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                               MARIAN MACDOWELL
                           A REGISTER OF HER PAPERS
                          IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS

                                  Prepared by
                           Beverly W. Brannan, 1974

                                  Revised by
                                John R. Monagle

                              Manuscript Division
                              Library of Congress

                            Washington, D.C.  1996


                          ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION

      The papers of Marian Griswold Nevins MacDowell (1857-1956),
wife of composer Edward MacDowell and founder of the MacDowell
Colony in Peterborough, N.H., were purchased by the Library of
Congress in 1972.  A small gift was received from Elizabeth
Michael in 1979 and added to the collection in 1984.

      The status of copyright in the unpublished writings of
Marian MacDowell is governed by the Copyright Law of the United
States (Title 17, U.S.C.).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Readers interested in consulting any of the division's       
    collections are advised to write or telephone the            
    Manuscript Reading Room at (202) 707-5387 before visiting.   
    Many processed and nearly all unprocessed collections are    
    stored off site, and advance notice is needed to retrieve    
    these items for research use.                                
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                   Linear feet of shelf space occupied:  3.8
                   Approximate number of items:        2,000


                               BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE

1857, Nov. 22    Born, New York, N.Y.

1880-1884        Studied piano under Edward A. MacDowell,
                    Conservatory, Darmstadt, Germany

1884             Married Edward A. MacDowell (died 1908)

1895             Purchased farm in Peterborough, N.H.

1896-1904        Resided in New York, N.Y., where Edward A.
                    MacDowell taught music at Columbia University,
                    New York, N.Y.

1907             Founded, with others, the MacDowell Colony,
                    Peterborough, N.H.

1908-1947        Executive director, Edward MacDowell Association

1910-1938        Toured the United States and Canada raising funds
                    to support the colony

1930             Mus. D., University of New Hampshire, Durham, N.H.

1938             Litt. D., New Jersey State College for Women, New
                    Brunswick, N.J.

1939             Litt. D., Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt.

1940             Received Pettee Medal, University of New
                    Hampshire, Durham, N.H.

1941             Received Henry Hadley Medal for outstanding
                    service to music

1952, Aug. 15    Marian MacDowell Day, Peterborough, N.H.

1956, Aug. 23    Died, Los Angeles, Calif.


                            SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE

      The papers of Marian MacDowell span the period 1876 to 1969
but bulk largest during the years between 1908 and 1938.  They
consist of correspondence, writings, greeting cards, memorabilia,
clippings, and printed and near-print material and chiefly relate
to MacDowell's activities with the MacDowell Colony in
Peterborough, New Hampshire.  Her correspondence, except for
nearly one hundred letters which she wrote to her close friend
Nina Maud Richardson, consists of letters received.  These
include letters of recommendation of one creative artist by
another and letters requesting permission to stay at the colony,
announcing times of arrival and departure, and letters thanking
MacDowell and the MacDowell Association for their support, and
letters of condolence at the time of the death of Edward
MacDowell.  Major correspondents include Hamlin Garland, Edwin
Arlington Robinson, and Thornton Wilder.  Among the many other
literary and artistic figures represented are Aaron Copland,
Theodore Dreiser, Daniel Chester French, DuBose Heyward,
Archibald MacLeish, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Roger Sessions, and
Upton Sinclair.
      Several short articles written by MacDowell about the colony
are included in the Miscellany file, along with clippings about
her.  A scrapbook contains greetings and tributes from well-
wishers on the occasion of Marian MacDowell Day, August 15, 1952.
      Papers of her husband, the musician Edward MacDowell
(1860-1908),  received with these papers consist mainly of
personal and family letters received by him during the period
1890-1904.  Included in the miscellany file of this series are
several short pieces about Edward MacDowell and reviews of
performances of his works, photographs, and a copy of his ink
portrait sketch of Franz Liszt, along with some 1924
correspondence of the MacDowell Club of New York relating to the
establishment of a memorial to him.
      In addition to manuscripts of Edward MacDowell's
compositions, about 125 letters he wrote to his wife in the
period 1880 to 1903 document his musical activities in
considerable detail.  The scores, totaling more than one hundred
pages, include some of the composer's earliest compositions
written when he was seventeen years old and drafts of heretofore
unknown pieces. This material complements the collection of
MacDowell music manuscripts and correspondence in the Library's
Music Division.
      A second group of material includes records of the Edward
MacDowell Association, the New York-based foundation which
finances and administers the MacDowell Colony. The records
consist primarily of recommendations of prospective colonists by
established artists in the same field.  Newspaper clippings about
the colony are included in the miscellany, as well as poems,
articles, and illustrations by members of the colony.
      A third group of papers comprises the Nina Maud Richardson
file,  consisting of Richardson's papers, chiefly correspondence. 
Correspondence with Marian MacDowell provides glimpses of
MacDowell, especially for the period of the 1930s.  Other
correspondents include Van Wyck Brooks, O. Louis Guglielmi,
Hermann Hagedorn, and Jean Starr Untermeyer.
      In addition to the Music Division's collection of Edward
MacDowell material, other Library holdings related to Marian
MacDowell include the Rare Book and Special Collections
Division's collection of printed works written by MacDowell
Colony members and the records of the MacDowell Colony and the
papers of Edwin Arlington Robinson in the Manuscript Division.


                             DESCRIPTION OF SERIES

Container Nos.   Series

1-4              Correspondence, 1889-1956, n.d.
                   Letters received, greeting cards, and
                 miscellaneous attachments.  Arranged
                 alphabetically by name of correspondent and
                 chronologically therein.

4                Miscellany, 1948-1962, n.d.
                   Memorabilia, newspaper clippings, printed and
                 near-print material, and writings by MacDowell. 
                 Arranged by type of material.

5                Scrapbook, 1952.
                   Greetings and tributes to MacDowell on the
                 occasion of Marian MacDowell Day.

6                Edward MacDowell Papers, 1876-1924, n.d.
                   Correspondence, 1881-1924, n.d.
                       Letters received and copies of letters sent,
                   with enclosures.  Arranged alphabetically by name
                   of correspondent and chronologically therein.

                   Miscellany, 1876-1924.
                       Newspaper clippings, photographs,
                   memorabilia, and correspondence about a memorial
                   to Edward MacDowell.  Arranged by type of

7                Edward MacDowell Association, 1907-1966, n.d.
                   Correspondence, 1911-1966, n.d.
                       Letters received with enclosures.  Arranged
                   alphabetically by name of correspondent.

                   Miscellany, 1907-1966, n.d.
                       Miscellaneous material including address
                   lists, autographs, memorabilia, newspaper
                   clippings, printed matter, and writings. 
                   Arranged by type of material.

8-10             Nina Maud Richardson Papers, 1929-1969, n.d.
      8-10         Correspondence, 1929-1969.
                       Correspondence received by Richardson with
                   enclosures. Arranged alphabetically by name of
                   correspondent and chronologically therein.

                   Miscellany, 1937-1969.
   10              Miscellaneous material including addresses,
                 financial matter, memorabilia, greeting cards,
                 invitations, newspaper clippings, and printed and
                 near-print materials.  Arranged by type of


                                CONTAINER LIST

Container Nos.   Contents

CORRESPONDENCE, 1889-1956, n.d.

Box 1            Alexander, John W.
                 Allen, Henry
                 Antin, Mary
                 Arms, John Taylor
                 Ashton-Jonson, G. C.
                 aus der Ohe, Adele
                 Auslander, Joseph
                 Ballard, Fred
                 Barnewall, Mr.
                 Beach, Amy M. (Mrs. H. H. A. Beach)
                 Beach, Rex
                 Beede, Ivan
                 Benet, Stephen Vincent
                 Benet, William Rose
                 Benton, Thomas Hart
                 Birckhead, Hugh
                 Blum, Jerome
                 Bohnhorst, Frank R.
                 Bonner, Eugene
                 Briggs, Dorothy Bell
                 Brisbane, Arthur
                 Brooks, Van Wyck
                 Brown, Alice
                 Brush, George deForest
                 Buck, Dudley
                 Burkley, Francis
                 Burnat, A.
                 Cadman, Charles W.
                 Canby, Henry Seidel
                 Canby, Marion
                 Carmer, Carl
                 Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of
                 Carroll, Gladys Hasty
                 Carroll, Grace Stewart Potter
                 Channing-Stetson, Grace E.
                 Chase, Mary Ellen
                 Cleugh, Sophia
                 Clifton, Chalmers
                 Coburn, Harry A.
                 Cohen, Julius
                 Cole, Rosetter G.
                 Comstock, Harriet T.
                 Conant, Isabel Fiske
                 Converse, Frederick S.
                 Cook, Walter
                 Copland, Aaron
                 Cromwell, Mary R.
                 Dahlstrom, Mrs. Harold H.
                 Daniel, Lewis
                 Daniels, Mabel
                 Diamond, David
                 Dodd, Mead & Co.
                 Downes, Olin
                 Dreiser, Theodore
                 Edward MacDowell Association
                 Ehrlich, Leonard
                 Erskine, John
                 Ewen, David
                 Farnham, Matell Howe
                 Farrar, John
                 Feigin, Irving N.
                 Field, Sara Bard
                 Fillmore, Parker H.
                 Finck, Henry T.
                 Fisher, A. E.
                 Fisher, Edward
                 Fitzgerald, Robert
                 Flack, Marjorie
                 Fletcher, John Gould
                 Fox, Felix

Box 2            French, Daniel Chester
                 Frost, Frances
                 Frothingham, E. W.
                 Gale, Zona
                 Ganz, Rudolph
                 Garland, Hamlin
                 Gibbs, Hamilton
                 Gilbert, Henry F.
                 Gilder, Richard Watson
                 Gilman, Elizabeth
                 Gilman, Lawrence
                 Godfrey, P. F.
                 Goffe, Greta
                 Guglielmi, O. Louis
                 Hagedorn, Hermann
                 Hanson, Howard
                 Haubiel, Charles
                 Haughton, John Alan
                 Hemmer, Eugene
                 Heyward, Dorothy
                 Heyward, DuBose
                 Hillyer, Robert
                 Hooper, Helen Rhoda
                 Hubbard, D. K.
                 Hughes, Rupert
                 Humiston, William Henry
                 Hutcheson, Ernest
                 Isaacs, Lewis M.
                 Jacobi, Frederick
                 James, Edmund J.
                 Jno. Williams, Inc.
                 Johnson, Mary
                 Johnson, Robert Underwood
                 Jonson, G. C. Ashton  _See Container 1_, Ashton-
                    Jonson, G. C.
                 Krafft, Gertrud
                 Kramer, A. Walter
                 Kreymborg, Alfred
                 Kroll, Leon
                 LaFarge, John
                 Lane, Annie
                 Lane, John
                 Lang, Margaret R.
                 Langs, John Pierce
                 Larsson, Marjorie Flack  _See Container 1_, Flack,
                 Leonowens, Anna H.
                 Levey, Henry
                 Levey, Jeffrey King
                 Lewis, Emma M.
                 Locke, Edwin A.
                 Locke, Katherine
                 Loeffler, Charles M.
                 Low, Seth
                 Lunt, Cornelia G.
                 MacDowell, Edward, condolences on the death of
                 MacKaye, Percy
                 McKean, Hugh
                 McKim, Charles F.
                 MacLeish, Archibald
                 MacMonnies, Frederick
                 Mansfield, Beatrice
                 Mansfield, Helen C.
                 Mason, Daniel Gregory
                 Mason, William
                 Marshall, Henry Rutgers
                 Maxwell, William
                 Moore, Douglas
                 Morgan, Mrs. Charles
                 Morley, Christopher
                 Morris, Crosby Dansby

Box 3            Musical Courier Co.
                 Nichols, Maurice H.
                 Nikisch, Arthur
                 Nunn, Emily
                 Olinsky, Ivan G.
                 O'Sheel, S.
                 Paef, Bashka
                 Perkins, Mrs. Dwight H.
                 Peterkin, Julia
                 Peterson, Agnes Emelie
                 Phelps, William Lyon
                 Pinckney, Josephine
                 Prestopino, Gregorio
                 Prince, Benjamin
                 Randolph, Harold
                 Read, Gardner
                 Reynard, Grant
                 Rider-Kelsey, Corinne
                 Ridge, Lola
                 Robinson, Allan
                 Robinson, Edwin Arlington
                 Rogers, A. P.
                 Rogers, Bernard
                 Safonoff, W.
                 Saint-Gaudens, Augustus
                 Schauffler, Robert H.
                 Schelling, Ernest A.
                 Scholes, Percy A.
                 Sessions, Roger
                 Sharp, Elizabeth A.
                 Sinclair, Upton
                 Slesinger, Tess
                 Sonneck, Oscar G.
                 Spalding, Albert
                 Speyer, Leonora
                 Stedman, Edmund C.
                 Stetson, Grace E. Channing  _See Container 1_,
                    Channing-Stetson, Grace E.
                 Still, Amy
                 Stock, Frederick
                 Stokowski, Olga Samaroff
                 Stoney, Samuel Gaillard
                 Storer, Helen A.
                 Story, Edwin Bruce
                 Sundstrom, Ebba
                 Swope, Herbert Bayard
                 Taft, Lorado
                 Tarbell, Ida M.
                 Thompson, Bernice
                 Thursby, Emma Cecilia
                 Torrence, Ridgely, and Olivia Dunbar
                 Trubach, Ernest
                 Truman, Harry S.
                 Turnbull, Agnes Sligh
                 Turner, Ross

Box 4            van der Stucken, Frank
                 van Doren, Carl
                 van Doren, Mark
                 van Dyke, Henry
                 Van Veen, Stuyvesant
                 Vinton, Frederic P.
                 Voynick, E. L.
                 Walker, Edith
                 Ward, Christopher
                 Watson, Dudley Crafts
                 Waugh, Alec
                 Weil, Oscar
                 Wheelock, John Hall
                 White, Elizabeth
                 Whiteside, Mary Brent
                 Widdemer, Margaret
                 Wilder, Thornton
                 Williams, Betsey
                 Williams, R.
                 Winsor, Mary May
                 Wood, Mrs. C. E. S.  _See Container 1_, Field,
                    Sara Bard
                 Woodberry, George Edward
                 Wylie, Ruth
                 Zaturenska, Marya
                 Zeisler, Fannie Bloomfield
                 Ziegfeld, Florenz
                 Zorach, William

MISCELLANY, 1948-1962, n.d.

                 Newspaper clippings
                 Printed and near-print material


Box 5            Marian MacDowell Day, 15 Aug. 1952


Box 6            Correspondence, 1881-1904
                    aus der Ohe, Adele
                    Barton, George Edward
                    Bergen, Frencesco
                    Bolting, Alice
                    Bonvin, Ludwig
                    Brockway, Howard
                    Burgess, John W.
                    Carreno, Teresa
                    Cowen, Frederic H.
                    deKoven, Reginald
                    Deland, Margaret
                    Dickinson, Edward
                    Garland, Hamlin
                    Gilbert, Henry F.
                    Gilder, Richard Watson
                    Glucklich, J. Chr.
                    Humiston, William Henry
                    Johnson, Robert Underwood
                    Joseffy, Rafael
                    Kelley, Edgar Stillman
                    Kerndl, Ella
                    Klein, B. O.
                    Krehbiel, H. E.
                    Kroeger, E. R.
                    Lang, B. J.
                    Lewing, Adele
                    Liquiez, E.
                    Lisser, Louis
                    Listemann, Bernhard
                    Low, Seth
                    MacMonnies, Frederick
                    Mason, William
                    Raff, Doris
                    Schirmer, Gustave
                    Schneider, George R.
                    Schythe, Ludwig
                    Sherwood, William H.
                    Simms, Evelyn
                    Sinclair, Upton
                    Smith, Wilson G.
                    Sonneck, Oscar G.
                    Stedman, Edmund C.
                    Stern, Margarethe
                    Stoddard, Mr.
                    Story, Edwin Bruce
                    Strong, Templeton
                    Swift, Samuel
                    Taft, William Howard
                    Thayer, Arthur W.
                    Thomas, Theodore
                    Van der Stucken, Frank
                    Wilhemj, August
                    Winsor, Mary May
                    World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, Ill.
                    Zerrahn, Carl

                 Miscellany, 1876-1924
                    Newspaper clippings and printed matter
                    Photographs and memorabilia


Box 7            Correspondence, 1911-1937
                    Antin, Mary
                    Bacon, Ernst
                    Baker, George Pierce
                    Bard, Mary Spear
                    Beede, Ivan
                    Charlot, Jean
                    Cowley, Malcolm
                    Damrosch, Walter
                    Davis, Elmer
                    Erskine, John
                    Fletcher, John Gould
                    Gannett, Lewis
                    Holt, Hamilton
                    Ihrig, Roscoe M.
                    LaFarge, Oliver
                    Mantle, Burns
                    Mearse, Mary
                    Monroe, Ann Shannon
                    Perry, Bliss
                    Read, Gardner
                    Robinson, Grace R.
                    Schoen, Max
                    Walsh, Richard J.

                 Miscellany, 1907-1966
                    Address lists
                    Newspaper clippings
                    Printed and near-print material


Box 8            Correspondence, 1929-1969
                    American Society of Composers, Authors, and
                    Antin, Mary
                    Barth, Hans
                    Beach, Amy M. (Mrs. H. H. A. Beach)
                    Blass, Charlotte
                    Brooks, Van Wyck
                    Cadman, Charles W.
                    Carmer, Carl
                    Childers, Lemuel J.
                    Cohen, Sol
                    Daniel, Lewis
                    Daniels, Mabel
                    Edward MacDowell Association
                    Ehrlich, Leonard
                    Flack, Marjorie
                    Foss, Lukas
                    Frost, Frances
                    Frothingham, E. W.
                    Ganz, Rudolph
                    Guglielmi, O. Louis
                    Hagedorn, Hermann
                    Hanford, Helen
                    Haubiel, Charles
                    Heap, Mary, condolences on the death of
                    Heyward, Dorothy
                    Kendall, George M.
                    Kubik, Gail T.
                    Levey, Henry
                    Levey, Jeffrey King
                    Library of Congress
                    Lowens, Irving

Box 9               MacDowell, Marian, 1929-1942, n.d.

Box 10              Manton, Robert W.
                    Marsh, Elizabeth
                    Mason, Daniel Gregory
                    Moore, Douglas
                    Nevins, A. L.
                    Nevins, H. B.
                    Newlin, Dika
                    Norton, Spencer H.
                    Paeff, Bashka
                    Peterborough Women's Club, Peterborough, N.H.
                    Peterson, Agnes Emelie
                    Reynard, Grant
                    Shokler, H.
                    Smith, Chard
                    Sparhawk-Jones, Elizabeth
                    Staloff, Edward
                    Torrence, Ridgely, and Olivia Dunbar
                    Untermeyer, Jean Starr

                 Miscellany, 1937-1969
                    Addresses, financial material, memorabilia
                    Greeting cards
                    Newspaper clippings
                    Printed and near-print material

*** Last update 11/2/98 (kef) ***
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