Masthead banner of Park Science: Integrating Research and Resource Management in the National Parks; ISSN 1090-9966; link to current issue
Volume 25
Number 1
Summer 2008
Arrowhead symbol of the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
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Comments and Corrections
Published: 19 Jul 2008 (online)
Subscriptions updated
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Subscriptions updated

We received many comments about Park Science as a result of our request in January to confirm and update your subscription. I appreciate the feedback, both on the content of the publication and on the subscriptions, which indicated where we could reduce hard-copy waste. (We now have nearly 350 readers who prefer to be notified when the online edition is posted than to receive the print edition.) Decreasing waste is certainly important, but if you neglected to update your subscription and want to receive either the hard copy or e-mail notification in the future please take a minute to subscribe online at; click “Subscribe,” and choose how you’d like to receive the publication.

Following are some of the comments from our recent inquiry:

  • Thanks for making this publication easy to subscribe to.
  • This is a very popular publication and we use it for many things.
  • Park Science is read by many rangers, volunteers, and park partners.
  • What a valuable, professional publication!
  • I would like to share Park Science with new employees who may not have subscribed at the time of publication.
  • Hard to read light brown print on white background.
  • Love Park Science. We would like to receive additional copies, as we hand them out to international visitors.
  • If I can have full access on the Web site, I do not need to receive a paper copy.
  • Subscribing by e-mail seems very sensible, efficient, and quick. I very much appreciate the material in Park Science.
  • I’ll try e-mail notification. Thanks for mentioning that option.
  • Thanks for the opportunity to subscribe online. Saves money and space.
  • Discontinue hard copy; e-mail copy is sufficient.
  • We would accept an online version and save some trees. Thanks.
  • The print edition is beautiful, but I’m happy to save paper with an electronic subscription. Your new Park Science Web site looks great!
  • I like the hard copy! Thanks for keeping this as an option.
  • The information is good!
  • Great articles!
  • Wonderful publication with outstanding valuable information! Thanks for the service.
  • Keep up the good work and excellent quality of these publications.

Thanks again for your input.

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This page updated:  24 November 2008

Comments and Corrections: Article
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From the Editor
In This Issue
Comments and Corrections
20 Years Ago in Park Science
Science Notes
Information Crossfile
Field Moment
Meetings of Interest
Next Issue/Deadline
Masthead Information
The decline of elkhorn coral at Buck Island Reef National Monument
Basic ecology of elkhorn coral and threats to its survival
Assessing the effects of ungulates on natural resources at Assateague Island National Seashore
Saving the seabeach amaranth
Collaboration of the Natural Resource and Museum programs: A research tool for information archives at Dinosaur National Monument
Using virtual Research Learning Centers for disseminating science information about national park resources
Using landscape analysis to evaluate ecological impacts of battlefield restoration
A behavioral intervention tool for recreation managers
Adaptive management for natural parks: Considerations for an experimental approach
Cultivating connection: Incorporating meaningful citizen science into Cape Cod National Seashore’s estuarine research and monitoring programs
Ranking and mapping exotic species at Capulin Volcano and Fort Union national monuments
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Web Site Last Updated: 24 November 2008