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                              STANLEY EDGAR HYMAN
                           A REGISTER OF HIS PAPERS
                          IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS

                                  Prepared by
                   Michael McElderry with the assistance of
                                 Scott McLemee

                              Manuscript Division
                              Library of Congress

                            Washington, D.C.  1994


                          ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION

     The papers of Stanley Edgar Hyman (1919-1970), literary
critic and professor, were given to the Library of Congress by
Hyman's wife, Phoebe Pettingell, in 1979.  Selected items
relating to Hyman's first wife, Shirley Jackson, were removed and
organized as a separate addition to the Jackson Papers which are
also located in the Manuscript Division of the Library of

     The status of copyright in the unpublished writings of
Stanley Edgar Hyman is governed by the Copyright Law of the
United States (Title 17, U.S.C.).

     Audiotapes and folksong lyric sheets have been transferred
to the American Folklife Center of the Library of Congress where
they are identified as part of these papers.  Indexes to this
material, labeled appendixes A and B, have been prepared by the
staff of the Folklife Center and placed at the end of this

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Readers interested in consulting any of the division's       
    collections are advised to write or telephone the            
    Manuscript Reading Room at (202) 707-5387 before visiting.   
    Many processed and nearly all unprocessed collections are    
    stored off site, and advance notice is needed to retrieve    
    these items for research use.                                
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                   Linear feet of shelf space occupied: 18.6
                   Approximate number of items:       14,000


                               BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE

1919, June 11    Born, New York, N.Y.

1940             A.B., Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y.
                 Married Shirley Jackson (died 1965)

1940-70          Staff writer, _New Yorker_

1945-46          Faculty member, Bennington College, Bennington,

1948             Published _The Armed Vision_ (New York: A. A.
                    Knopf.  417 pp.)

1953-70          Faculty member, Bennington College, Bennington,

1956             Published _The Critical Performance_ (New York:
                    Vintage Books.  337 pp.)

1959             Fellow, American Council of Learned Societies

1961             Published _Poetry and Criticism_ (New York:
                    Atheneum. 178 pp.)

1961-65          Literary critic, _New Leader_

1962             Published _Nathanael West_ (Minneapolis:
                    University of Minnesota Press.  48 pp.)
                 Published _The Tangled Bank_ (New York: Atheneum. 
                    492 pp.)

1963             Published _Darwin for Today_ (New York: Viking
                    Press.  435 pp.)
                 Published _The Promised End_ (Cleveland: World
                    Publishing Co.  380 pp.)

1966             Married Phoebe Pettingell
                 Published _Flannery O'Connor_ (Minneapolis:
                    University of Minnesota Press.  48 pp.)
                 Published _Standards_ (New York: Horizon Press. 
                    286 pp.)

1967             National Institute of Arts and Letters award in
                    literary criticism

1970             Visiting professor, State University of New York,
                    Buffalo, N.Y.
                 Published _Iago_ (New York: Atheneum.  180 pp.)

1970, July 29    Died, Bennington, Vt.


                            SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE

     The papers of Stanley Edgar Hyman span the years 1932-78,
with the bulk of the material dated from 1938 to Hyman's death in
1970.  An innovative and prominent literary critic, Hyman sought
to redefine the criteria by which the standards of his craft were
judged and, by so doing, to create a new critical sensibility. 
Noted for his incisive and witty style, Hyman argued 
persuasively for the creation of a new critical methodology with
the publication of his first book, _The Armed Vision_.  The
Literary File contains manuscript drafts, notes, outlines,
proofs, and reviews for this and many other books by Hyman, as
well as for the articles and book reviews he wrote for a variety
of periodicals, including the _New Leader_, the _New Masses_, the
_New Republic_, and the _New Yorker_.

     Although widely recognized for his achievements as a book
reviewer and critic, Hyman was also a highly-respected and
popular teacher at Bennington College, where for many years he
taught classes in language and literature and the history of myth
and ritual.  The collection contains correspondence from Hyman's
colleagues and students at Bennington.  Notes and drafts of
Hyman's classroom lectures and files documenting his
contributions to faculty life at Bennington are located,
respectively, in the Literary File and the Subject File.  While
Hyman's letters to editors, publishers, scholars, and writers
outline many of the ideas and theories central to his view of
contemporary literary criticism, those to his family and friends
suggest his brash and lively nature and reflect the personal
fondness his friends and associates felt for him.

     The Family Papers contain an important group of letters
written to Hyman by his wife, the American short-story writer
Shirley Jackson, whose most famous story, "The Lottery," is
considered a classic of its genre.  The letters, begun while
Jackson was a classmate of Hyman's at Syracuse University and
continued through the early years of their marriage, portray the
growing interdependence of the couple and suggest the degree to
which they influenced each other's work.  A complementary set of
letters written to Jackson from Hyman during the same time
period, 1938-42, is available in the Shirley Jackson Papers which
are also located in the Manuscript Division.  Read together,
these letters reflect the dynamic chemistry that combined to
produce one of the more unconventional marriages in American

     While still a student at Syracuse University, Hyman was
introduced to the critic and philosopher, Kenneth Burke, who
became Hyman's mentor and lifelong friend.  A collection of
letters written by Burke to Hyman over a thirty-year period forms
the single largest and most significant file in the
Correspondence series.  The letters chart the intellectual give
and take of their relationship, as Burke explores the world of
books and ideas, examining and criticizing selected examples of
Hyman's writings, while defending his own speculations on the
nature of literature and scholarly criticism.  In addition to the
letters he sent, Burke also forwarded occasional copies of drafts
and working notes to Hyman for his review, providing the
researcher with original sources of Burke's writings.

     At Burke's recommendation, Hyman first accepted a position
at Bennington College in 1945.  In addition to related material
in the Subject File, the Correspondence series contains letters
addressed to Hyman from fellow instructors and colleagues at
Bennington, including those of writer Bernard Malamud and poet
Howard Nemerov.  The latter was a close friend of Hyman's, and
although his letters are of a personal nature, typescript copies
of his poetry are also included in his file.  Of equal importance
is the correspondence file of Ralph Ellison.  Although many of
Ellison's letters highlight personal and social topics, many more
contain references to his own writings and critical responses to
Hyman's essays on African-American literature and culture.  Other
scholars and writers whose correspondence is worthy of note
include: journalists Renata Adler, Nat Hentoff, Richard
Kostelanetz, and Hilton Kramer; literary critics Newton Arvin,
Maud Bodkin, Malcolm Cowley, William Empson, Francis Fergusson,
Frank Lentricchia, I. A. Richards, and Herbert Weisinger;
novelists John Barth, Nicholas Delbanco, James T. Farrell, Thomas
Pynchon, and John Updike; poets Robert Creeley, T. S. Eliot,
Donald Finkel, Randall Jarrell, and Marianne Moore; and scholars
Daniel Aaron, Joseph Campbell, FitzRoy Richard Somerset (Baron
Raglan), Thomas A. Sebeok, and William Wasserstrom.  Personal
friends and associates who corresponded with Hyman and whose
files also contain material of research value include Walter
Bernstein, Louis Harap, Thomas Jeltrup, Walter Lehrman, Sidney
and June Mirkin Mintz, Frank E. Orenstein, Louis L. Scher, Jay
Williams, and Ben Zimmerman.

     From May 1961 to June 1965, Hyman wrote what many critics
considered to be among the best regularly published bookreview
columns of the period.  Despite their brevity and the constraints
of publishing a biweekly review, Hyman's columns in the _New
Leader_ were characterized by their seriousness of purpose and
condensed but graceful prose.  The Literary File contains
manuscript drafts, notes, and outlines used for these reviews,
many of which were collected in Hyman's book, _Standards_, as
well as for many of the other articles and essays he wrote.  In
addition to being a disciplined and dedicated reader, Hyman was
also a methodical collector and organizer.  These characteristics
are most evident in a series of reference notes which he
maintained throughout his life as a convenient fact file for use
while drafting articles, lectures, and reviews.  These reference
notes are also located in the Literary File.


                             DESCRIPTION OF SERIES

Container Nos.   Series

1                Journal, 1942.
                    Daybook entries kept by Hyman as a journal
                 recounting his daily activities.  Arranged

1-2              Family Papers, 1932-73, n.d.
                    Letters received, notes, postcards, telegrams,
                 and miscellaneous items and enclosures.  Organized
                 alphabetically by family member and arranged
                 chronologically therein.

3-18             Correspondence, 1933-70, n.d.
                    Letters received, postcards, telegrams, and
                 miscellaneous items and enclosures.  Organized
                 alphabetically by correspondent and arranged
                 chronologically therein.

18-42            Literary File, 1932-78, n.d.
                    Correspondence, manuscript drafts, research
                 materials, notes, proofs, outlines, royalty
                 statements, printed matter, and miscellaneous
                 items relating to Hyman's published and
                 unpublished articles, books, lectures, reference
                 notes, and reviews.  Organized by type of material
                 and arranged alphabetically by author, subject, or
                 title therein.  Publication dates of books are
                 given in parentheses.

43-45            Subject File, 1940-70, n.d.
                    Correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes of
                 meetings, notes, drafts, financial papers, printed
                 matter, and miscellaneous items and enclosures. 
                 Organized alphabetically by subject or type of
                 material and arranged chronologically therein.

45-47            Miscellany, 1935-73, n.d.
                    Correspondence, drawings and illustrations,
                 notes, cards, photographs, printed matter, and
                 miscellaneous items.  Organized alphabetically by
                 type of material.


                                CONTAINER LIST

Container Nos.   Contents


Box 1            Entries, 28 Jan.-3 Mar. 1942

FAMILY PAPERS, 1932-73, n.d.

                 Hyman, Arthur M. (brother), 1967-70, n.d.
                 Hyman, Barry (son)
                    Correspondence, 1952-69, n.d.
                    Miscellany, 1950, 1967-69, n.d.
                 Hyman, Harry Z. and Anna (uncle and aunt), 1958,
                    1968-69, n.d.
                 Hyman, Joanne (daughter)
                    Correspondence, 1950-66, n.d.
                    Miscellany, n.d.
                 Hyman, Laurence (son) and Corinne
                    Correspondence, 1944-70, n.d. (2 folders)
                    Hyman v. Weidlich, 1950-54
                    Miscellany, n.d.
                 Hyman, Moe and Lulu (father and mother)
                    Correspondence, 1932, 1947-61, n.d.
                    Miscellany, 1959-62
                 Jackson, Leslie H. and Geraldine B. (father- and
                    mother-in-law), 1968-70, n.d.

Box 2            Jackson, Shirley (wife), letters to Stanley Hyman,
                    June 1938-Feb. 1942, 1951, n.d. (3 folders)
                 Other family members, 1966-73, n.d.
                 Stewart, Sarah Hyman (daughter)
                       1950-51, 1958-70
                       Undated (3 folders)
                    Miscellany, n.d.
                    Notes, n.d.

CORRESPONDENCE, 1933-70, n.d.

Box 3            Aaron, Daniel, 1950, 1961, n.d.
                 Aberlin, Betty, 1966-67, n.d.
                 _Accent_, 1942-55
                 Adelson, Joseph, 1954-64
                 Adler, Renata, 1964-68
                 Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1941-70
                 Allen, Richard B., 1967-70
                 American Council of Learned Societies, 1958-70
                 American Folklore Society, 1948-64, n.d.
                 _American Scholar_, 1947, 1956-64
                 Angeles, Carol, 1965, n.d.
                 _Antioch Review_, 1942-61
                 Apple, Lewis T., 1951-52, n.d.
                 Arnold, Leslie, 1942-48
                 _Arts_, 1956
                 Arvin, Newton, 1952, 1962
                 Atheneum, 1959-69, n.d.
                 _Atlantic Monthly_, 1944-53, 1960-70
                 Avon Books, 1963-66
                 "A" miscellany, 1934, 1941-69, n.d.
                 Barber, Joseph, 1952-69
                 Barth, John, 1965, 1970
                 Bascom, William R., 1949-50
                 Bauer, Felice, 1945, n.d.
                 Beigel, Uli, 1955-59, n.d.
                 Bentley, Eric, 1945-46, 1957, 1968, n.d.
                 Berg, Stephen, 1965-66

Box 4            Bernstein, Walter and Marva, 1934-58, n.d.
                    (3 folders)
                 Black, Nathalia Crane, 1963
                 Black, Susan, 1962-66
                 Blake, Richard and Frances, 1942-46, n.d.
                 Blinken, M. H., 1943-44
                 Block, Arthur L., 1935-36
                 Blocker, Joel, 1961-65, n.d.
                 Bobbs Merrill Co., 1951-53
                 Bodkin, Maud, 1958-61, 1967
                 Bollingen Foundation, 1958-59
                 Boston Herald-Traveler Corp., 1966, 1970
                 Braziller, George, 1948-58
                 Brennan, Maeve, n.d.
                 Bronheim, Helen A., 1956-67, n.d.
                 Brown, Leonard, 1942-48, n.d.
                 Bruce, Gordon M., 1967, n.d.
                 Bryant, Susan, 1965-66, n.d.
                 Burke, Kenneth
                    1940-51 (2 folders)

Box 5               1952-70, n.d. (5 folders)
                 Burke, Libby and Butchie, 1951-52, n.d.
                 Burkhardt, Frederick and Maggie, 1948-69, n.d.
                 Butler Hall, 1958-59
                 "B" miscellany, 1933-69, n.d.
                 Cambridge School of Weston, Weston, Mass., 1961-63
                 Cambridge University Press, 1966-67
                 Campbell, Joseph, 1950-52, 1959
                 _Carleton Miscellany_, 1960-68
                 Carpenter, Edmund S., 1953-60
                 Carr, Arthur, 1942-48, 1968, n.d.
                 Carter, Ellen, n.d.
                 Chapman, Ted and Charlotte, 1946-48, n.d.
                 Chase, Linda, 1962-68, n.d.
                 Chase, Richard, 1949-53, 1961
                 _Chicago Sun_, 1942-44
                 _Chimera_, 1947
                 Chisholm, Frank, 1940, 1948
                 Cohen, Philip and Ruth, 1934-44
                 College Center of the Finger Lakes, Corning, N.Y.,
                 _College English_, 1958
                 _Collier's Encyclopedia_, 1970

Box 6            Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 1953-70, n.d.
                 Columns Hotel, New Orleans, La., 1968
                 _Commentary_, 1949-69
                 _Contemporary Review_, 1948-49
                 Cook, Reginald L., 1962-63
                 Cook, Thomas and Joan, n.d.
                 Cowley, Malcolm, 1944-49, 1957-58, n.d.
                 Creeley, Robert, 1959-60
                 Criterion Books, 1955-57, 1966
                 Curley, Dan, 1964-70
                 "C" miscellany, 1942-70, n.d.
                 _Daedalus_, 1959-64
                 Dahlberg, Edward, 1950, n.d.
                 Davis, Robert and Virginia, 1958-59
                 Davis, Robert Gorham, 1946, 1952
                 Delbanco, Nicholas, 1966-70, n.d.
                 Dell Publishing Co., 1967
                 Derleth, August, 1943
                 Diamond, Stanley, 1957-61
                 Dike, Donald, 1963-65
                 Donoghue, Denis, n.d.
                 Dorson, Richard M., 1948-64
                 Douglas L. January & Partners, 1969
                 Duncan, Hugh Dalziel, 1963
                 Duvall, Severn, 1967-70
                 "D" miscellany, 1937-69, n.d.
                 E. P. Dutton and Co., 1963
                 Eliot, T. S., 1955
                 Elliott, George P., 1959-64, n.d.
                 Ellison, Ralph and Fanny, 1942-70
                 Elman, Richard M., 1967-68, n.d.
                 Empson, William, 1969
                 Epstein, Michael Joseph, 1963-66
                 "E" miscellany, 1940-69, n.d.
                 Falk, Myron S., Jr., and Pauline, 1960-62, n.d.
                 Falk, Nancy, 1962-63, n.d.

Box 7            Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1947-56, 1963-67
                 Farrell, James T., 1962-63
                 Feeley, Paul T. and Helen, 1950-66
                 Fergusson, Francis, 1949-59, 1966, n.d.
                 Fetzer, Hazel, 1942-43
                 Field, Andrew, 1962-67, n.d.
                 Finkel, Donald, 1959, 1965-66, n.d.
                 Finnegan, Les, 1941, n.d.
                 Fishwick, Marshall, 1954-58
                 Flint, Robert W., 1949, 1964, 1968
                 Folkways Record Service, 1959-61
                 Fontenrose, Joseph, 1961, n.d.
                 Ford, Harry, 1955-68
                 Fords, Franklin and Eleanor, 1952-61, n.d.
                 Foreign Commission of the Union of Soviet Writers
                    of the USSR, 1945-46
                 Foster, Catherine and Thomas, 1946, 1953-70, n.d.
                 Frankenthaler, Helen, 1951, 1956, 1962-63, n.d.
                 Fredericks, Claude, 1962-68, n.d.
                 Freedman, M. Joel and Frances, 1951, 1959-62, n.d.
                 Freeport Sulphur Co., 1951-52
                 Friedman, Norman, 1953-64
                 Fuller, Edmund, 1949-51, n.d.
                 _Furioso_, 1947
                 "F" miscellany, 1935-66, n.d.
                 George Macy Companies, 1968-70
                 Geraghty, James, 1945-61, 1969, n.d.
                 Gibbons, Robert, 1966
                 Gill, Brendan, 1946-65, n.d.
                 Ginzberg, Ralph, 1963-64
                 Goldberg, Seymour L., 1936-42, n.d.
                 Gooding, Cynthia, 1950s-65, n.d.
                 Goodman, William B., 1950-54
                 Golffing, Francis and Barbara

Box 8            Grolier, Inc., 1961-67
                 Guggenheim Foundation, 1943-48, 1958-59, 1967-70,
                 Gunther, Eleanor and Madeline, 1966, n.d.
                 Gunther, Meyer and Minna, 1940-45, 1966
                 Gutman, Sonya Rudikoff, 1946-52, 1959, 1966, n.d.
                 Guy, James, n.d.
                 "G" miscellany, 1936-69, n.d.
                 Haag, Ernest van den, 1963
                 Hamburger, Philip, 1945-51, 1959-70, n.d.
                 Harap, Louis, 1940-49 (2 folders)
                 Harcourt, Brace & World, 1943, 1962, 1968
                 Haring, Lee, 1959-65
                 _Harper's_, 1946-67, n.d.
                 Hartmann, Erich, 1947-48
                 Hausermann, H. W., 1949
                 Hayman, Allen, 1948-63, n.d.
                 Hazard, Patrick, 1958-59
                 Hentoff, Nat, 1957-61, n.d.
                 Herskovits, Melville J., 1954
                 Hicks, Granville, 1962-69
                 Highlander Folk School, Monteagle, Tenn., 1940-42
                 Hill and Wang, 1964-66
                 Hochman, Sandra, 1965-68, n.d.
                 Hoffman, Daniel G., 1954-55
                 Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961-62, 1969
                 _Horizon_, 1960
                 Horizon Press, 1963-68, n.d.
                 Horowitz, Lynne, 1958-60, 1969, n.d.

Box 9            _Hudson Review_, 1948-62, 1967-69
                 Humphreys, J. R., 1962-63
                 Huxley, Francis, 1960, n.d.
                 "H" miscellany, 1935-70, n.d.
                 Indiana University Press, 1952, 1960-65
                 Israel, Bobbi, 1957-60, n.d.
                 "I" miscellany, 1963-68
                 J. B. Lippincott Co., 1950, 1963-68, n.d.
                 Jackel, Karen, 1968-69
                 Jacobs, Norman, 1961-62
                 Jacobsohn, Peter, 1962-65
                 Jarrell, Randall, 1947
                 Jeltrup, Thomas, 1945-56, n.d. (4 folders)
                 Johns Hopkins University Press, 1965-70
                 Johnson, S. F., 1960
                 "J" miscellany, 1949-69, n.d.
                 Kahan, Paul and Henrietta, 1936-50, n.d.

Box 10           Kahn, Robert, 1934-48
                 Kamber, Gerald, 1966
                 Karmiller, Murray and Barbara Hubbard, 1956-70,
                 Kazanoff, Ted and Lee, 1960-65, n.d.
                 Keener, Joyce, 1966-68, n.d.
                 Kellman, Taissa, 1943-49, n.d.
                 _Kenyon Review_, 1946-68
                 Knight, Lionel C., 1955-56, 1967-70
                 Kolatch, Myron, 1962-69
                 Korstad, Karl, 1944-45
                 Kostelanetz, Richard, 1963-69
                 Kramer, Hilton, 1964-65
                 Kranz, Sheldon, 1936-43, 1957, 1962
                 Krim, Seymour, 1964, n.d.
                 "K" miscellany, 1934-67, n.d.
                 L. B. Fischer Publishing Corp., 1943-45
                 Legman, G., 1948-59
                 Lehrman, Walter, 1947-70, n.d. (2 folders)

Box 11           Lemay, Harding, 1958-68
                 Lennon, Florence Becker, 1962-63, n.d.
                 Lentricchia, Frank, 1966-69
                 Lerner, Max, 1956
                 Lesavoy, Deni, 1963-67, n.d.
                 Lewis, Richard W. B., 1949-68
                 Library of Congress, 1946-50, 1966-69
                 Lipman, Jane, 1957-66, n.d.
                 Livaudais, Carol Black, 1951-54, 1961-68, n.d.
                 Los Angeles State College, Los Angeles, Calif.,
                 Louisiana State University Press, 1963-64
                 Lurie, Jesse Z., 1939-49, 1965-67
                 "L" miscellany, 1935-70, n.d.
                 Macdonald, Cynthia, 1967-68, n.d.
                 Macmillan & Co., 1962-68
                 MacShane, Frank, 1965-67, n.d.
                 Malamud, Bernard, 1962-67, n.d.
                 Malin, Irving, 1961-64
                 Maloff, Saul, 1961-64, n.d.
                 Marble, Samuel D., 1944-48
                 Marcus, Gene, 1961-62, n.d.
                 Mason, Winifred, 1945-47, n.d.
                 _Massachusetts Review_, 1960-65
                 McCormick, John, 1956-64, n.d.
                 McGuire, William, 1943-44, 1963
                 McMahon, Jeannie, 1965-70, n.d.
                 McVitty, Albert, Jr., 1949-50, n.d.
                 Mercier, Vivian, 1947-67
                 Meridian Books, 1956-61
                 Merman, Lois Wisner, 1944-48, n.d.
                 Michigan State College Press, 1950-53
                 Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich.,
                 _Midcentury Authors_, 1965-66
                 _Midstream_, 1956-61, 1969
                 Mintz, Sidney and June Mirkin, 1938-69, n.d.
                    (2 folders)
                 Mitchell, Joseph, 1945-49, 1956-65, n.d.
                 Moore, Marianne, 1962
                 Moseley, Edwin and Kay, 1942, 1961-62, n.d.

Box 12           Muller, Charlotte, 1935-47, n.d.
                 Music Corporation of America, 1941-51
                 "M" miscellany, 1936-70, n.d.
                 Nabokov, Vera, 1963, 1969
                 _Nation_, 1940-53
                 National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1967-68
                 Neider, Charles and Vivien B., 1942-45, 1953,
                 Neiman-Marcus, 1969-70
                 Nemerov, Howard, 1949-70, n.d. (3 folders)
                 _Neurotica_, 1950
                 New American Library, 1952-58
                 New Directions, 1956, 1962-65
                 _New Masses_, 1941-46
                 _New Mexico Quarterly_, 1947-53, 1959-62
                 _New Republic_, 1940-48, n.d. (2 folders)
                 _New York Herald Tribune_, 1951, 1963-66
                 _New York Review of Books_, 1964, 1966
                 _New York Times_, 1943-53, 1962-68

Box 13           _New Yorker_
                    1940-70 (2 folders)
                 Newman, Robert, 1964-66
                 _Nocturne_, 1954-55
                 North Shore Country Day School, Winnetka, Ill.,
                 "N" miscellany, 1943-70, n.d.
                 Ohio University Press, 1966
                 Oliver, Edith, 1953-63, n.d.
                 Orenstein, Frank E.
                    1936-52, 1963-64 (2 folders)
                 Ottman, Robert Grover, 1941-47
                 Oxford University Press, 1940, 1950-54
                 "O" miscellany, 1948-69, n.d.
                 _Partisan Review_, 1950-61, 1969
                 Pepine, Pat Thornburg, 1963-66, n.d.
                 _Perspectives USA_, 1952-53
                 Pettingell, Nancy, 1966-68, n.d.
                 Pettit, Margaret, 1957-66, n.d.
                 Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N.H., 1956
                 Phillips, Robert S., 1961-68
                 Plagemann, William, 1950-52
                 Pocket Books, 1943-44
                 _Poetry_, 1947-48
                 Poetry Center, Young Men's-Young Women's Hebrew
                    Association, New York, N.Y. 1963
                 Popkin, Henry, 1958-59

Box 14           Posner, Richard, 1940-53, n.d.
                 Princeton University Press, 1955-61
                 Pynchon, Thomas, 1965
                 "P" miscellany, 1936-70, n.d.
                 _Quarterly Review of Literature_, 1947-53, 1960
                 "Q" miscellany, 1962
                 Raglan, FitzRoy Richard Somerset, Baron, 1955
                 Random House, 1947-48, 1967-69
                 Rapaport, David, 1956
                 Resource Associates, 1970
                 Richards, I. A., 1955, 1967-69, n.d.
                 Rieff, Philip, 1947-48
                 Riverside Church, New York, N.Y., 1960-62
                 Roberts, Marjorie, 1957-66, n.d.
                 Robinson, Leonard Wallace, n.d.
                 Rockefeller Foundation, 1967-69
                 Rosenthal, Elsa Dorman, 1936-48, 1962, n.d.
                 Rosenthal, M. L., 1949-56, 1963
                 Ross, Gwayne, 1941-42, n.d.
                 Ross, Harold W., 1943, n.d.
                 Ross, Ted J., 1960-61
                 Rothman, Julius, 1937-46
                 The Royalton Hotel, New York, N.Y., 1966-70
                 Rueckert, William H., 1960, 1968
                 "R" miscellany, 1937-70, n.d.
                 S. Fischer Verlag, 1969
                 Sacks, Moses, 1934-38, n.d.
                 Salzburg Seminar in American Studies, 1951-57
                 _Saturday Evening Post_, 1947, 1958-65
                 _Saturday Review_, 1940-57
                 Saws, Mary Ellen, n.d.
                 Sayre, Nora, 1966, n.d.
                 Scher, Louis L.

Box 15              1953-61
                    Undated (3 folders)
                 Schneider, Isidor, 1942-53, n.d.
                 Schroeder, Harry, 1962-63
                 Schuman, Leon and Rita, 1947-48, n.d.
                 Seaver, Edwin, 1943-45
                 Sebeok, Thomas A., 1959, 1968, n.d.
                 _Sewanee Review_, 1946-59, 1965, n.d.
                 Shapiro, Daniel, 1950-52
                 Shawn, William, 1940-70, n.d.
                 _Shenandoah_, 1953-54, 1963
                 Shipley, Clarke, 1968-69
                 Siegel, Florence, 1961, n.d.

Box 16           Simon and Schuster, 1945-55, 1964, n.d.
                 Smith, Grover, 1950-51
                 Smith, Barbara H., 1966-69, n.d.
                 South Atlantic Modern Language Association, 1970
                 _Southern Folklore Quarterly_, 1949-56
                 Spectorsky, A. C., 1957-58
                 Speirs, John and Ruth, 1950-70
                 Spraker, Nancy Gene, 1955-58, 1965-66, n.d.
                 Sprogell, Lyn, 1964-68, n.d.
                 Stallman, Robert, 1947-50
                 State University of New York at Buffalo, N.Y.,
                 Steegmuller, Francis, 1949-57, n.d.
                 Stodolsky, Sholom and Nina
                 Strauss, Robert M., 1936-40
                 Street, James, 1942-43
                 Syracuse University Manuscript Collections,
                    Syracuse, N.Y., 1966-67
                 "S" miscellany, 1936-70, n.d.
                 Tamiment Institute, New York, N.Y., 1958-59
                 Taylor, Alexander, 1944-46
                 Taylor, Julie, 1941-45, n.d.
                 Ted Bates & Co., 1970
                 Tennen, Laura, 1963-66, n.d.
                 _Texas Quarterly_, 1958-61
                 Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1962, 1968-70
                 _Tomorrow_, 1943-47
                 Trainor, Karen McAuley, 1966-68, n.d.

Box 17           Treasury Department, 1953, 1963-68
                 Trilling, Lionel and Diana, 1959-64
                 _TriQuarterly_, 1968-69
                 Troy, William and Leonie, 1949-69, n.d.
                 Tyler, Parker, 1951, n.d.
                 "T" miscellany, 1938-70, n.d.
                 Ulrich, Katherine, 1964-66
                 University Books, 1962-68
                 University of California Press, 1968
                 University of Chicago Press, 1951-55, 1965-70
                 University of Michigan Press, 1962, 1968-69
                 University of Minnesota Press, 1959-70
                 University of North Carolina Press, 1966-67
                 University of Oregon, Eugene, Oreg., 1965-66
                 Updike, John, 1961, n.d.
                 "U" miscellany, 1953-69, n.d.
                 Van Ghent, Dorothy, 1961, n.d.
                 Viking Press, 1946, 1964-69
                 _Virginia Quarterly Review_, 1942-49, 1959-61
                 _Volusia Review_, 1953
                 "V" miscellany, 1944-66, n.d.
                 W. W. Norton & Co., 1962-70
                 Wallace, Connie, n.d.
                 Wang, Arthur W., 1948-52, 1959
                 Wasserstrom, William, 1959-63
                 Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich., 1957-64
                 Weisinger, Herbert
                    1949-68 (2 folders)
                 Wellin, Ed, 1949
                 _Western Review_, 1947-50
                 White, E. B. and Katharine S., 1956, n.d.
                 White, Leslie A., 1958, 1968
                 White, Martha, 1937-44
                 Williams, Jay

Box 18              1948-64 (3 folders)
                 Winston, Richard, 1937-38, n.d.
                 WNDT, New York, N.Y., 1962-63
                 Woodstock Country School, Woodstock, Vt., 1967-69
                 World Publishing Co., 1962-65
                 Wyatt, Frederick, 1958-65
                 "W" miscellany, 1936-68, n.d.
                 _Yale Review_, 1947, 1959
                 Young, Elizabeth, 1938-39, n.d.
                 "Y" miscellany, 1935, 1962-67, n.d.
                 Zimmerman, Ben, 1940-66, n.d. (2 folders)
                 "Z" miscellany, 1950

LITERARY FILE, 1932-78, n.d.

                 Articles and essays
                    "Aaron to Zwingli," n.d.
                    "The Abomination of Desolation," n.d.
                    "Afterword" and "Glossary" concerning _A
                       Clockwork Orange_ by Anthony Burgess (New
                       York: W. W. Norton, 1963, c1962.), _New
                       Leader_, Jan. 1963
                    "The American Folksy," 1949

Box 19              "American Negro Literature and the Folk
                       Tradition," n.d.
                    "The Art of Joseph Mitchell," n.d.
                    "The Austerities of the New Novel," n.d.
                    Autobiographical note, n.d.
                    "The Badness of Our Novels," n.d.
                    "Bascom and the Myth-Ritual Theory," n.d.
                    "The Best of Hemingway," n.d.
                    "The Blues," n.d.
                    "The Book of Martyrs," n.d.
                    "The Brooklyn Enigma," n.d.
                    "The Child Ballad in America: Some Aesthetic
                       Criteria," n.d.
                    "The Circus Goes to War," n.d.
                    "Clergymen and Mischief-Makers," n.d.
                    "The Critic's Credentials," n.d.
                    "A Critical Look at Psychology," n.d.
                    "A Darwinian Sidelight: The Shape of a Young
                       Man's Nose," n.d.
                    "A Day Cut From the Same Yardstick," n.d.
                    "The Dead Sea Scrolls, or What You Will," n.d.
                    "The Dialectic of Christianity," n.d.
                    "Eight Propositions About Literature and
                       Society," n.d.
                    "The Famous Bridge"
                       Draft, n.d.
                       Notes, n.d.
                    "Freud and Boas as Secular Rabbis," 1954, 1963,
                    "A Garland for John Skelton," n.d.
                    "The Girls of Slender Talents," n.d.
                    "Glad Tidings and Other Tidings," n.d.
                    "Gone With the Woolly Mammoth," 1950, n.d.

Box 20              "The Great Fitzgerald," n.d.
                    "The Handle: _Invitation to a Beheading_ and
                       _Bend  Sinister_," n.d.
                    "Henry Thoreau Once More," n.d.
                    "Iago: Some Approaches to Motivation," n.d.
                    "Ideals, Dangers, and Limitations of Mass
                       Culture," 1960
                    "Ideas in Fiction," n.d.
                    "Images of the Child," n.d.
                    "Images of Sigmund Freud," n.d.
                    "In Defense of Pornography," n.d.
                    "In Retrospect," n.d.
                    "Intellect, Personality, and Other
                       Measurements," 1955
                    Introduction to _The Golden Bough_ by James
                       George Frazer, 1969-70
                    Introduction to _The Magic of Shirley Jackson_,
                       edited by Hyman (New York: Farrar, Straus and
                       Giroux, 1966), n.d.
                    Introduction to _Riverside Poetry_, selected by
                       Horace Gregory, Josephine Miles, and Howard
                       Nemerov (New York: Twayne Publishers, n.d.),
                       1960, n.d.
                    "James Gould Cozzens and the Art of the
                       Possible," 1949
                    "Jessie Weston and the Forest of Broceliande,"
                    "A Jewish Identity," n.d.
                    "Jungle Booking," n.d.
                    "The Language of Scottish Poetry," 1954
                    "The Last Days of the Machine Age," n.d.
                    Letters to the editor, 1941, 1953, 1958, n.d.
                    "Literary Criticism," n.d.
                    "Mark Twain, Half Twain," n.d.

Box 21              _Murray-Go-Round_ pieces, n.d.
                    "The Mytlons and the Dobus," n.d.
                    "The National Pastime," n.d.
                    _New Masses_ pieces, 1941, n.d.
                    _New Republic_ pieces
                       Drafts, n.d.
                       Printed copies, 1940-43, n.d.
                    "The New `War and Peace,'" 1945, n.d.
                    _New Yorker_ pieces
                          Checklist, 1941-54
                             1941-46 (2 folders)

Box 22                       1947-54, n.d. (5 folders)
                          "Every Day Was Not Saturday," compilation,
                             1944-47, n.d. (2 folders)

Box 23                 Humor articles, 1946, n.d.
                       "Talk of the Town," 1942-54, n.d.
                    "A Note on Richards and Coleridge," n.d.
                    Notes and outlines, 1949, n.d.
                    "Others Too Tedious to Mention," n.d.
                    "Out-of-Print and Hard-to-Find"
                       Drafts, 1950, n.d.
                       Notes, n.d.
                       Proofs, 1952
                    "Oysters a Foot Long," n.d.
                    "The Pirate's Wardroom," n.d.
                    "Psychoanalysis and the Climate of Tragedy,"
                    "Reading About Jazz," n.d.
                    "Really the Blues," n.d.
                    "Richard Wright Reappraised," n.d.

Box 24              Robinson, Jackie, profile of
                       Draft, n.d.
                       Notes, 1960-62, n.d.
                       Proof, 1960
                    Ross, Harold W., profile of, n.d.
                    "Seeing Fitzgerald Plain," n.d.
                    "Sex and the Sinful Woman," n.d.
                    "Sinclair Lewis in Retrospect," n.d.
                    "So Black and Blue," n.d.
                    "Some Bankrupt Treasures," 1948
                    "Some Notes on John Steinbeck," 1942
                    "T. S. Eliot 1888-1965," n.d.
                    "Tables for Two," n.d.
                    "Ten Years in the Workhouse," n.d.
                    "The Time Capsule," 1953
                       Drafts, 1953, n.d.
                       Notes, n.d.
                       Research materials, 1938, 1952-53, n.d.
                    _Tomorrow_ pieces, n.d.
                    "The Topless Towers"
                       Drafts, n.d.
                       Notes, n.d.

Box 25              "The Tragic Vision," 1958, n.d.
                    "The Transatlantic Blues," n.d.
                    "The Well of Togetherness," n.d.
                    "William Troy's Work as a Model for Literary
                       Criticism," n.d.
                    "Words and Sensibilities," n.d.
                    Anthology proposals
                       Myth and ritual (unpublished), n.d.
                       "Pocket Book of Modern American Humor"
                          (unpublished), n.d.
                    _The Armed Vision_ (1948)
                          Miscellany, 1948, n.d.
                          Printer's setting copy, n.d. (3 folders)
                       Miscellany, 1948, n.d.
                          Galley proof, 1948

Box 26                    Miscellany, 1948
                          Page proof, 1948
                       Reviews, 1948, n.d.
                    _The Critical Performance_ (1956)
                       Correspondence, 1955-56
                       Notes and outlines, n.d.
                    _The Critic's Credentials_, edited by Phoebe
                       Pettingell, (New York: Atheneum, 1978), draft
                       and tearsheets, 1977-78
                    _Darwin for Today_ (1963), draft and tearsheets,
                       pp. 1-232 (2 folders)

Box 27                 pp. 233-554 (3 folders)
                    _Flannery O'Connor_ (1966)
                       Correspondence, 1965-68, n.d.
                       Draft, n.d.
                       Notes and research material, 1955-64, n.d.
                    "Forms in Poetry and Their Function"
                       (unpublished), draft, n.d.
                    _Iago_ (1970)
                       Correspondence, 1967-70, n.d.
                          Printer's setting copy, 1970

Box 28                    Unidentified draft, n.d.
                       Miscellany, 1969-70, n.d.
                       Notes and outlines, n.d.
                       Proofs, 1970
                    _Nathanael West_ (1962)
                          Printer's setting copy, n.d.
                          Unidentified draft, n.d.
                       Notes and outlines, n.d.
                    _Perspectives by Incongruity/Terms for Order_, by
                       Kenneth Burke (Bloomington: Indiana
                       University Press, [1964]), edited by Hyman,
                       drafts and notes, 1963, n.d.
                    _Poetry and Criticism_ (1961), draft, n.d.

Box 29              _The Promised End_ (1963)
                       Draft, printer's setting copy, 1963-64
                          (3 folders)
                       Proofs, 1963
                    _Standards_ (1966), draft, 1966-67 (2 folders)

Box 30              _The Tangled Bank_ (1962)
                       Correspondence, 1947, 1962, n.d.
                          Miscellany, n.d.
                          Printer's setting copy, 1962 (6 folders)

Box 31                    Unidentified draft, n.d. (5 folders)
                       Notes and outlines, 1948, 1958, n.d.
                          Miscellany, 1962

Box 32                    Page proof, 1961
                 Early writings
                    College papers
                       Undated (2 folders)
                       Short stories, 1939-40, n.d.
                       Untitled novella, n.d.

Box 33              High school papers, 1933-35, n.d.
                    Humor, n.d.
                    Journalism, 1932-36 (2 folders)
                    Miscellany, n.d.
                    Poetry, 1938, n.d.
                 Reference notes, ca. 1940-70
                    African literature
                    American critics
                    American humorists
                    American literature
                    Arthurian romance
                    Auden, W. H.
                    Babel, Isaac
                    Baldwin, James
                    Barker, A. L.
                    Barnes, Djuna
                    Barth, John
                    Bellow, Saul

Box 34              Blackmur, Richard P.
                    Blake, William
                    British critics
                    British literature
                    Brooks, Cleanth
                    Brooks, Van Wyck
                    Brown, Leonard
                    Burgess, Anthony
                    Burke, Kenneth
                       Reading notes
                    Buzzati, Dino
                    Campbell, Joseph
                    Capote, Truman
                    Chase, Richard
                    Cheever, John
                    Chekhov, Anton
                    Chinese culture
                    Cleland, John
                    Cozzens, James Gould
                    Cummings, E. E.
                    Curley, Daniel
                    Daiches, David
                    Darwin, Charles
                    Dead Sea scrolls
                    De Vries, Peter
                    Delbanco, Nicholas
                    Donleavy, J. P.
                    Dostoevsky, Fyodor
                    Eliot, T. S.

Box 35              Elliott, George P.
                    Ellison, Ralph
                    Elman, Richard M.
                    Empson, William
                    Epic poetry
                    European literature
                    Everett, Peter
                    Faulkner, William
                    Fergusson, Francis
                    Fiedler, Leslie
                    Fitzgerald, F. Scott
                    Frame, Janet
                    Frazer, James George
                    French literature
                    Freud, Sigmund (2 folders)
                    Friedman, Bruce Jay
                    German literature
                    Gide, Andre
                    Gill, Brendan
                    Gold, Herbert
                    Golding, William
                    Golffing, Francis
                    Grass, Gunter

Box 36              Greek culture
                    Greek drama
                    Grossman, Alfred
                    Hawkes, John
                    Hawthorne, Nathaniel
                    Hemingway, Ernest
                    Hughes, Richard
                    Irish literature
                    Italian literature
                    James, Henry
                    Japanese literature
                    Jarrell, Randall
                    Jewish culture
                    Jewish literature
                    Joyce, James
                    Latin American literature
                    Lawrence, D. H.
                    Leavis, F. R.
                    Lewis, Sinclair
                    Mailer, Norman
                    Malamud, Bernard
                    Mann, Thomas
                    Marx, Karl (2 folders)
                    Marxist literary criticism
                    Melville, Herman
                    Milton, John
                    Miscellany (2 folders)
                    Mitchell, Joseph
                    Montherlant, Henry de
                    Moore, Marianne
                    Murdoch, Iris

Box 37              Nabokov, Vladimir
                    Negro literature
                    Nemerov, Howard
                    _New English Bible_
                    New York, N.Y.
                    O'Connor, Flannery
                    O'Faolain, Sean
                    Pavese, Cesare
                    Pilnyak, Boris
                    Porter, Katherine Anne
                    Pound, Ezra
                    Powell, Anthony
                    Powers, J. F.
                    Purdy, James
                    Pynchon, Thomas
                    Ransom, John Crowe
                    Reference books
                    Richards, I. A.
                    Robbe-Grillet, Alain
                    Robinson, Leonard
                    Rosenfeld, Paul
                    Roth, Philip
                    Russian literature
                    Salinger, J. D.
                    Scottish literature
                    Shakespeare, William
                    Shaw, George Bernard
                    Silone, Ignazio
                    Singer, Isaac Bashevis
                    Skelton, John
                    Smith, Barbara Herrnstein
                    Spanish and Portuguese literature
                    Spark, Muriel
                    Spender, Stephen
                    Steegmuller, Francis
                    Steinbeck, John
                    Svevo, Italo
                    Trilling, Diana
                    Troy, William

Box 38              Updike, John
                    Warren, Robert Penn
                    West, Nathanael
                    Weston, Jessie
                    Whitman, Walt
                    Williams, William Carlos
                    Winters, Yvor
                    Woolf, Virginia
                    Wright, Richard
                    Yeats, William Butler
                    Zamiatin, Eugene
                 Reviews, ca. 1940-70
                    Abe, Kobo, _The Woman in the Dunes_
                    Ade, George, _Chicago Stories_
                    Alexander, Hartley Burr, _The World's Rim_
                    Auden, W. H., _The Dyer's Hand_
                    Babel, Isaac, _The Lonely Years 1925-39_
                    Bachofen, Johann, _Mother Right_
                    Baldwin, James
                       _Another Country_
                       _Nobody Knows My Name_
                    Barker, A. L., _The Joy-Ride and After_
                    Barnes, Djuna, _The Selected Works of Djuna
                    Barth, John
                       _The Floating Opera_
                       _Lost in the Funhouse_
                       _The Sot-Weed Factor_
                    Bellow, Saul
                       _Mr. Sammler's Planet_
                       _The Victim_
                    Bettelheim, Bruno, _Symbolic Wounds_
                    Blair, Walter, and Franklin J. Meine, editors,
                       _Half Horse, Half__ Alligator_
                    Brooks, Cleanth, _The Hidden God_  _See also
                       same series_, Wimsatt, William
                    Burgess, Anthony, _A Clockwork Orange_
                    Burke, Kenneth, _Language as Symbolic Action_
                    Buzzati, Dino
                       _Larger Than Life_
                       _A Love Affair_
                    Capote, Truman, _Selected Writings_
                    Carson, Anthony, _Travels: Near and Far_
                    Cary, Joyce, _An American Visitor_
                    Cau, Jean, _The Mercy of God_

Box 39              Cheever, John, _The Wapshot Scandal_
                    Chekhov, Anton
                       _The Island_
                       _Seven Short Novels by Chekhov_
                    Cozzens, James Gould, _Castaway_
                    Cummings, E. E., _Adventures in Value_
                    Curley, Daniel, _A Stone Man, Yes_
                    Donleavy, J. P., _A Singular Man_
                    Eca de Quieroz, Jose Maria, _The Relic_, _Cousin
                       Bazilio_, and _The Sin of Father Amaro_
                    Elliott, George P.
                       _David Knudsen_
                       _A Piece of Lettuce_
                    Ellison, Ralph, _Shadow and Act_
                    Everett, Peter, _Negatives_
                    Faulkner, William
                       _The Reivers_
                    Finegan, Jack, _The Archaeology of the New
                    Fitzgerald, Robert (trans.), _The Odyssey_
                    Fontenrose, Joseph, _Python_
                    Frame, Janet, _Scented Gardens for the Blind_
                    Friedman, Bruce Jay
                       _A Mother's Kisses_
                    Fuchs, Daniel, _Three Novels_
                    Gaster, Theodor H., _Thespis_ and _Passover_
                    Gelber, Jack, _On Ice_
                    Gold, Herbert, _Salt_
                    Golding, William
                       _The Inheritors_
                       _The Spire_
                    Grass, Gunter, _The Tin Drum_
                    Grossman, Alfred, _Acrobat Admits_ and _Many
                       Slippery Errors_
                    Harrison, Jane Ellis, _Themis_
                    Hemingway, Ernest, _A Moveable Feast_
                    Henry, Jules, _Culture Against Man_
                    Holmes, John Clellon, _Get Home Free_
                    Howe, Henry F., _Prologue to New England_; and
                       Grace Lee Nute, _Caesers of the Wilderness_
                    Joyce, James, _Letters of James Joyce_
                    Kawabata, Yasunari, _Snow Country_ and _Thousand
                    Keller, Gottfried, _Green Henry_
                    Keller, Werner, _The Bible as History in
                    La Farge, Oliver, _The Door in the Wall_
                    Lawrence, D. H., _The Complete Poems_
                    Liebling, A. J., _The Most of A. J. Liebling_
                    Mailer, Norman, _An American Dream_
                    Malamud, Bernard
                       _Idiots First_
                       _A New Life_
                    Mallory, Thomas, _Le Morte D'Arthur_
                    Mandel, Siegfried and Wolf Wirgin, _The History
                       of Coins and Symbols in Ancient Israel_  _See
                       same series_, Wirgin, Wolf
                    Markfield, Wallace, _To an Early Grave_
                    Martin, Jay, _Nathanael West_
                    Masters, Edgar Lee, _Spoon River Anthology_
                    Miller, Henry, _Tropic of Cancer_

Box 40              Mitchell, Joseph, _Joe Gould's Secret_
                    Montherlant, Henry de, _The Bachelors_ and
                       _Selected Essays_
                    Moore, Marianne, _A Marianne Moore Reader_
                    Morris, Desmond, _The Naked Ape_
                    Murdoch, Iris, _An Unofficial Rose_
                    Mwase, George Simeon, _Strike a Blow and Die_
                    Nabokov, Vladimir
                       _The Gift_
                    _The New English Bible: New Testament_
                    _The New English Bible: Old Testament_
                    Nute, Grace Lee, _Caesers of the Wilderness_ 
                       _See same series_, Howe, Henry F.
                    O'Connor, Flannery, _Everything That Rises Must
                    O'Faolain, Sean, _I Remember! I Remember_
                    Oliver, Paul, _Blues Fell This Morning_
                    Ousmane, Sembene, _God's Bits of Wood_
                    Pavese, Cesare
                       _The House on the Hill_
                       _The Selected Works of Cesare Pavese_
                    Percy, Walker, _The Moviegoer_
                    Porter, Katherine Anne, _Ship of Fools_
                    Powell, Anthony, _A Dance to the Music of Time_
                    Powers, J. F., _Morte D'Urban_
                    Purdy, James, _Cabot Wright Begins_
                    Pynchon, Thomas, _V._
                    Ransom, John Crowe, _Selected Poems_
                    Reik, Theodor, _Myth and Guilt_
                    Roth, Philip
                       _Goodbye, Columbus_
                       _Portnoy's Complaint_
                    Salinger, J. D., _Raise High the Roofbeams
                       Carpenters_ and _Seymour: An Introduction_
                    Shane, Alex M., _The Life and Works of Evgenij
                    Silone, Ignazio, _The Fox and the Camellias_
                    Singer, Isaac Bashevis
                       _Satan in Goray_
                       _Short Friday and Other Stories_
                    Sologub, Fyodor, _The Petty Demon_
                    Steinbeck, John, _The Winter of Our Discontent_
                    Svavo, Italo, _A Life_
                    Tanizaki, Junichiro, _Seven Japanese Tales_
                    Trilling, Diana, _Claremont Essays_
                    Tyler, Parker, _Chaplin: Last of the Clowns_
                    Updike, John
                       _The Centaur_
                       _Pigeon Feathers_
                    Warren, Robert Penn
                       _World Enough and Time_
                    Warshow, Robert, _The Immediate Experience_
                    Weltfish, Gene, _The Lost Universe_
                    White, William Allen, editor, _Defense for
                    Williamson, Henry, _Hustler!_
                    Wimsatt, William and Cleanth Brooks, _Literary
                       Criticism_  _See also same series,_ Brooks,
                    Wirgin, Wolf and Siegfried Mandel, _The History
                       of Coins and Symbols in Ancient Israel_
                    Wouk, Herman, _Youngblood Hawke_

Box 41           Speeches and lectures
                    Classroom lectures
                       Approaches to Shakespeare, 1969-70, n.d.
                       Art seminar, n.d. (2 folders)
                       Course descriptions and syllabi, 1956-68,
                       Form in the novel, 1960-63, n.d.
                       Introduction to poetry, n.d.
                       Language and literature, 1945, 1953-68, n.d.
                       Methods of literary criticism, 1945, n.d.
                       Myth, ritual and literature
                          Ballads, 1953, n.d.
                          Bible, 1954, 1962-64, n.d.
                          Blues, 1957-68, n.d.

Box 42                    Child ballads, n.d.
                          Folk literature and folklore, 1953-59, n.d.
                          Miscellany, 1952-70, n.d.
                       Poetry and criticism, n.d.
                       Principals of literary criticism, 1966-70,
                    Correspondence, 1949-70, n.d. (3 folders)
                    Miscellany, 1947-69, n.d.
                    Notes, n.d.
                    Other lectures
                       "Psychoanalysis and Tragedy," Middlebury
                          College, Middlebury, Vt., 18 Mar. 1955
                       "Shakespeare and Psychiatry," n.d.
                       "Some Trends in the Novel," Harvard Summer
                          School Conference, Harvard University,
                          Cambridge, Mass., 3 Aug. 1953

SUBJECT FILE, 1940-70, n.d.

Box 43           Advisory Commission on Brandeis University
                    Creative Arts Awards, 1967-68, n.d.
                 Bennington College, Bennington, Vt.
                    Administration, 1944-70, n.d.
                    Bloustein, Edward J., 1965-69
                    Brockway, Thomas P. and Jean, 1949-67, n.d.
                    Committee to Explore the Future of Bennington
                       Correspondence and memoranda, 1959-61, n.d.
                       Minutes of meetings, Jan.-Nov. 1960
                          (2 folders)
                       Miscellany, 1960-62, n.d.
                          Final report, Apr. 1961
                          Miscellany, 1960-61, n.d.
                    Committee to Recommend a President,
                       Feb.-June 1957

Box 44              Continuing Education Program, 1956-57, n.d.
                       General, 1950-70, n.d.
                       Students, 1965-70, n.d.
                       Trustees, 1955-68, n.d.
                    Educational Extensions Committee, 1957-58, n.d.
                    Fels, William C., 1958-64, n.d.
                    Lecture series on the poetic tradition in
                       English, 1959-61, n.d.
                    Letters of recommendation, 1949-69, n.d.
                    Library Committee, 1956-59
                    Miscellany, 1966, n.d.
                    Student evaluation reports, 1954-66, n.d.
                    Viewbook pamphlet, 1945
                 Employment rejections, 1940-41
                 Financial papers, 1965-70, n.d.
                 Jackson, Shirley, inquiries concerning, 1968-70,

Box 45           Real estate
                    Fromm, Erich, 1952-53
                    Lake Shaftsbury, Shaftsbury, Vt., June 1965
                    Rental properties, 1942-53, n.d.
                    Tenants, 1969-70
                 Teaching positions, 1962-68
                 Thirteenth Conference on Science, Philosophy and
                    Religion, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.,
                 Travel agents, 1968-69

MISCELLANY, 1935-73, n.d.

                 Address book, n.d.
                 Appointment calendar, 1965
                 Bibliography, n.d.
                 Cards, 1935-40, 1951-52, 1968, n.d.
                 Certificates and diplomas, 1935-38
                 Civil Service Commission, 1941-42, n.d.
                 Correspondence index, n.d.
                 Correspondence between others, 1936-39, 1950,
                    1963-65, n.d.
                 Drawings and illustrations
                    Goldberg, Seymour, 1937-42, n.d.
                    Golffing, Francis, 1948-50, n.d.
                    Miscellany, 1950, 1960-64, n.d.

Box 46              Parker, Robert, n.d.
                    Pratt, Janna, 1945-47, n.d.
                    Williams, Jay, 1939, n.d.
                 Jackson, Shirley, death of
                    Condolences, Aug. 1965-Mar. 1966 (4 folders)
                    Funeral arrangements and obituaries, 1965
                 Miss Vermont Beauty Pageant, 1954
                 Notes and other items, 1941, 1949, 1959, n.d.
                 Photographs, n.d.

Box 47           Printed matter, 1935-70, n.d.
                 Resume, 1940
                 Selective Service System, 1941-46
                 Tributes to Hyman, 1973
                    Correspondence, 1966-67
                    Marriage certificate, 28 Dec. 1966
                    Miscellany, 1966
                 Wedding announcement, 13 Aug. 1940
                 Writings of others, n.d.

*** Last update 3/24/97 (mal) ***
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