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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Najaf's Citizens Receive Payment for War Losses

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Oct. 5, 2004 – Citizens in the Iraqi city of Najaf continue to receive condolence and damage payments for losses they experienced during August fighting there, according to officials.

For example, Marines with the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit today distributed more than $200,000 in such payments, known as solatia, to express sympathy to Iraqis who'd been injured, had lost family members, or had experienced home or business property damage during the recent fighting.

"We are working hard to demonstrate good will to the people of Najaf who incurred losses during fighting in August," Marine Col. Anthony M. Haslam, 11th MEU commander, said.

Najaf is now "under control of Iraqi security forces," Haslam observed, noting his Marines are "working with the local government around the clock to rebuild and revitalize this city for its people."

The first solatia payments were made Sept. 20. To date, a total of $367,300 in solatia money has been distributed among Najaf's citizens.

Solatia payments to Najaf's citizens will continue to be disbursed, officials said, as long as needed to meet each valid case.

In addition, they said, Marines continue to spend millions of dollars to repair Najaf's public infrastructure damaged when coalition troops and Iraqi security forces battled insurgents allied with anti-coalition cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

(Compiled from a Multinational Force Iraq press release.)

Related Sites:
Multinational Force Iraq
11th Marine Expeditionary Unit