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Lorenzo Johnston Greene

A Register of His Papers in the Library of Congress

Prepared by Joseph K. Brooks with the assistance of Patricia K. Craig, Lisa R. Madison, and Sheila R. Day

Manuscript Division, Library of Congress

Washington, D.C.


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Finding aid encoded by Library of Congress Manuscript Division, 2001

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Latest revision: 2006 April

Table of Contents

Collection Summary

Selected Search Terms




Administrative Information


Processing History:


Copyright Status:


Preferred Citation:

Biographical Note

Scope and Content Note

Organization of the Papers

Description of Series

Container List

Family File, 1913-1988, n.d.

Academic File, 1680-1990, n.d.

Administrative File, 1925-1988, n.d.
Correspondence, 1928-1988, n.d.
General, 1929-1990, n.d.
Midwest Journal, 1945-1973, n.d.
Research File, 1680-1987, n.d.

Professional Organizations, 1933-1988, n.d.

Public Interest Organizations, 1931-1988, n.d.

Speeches and Writings, 1924-1988, n.d.

Oversize, 1863-1964

Collection Summary

Title: Papers of Lorenzo Johnston Greene
Span Dates: 1680-1988
Bulk Dates: (bulk 1933-1972)
ID No.: MSS77480
Creator: Greene, Lorenzo Johnston, 1899-
Extent: 44,100 items; 101 containers plus 9 oversize; 40.8 linear feet
Language: Collection material in English
Repository: Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Abstract: African-American historian, educator, editor, and civil rights and social activist. Chiefly academic files documenting Greene's career as a professor of history and pioneer in the field of African-American studies at Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri.

Selected Search Terms

The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the Library's online catalog. They are grouped by name of person or organization, by subject or location, and by occupation and listed alphabetically therein.

Greene, Lorenzo Johnston, 1899-
Anderson, Marjorie E.
Aptheker, Herbert, 1915-
Bacote, Clarence Albert, 1906-
Benton, Thomas Hart, 1889-1975
Blue, Cecil A.
Brimmer, Andrew F.
Brooks, Mary E.
Cromwell, Adelaide M.
Davis, Gerald L.
Dreer, Herman, b. 1889
Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868-1963
Dunn, William L., 1919-
Dymally, Mervyn M., 1926-
Eppse, Merl R. (Merl Raymond), b. 1893
Fleming, John E. (John Emory), 1944-
Florence, Charles W.
Frank, James, 1930-
Franklin, John Hope, 1915-
Goggin, Jacqueline Anne, 1953-
Greene, Thomasina T. (Thomasina Talley), 1913-
Hartshorn, H. Hadley (Herbert Hadley), 1909-
Heermance, J. Noel
Jackson, Harvey H.
Jackson, Luther Porter, 1892-1950
Jason, W. B.
Johnson, Charles Spurgeon, 1893-1956
Jones, Harold J.
Jones, Lois Mailou
Kellogg, Peter
Klotzer, Charles W.
Lee, Ulysses
Logan, Rayford Whittingham, 1897-
McAfee, Wilbur C.
McStallworth, Paul
Mehlinger, Louis R.
Meier, August, 1923-
Miller, M. Sammye
Parsons, Edward Alexander, 1878-1962
Quarles, Benjamin
Reddick, Lawrence Dunbar, 1910-
Risk, Richard E.
Robinson, William P., 1911-
Romero, Patricia W.
Shepperson, George
Shulimson, Bert
Smythe, Mabel M. (Mabel Murphy)
Strickland, Arvarh E.
Thomas, Charles W., 1926-
Tynes, Harcourt A.
Wesley, Charles H. (Charles Harris), 1891-1987
Woodson, Carter Godwin, 1875-1950
Wilson, Raleigh
Wright, Marion Manola Thompson, 1904-1962
Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, inc.
Institute for Drop-Out Prevention and Teacher Orientation (Kansas City, Mo.)
Institute to Facilitate Desegregation in the Kansas City, Mo., Public Schools
Lincoln University (Jefferson City, Mo.)
Missouri Association for Social Welfare
Missouri Commission on Human Rights
Parting Ways, the Museum of Afro-American Ethnohistory (Plymouth, Mass.)
United States Commission on Civil Rights. Missouri Advisory Committee

African American periodicals
African Americans--Civil rights
African Americans--History
African Americans--New England
African Americans--Study and teaching
Discrimination in housing
Dropouts--Missouri--Kansas City
Ethnological museums and collections--Massachusetts--Plymouth
School integration--Missouri--Kansas City


Administrative Information


The papers of Lorenzo Johnston Greene, historian and African-American educator, were given to the Library of Congress in 1990 by his wife, Thomasina T. Greene.

Processing History:

A description of the Greene Papers appears in Library of Congress Acquisitions: Manuscript Division, 1988, pp. 17-20.


Items have been transferred from the Manuscript Division to other custodial divisions of the Library. Video and audiotapes have been transferred to the Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division. Photographs have been transferred to the Prints and Photographs Division. All transfers are identified in these divisions as part of the Lorenzo Johnston Greene Papers.

Copyright Status:

The status of copyright in the unpublished writings of Lorenzo J. Greene is governed by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, U.S.C).


Restrictions apply governing the use, photoduplication, or publication of items in this collection. Consult a reference librarian in the Manuscript Division for information concerning these restrictions.

Preferred Citation:

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Container number, Lorenzo Johnston Greene Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Biographical Note

Date Event
1899, Nov. 16 Born, Ansonia, Conn.
1924 B.A., Howard University, Washington, D.C.
1926 M.A. in history, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
1928-1933 Field representative and research assistant to Carter G. Woodson, director, Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, Washington, D.C.
1930 Published with Carter G. Woodson The Negro Wage Earner (Washington, D.C.: Associated Publishers. 388 pp.)
1931 Published with Myra C. Callis The Employment of Negroes in the District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.: Associated Publishers. 89 pp.)
1933-1972 Instructor and professor of history, Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Mo.
1942 Ph.D. in history, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
Published The Negro in Colonial New England, 1620-1776 (New York: Columbia University Press. 404 pp.)
Married Thomasina Tally
1955 Chairman, program committee, Association for the Study of Negro Life and History annual meeting, Los Angeles, Calif.
1947-1956 Editor, Midwest Journal, Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Mo.
1964 Chairman, program committee, Association for the Study of Negro Life and History annual meeting, Detroit, Mich.
1959-1961 Chairman, SubCommittee on Education, Missouri Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights
1965-1966 President, Association for the Study of Negro Life and History
1971 Honorary LH.D., University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo.
1971-1972 Director, Institute for Drop-Out Prevention and Teacher Orientation, Jefferson City, Mo.
1972-1974 Director, Institute to Facilitate Desegregation in Kansas City Public Schools, Kansas City, Mo.
1980 Published with Antonio F. Holland and Gary Kremer Missouri's Black Heritage (St. Louis: Forum Press. 195 pp.)
1988, Jan. 24 Died, Jefferson City, Mo.
1988 Posthumous publication of Working with Carter G. Woodson, the Father of Black History, a Diary, 1928-30 (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 487 pp.)

Scope and Content Note

The papers of Lorenzo Johnston Greene (1899-1988), pioneer in African-American historical studies and multiculturalism, editor, and civil rights and social activist, span the years 1680-1988, with the bulk of the material documenting Greene's thirty-nine year career (1933-1972) at Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri, and as a professor emeritus at that historically black institution from his retirement in 1972 to his death in 1988. Before coming to Lincoln University, Greene was a field representative for the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH) and a close associate of Carter G. Woodson, the founder of the organization and the "father of Afro-American history." As an educator, Greene was an early advocate of the introduction of multicultural content into grade school and college texts nationwide. He wrote numerous monographs and articles, including The Negro In Colonial New England, 1620-1776, and edited the Midwest Journal, sponsored by Lincoln University. Greene's community service, in which he stressed open housing and school desegregation, included helping to found the Missouri Commission on Human Rights and chairing the human rights committee of the Missouri Association for Social Welfare and the education subcommittee of the Missouri Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights. His papers are organized into five series: Family, Academic, Professional Organizations, Public Interest Organizations, and Speeches and Writings.

Greene maintained a long-term correspondence with family members, childhood friends, and friends cultivated in New York and Washington, D.C., during graduate school at Columbia University and field work with the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History. Correspondence, biographical material on Greene, and subject files concerning family members are available in the Family series. The largest file in the series concerns Greene's wife, concert pianist Thomasina T. Greene, and includes Greene's correspondence as her tour manager and material on her father, Thomas W. Talley, a chemistry professor and pioneering African-American folklorist who wrote Negro Folk Rhymes.

The Academic series documents Greene's career at Lincoln University and is organized into Administrative, Correspondence, General, Midwest Journal , and Research subseries. The Administrative subseries includes files related to African-American studies courses and curricula, academic committees, and student affairs. Large files in the subseries relate to the Institute for Drop-Out Prevention and Teacher Orientation and to the Institute to Facilitate Desegregation in Kansas City, Mo., Public Schools, headed by Greene during 1971-1974.

Correspondents prominent in the Correspondence subseries of the Academic File include Herbert Aptheker, Gerald L. Davis, Herman Dreer, W. E. B. Du Bois, William L. Dunn, Mervyn M. Dymally, Merl R. Eppse, John E. Fleming, Charles W. Florence, James Frank, H. Hadley Hartshorn, J. Noel Heermance, W. B. Jason, Charles S. Johnson, Harold J. Jonas, Peter Kellogg, Charles L. Klotzer, Wilbur C. McAfee, Mabel M. Smythe, Arvarh E. Strickland, and Marion Manola Wright.

Documentation of Greene's study of the African-American experience in his home region includes a substantial file in the General subseries of the Academic series relating to his work as a consultant for the Parting Ways Museum of Afro-American Ethnohistory in Plymouth, Massachusetts, an institution focusing on black history in New England. This file contains correspondence with Marjorie E. Anderson, founder and long-time director of the museum. Also documented in the General subseries is Greene's participation with his students in the sharecroppers' roadside demonstration movement during 1939-1940 in southern Missouri, a precursor to the activist stage of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s.

The Midwest Journal subseries relates to Greene's editorship during 1947-1956. The Midwest Journal under Greene was a magazine of research and creative writing with an international reputation, emphasizing, but not limited to, African-American writers and issues. Material on the journal includes an editorial file containing biographical material on contributing writers, draft articles, correspondence with publishers, and a general correspondence file containing letters largely to and from contributing writers. General correspondents of the Midwest Journal subseries include Herbert Aptheker, Thomas Hart Benton, Cecil A. Blue, Lois M. Jones, and George Shepperson.

The Research subseries of the Academic File contains files concerning public records on African Americans in several New England states, including copies of documents related to the 1781 Jennison v. Walker case, a major factor in the abolition of slavery in Massachusetts, and copies of payrolls (1778-1779) and invalid accounts (1790) of the black First Rhode Island Regiment of the Continental Army. Material on the African-American experience in Missouri contained in the Research subseries of the Academic series includes correspondence related to a county by county survey conducted by Greene of black marriages in the state during 1865-1900, a 1936 interview with former slave Dilcey Ann Patterson, a file on African-American public schools during the era of segregation, and material on the Sixty-Fifth and Sixty-Eighth regiments, United States Colored Troops, whose members founded Lincoln University after the Civil War.

Historical material on black Americans in the Research subseries of the Academic series, however, is not limited to the New England region and Missouri. Greene conducted correspondence spanning 1934-1983 with libraries and archives throughout the United States inquiring about manuscript resources on African Americans. An example of the wealth of material he uncovered through this process is correspondence from the Washington State Historical Society on George W. Bush and William O. Bush, father and son African-American pioneers and civic leaders in the Pacific Northwest.

The Research subseries also documents Greene's efforts starting in the 1930s to introduce African-American studies and multiculturalism into textbooks and curricula nationwide. A project in 1964 to chart the representation of African Americans in over 150 history and social science textbooks spanning 1941-1964 is especially well documented.

Greene's commitment to the development of African-American history as both a branch of the historical profession and as a means of black consciousness-raising is reflected in the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH) file of the Professional Organizations series. Greene was active in the ASNLH, which in 1976 changed its name to the Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History (ASALH), throughout his career, twice serving as program committee chair for annual meetings and, during 1965-1966, as president of the organization. Of special interest is correspondence with Carter G. Woodson, long-time executive director of the ASNLH, and Charles H. Wesley, president of Central State University, Wilberforce, Ohio. Other ASNLH and ASALH file correspondents include Clarence Bacote, Andrew F. Brimmer, Herman Dreer, Mervyn M. Dymally, Merl R. Eppse, John Hope Franklin, Jacqueline Goggin, Adelaide C. Gulliver, Harvey Jackson, Luther P. Jackson, Ulysses G. Lee, Rayford W. Logan, Paul McStallworth, Louis R. Mehlinger, August Meier, M. Sammye Miller, Benjamin Quarles, Lawrence Dunbar Reddick, William P. Robinson, Patricia W. Romero, Charles W. Thomas, Harcourt A. Tynes, and Raleigh Wilson.

The Public Interest Organizations series documents Greene's civil rights and social activism and includes files on the Missouri Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights, Missouri Association for Social Welfare (MASW), and the Missouri Commission on Human Rights. Correspondents represented in MASW file of the series include Mary E. Brooks, Edward Parsons, Richard E. Risk, and Bert Shulimson.

Developed from research at Columbia University, Greene's The Negro in Colonial New England 1620-1776, first published in 1941, is still considered a definitive work on the subject and has been republished in several editions. His thesis and dissertation versions of this work are filed with related correspondence spanning 1941-1980 in the Speeches and Writings series. Als included in the series are drafts and correspondence related to the unpublished "Abolition of Slavery in New England 1688-1776" and speeches and articles by Greene on African Americans in New England, including an especially strong file of writings on black soldiers, sailors, and military units of Revolutionary War era Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. Missouri material in the Speeches and Writings series includes files on The Negro in the Making of Missouri and Missouri's Black Heritage, monographs cowritten by Greene. Greene's service between 1928-1933 as a research assistant and field representative to Carter G. Woodson is documented in several versions of Greene's transcribed diaries filed in the Speeches and Writings series.

Organization of the Papers

The collection is arranged in six series:

Description of Series

Container Series
BOX 1-7

Family File, 1913-1988, n.d.

Correspondence, address books, clippings, biographical material, legal papers, printed matter, concert programs, and miscellaneous material.
Organized alphabetically by name of person, subject, or type of material.
BOX 7-65

Academic File, 1680-1990, n.d.

BOX 7-24 Administrative File, 1925-1988, n.d.
Memoranda, minutes of meetings, announcements, vitae, reports, grant proposals, correspondence, clippings, case files, constitutions, course and curricula development material, and miscellaneous material relating largely to Lincoln University.
Organized alphabetically by type of material, organization, subject, or activity.
BOX 24-36 Correspondence, 1928-1988, n.d.
Correspondence sent and received with attached and related material.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person or organization.
BOX 36-47 General, 1929-1990, n.d.
Correspondence, bibliographies, fliers, reports, newsletters, newspapers, news releases, clippings, publishers' catalogs and brochures, student writings, yearbooks, printed matter, and miscellaneous material.
Organized alphabetically by name of organization, activity, subject, person, or type of material.
BOX 48-60 Midwest Journal, 1945-1973, n.d.
Correspondence, manuscript articles, short stories, poems, transcriptions of archival documents, biographical material, galleys, subscription and circulation lists, brochures, and miscellaneous material. Later material relates to reprint permissions and microfilming projects.
Arranged into administrative, correspondence with publishers, editorial, general correspondence, and Lincoln University Research Journal (predecessor of the Midwest Journal) files.
BOX 61-65 Research File, 1680-1987, n.d.
Reports, correspondence, topical files, photostats of archival documents, draft books, statistical material, legal documents, and miscellaneous material.
Arranged alphabetically by name of organization, person, subject, activity, or type of material.
BOX 66-76

Professional Organizations, 1933-1988, n.d.

Correspondence, minutes, reports, proposals, constitutions, financial statements, printed matter, and miscellaneous material.
Arranged alphabetically by name of organization, subject, activity, and type of material.
BOX 76-91

Public Interest Organizations, 1931-1988, n.d.

Correspondence, minutes, plans, newsletters, press releases, reports, statements, membership lists, clippings, draft legislation, directories, printed matter, and miscellaneous material.
Organized alphabetically by name of organizations.
BOX 91-101

Speeches and Writings, 1924-1988, n.d.

Interviews and panel discussions arranged chronologically; drafts of speeches by Greene arranged alphabetically by title and those by others organized chronologically; drafts and published versions of articles, books, dissertations, diaries, poems, and song lyrics, mostly by Greene, with correspondence, reviews, plans of work, and related material arranged alphabetically by type of material and then by title.

Oversize, 1863-1964

Charts related to a project tracking references to African-Americans in textbooks and United States Colored Troops muster roll fragments.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.

Container List

Container Contents
BOX 1-7

Family File, 1913-1988, n.d.

Correspondence, address books, clippings, biographical material, legal papers, printed matter, concert programs, and miscellaneous material.
Organized alphabetically by name of person, subject, or type of material.
BOX 1 Address books, n.d.
Anderson, Bertha M. (cousin)
Correspondence, 1938, 1954, n.d.
Correspondence, 1984-1986, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1954-1985, n.d.
Ansonia High School, Ansonia, Conn., 1950-1970, n.d.
Awards, certificates, diplomas, resolutions, and proclamations, 1913-1988
Biographical material, 1937-1988, n.d.
(2 folders)
General correspondence
"A-F" miscellaneous, 1948-1984, n.d.
Green, James H. (brother) and Marie, 1937-1981
"G-S" miscellaneous, 1936-1980
BOX 2 Solomon, Emma (sister), 1937-1970
"T-W" miscellaneous, 1937-1986, n.d.
Unidentified, 1938-1983, n.d.
Greene, Helene (sister), 1939-1970
Greene, Lorenzo J., death, 1988
Greene, Lorenzo T. (son), 1952-1988, n.d.
Greene, Thomasina T. (wife)
Biographical material, 1942, 1985, n.d.
Clippings, 1942-1949, 1963, 1977, n.d.
(2 folders)
BOX 3 1970-1987, n.d.
Greene, Lorenzo J., 1941-1978
Piano concert tour management (by Lorenzo J. Greene),
(4 folders)
BOX 4 1947-1983, n.d.
(3 folders)
Sympathy cards and letters, 1988
(2 folders)
Greene Studio, 1944-1964, 1975-1976, 1987, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1942-1958, 1965-1984, n.d.
Music education material, 1935, 1950, n.d.
(2 folders)
National Federation of Music Clubs, 1947-1948, 1965-1967
National Guild of Piano Teachers, 1948, n.d.
National Society of Music and Art, 1948
Recitals and concerts
Booking and patron lists, n.d.
BOX 6 Programs, 1941-1951, 1984, n.d.
Publicity material, 1942-1951, n.d.
Speeches and writings, 1941-1964, n.d.
Tally, Thomas W. (father of Thomasina T. Greene)
Folktale, 1955, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1943-1956, n.d.
Upbeat project
Correspondence, 1975-1978, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1977-1978, n.d.
Younger, Cassie, estate, 1964, 1967
Greene, Willis H. (father), 1937, n.d.
BOX 7 Miscellaneous, 1937-1983, n.d.
Monroe, Helen L., 1937-1938, 1977-1986, n.d.
BOX 7-65

Academic File, 1680-1990, n.d.

BOX 7-24 Administrative File, 1925-1988, n.d.
Memoranda, minutes of meetings, announcements, vitae, reports, grant proposals, correspondence, clippings, case files, constitutions, course and curricula development material, and miscellaneous material relating largely to Lincoln University.
Organized alphabetically by type of material, organization, subject, or activity.
BOX 7 Afro-American studies
Black Studies Paperback Book Project, 1969, n.d
Miscellaneous, 1966-1985, n.d.
Institutes and organizations, 1940-1987, n.d.
Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Mo.
(2 folders)
BOX 8 1953-1988, n.d.
Miscellaneous colleges and universities, 1954-1986, n.d
(2 folders)
Cluster program, 1969-1972, n.d.
Advisory Committee on the Implementation of Title I and Title VIII Programs, 1970-1971, n.d.
Benefits Package Committee, 1984-1985, n.d.
Black Studies Subcommittee, 1969-1972, n.d.
College Policies Committee, 1949-1967, n.d.
BOX 9 Defense Council Special Committee, 1942-1943
Discipline Committee, 1943-1944, n.d.
Educational Policies Committee, 1947-1948, 1963
Greene Salary Dispute Special Committee, 1945-1946
Honors Program Committee, n.d.
Long-range Planning Committee, 1957-1960, n.d.
Minor in Afro-American Studies Committee, 1969, n.d.
(3 folders)
BOX 10 1968, 1985-1986, n.d.
Presidential Search and Screening Committee, 1987, n.d.
Professors Emeriti Committee, 1965, 1981-1985, n.d.
Public Relations Committee, 1939-1940, n.d.
Student Personnel Services Committee
Case files, 1965-1968
Constitutions and rules, 1955-1956, 1968, n.d.
1943, 1960-1967
(2 folders)
BOX 11 1968-1969, n.d.
Incident narratives, 1964-1969, n.d.
Meetings, 1943, 1964-1969, n.d.
Memoranda, 1944, 1961-1972
Miscellaneous, 1953-1969, n.d.
Reports, 1944, 1965-1968
Student handbook
Miscellaneous, 1965-1968, n.d.
Questionnaires, n.d.
Survey Committee for the College of Arts and Sciences, 1942
Lincoln University Career Conference, 1953-1954, n.d.
BOX 12 Lincoln University preschool faculty conferences, 1951-1972, n.d.
Miscellaneous conferences, 1938-1987, n.d.
Course and curricula material
African and Afro-American studies
Miscellaneous, 1968-1970, n.d.
Westminster College Afro-American Workshop, Fulton, Mo., 1969-1971, n.d.
(2 folders)
Department of History and Government
BOX 13 Undated
Division of Social Sciences, 1970-1971, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1935-1971, n.d.
Deanship of the College of Professional Studies, 1984
Directories, lists, and rosters, 1947-1959, 1970-1972, 1985, n.d.
Letters of recommendation, 1949, 1970-1985, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1942, 1973, n.d.
Publications, 1944-1975, n.d.
Grant proposals and related material
Ford Foundation, 1968-1972, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1940-1984, n.d.
Inman E. Page Library, 1938-1978, n.d.
BOX 14 Institute for Drop-Out Prevention and Teacher Orientation
African embassies, 1971-1972, n.d.
Attendee material, 1972-1973
Clippings, 1972-1978, n.d.
Consultants, 1972-1973, n.d.
Correspondence, 1972-191973
(4 folders)
Course outlines, 1972-1973, n.d.
BOX 15 Field evaluations of Missouri townships, ca. 1970
Grant proposals and related material, 1972-1973, n.d.
Memoranda, 1972-1973, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1963, 1972-1974, n.d.
Reports, studies, and related material, 1972-1973, n.d.
Seminars, 1972-1973
Vitae and position descriptions, 1971-1973, n.d.
Institute to Facilitate Desegregation in Kansas City, Mo. Public Schools
Attendees, 1972-1974, n.d.
Background readings, 1969-1974, n.d.
BOX 16 Correspondence, 1973-1976
(3 folders)
Grant proposals and related material, 1970-1974, n.d.
(3 folders)
Letters of thanks to Kansas City, Mo., school officials, 1973
Memoranda, 1973-1974, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1973-1974, n.d.
BOX 17 Reports, studies, and related material, 1973-1974, n.d.
1934-1970, n.d.
(5 folders)
BOX 18 1971-1987, n.d.
(5 folders)
BOX 19 1970-1981
(7 folders)
BOX 20 1982-1987, n.d.
(2 folders)
Reports and studies re Lincoln University
(4 folders)
BOX 21 Undated
Alumni, 1946, 1963-1986, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1946, 1963-1986, n.d.
Smith, Frederick E., 1981, n.d.
Course critiques, n.d.
Directories and lists, 1925-1972, n.d.
Letters of recommendation, 1942-1986, n.d.
(2 folders)
Miscellaneous, ca. 1936, 1971, n.d.
Veterans, 1942-1946, n.d.
BOX 22 Surveys and questionnaires, n.d.
University placement services, 1970-1973, n.d.
(2 folders)
Vitae and applications for academic employment
"A-Do" miscellaneous, 1946-1984, n.d.
(3 folders)
BOX 23 "Dr-N" miscellaneous, 1966-1973, n.d.
(5 folders)
BOX 24 "P-Z" miscellaneous, 1933-ca. 1986, n.d.
(4 folders)
BOX 24-36 Correspondence, 1928-1988, n.d.
Correspondence sent and received with attached and related material.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person or organization.
BOX 24 "A" miscellaneous, 1933-1987, n.d.
(3 folders)
BOX 25 Bethel, Elizabeth R., 1981-1987
Bonner, Cynthia B., 1942-1963, n.d.
Brigham, Robert I., 1943-1973, n.d.
(3 folders)
"Ba-Bl" miscellaneous, 1934-1986, n.d.
(4 folders)
BOX 26 "Br-By" miscellaneous, 1934-1987, n.d.
(2 folders)
Chapman, Oscar J., 1960-1973, n.d.
(3 folders)
"Ca-Cl" miscellaneous, 1933-1986, n.d.
(2 folders)
BOX 27 "Co-Cz" miscellaneous, 1934-1986, n.d.
(3 folders)
Daniel, Walter C., 1969-1978, n.d.
Dawson, Earl E., 1939-1969
"D" miscellaneous, 1933-1985, n.d.
(3 folders)
BOX 28 Eichhorst, Thomas E., 1963-1977
"E-Gi" miscellaneous, 1928-1987, n.d.
(6 folders)
BOX 29 "Gj-Gu" miscellaneous, 1934-1985, n.d.
(2 folders)
Hudson, Gossie, 1972-1974, n.d.
"H" miscellaneous, 1933-1987, n.d.
(4 folders)
BOX 30 "I-J" miscellaneous, 1938-1987, n.d.
(3 folders)
Kremer, Gary R., 1970-1985, n.d.
"K-L" miscellaneous, 1934-1987, n.d.
(4 folders)
BOX 31 Macmillan Co., 1933-1971, n.d.
Marshall, Albert P., 1962-1986
McGraw Hill Book Co., 1933-1944, 1968
Meier, August, 1963-1974, 1981-1985, n.d.
Miller, James Erroll, 1939-1971, n.d.
Mountain, Elsie M., 1935-1944
"Ma-McG" miscellaneous, 1934-1986, n.d.
(3 folders)
BOX 32 "McH-N" miscellaneous, 1934-1987, n.d.
(5 folders)
Oak, Vishnu V., 1943-1948
"O" miscellaneous, 1942-1972
Pride, Armistead S., 1949, 1964-1972
"Pac-Par" miscellaneous, 1938-1986, n.d.
BOX 33 "Pat-Q" miscellaneous, 1933-1986, n.d.
(4 folders)
Reddick, Lawrence D., 1934-1982
Reid, Ira De A., 1943-1946
Robinson, W. Stitt, 1968-1982
"R" miscellaneous, 1934-1987, n.d.
(4 folders)
BOX 34 Savage, W. Sherman, 1933-1967
Scruggs, Sherman D., 1938-1953
Stamper, Cletus, 1967-1986
"Sa-Ss" miscellaneous, 1934-1988, n.d.
(6 folders)
BOX 35 "St-Wa" miscellaneous, 1934-1987, n.d.
(8 folders)
BOX 36 "We-Z" miscellaneous, 1934-1988, n.d.
(5 folders)
Unidentified, 1934-1987, n.d.
BOX 36-47 General, 1929-1990, n.d.
Correspondence, bibliographies, fliers, reports, newsletters, newspapers, news releases, clippings, publishers' catalogs and brochures, student writings, yearbooks, printed matter, and miscellaneous material.
Organized alphabetically by name of organization, activity, subject, person, or type of material.
BOX 36 Advisory Committee on Training for Colored Social Workers, 1929-1930
Albert A. Kildare Memorial Fund, 1960-1968, n.d.
Anderson, Marian, 1939, n.d.
Annie Malone Children's Home, St. Louis, Mo., 1979-1984, n.d.
BOX 37 Bibliographies and book lists, 1934, 1938, 1945-1985, n.d.
(5 folders)
"The Black Frontier" film project
Correspondence, 1969-1970
Miscellaneous, 1968-1970, n.d.
Book and Pen Club, 1955-1958, 1965, n.d.
BOX 38 Civilian Defense Corps, 1942, n.d.
Clippings, 1940-1990, n.d.
Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 1934-1987, n.d.
Course examinations and problems, 1940-1970, 1980, n.d.
Dr. Lorenzo Johnston Greene Day, 1973
Ethnic Studies Center, 1980-1986, n.d.
Fabio, Sarah W., Saga of the Black Man (drama), 1968
Historical societies and museums
Miscellaneous, 1946, 1959-1986, n.d.
Old Derby Historical Society, Derby, Conn., 1981-1988, n.d.
Parting Ways Museum of Afro-American Ethnohistory, Plymouth, Mass.
Anderson, Marjorie E., director, 1980-1986, n.d.
BOX 39 National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar for high school teachers, 1983-1984
Parting Ways settlement, 1977-1981
Pearse, Abraham, 1981-1983, n.d.
Planning colloquium, 1977
Search Committee, 1984-1985
Transition from Slavery to Freedom in Plymouth and Southeastern Massachusetts project
"Conditions of & Responses to Slavery in Plymouth, 1680 to the Revolution" and related material, n.d
Correspondence and memoranda, 1981-1984
Miscellaneous, 1981-1984, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1981-1984, n.d.
Monthly, 1981-1982
Users manual for Parting Ways research facilities, 1982
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 1981-1987, n.d.
BOX 40 Honorary degree, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., 1971
Howard University, Washington, D. C., 1932, 1963, n.d.
Integration of the Afro-American Folk Arts through Music project, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 1976-1983
Intercultural education, 1940, 1944
Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity, 1934-1986, n.d.
(2 folders)
Lincoln University luminaries, biographical material, 1972-1988
Midwest Committee on Discrimination in Higher Education, 1952-1955, n.d.
Missouri sharecroppers roadside demonstrations (1939-1940)
Delmo Housing Corporation, 1954-1979, n.d.
BOX 41 Documentary film projects, 1984-1987, n.d.
(2 folders)
General correspondence, 1939-1940, 1984-1986, n.d.
Johnson, Walter and Cecil (father and son), 1939
Miscellaneous, 1938-1939, 1981-1985, n.d.
Mitchell, Harry L.
Biographical material, 1979, 1986-1987
Correspondence, 1980-1987, n.d.
Narratives and background material, 1987, n.d.
Sharecroppers correspondence, 1939, n.d.
Southwest Missouri Farm Resettlement Project, Farm Security Administration, 1939-1940, n.d
Missouri State Committee on the Negro Emancipation Centennial, 1961-1963
BOX 42 Missouri State Conference on the Employment Problems of the Negro, 1939, n.d.
NAACP, 1941-1985, n.d.
Negro History Week, 1935-1969, 1982, n.d.
News releases, 1970-1983, n.d.
Newsletters, newspapers, and related material
American Outpost, London, England, 1944
In Fact, New York, N.Y., 1942, 1944-1946
Miscellaneous, 1938-1985, n.d.
Southern Patriot, Nashville, Tenn., 1945
Publishers' announcements, brochures and catalogs
BOX 43 1969-1985, n.d.
(5 folders)
BOX 44 Retirement correspondence, 1969-1973, n.d.
Seaforth Junior Secondary School, St. Thomas, Jamaica, Cynthia Bolt Bonner, principal, 1973-1984, n.d.
Student writings
Afro-American studies
1929, 1944, 1960-1972
(3 folders)
BOX 45 1973-1977, n.d.
(4 folders)
1935-1939, 1956-1965
(3 folders)
BOX 46 1966-1970, n.d.
(5 folders)
Missouri history
1965, 1971
BOX 47 Undated
Tennessee A. & I. State College, Nashville, Tenn., 1943-1944, n.d.
Tennessee Folklore Society, 1955-1957
Yearbooks, 1957, 1965, 1967
(3 folders)
BOX 48-60 Midwest Journal, 1945-1973, n.d.
Correspondence, manuscript articles, short stories, poems, transcriptions of archival documents, biographical material, galleys, subscription and circulation lists, brochures, and miscellaneous material. Later material relates to reprint permissions and microfilming projects.
Arranged into administrative, correspondence with publishers, editorial, general correspondence, and Lincoln University Research Journal (predecessor of the Midwest Journal) files.
BOX 48 Administrative file
Circulation and subscription material, 1949-1956, n.d.
Gallagher, Norman B. (owner of Tri-County Publications), 1952-1956, n.d.
(2 folders)
Inter-City Press, 1950-1951, n.d.
Library of Congress, 1949-1957, n.d.
Mid-State Printing Co., 1949-1956, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1949-1956, n.d.
Correspondence with publishers
Alfred A. Knopf, 1948-1955, n.d.
"A-B" miscellaneous, 1948-1973, n.d.
(2 folders)
Columbia University Press, 1948-1956, n.d.
BOX 49 "C-G" miscellaneous, 1948-1955, n.d.
(2 folders)
Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1948-1955, n.d.
Harper and Brothers, 1948-1956, n.d.
"H-J " miscellaneous, 1948-1955, n.d.
(2 folders)
Little, Brown and Co., 1948-1955, n.d.
"L" miscellaneous, 1949-1961, n.d.
Macmillan Co., 1948-1957, n.d.
McGraw Hill, 1949-1952, n.d.
Microfilming Corporation of America, 1970-1971, n.d.
"M-N" miscellaneous, 1951-1956, n.d.
Oxford University Press, 1948-1955, n.d.
"O" miscellaneous, 1955
Prentice Hall, 1948-1956
BOX 50 Princeton University Press, 1949-1956, n.d.
"P-T" miscellaneous, 1948-1955, n.d.
(3 folders)
University of North Carolina Press, 1954-1955, n.d.
University of Oklahoma Press, 1950-1956, n.d.
"U-V" miscellaneous, 1948-1956, n.d.
Westminster Press, 1952-1956
"W-Y" miscellaneous, 1949-1955, n.d.
Editorial file
Biographical sketches of contributors, 1949, n.d.
Editorial board and editorial staff, 1946-1953, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1948-1956, n.d.
Publishers brochures and publicity material, 1950-1955, n.d.
(2 folders)
BOX 51 Review books tracking sheets, n.d.
Text copy
Index, vols. 1-6, 1948-1955
(2 folders)
Vols. 1-2, 1948-1950
Vol. 4, 1952
BOX 52 Vols. 5-6, 1952-1954
(5 folders)
BOX 53 Vol. 6, 1954
(6 folders)
BOX 54 Vol. 7, 1955-1956
(7 folders)
Anonymous and fragmentary works, 1949, n.d.
BOX 55 Miscellaneous articles, documents, folktales, and poems, 1948-1956, n.d.
General correspondence
"A" miscellaneous, 1948-1958, n.d.
British Information Service, 1948-1952, n.d.
"Ba-Br" miscellaneous, 1948-1973, n.d.
(3 folders)
BOX 56 "Bu-E" miscellaneous, 1948-1973, n.d.
(7 folders)
Filler, Louis, 1950-1956, n.d.
Fischel, Leslie H., 1949-1955
Fiszman, Joseph R., 1955-1956
Flechtheim, Ossip K. and Lili, 1949-1955
Fletcher, T. Thomas Fortune, 1948-1957, n.d.
BOX 57 "F" miscellaneous, 1948-1956
Griffin, William J., 1949-1955, n.d.
"G" miscellaneous, 1948-1963 , n.d.
(2 folders)
Hamilton, Horace E., 1950-1956, n.d.
Hammond, Harold E., 1952-1955, n.d.
Hansberry, William Leo, 1955, n.d.
Heckscher, Kay, 1952-1955, n.d.
Herkovits, Melville J., 1949-1956
Hughes, Langston, 1949-1955
"H" miscellaneous, 1948-1955, n.d.
(2 folders)
Ikemoto, Takashi, 1952-1954
"J" miscellaneous, 1948-1954, n.d.
BOX 58 "K" miscellaneous, 1948-1954, n.d.
Lee, Ulysses Y., 1949-1955 , n.d.
"L" miscellaneous, 1948-1956
Meier, August, 1951-1956, n.d.
"M-O" miscellaneous, 1948-1955, n.d.
(4 folders)
Polin, Raymond, 1953-1956, n.d.
des Pres, Francois M. T., 1949-1956, n.d.
"P" miscellaneous, 1948-1954
Quarles, Benjamin, 1948-1956, n.d.
Reddick, Lawrence D., 1949-1955, n .d.
BOX 59 "R" miscellaneous, 1949-1963, n.d.
Sakata, Taro, 1952-1953
Scott, Nathan A., 1953-1955, n.d.
Scruggs, Sherman D., 1949-1955, n.d.
Segy, Ladislas, 1951-1956, n.d.
Shepperson, George, 1952-1953
Smythe, Hugh H. and Mabel M., 1948-1956, n.d.
Starr, Richard F., 1955-1956, n.d.
"S" miscellaneous, 1948-1963, n.d.
(2 folders)
Talbot, Walter R., 1955-1956, n.d.
"T-U" miscellaneous, 1948-1957, n.d.
BOX 60 Van Horn, Ruth G., 1952-1956, n.d.
"V" miscellaneous, 1953-1955
Williamson, Hugh P., 1949-1956, n.d.
Winslow, Henry F., 1951-1955, n.d.
Woodress, James, 1955-1956, n.d.
"W-Z" miscellaneous, 1948-1961, n.d.
(2 folders)
Unidentified, 1948, n.d.
Lincoln University Research Journal (predecessor of Midwest Journal)
Correspondence, "A-Y" miscellaneous, 1946-1947, n.d.
(3 folders)
Miscellaneous, 1945-1948, n.d.
BOX 61-65 Research File, 1680-1987, n.d.
Reports, correspondence, topical files, photostats of archival documents, draft books, statistical material, legal documents, and miscellaneous material.
Arranged alphabetically by name of organization, person, subject, activity, or type of material.
BOX 61 Afro-American colleges
Lists, n.d.
Theater education, 1968
Businesses, 1933-1957, n.d.
Connecticut, 1680-1762, 1774-1792, 1803, 1963, n.d.
(2 folders)
Jennison v. Walker and the extinction of slavery in Massachusetts, 1688-1788, 1947, 1983, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1688-1788, 1947, n.d.
BOX 62 Minnesota, 1945, 1947
Beasley, Edward and Enid Mushkin, "An Outline History of Blacks in Kansas City 1800-1978," 1979
Clamorgan, Cyprian. The Colored Aristocracy of St. Louis. St. Louis, Mo., 1858
Marriage record project, 1972, n.d.
Military units
Sixty-fifth and Sixty-eighth regiments, United States Colored Troops, lists and data sheets
Third Missouri Heavy Artillery regiment, muster roll fragments, 1863 See Oversize
Unidentified muster roll fragments, 1865 See also Oversize
Miscellaneous, 1963-1970, n.d.
"Odyssey of the Columbia Black Community Since Emancipation," 1981
Patterson, Dilcey Ann (former slave) interview, 1936
Public schools
Miscellaneous, 1929-1974, n.d.
Sumner High School, St. Louis, Mo., 1987
BOX 63 Stauffer, Grant, "The Free Negro in Missouri, 1850-1860," master's thesis research material (including photo reproduction of Bruce, H.C., The New Man, Twenty-Nine Years a Slave. Twenty-Nine Years a Free Man, York, Pa., 1895), 1895, 1972
(2 folders)
Young, William H. and Nathan B., Your Kansas City and Mine, 1950
Attendance at professional meetings, 1937-1954, n.d.
Pay equalization, 1935-1948, n.d.
Rhode Island
First Rhode Island Regiment, 1778-1779
Slaves, 1781-1786, 1880, 1946
"Statement of Invalid Accounts" and other material re veterans of Revolutionary War, 1790, 1945-1946, n.d.
Sports Since 1947 project, 1966
Textbooks, 1961-1969, n.d. See also Oversize
Utah and the Mormon Church, 1969, 1978-1979, n.d.
World War II
American Teachers Association. The Black and White of Rejections for Military Service, (Montgomery, Ala., 1944)
BOX 64 Military units, n.d.
War industries
Miscellaneous, 1940-1941
Office of Production Management, 1940-1942, n.d.
Aging study, 1959
Archival material on Afro-Americans
Correspondence, Alabama-Washington, D.C., 1934-1983
(2 folders)
Miscellaneous, 1791, 1815, 1843, 1944, 1967, 1973
Black v. Missouri, 1982
British Information Service, 1943, 1948-1957, 1970
Bush, George W. and William O., Afro-American pioneers in the Pacific Northwest, 1954
Clements v. Teaford, 1967-1970, n.d.
Czechoslovak National Council of America, 1943-1944
Downing, George, Afro-American abolitionist, n.d.
Fairground Park incident, St. Louis, Mo., 1949
Indians and Mexicans in Minnesota, 1947-1948
BOX 65 Lincoln University history, 1936, 1961-1981, 1985, n.d.
Miscellaneous publications, 1939-1972, 1982, n.d.
Missouri military units, Civil War, First World War, and Korean War eras, 1952, 1964, n.d.
Segregation and desegregation, 1954-1956
United States Bureau of the Census
Census of agriculture, summary by states and special reports re Missouri, 1935
Census of housing for St. Louis, Mo., 1980
Crop and livestock summaries, 1935
Farm acreage and value reports, 1935
Farm and census preliminary reports re Missouri counties, 1935
Miscellaneous, n.d.
Releases, 1933-1935
Social and economic characteristics by race report for Missouri for 1970 and 1980, n.d.
BOX 66-76

Professional Organizations, 1933-1988, n.d.

Correspondence, minutes, reports, proposals, constitutions, financial statements, printed matter, and miscellaneous material.
Arranged alphabetically by name of organization, subject, activity, and type of material.
BOX 66 American Association of University Professors, 1942-1969, n.d.
American Management Association, 1968, n.d.
Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History (ASALH)
Annual meetings
BOX 67 1982-1987
(6 folders)
Associated Publishers
Afro-American History Kit series, 1982-1985
BOX 68 Correspondence, 1981-1987
Journal of Negro History
Correspondence, 1974-1986
Miscellaneous, 1981-1986, n.d.
Reports, 1978-1984
Miscellaneous, 1979-1986, n.d.
Constitutions and related material, 1973-1985, n.d.
Executive Council
Banks v. Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History, Inc., 1985
Correspondence, 1979-1987, n.d.
Employee packet, 1980
BOX 69 Meetings, 1976-1985
Miscellaneous, 1983-1984, n.d.
Reports, 1975-1988, n.d.
Financial statements, 1979-1987, n.d.
General correspondence
"A" miscellaneous, 1982-1984
Banks, Samuel L., 1983-1985
"B-F" miscellaneous, 1974-1986
(4 folders)
Gillespie, Bonnie J., 1984-1986
"G" miscellaneous, 1980-1985, n.d.
BOX 70 Hornsby, Alton, Jr., 1977-1987, n.d.
"H-M" miscellaneous, 1973-1987
(4 folders)
Picott, J. Rupert, 1973-1984, n.d.
"P-W" miscellaneous, 1973-1987, n.d.
(4 folders)
Unidentified, 1983-1985, n.d.
Historical and biographical material, including data re ASNLH, 1987, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1974-1987, n.d.
Program proposals, 1981-1982, n.d.
Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH)
Annual meetings
BOX 71 1954
(2 folders)
BOX 72 1965-1970
(2 folders)
Associated Publishers, 1942-1972, n.d.
Constitutions, 1950-1965, n.d.
Executive Council, 1951-1971, n.d.
Fund-raising and financial statements, 1949-1961, n.d.
General correspondence
"A" miscellaneous, 1954-1968, n.d.
Brewer, William M., 1950-1968, n.d.
BOX 73 "B-H" miscellaneous, 1937-1972, n.d.
(5 folders)
Jackson, Harvey, 1952-1965
"J-K" miscellaneous, 1941-1967, n.d.73
Logan, Rayford W., 1936-1952, n.d.
"L-Q" miscellaneous, 1945-1973, n.d.
(3 folders)
Reddick, Lawrence D., 1950-1968
BOX 74 "R" miscellaneous, 1951-1973, n.d.
Segy, Ladislaw, 1952-1956, n.d.
"S-V" miscellaneous, 1937-1972, n.d.
Wesley, Charles H., 1937-1966, n.d.
(2 folders)
Wesley, Charles H. and Dorothy P., 1967-1986, n.d.
Woodson, Carter G.
1933-1939, n.d.
BOX 75 1940-1949, n.d.
"W" miscellaneous, 1945-1965, n.d.
Unidentified, 1951-1965
Woodson, Carter G.
Correspondence and other material re essays in honor of Woodson, 1940, n.d.
Writings by Woodson, 1936, n.d.
Association of Social Science Teachers
Association of Social Science Teachers in Negro Schools (predecessor organization), 1944-1951, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1950-1970, n.d.
Mid-Missouri Council for the Social Sciences, 1938-1958, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1970-1983, n.d.
Missouri Council on Historic Preservation, 1973-1974, n.d.
(2 folders)
Missouri Historical Records Advisory Board
Correspondence, 1983-1987, n.d.
BOX 76 Miscellaneous, 1983-1987, n.d.
(2 folders)
Missouri State Association of Negro Teachers, 1938-1945, n.d.
Missouri State Library Coordinating Board for Higher Education, 1986-1987, n.d.
Missouri State Teachers Association, 1939-1983
Southern Association of Africanists, 1974
BOX 76-91

Public Interest Organizations, 1931-1988, n.d.

Correspondence, minutes, plans, newsletters, press releases, reports, statements, membership lists, clippings, draft legislation, directories, printed matter, and miscellaneous material.
Organized alphabetically by name of organizations.
BOX 76 A. Philip Randolph Institute, 1965, 1980, n.d.
American Civil Liberties Union, 1953-1980, n.d.
American Foundation for Negro Affairs, 1968, n.d.
American Management Association, 1968-1970, n.d.
BOX 77 Committee on Residential Standards, Jefferson City, Mo., 1966, n.d.
Congress of Racial Equality, 1953
Episcopal Church, Diocese of Missouri
Grace Episcopal Church, 1957-1985, n.d.
Mintz, Arnold E., 1962-1974, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1959-1974, n.d.
Governor's Advisory Council on Aging, Missouri, 1966-1981
Jefferson City Council on Religion and Race, Jefferson City, Mo., 1967, n.d.
Jewish organizations, 1958-1983, n.d.
Kiwanis Club, 1974-1987, n.d.
Mayor's Senior Citizens Advisory Commission, Jefferson City, Mo., 1961-1984, n.d.
Missouri Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights
Background material, 1959-1970, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1959-1971
Southwestern Title IV conference, 1965
Education Subcommittee, 1958-1961, n.d.
Correspondence, 1958-1961, n.d.
BOX 78 Miscellaneous, 1959-1964, n.d.
Questionnaires and related material, 1965, n.d.
Reports and statements
Miscellaneous, 1958-1960, n.d.
Report to the United States Commission on Civil Rights on Desegregation of Schools in Missouri by the Missouri Advisory Committee, 1959
General Correspondence, 1958-1982, n.d.
(2 folders)
BOX 79 Handbooks, 1958
Housing file, 1958-1970, n.d.
Legislation file, 1964-1965, n.d.
McDonnell-Douglas affirmative action plan, 1970
Meetings and hearings, 1958-1971, n.d.
(2 folders)
BOX 80 Members
Miscellaneous, 1960, n.d.
Newsletters and releases, 1959-1986, n.d.
Program guide, 1965
Publications, 1964-1972, n.d.
Questionnaires and related material, 1959-1962, n.d.
Reports and statements
By the United States Commission on Civil Rights, 1959-1971
BOX 81 Geographical file
Alabama, Illinois, Kansas, 1957-1958, n.d.
Missouri, New York, 1963-1977, n.d.
Tennessee, Wisconsin, 1956-1957, n.d.
Re Indians, 1954, 1960
Missouri Association for Social Welfare (MASW)
Annual conferences
1939, 1949-1966
(2 folders)
BOX 82 1967-1973, n.d.
Background and historical material, 1964, 1975-1979, 1988, n.d.
Board of directors
Correspondence, 1949-1970, 1982, n.d.
(3 folders)
Handbooks and manuals, 1961
(2 folders)
BOX 83 1953-1961
(5 folders)
BOX 84 1962-1968, n.d.
(2 folders)
Members, 1957-1965, n.d.
Nominating committee, 1951-1974
(2 folders)
Reports and statements, 1952-1967, n.d.
Staff file, 1944-1967, 1976, n.d.
Archives Committee, 1974
Bylaws Committee, 1948-1962, 1983, n.d.
Civil Rights Committee, 1948
Corrections Committee, 1960-1967, 1972
Goals Committee, 1976
Human Rights Committee
"A-H" miscellaneous, 1954-1968
BOX 85 "J-Y" miscellaneous, 1950-1968, n.d.
Unidentified, 1953, 1968, n.d.
Fair housing file
Correspondence, 1956-1968, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1958, 1966-1968, n.d.
(2 folders)
BOX 86 Meetings, 1949-1968, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1960-1967, n.d.
Reports and statements, 1952-1967, n.d.
Public Relations Committee, 1954, n.d.
Public Social Services Committee, 1955-1967, n.d.
Welfare of the Aging Committee, 1959, n.d.
Council on Divisions and Redistricting Committee, 1958
East Central Division, 1951-1988, n.d.
Kansas City Area (Jackson Co., Mo.), Northeast, Northwest, Ozark, South Central, Southeast, and Southwest divisions, 1955-1961
St. Louis Area Division, 1951-1964, n.d.
West Central Division, 1940-1968, n.d.
Board of Directors, 1953-1968
BOX 87 Correspondence, 1940-1966, n.d.
(2 folders)
Membership file, 1953-1966
Miscellaneous, 1953-1967, n.d.
General correspondence
Brooks, Mary E., 1949-1952
"B-W" miscellaneous, 1939-1940, 1952-1986
Legislative file
Bills, acts, and related material, 1951-1969, n.d.
Correspondence, 1949-1967
Directories and lists of legislators, ca. 1950-1967
Legislative News
BOX 88 1957-1985
(2 folders)
Membership drives and fund-raising, 1953-1986, n.d.
Miscellaneous, ca. 1950-1970, 1982, n.d.
Missouri Council on Children and Youth
Committee for Handicapped Children, 1958
Committee on the Problems of Juveniles, 1958-1961
Executive Committee, Foster Care Section, 1958-1960, n.d.
Steering Committee, 1958-1961
Conferences, 1958, 1967
Correspondence, 1951-1954, 1960
Miscellaneous, 1951-1959, n.d.
Publications, 1950-1955
BOX 89 White House Conference on Youth, 1950-1969, n.d.
Program statements and related material, 1952-1971, n.d.
Publications, 1951-1982, n.d.
Vocational rehabilitation, 1967-1968, n.d.
Missouri Commission for UNESCO, 1946-1957, n.d.
Missouri Commission on Human Rights
Bibliographies project, 1969-1970, n.d.
Correspondence, 1959-1987
BOX 90 Legislation file, 1984-1985, n.d.
Meetings and conferences, 1959-1987, n.d.
Miscellaneous, n.d.
Newsletters, news releases, and clippings, 1964-1972, n.d.
Reports and related material, 1958-1971, n.d.
A Resource Manual on Affirmative Action in Employment, 1969
Textbook evaluation project
Missouri Committee for the Humanities, 1981-1985, n.d.
Missouri Council of Churches
Christian Life and Work Division, 1958-1960, 1970, n.d.
Executive Board, 1957-1958, 1967-1973
General correspondence, 1958-1978
Legislation and electoral politics
Legislative Digest, 1958-1962, n.d.
BOX 91 Miscellaneous, 1955-1967, n.d.
Miscellaneous, 1955-1959, n.d.
Planning and mission questionnaires, 1968, n.d.
Missouri Legislative Black Caucus, 1983-1985
Missouri State Council of Defense, 1943-1944
National Urban League
Haynes, George E., founder, 1981
Miscellaneous, 1971-1973, n.d.
President's Conference on Home Building and Home Ownership, Committee on Negro Housing, 1931
Progressive Party of Missouri, 1943, 1948-1950
White House Conference on the Minority Aged, 1980-1981, n.d.
BOX 91-101

Speeches and Writings, 1924-1988, n.d.

Interviews and panel discussions arranged chronologically; drafts of speeches by Greene arranged alphabetically by title and those by others organized chronologically; drafts and published versions of articles, books, dissertations, diaries, poems, and song lyrics, mostly by Greene, with correspondence, reviews, plans of work, and related material arranged alphabetically by type of material and then by title.
BOX 91 Interviews and panel discussions, 1954-1975, n.d.
By Greene
"The Anti-Slavery Movement in New England from 1637 to 1761," n.d.
"Aspects of Black History, 1518-1789," n.d.
BOX 92 "Dr. Carter G. Woodson As I Knew Him," 1987, n.d.
"Free Negroes of Yesterday," n.d.
"Methods of Teaching Teachers to Teach Black History," 1982
Miscellaneous speeches, 1934-1986, n.d.
(2 folders)
"The Negro in Colonial New England, 1620-1776," n.d.
By others, 1951-1985, n.d.
Articles and papers
By Greene
Afro-Americans in Missouri, 1962, n.d.
BOX 93 Afro-Americans in New England during the Colonial and Revolutionary War eras, 1944, 1946, 1961, n.d.
Afro-American soldiers in New England during the Revolutionary War era, 1952, n.d.
Biographical sketches for The Call (Kansas City, Mo.), 1940, n.d.
"Lincoln University's Involvement with the Sharecropper Demonstration in Southeast Missouri 1939-40," 1986-1987
"Massacre at Fort Pillow," 1960, n.d.
Miscellaneous articles, 1949-1988, n.d.
"Sidelight on Economic Conditions Among Negroes in the South during the Depression, 1930," 1930-1931, n.d.
BOX 94 "Some Outstanding Black Personalities," n.d.
By others, 1943-1984, n.d.
Books, theses, and dissertations
The Abolition of Slavery in New England, 1688-1776
Correspondence, 1945-1947
Text, n.d.
In Freedom's Birthplace: A Study of Boston Negroes, by John Daniels, introduction by Greene, 1969
Missouri's Black Heritage
Book, 1979
Copy editing file, n.d.
(2 folders)
BOX 95 (1 folder)
Correspondence and clippings, 1979-1986, n.d.
Galleys, 1979
Manuscript collections bibliography, n.d.
The Negro in Colonial New England, 1620-1776
Correspondence, 1941-1980
(4 folders)
Miscellaneous, 1941-1969, n.d.
Plans of work and reports, n.d.
BOX 96 Reviews, 1942-1944, n.d.
Text, 1941
(2 folders)
The Negro in the Making of Missouri, 1719-1970, ca. 1970
The Negro in New England, 1620-1776, 1934, 1940, n.d.
Diaries, copy dated 1928, n.d.
BOX 97 Diary transcriptions
Fragments, n.d.
(7 folders)
BOX 98 (5 folders)
Impressions of the Negro Church in 1928
Fragments, n.d.
Reprints, 1951
Text, n.d.
(2 folders)
BOX 99 (1 folder)
The Negro During the Depression As Seen by an Associate of Dr. Carter G. Woodson, n.d.
(3 folders)
Working with the Founder, Carter G. Woodson, 1928-1930: A Personal Memoir
"Book Selling Odyssey," n.d.
"The Greensville Fiasco," n.d.
"Sidelights on Houston Negroes," n.d.
Introduction by Arvarh E. Strickland, n.d.
BOX 100 Miscellaneous, 1983-1986, n.d.
Text, 1980-1984
(5 folders)
By Greene, with related material, 1924-1936, 1973-1981, n.d.
(2 folders)
BOX 101 By others, 1973, n.d.
Song lyrics, 1982
Unidentified fragments re Afro-Americans in New England, n.d.

Oversize, 1863-1964

Charts related to a project tracking references to African-Americans in textbooks and United States Colored Troops muster roll fragments.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX OV 1 Academic file
Research file
Military units
Third Missouri Heavy Artillery Regiment muster roll fragments, 1863 (Container 62)
BOX OV 2 Unidentified muster roll fragments, 1865 (Container 62)
BOX OV 3-OV 9 Textbooks
Chart, ca. 1964 (Container 63)
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