folders)

Box 326 

Oct. 7, 1957-Apr. 19, 1958 

(13 folders)

Box 327 

Apr. 26-Dec. 30, 1958 

(19 folders)

Box 328 

Jan. 5-July 27, 1959 

(13 folders)

Box 329 

Sept. 1, 1959-Apr. 24, 1960 

(17 folders)

Box 330 

Apr. 25-Dec. 17, 1960 

(12 folders)

Box 331 

Feb. 11, 1961-Feb. 17, 1962 

(15 folders)

Box 332 

Mar. 11-Dec. 27, 1962 

(11 folders)

Box 333 

Feb. 14, 1963-Dec. 20, 1964 

(17 folders)

Box 334 

Jan. 30-Sept. 19, 1965 

(12 folders)

Box 335 

Oct. 13, 1965-May 16, 1968 

(17 folders)

Box 336 

May 27, 1968-Dec. 6, 1972 

(16 folders)

Mailing list for speeches

Miscellaneous introductions, n.d.

Box 337 

Untitled speeches and fragments, n.d.

(6 folders)

Box 338 

Card index of speeches


Box 339 


Box 340 


1941, "Rule for Cross-Examination--A Poem" 

1947, Report of Simon E. Sobeloff concerning Baltimore
Transit Co.

1954, "Fearful Men Forfeit Freedom"


Review of The Guilty Mind by John Biggs, Jr.

"The Sentence of the Court: Should There Be an Appellate

1956, "The Role of the Free Press in America"


"Justice Was a Part Time Job" 

Review of The Law and One Man Among Many by Arthur E.

1959, Review of Tears and Laughter in an Israel Courtroom
by Shneour Z. Cheshin

1961, Review of Government Litigation, Cases and Notes
by David Schwartz

1962, Review of Briefing and Arguing Federal Appeals
by Frederick Wiener


"Appellate Review of Sentences? Yes!"

"The Federal Courts"

Preface to Vision--A Biography of Dr. Harry Friedenwald
by Alexandra Levin 

Statement for Newsweek magazine concerning tenth anniversary
of May 1954 segregation decision

"Striving for Impartiality in the Federal Courts"

1967, Review of Justice, Not Charity: a Biography of
Harry Greenstein by Louis L. Kaplan and Theodor Schuchat

Box 341 

Speeches written by Sobeloff for Theodore McKeldin and
others, 1943-1955

(24 folders)

Box 342 

(52 folders)

Box 343 

(30 folders)

Box 344-367 

Subject File, 1936-1973,  n.d.

Correspondence, notes, memoranda, reports, material
related to organizations in which Sobeloff was active,
moot courts, and general reference material. 

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Box 344 

Advertising Club of Baltimore, Baltimore, Md.

American Association for Jewish Education

(3 folders)

Box 345 

American Bar Association

Meetings, 1957-1966 

(8 folders)

Miscellany, 1958-1969

Box 346 

Minimum Standards of Criminal Justice Project, Sentencing
and Review Committee, 1965-1971 

(5 folders)

Box 347 

(4 folders)

Box 348 

(5 folders)

Box 349 

(6 folders)

Box 350 

(6 folders)

Box 351 

American Christian Palestine Committee

American Friends of the Hebrew University

American Israel Society

American Jewish Committee

American Jewish Congress

(4 folders)

Box 352 

(1 folder)

American Jewish Tercentenary

American Judicature Society

American Law Institute, 1958-1972 

(3 folders)

American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers,
Nathan Burkan Memorial Competition

Box 353 

American Zionist Council

Associated Jewish Charities

Baltimore, Md.

Board of Ethics, 1963-1973

(5 folders)

Box 354 

(2 folders)

Board of Jewish Education, 1936-1973 

(2 folders)

Charter Advisory Committee, 1963-1964

Box 355 

Hebrew College

Jewish Council, 1948-1971

Retail Druggists Association

Urban League

Bar Association of Baltimore City

Big Brothers of D.C., 1954

B'nai B'rith

B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League

Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass.


(2 folders)

Box 356 


(3 folders)

Civil Liberties Educational Foundation seminar, 1962

Civil rights

Box 357 

Defective delinquents, Patuxent Institution, Jessup,

(2 folders)

Equal employment opportunity

Federal Bar Association

Federation of Jewish Philanthropies

Forkosch, Morris

Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge

Har Sinai Congregation, Baltimore, Md.

Box 358 

Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., civil rights survey
and report, 1962

Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati,

Immigration-displaced persons


Institute for Religious and Social Studies

Institute of Judicial Administration, 1959

Israel, 1951-1964

Jewish Court of Arbitration and Anti-Defamation League

Jewish Federation

Jewish Historical Society of Maryland

Jewish National Fund

Jewish Publication Society of America

Box 359 

Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York, N.Y.

(2 folders)

Jewish Welfare Fund of Baltimore

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

Kres-Unity-Paulson Lodge No. 4, Independent Order Brith
Sholom, Baltimore, Md.

Maryland Bar Foundation

Box 360 

Maryland Commission on Administrative Organization of
the State, 1952-1959 

(2 folders)

Maryland Constitutional Covention Commission, 1966-67

Maryland State Bar Association

Maryland State Dental Association

McKeldin, Theodore R.

Material for Israel, Inc.

Military conscription

Moot Courts

Catholic University, Washington, D.C., 1962-1963 

(2 folders)

Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 1960

Box 361 

Dickinson School of Law, Pennsylvania State University,
Carlisle, Pa., 1966

Duke University, Duhram, N.C., 1972

Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 1955-1956,

(2 folders)

Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 1960

University of Maryland, College Park, Md., 1967

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 1968

Box 362 

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va., 1963-1967

(3 folders)

Yale University, New Haven, Conn., 1957, 1966 

(2 folders)


National Conference of Christians and Jews

Box 363 

National Council on Crime and Delinquency 

(2 folders)

National Foundation for Jewish Culture 

(2 folders)

National Jewish Welfare Board

New York University, New York, N.Y.

Appellate Judges Seminar


Box 364 


(3 folders)

Root-Tilden Scholarship Committee, 1954-1964 

(2 folders)

Seminar on constitutional review, 1960

(1 folder)

Box 365 

(1 folder)

Organized crime bill, S. 30


Prisoners Aid Association of Maryland

Psychiatry and the law

Box 366 

Rule of law



(3 folders)

Box 367 

Social Security

Stanford University, Stanford, Calif., seminar on protracted
cases, 1958

State of Israel Bonds

Supreme Court

United Jewish Appeal of Greater Washington

University of Maryland, College Park, Md.


Simon E. Sobeloff Prize Fund

University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., seminar on segregation,

Wise, Stephen S.

Zionist Organization of America

Box 368-395 

Miscellany, 1882-1973,  n.d.

Correspondence, notes, memoranda, biographical material,
clippings, material relating to family members, social
invitations, printed matter, personal legal and financial

Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material.

Box 368 

Bridge, Edward W., court-martial, 1882

Employment Stabilization Commission, Baltimore, Md.,

Gifts and greetings 


(5 folders)

Box 369 


(7 folders)

Box 370 


(5 folders)

Box 371 


(7 folders)

Box 372 


(7 folders)

Box 373 


(6 folders)

Box 374 




(5 folders)

Box 375 


(6 folders)

Box 376 


(5 folders)

Box 377 


(3 folders)



(4 folders)

Box 378 


(5 folders)

Box 379 


(5 folders)

Box 380 


(6 folders)

Box 381 


(5 folders)

Box 382 

1965-1967, 1973 

(4 folders)

Box 383 

Maryland Court of Appeals, 1952-1954 

(5 folders)

Mayer, Ruth Sobeloff, school notebooks, 1941-1942

Box 384 

Notes, memoranda, announcements, invitations, program,

Printed matter

(4 folders)

Box 385 

(3 folders)

Page, U.S. House of Representatives, phonic shorthand
book, 1909

Reception for judges of Fourth Circuit, 1959

Box 386 

Sobeloff, Irene Ehrlich

(5 folders)

Box 387 

(2 folders)

Sobeloff, Mary Caplan

(3 folders)

Box 388 

(4 folders)

Sobeloff, Simon E.

Biographical material

(1 folder)

Box 389 

(15 folders)

Box 390 

(5 folders)

Box 391 

(3 folders)

Box 392 

Birthday greetings 

(2 folders)


Finances, trusts, and other personal legal matters,

Illness, 1956, 1963 

(4 folders)

Box 393 


Europe, 1958

Israel, 1955 

(3 folders)

Wedding anniversary, fiftieth, 1968 

(2 folders)

Box 394 

Subject card index, ca. 1953-1956

Box 395 

U.S. attorney for the District of Maryland

Appointment, 1930-1931 

(5 folders)

United States v. Certain Bottles of B & M, 1932

Reel 1-3 

Scrapbooks, 1914-1972

Primarily clippings pertaining to Sobeloff's career.
Available only on three rolls of microfilm, shelf no.

Reel	Contents	

Reel 1 

Vol. 1, 1914-1928

Vol. 2, 1927-1932

Vol. 3, 1930-1936

Vol. 4, 1930-1955

Vol. 5, 1940-1944

Vol. 6, 1945

Vol. 7, 1945-1950

Reel 2 

Vol. 8, 1950-1952

Vol. 9, 1952

Vol. 10, 1954-1955

Vol. 11, 1955-1957

Vol. 12, 1956-1959

Reel 3 

Vol. 13, 1960-1967

Vol. 14, 1960-1972

Appendix: Legal Abbreviations 

Legal term		


Administrat [ive, ion]


Administrat [or, rix]




America [n]














































Distribut [or, ing]






East [ern]


Education [al]


Electric [al, ity]


















Execut [or, rix]






Financ [e, ial, ing]




















Industr [y, ies, ial]


Institut [e, ion]














Machine [ry]


















North [ern]


Organiz [ation, ing]




Product [ion]














Securit [y, ies]






South [ern]


Steamship [s]






System [s]


Tele [phone, graph]


Transport [ation]






West [ern]

W.September 10, 2003 
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