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Otto Isakower and Salomea Isakower

A Register of Their Papers in the Sigmund Freud Collection in the Library of Congress

Prepared by David Mathisen
Revised by Brian McGuire and Allan Teichroew

Manuscript Division, Library of Congress

Washington, D.C.


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Finding aid encoded by Library of Congress Manuscript Division, 2008

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Table of Contents

Collection Summary

Selected Search Terms

Personal Names



Related Names


Administrative Information


Processing History:


Copyright Status:

Preferred Citation:

Biographical Note

Otto Isakower

Salomea Isakower

Scope and Content Note

Arrangement of the Papers

Container List

Collection Summary

Title: Otto Isakower and Salomea Isakower Papers
Span Dates: 1880-1975
Bulk Dates: (bulk 1900-1975)
ID No.: MSS57315
Creator: Isakower, Otto, 1899-1972
Creator: Isakower, Salomea, b. 1888
Extent: 3,000 items; 6 containers; 2.6 linear feet
Language: Collection material in English and German
Repository: Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Abstract: Psychoanalyst and writer, Otto Isakower. Physician, Salomea Isakower. Correspondence, writings, biographical data, and other material pertaining primarily to the work of Otto Isakower and to the history of psychoanalysis during his lifetime.

Selected Search Terms

The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the Library's online catalog. They are grouped by name of person or organization, by subject or location, and by occupation and listed alphabetically therein.

Personal Names
Federn, Paul--Correspondence.
Freud, Anna, 1895-1982--Correspondence.
Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939--Correspondence.
Isakower, Otto, 1899-1972.
Jones, Ernest, 1879-1958--Correspondence.
Koller, Carl, 1857-1944--Correspondence.
Lewin, Bertram David, 1896---Correspondence.
Nunberg, Herman, 1884-1970--Correspondence.
Schaeffer, Albrecht, 1885-1950--Correspondence.

Allgemeines Krankenhaus (Vienna, Austria)
Wiener Psychoanalytische Vereinigung.

Psychoanalysis--Austria--Societies, etc.

Related Names
Isakower, Salomea, b. 1888. Otto Isakower and Salomea Isakower papers (1880-1975)


Administrative Information


The papers of Otto Isakower, psychoanalyst and writer, and Salomea Isakower, physician, were given to the Library of Congress by Mrs. Abraham Tulin, Hadassah, the Sigmund Freud Archives, Inc., and the estates of Otto Isakower and Salomea Isakower, 1977-1982. An additional item was given by the Sigmund Freud Archives in 1984 and was originally processed as part of the Sigmund Freud Papers, from which it was transferred in 1990.

Processing History:

The papers of Otto Isakower and Salomea Isakower were arranged and described in 1985. The collection was expanded and revised in 1991, and the finding aid was revised in 2008.


Photographs have been transferred to the Prints and Photographs Division where they are identified as part of the Isakower Papers.

Copyright Status:

The status of copyright in the unpublished writings of Otto and Salomea Isakower is governed by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, U.S.C.).

Preferred Citation:

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Container number, Otto Isakower and Salomea Isakower Papers, Sigmund Freud Collection, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Biographical Note

Otto Isakower
Date Event
1899, June 2 Born Vienna, Austria
1923 M.D., University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
1923-1929 Resident physician, Wiener Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Vienna Austria
1924-1938 Member, Vienna Psychoanalytic Society
1932-1938 Lecturer, Vienna Psychoanalytic Institute (vice-director, 1934-1938)
1938 Married Salomea Rettych Gutman
Immigrated to England
1938-1940 Psychoanalytic practice, Liverpool, England
Editor, Gesammelte Werke Sigmund Freuds
1940 Immigrated to the United States
1942 Licensed to practice medicine, State of New York
1972, May 10 Died New York, N.Y.

Salomea Isakower
Date Event
1888, Nov. 3 Born Oswiecim, Poland
1914 M.D., University of Cracow, Cracow, Poland
1914-1918 Resident physician, Wiener Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Vienna, Austria
1916 Red Cross service, World War I
1919-1924 Voluntary physician, psychiatric and neurological institute, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
1921 Divorced Felix Gutman (marriage date unknown)
1924-1926 Psychoanalytic study, Berlin, Germany
1938 Immigrated to England
Married Otto Isakower
1940 Immigrated to United States
1949 Member, New York Psychoanalytic Society
Licensed to practice medicine and surgery, State of New York

Scope and Content Note

The papers of Otto Isakower (1899-1972) and Salomea Isakower (1888-1949) span the years 1880-1975, with the bulk of the items concentrated in the period 1900-1975. The collection focuses on the work of Otto Isakower, a Freudian psychoanalyst who studied and practiced in Vienna, Austria, until immigrating to England and then the United States between 1938 and 1940. Included in the papers are correspondence, writings, miscellaneous biographical data, and other material pertaining to the work of Otto Isakower and to the history of psychoanalysis during his lifetime.

Among the prominent correspondents in the collection are Paul Federn, Anna Freud, Ernest Jones, Bertram David Lewin, and Herman Nunberg. Notable also are photocopies of Sigmund Freud letters to Carl Koller, 1880-1887, and to Albrecht Schaeffer, 1939. An item of special significance is a notebook containing minutes of meetings of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society for the years 1923-1924. Other topics of interest include papers relating to the Isakowers' immigration and resettlement, a patient case file from the Wiener Allgemeines Krankenhaus, and dream material collected by Otto Isakower.

Arrangement of the Papers

This collection is arranged alphabetically by type of material.

Container List

Container Contents
BOX 1 Correspondence
BOX 1 "A-E" miscellaneous, 1931-1975, n.d.
(5 folders)
BOX 1 Freud, Sigmund
BOX 1 To Koller, Carl, 1880-1887, n.d.
BOX 1 To Schaeffer, Albrecht, 1939
BOX 1 "F-G" miscellaneous, 1938-1958, n.d.
(2 folders)
BOX 1 Hill, Carlton B., 1939-1940, n.d.
BOX 1 "H" miscellaneous, 1942-1954
BOX 1 Isakower, Salomea, to Otto Isakower, 1953
BOX 1 Isakower, Sigmund and Edith, 1912, 1938-1939
BOX 1 "I" miscellaneous, 1940-1954
BOX 1 James, B., 1940-1954
BOX 1 "J" miscellaneous, 1938-1967
BOX 1 Kris, Ernst, 1953
BOX 1 "K" miscellaneous, 1938-1971
BOX 1 Lewin, Bertram D. and David, 1939-1972
BOX 1 "M" miscellaneous, 1940-1971
BOX 1 New York Psychoanalytic Society and New York Psychoanalytic Institute, 1943-1968
BOX 1 Newman, Richard, 1954
BOX 1 Nunberg, Herman, 1937-1940
BOX 1 "O-W" miscellaneous, 1918-1967
(6 folders)
BOX 1 Young, Nicholas, 1953
BOX 1 Unidentified to Otto and Salomea Isakower, 1932-1974, n.d.
BOX 2 Subject file
BOX 2 Address book, Otto Isakower, n.d.
BOX 2 Biographical material, 1933-1944
(2 folders)
BOX 2 Cards and addresses
BOX 2 Certificates and appointments
BOX 2 Isakower, Otto, 1923-1971
BOX 2 Isakower, Salomea, 1949-1974
BOX 2 Dream material, 1932-1967, n.d.
BOX 2 Dreams of patients, 1929-1961
BOX 2 Financial, 1938, n.d.
BOX 2 Freud, Sigmund, regarding collected works and letters on lay analysis, 1944, 1968, n.d.
BOX 2 Funeral orations and obituaries by Otto Isakower and others, 1950-1971
BOX 2 Legal documents
BOX 2 Isakower, Otto, 1905-1967
(2 folders)
BOX 2 Isakower, Salomea, 1922-1965
(3 folders)
BOX 2 Library call slips, 1926, n.d.
BOX 2 New York Psychoanalytic Institute, minutes, 1972
BOX 2 Notes
BOX 2 Analytic instruments and supervision
BOX 2 Analyzing instruments and communication
BOX 3 Auditory, superego, visual
BOX 3 Hypnology, dreaming
(2 folders)
BOX 3 "Psychoanalysis Applies Itself to Studies on Neuropsychology"
BOX 3 Theory of symbolism, the spider
BOX 3 Untitled and miscellaneous
(3 folders)
BOX 4 (6 folders)
BOX 4 Publication lists, 1945-1965, n.d.
BOX 4 Record of consultation with Dr. Gross, 1938
BOX 4 School records
BOX 4 Isakower, Otto, 1905-1940
BOX 4 Isakower, Salomea, 1910-1916
BOX 4 Student comments on courses, 1970
BOX 4 Training analyst seminar, 1958
BOX 4 Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, minutes of meetings and other material, 1923-1930
BOX 5 Wiener Allgemeines Krankenhaus
BOX 5 General, 1916-1929
BOX 5 Patient records, 1924-1929
BOX 5 Writings
BOX 5 By Otto Isakower
BOX 5 Articles
BOX 5 "Beitrag zur Pathopsychologie der Einschlafphänomene," 1936
BOX 5 "Bemerkungen zu Ein Fall von Anosognosie," [1929]
BOX 5 "A Contribution to the Pathopsychology of Phenomena Associated with Falling Asleep," 1938
BOX 5 "Erläuterungen zum Kostenvoranschlag," n.d.
BOX 5 "Gutes Wollen ist Nicht zu Lernen," 1929
BOX 5 "On the Exceptional Position of the Auditory Sphere," 1939
BOX 5 "Spoken Words in Dreams," 1954
BOX 5 "Trauma and Dreams," 1961
BOX 5 "Zur Sonderstellung der Hösphäre," n.d.
BOX 5 Untitled, 1952, n.d.
BOX 5 Poetry, 1955-1960
BOX 5 By others
BOX 5 Lewin, Bertram D.
BOX 5 Articles, 1955-1970
BOX 5 Poetry, 1954-1960
BOX 5 Schur, Max, 1964-1968
BOX 5 Miscellaneous
BOX 5 Articles, 1937-1970
BOX 6 Poetry, 1929-1968, n.d.
BOX 6 Printed matter
BOX 6 Imago, vol. 10, 1924
BOX 6 Kielholz, A., Jakob Boehme. Leipzig and Vienna: Franz Deuticke, 1919
BOX 6 Langer, Walter A., "Psychological Analysis of Hitler," circa 1946 (declassified 1968)
(2 folders)
BOX 6 Miscellaneous, 1926-1972
(3 folders)
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  July 17, 2008
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