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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Coalition Forces Attacked During Humanitarian Mission

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, June 4, 2008 – Coalition forces killed more than a dozen insurgents who attacked them during a humanitarian-assistance mission yesterday near Putay, in Afghanistan’s Helmand province.

While approaching the town, a vehicle in the convoy struck a roadside bomb. Coalition forces immediately began vehicle-recovery operations, but the convoy was ambushed by insurgents using small-arms fire. During the fight, another coalition vehicle struck a mine.

Insurgents entered homes in an attempt to use them as fighting positions, causing residents to flee. Coalition forces then ensured no women or children were in the area before using precision air strikes against the insurgents.

Elsewhere in Afghanistan yesterday, coalition forces detained eight militants during operations in Ghazni and Helmand provinces.

Two militants were detained and their motorcycles were confiscated when coalition forces searched several compounds in Ghazni’s Andar district. The forces were targeting a Taliban militant who facilitated foreign fighters in the area.

Coalition forces searched several compounds in Helmand’s Nahri Sarraj district, targeting a mid-level Taliban leader. The forces detained six, including the targeted Taliban leader.

During the operations in Helmand province, coalition forces also discovered rocket-propelled grenades, bomb-making materials, AK-47 assault rifles, ammunition vests, and ammunition hidden in multiple buildings. They also discovered large caches of narcotics, including one estimated at more than 400 pounds. All weapons, munitions and narcotics were destroyed to prevent future use.

(Compiled from Combined Joint Task Force 101 news releases.)

Related Sites:
Combined Joint Task Force 101
NATO International Security Assistance Force