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Oscar Terry Crosby

A Register of His Papers in the Library of Congress

Prepared by Maarja Krusten
Revised by Patrick Kerwin

Manuscript Division
Library of Congress

Washington, D.C.


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Table of Contents

Collection Summary

Selected Search Terms




Administrative Information


Processing History:


Copyright Status:

Preferred Citation:

Biographical Note

Scope and Content Note

Organization of the Papers

Description of Series

Container List

Diaries, 1917-1931

General Correspondence, 1889-1946, n.d.

Subject File, 1905-1944, n.d.

Speeches and Writings File, 1890-1938, n.d.

Clippings, 1904-1947, n.d.

Printed Matter, 1900-1931, n.d.

Miscellany, 1878-1937, n.d.

Collection Summary

Title: Papers of Oscar Terry Crosby
Span Dates: 1878-1947
Bulk Dates: (bulk 1900-1938)
ID No.: MSS17319
Creator: Crosby, Oscar Terry, 1861-1947
Language: Collection material in English
Extent: 1400 items; 9 containers; 3.6 linear feet
Repository: Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Abstract: United States assistant secretary of the treasury, public utilities executive, explorer, and author. Correspondence, diaries, subject files, speeches and writings, clippings, and printed material relating primarily to Crosby's activities with the Commission for Relief in Belgium, his work at the Treasury Department, 1917-1918, interest in international finance, post-World War I German reparations and Allied debts, the establishment of an international peace tribunal, and travels in Africa, the Near and Far East, and Europe.

Selected Search Terms

The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the Library's online catalog. They are grouped by name of person or organization, by subject or location, and by genres and listed alphabetically therein.

Crosby, Oscar Terry, 1861-1947
Chamberlain, Austen, Sir, 1863-1937--Correspondence
Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964--Correspondence
House, Edward Mandell, 1858-1938--Correspondence
Keynes, John Maynard, 1883-1946--Correspondence
Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase), 1853-1921--Correspondence
Lansing, Robert, 1864-1928--Correspondence
Law, Andrew Bonar, 1858-1923--Correspondence
Leffingwell, R.C. (Russell Cornell), 1878-1960--Correspondence
McAdoo, William Gibbs, 1863-1941--Correspondence
Quezon, Manuel Luis, 1878-1944--Correspondence
Tardieu, André, 1876-1945--Correspondence
Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924--Correspondence
United States. Dept. of the Treasury
Commission for Relief in Belgium

International finance
International peace
International relief--Belgium
World War, 1914-1918--Reparations
World War, 1914-1918--Belgium
World War, 1914-1918--Economic aspects
World War, 1914-1918--Civilian relief
Africa--Description and travel
Belgium--History--German occupation, 1914-1918
East Asia--Description and travel
Europe--Description and travel
Germany--History--Allied occupation, 1918-1930
Middle East--Description and travel

Public officials

Administrative Information


The papers of Oscar Terry Crosby, assistant secretary of the treasury, public utilities executive, explorer, and author, were given to the Library of Congress by his daughters, Celeste Crosby Miller, Juliette Crosby Hornblow, and Miriam Carracciolo di Castagneta, 1955-1958.

Processing History:

The Oscar Terry Crosby Papers were processed in 1978. The finding aid was revised in 2003.


Items have been transferred from the Manuscript Division to other custodial divisions of the Library. Photographs have been transferred to the Prints and Photographs Division. Maps have been transferred to the Geography and Map Division. A Tibetan manuscript has been transferred to the Asian Division. Two Abyssinian manuscripts have been transferred to the African and Middle Eastern Division. All transfers are identified in these divisions as part of the Oscar Terry Crosby Papers.

Copyright Status:

Copyright in the unpublished writings of Oscar Terry Crosby in these papers and in other collections of papers in the custody of the Library of Congress has been dedicated to the public.

Preferred Citation:

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Container number, Oscar Terry Crosby Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Biographical Note

Date Event
1861, Apr. 21 Born, Ponchatoula, La.
1882 Graduated, United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.
1883 Commissioned 1st lieutenant, Army Corps of Engineers
1886 Married Jeanne Bouligny
1887 Resigned army commission
1892 Published The Electric Railway in Theory and Practice. New York: W. J. Johnston Co.
1896 First president, Potomac Electric Power Co. of Washington, D.C.
1900 Trip to Abyssinia and the Egyptian Sudan
1903 Trip to Tibet and Turkestan
1905 Published Tibet and Turkestan. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons
1910 Published Strikes; When To Strike, How To Strike. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons
1914 Trip to Middle East and Far East
1915 Director, Commission for the Relief of Belgium; traveled to Belgium and northern France
1917-1918 Assistant secretary of the treasury
1917-1919 President, Inter-Ally Council on War Purchases and Finance
1918-1919 United States special commissioner of finance in Europe
1919 Published International War, Its Causes and Its Cure. London: Macmillan
1926 Published Adam and Eve. Boston, Mass: Stratford Co.
1927 Trip to South West Africa
1936 Trip to Tanganyika, Kenya, and Belgian Congo
1937 Trip to Romania, Russia, Poland, and Germany
1947, Jan. 2 Died, Warrenton, Va.

Scope and Content Note

The papers of Oscar Terry Crosby (1861-1947) cover the period 1878-1947, with the bulk of the collection concentrated between 1900 and 1938. Series organized as Diaries, Correspondence, Subject File, Speeches and Writings, Clippings, Printed Matter, and Miscellany cover Crosby's public activities in several fields.

Although Crosby was known in his business career as a public utilities executive and electrical engineer, these papers chiefly reflect his activities as an explorer, official in the Treasury Department, and proponent of an international peace tribunal. Early correspondence files and some of the writings indicate Crosby's interest in electrical engineering, as does a patent application in the Miscellany series.

In 1909 Crosby was considered for the position of minister to China, and the Correspondence series contains letters of recommendation for this position. His activities in Belgium as the director of the Commission for Relief of Belgium in 1915 are reflected in the correspondence files for 1915-1916, which include correspondence with Herbert Hoover. The 1917-1919 correspondence documents Crosby's service as assistant secretary of the treasury and special commissioner of finance in Europe. The Speeches and Writings and the Clippings series indicate that Crosby remained actively concerned with world financial questions after the end of his public career. The questions of Allied debts and German reparations were of particular interest to him during the 1920s.

Crosby's concern for world peace was a persistent theme in his career after the First World War. The Correspondence, Subject File, Speeches and Writings, Clippings, and Printed Matter series reflect his interest in the establishment of an international peace tribunal with an international police force. His work with Lord David Davies of England in the establishment of "The New Commonwealth" is documented in the Subject File, which also includes material on Crosby's efforts to provide for a peace tribunal through legislation or constitutional amendment in 1916 and again in 1932.

Crosby's papers also detail his many journeys and explorations. The Speeches and Writings series includes travel notebooks as well as manuscripts of books and articles. Passports and travel documents in the Miscellany series also show evidence of Crosby's extensive travels.

The Miscellany series also includes Crosby's West Point account book, 1878-1882, and photocopies of documents related to the 1917 loan of $200 million by the United States to Great Britain.

Correspondents include Austen Chamberlain, Herbert Hoover, Edward Mandell House, John Maynard Keynes, Philander C. Knox, Robert Lansing, Andrew Bonar Law, R. C. Leffingwell, William Gibbs McAdoo, Manuel Luis Quezon, and André Tardieu. Correspondence with Woodrow Wilson includes discussion of Crosby's plans to publish his book, International War, Its Causes and Its Cure (1919).

Organization of the Papers

The collection is arranged in seven series:

Description of Series

Container Series

Diaries, 1917-1931

Diary and notes.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 1-3

General Correspondence, 1889-1946, n.d.

Letters received and copies of letters sent.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 3-4

Subject File, 1905-1944, n.d.

Correspondence, memoranda, drafts of proposals and resolutions, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by subject and therein chronologically.
BOX 5-8

Speeches and Writings File, 1890-1938, n.d.

Holograph and typewritten drafts and printed copies of speeches, articles, books, plays, and other writings by Crosby.
Arranged by type of material and alphabetically therein by title or subject.
BOX 8-9

Clippings, 1904-1947, n.d.

Newspaper clippings of articles about Crosby and reviews of his writings.
Arranged alphabetically by subject and therein chronologically.

Printed Matter, 1900-1931, n.d.

Articles, pamphlets, and other printed matter collected by Crosby.
Arranged alphabetically by title or subject.

Miscellany, 1878-1937, n.d.

Account book, certificate, memorabilia, and travel documents.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.

Container List

Container Contents

Diaries, 1917-1931

Diary and notes.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 1 [1917], Nov. 7-21
1931, July 21-Aug. 22, "Motives in My Life"
BOX 1-3

General Correspondence, 1889-1946, n.d.

Letters received and copies of letters sent.
Arranged chronologically.
(11 folders)
Letterbook, 1908, May 14-1909, Aug. 12
BOX 2 1909-1919
(9 folders)
BOX 3 1920-1946, n.d.
(19 folders)
BOX 3-4

Subject File, 1905-1944, n.d.

Correspondence, memoranda, drafts of proposals and resolutions, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by subject and therein chronologically.
BOX 3 Adam and Eve, 1926
American Peace Society, 1932-1935
Army-militia bill, 1916
Brazilian Group, Inter-American High Commission, 1923
Davies, David, and "The New Commonwealth"
(2 folders)
BOX 4 1932-1934
(2 folders)
Deflation suggestions, 1934
Dominican Republic, "History and Its Effect Upon the Population"
"An International Justice of the Peace and His Constable," 1931
International peace tribunal, proposed constitutional amendment, 1916-1917
International tribunal and police force, 1931-1933
League of Nations, 1918-ca. 1919
Naval treaty and arms limitation
Navy bill (1916) provision for international tribunal, 1916, 1928
Proposal for world peace by Abbé de Saint Pierre (1728), 1916
Tibet and Turkestan, 1905-1906
Versailles Treaty, open letter to the president, 1926
BOX 5-8

Speeches and Writings File, 1890-1938, n.d.

Holograph and typewritten drafts and printed copies of speeches, articles, books, plays, and other writings by Crosby.
Arranged by type of material and alphabetically therein by title or subject.
BOX 5 Speeches
[Address delivered 1932, May 4]
[Arms Limitation and an International Peace Tribunal]
"The Dawes Plan and Its Political Relationships"
"Proposal for French and Italians Loans"
"Public Policies and Public Utilities," 1912
[Public Utilities]
“Statement of Mr. Oscar T. Crosby of Warrenton, Va.”
"Uncle Sam, World Banker; His Duties and Obligations," 1920
[War Debts] speech before Harvard branch of Foreign Society
[Washington, D.C., speech]
"Abyssinia Thirty Years Ago," ca. 1928
"Africa as a Whole"
"The American War Loans and Justice," 1922
"The American Watch on the Rhine," ca. 1923
"An Arithmetical Basis for the New Woman"
"An Armed International Tribunal the Sole Peace-Keeping Mechanism," 1916
"Bushmen and Ovambo in South West Africa," 1931
"The Code of Principles," 1915
"A Comment upon the American Standard of Living"
"A Constitution for the United States of the World"
"The Constitution of an International Court of Decree and Enforcement," 1914
"The Dangers of International Governmental Loans," 1920
"The Dawes Plan a Temporary Basis for Reparation Payments," 1925
"The Enforcement of Prohibition," 1925
[Environment and insanity]
"The European Tangle and Some Suggestions as to Its Unraveling," 1923
"An Experimental Study of Atmospheric Resistances," 1890
[First World War]
"French Policy Since the Armistice," 1924
"From Tiflis to Tibet," 1905
"An International Justice of the Peace and His Constable," 1931
[An international tribunal]
"Journey in Turkestan and Tibet" and related writings
BOX 6 "League Catechism"
[League of Nations]
[League of Nations and postwar Europe]
"Legislative Methods"
"Letter on International Arbitration Addressed to Hon. John Shafroth," 1915
Letters to the editor
"Locarno," 1926
[Mexican petroleum]
Middle East and Far East travel notes, 1914
The Next War
(2 folders)
"Notes on Bushmen, Fractional Herero Groups, and Ovambos in South West Africa"
"Notes on a Journey from Zeila to Khartum," 1901
[Paris debt agreements]
"The Peace Movement," 1910
"Policies and Pistols," 1916
BOX 7 "A Policy in Cuba," ca. 1924
[Proposed resolutions]
[Public utilities]
[Race relations]
"Report on Treasury Loans to Allies Prepared for Ambassador Houghton"
" A Résumé of the Electric Street Railway," 1901
Review of Saga of Fridtjof Nansen, 1932
[Russia, 1938]
(3 folders)
[Russia and the debt question]
"Settlement of International Disputes," 1932
"Sex and Socialism"
"Sidelights on Present Conditions in Europe Contrasted with the South's Sufferings from 1861 to 1876," 1919
"South African Problems"
"Suggestions Concerning the Euphrates Region," ca. 1914-1915
"Tribunal for International Disputes (Senate Document 535)," 1916
"Turkestan and a Corner of Tibet," 1904
Unidentified note fragment and preface note
"A Visit to an Unknown Dyak Village"
"Voting in the League of Nations Council"
[War debts and revision of the Versailles Treaty], 1931
BOX 8 Notebooks
Abyssinia travel notebook, 1900
"Africa" [1927]
Mandated territories; also 1936-1937 farm accounts
Mayans, notebooks nos. 1-4
"Naval Treaty"
Russian notes, 1937
Soviet constitution
BOX 8-9

Clippings, 1904-1947, n.d.

Newspaper clippings of articles about Crosby and reviews of his writings.
Arranged alphabetically by subject and therein chronologically.
BOX 8 Adam and Eve, 1926
Africa trip, 1927
Crosby, Oscar Terry
Personal and family, 1915-1947
Proposed for minister to China, 1909
International peace tribunal, 1910-1931
International War, Its Causes and Its Cure, 1919
BOX 9 Post-World War I European debt question and other international issues, 1919-1926
Potomac Electric Power Co. of Washington, D.C., 1946
Support for Calvin Coolidge, 1924
Strikes; When To Strike, How To Strike, 1910-1911
Taxes, 1911, 1924
Tibet and Turkestan, 1904-1906
World War I, 1915-1918, 1941

Printed Matter, 1900-1931, n.d.

Articles, pamphlets, and other printed matter collected by Crosby.
Arranged alphabetically by title or subject.
BOX 9 Congressional bills
S. 2710 (French version), 1915
H.R. 12766, 1916
Changes to "Dilatory Domiciles," Social Register Association, 1900
"The Commission for Relief in Belgium: Report for the Period Ending 19 Apr. 1915"
Guimard, Henri, 1915-1919
International League of Aviators, 1929-1931
"Lettre Ouverte à Monsieur Mussolini," n.d.
"Pour Supprimer Ce Crime: La Guerre," n.d.
"Principales Garanties Donnees par les Autories Allemandes...," 1915
"World-Federation League," n.d.

Miscellany, 1878-1937, n.d.

Account book, certificate, memorabilia, and travel documents.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX 9 Account book, United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y., 1878-1882
Certificate of election to the Maryland Club, 1899
Passports, 1899, 1903, 1913, 1921, 1927, 1934-1937
Patent application for speed indicator, n.d.
Photocopies of documents relating to $200 million loan to Great Britain, 1917
Travel documents, 1900-1937
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