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Document changes

If you have an error on your title that needs to be corrected you can change it at an Agency or Regional Service Center or through the mail.

If you visit an Agency or Regional Service Center
  • Provide proof of correction
  • There is no charge to correct a title if the error was clearly caused by MVC. In all other cases, the title correction charge is $20
Want to make changes via mail?
  • Send a written request with a copy of the document that needs correcting and proof of the error along with a $20 correction fee (unless it was caused by MVC) to:
Motor Vehicle Commission
Data Base Corrections Unit
P.O. Box 141
225 East State Street
Trenton, NJ 08666

If you have a lien error that prevented you from receiving a title

You need to provide a letter from the seller (or the person whose name was accidentally written in the lien block) stating that there is not a lien on the vehicle and that the lien box on the title to be transferred was marked in error.

The letter must include:
  • Make
  • Year
  • Full Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
Take the letter and title to any MVC Agency and pay a $20 fee.

If you have a spoiled title (incomplete sale error)

If you decided not to purchase a vehicle after the seller already completed the information on the title you will need to correct this by:
  • Writing a letter that includes the owner's name, vehicle make, year and VIN
  • Include a signed statement explaining why the title is spoiled. Enclose the original title and include a check or money order for $20 and mail to:

    Motor Vehicle Commission
    Database Corrections Unit
    225 East State Street
    Trenton, NJ 08666

Odometer replacements
  • You must provide a statement from the mechanic who replaced the odometer that includes the mileage it was set to, the actual mileage that was listed on the broken or replaced odometer and the mileage accumulated while the odometer was inoperable
  • In most cases, since the "true mileage" is unknown, the replaced odometer is set to "0"
  • Include a copy of the receipt for the new or used odometer
  • Note: If replaced with a used odometer, you CANNOT note the mileage that was on the odometer, it must be reset. The mechanic must affix a sticker on the driver-side door pillar, indicating:
    • The date of installation
    • The vehicle's last known mileage prior to the repair or replacement
    • The mileage added to the vehicle while the odometer was inoperable, if any
  • Forward the original title, the statement from the mechanic, the receipt for purchase of the new or used odometer and the correction fee of $20 to:

    NJ Motor Vehicle Commission
    Management Operations Services
    Database Corrections
    P.O. Box 141
    Trenton, NJ 08666
    call (609) 292-6500 ext. 5058