D.C. School Choice Opportunity Scholarships Expand Options for Families
June 2008

"The D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program is a lifeline of hope and opportunity for these low-income students who are striving for a better future for themselves and their families. The academic gains indicated in the report show that students have chosen to work hard, and their families have chosen to make the commitment to support them in their new schools. While it reflects the reality that this program is still in its early stages, this report also tells me that no one in a position of responsibility can sever this lifeline right now and leave these kids adrift in schools that are not measuring up—not when they have chosen to create a better future for themselves."
— Secretary Margaret Spellings

The Federal Government is committed to strengthening the education opportunities for all children in our Nation's capital.

D.C. Opportunity Scholarships are designed to help the children who need it most.

The Institute of Education Sciences report, "Evaluation of the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program: Impacts After Two Years" reaffirms academic gains among participants and parental satisfaction with their children's education and safety:

Next year's evaluation will examine impacts on student achievement three years after application to the program.

Georgetown University studies also show the Program is making a difference for students and families:

Given the positive trends in achievement, in combination with high parental satisfaction and strong demand, Congress must act to continue providing these important options for parents and their children.

For more information, please visit the U.S. Department of Education's web site at: http://www.ed.gov/programs/dcchoice/index.html.

1 Three subgroups showing gains: students who applied in the first year of program implementation; students who had previously attended DC public schools that were not identified for improvement; and students who scored in the top 2/3rd of the evaluation’s baseline testing. The performance of this group of relatively higher performing students is equivalent to about the 30th percentile nationally, and thus substantially below the national norm at the 50th percentile.
Last Modified: 06/16/2008