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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Iran Might Have New 'Missile-Torpedo,' DoD Official Says

By Gerry J. Gilmore
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, April 3, 2006 – It's feasible that Iran has developed a new "missile-torpedo," which news reports say was tested during recent military exercises in the Persian Gulf area, a senior Defense Department official said here today.

"It is possible that they are increasing their (weapons) capability and making strides in radar-absorbing materials and targeting," DoD spokesman Bryan Whitman told Pentagon reporters.

Yesterday, the Iranian government announced the successful testing of a sonar-dodging, hyper-speed underwater missile-torpedo, according to news reports. The Iranians also are said to be developing a stealthy airborne missile.

However, Whitman urged caution in accepting the veracity of the statements. "Iranians have also been known to boast and exaggerate about their statements about greater technical and tactical capabilities," he said.

Whitman told reporters he was providing an unclassified U.S. military assessment of the alleged new Iranian weapons. "I cannot go further," he said.