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Continuous Learning

The policy setting forth the Federal Acquisition Certificate in Contracting (FAC-C) program also sets forth a requirement that all 1102s and Contracting Officers regardless of series must complete 80 continuous learning points of training every two years.

The first period that this requirement will apply to is October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009. The following guidance was provided:

Guidance on Meeting Continuous Learning Points Requirements

These guidelines are generally based on DOD’s requirements for achieving continuous learning points (CLPs). Agencies have flexibility in assigning points and ACMs and/or supervisors, as appropriate, should work with employees to identify appropriate opportunities. Below is guidance on how training, professional activities, education, and experience can be used to meet the CLP requirements. All activities must be job-related.

  1. Training
    1. Completing awareness training. Periodically agencies conduct briefing sessions to acquaint the workforce with new or changed policy. Generally, no testing or assessment of knowledge gained is required.
    2. Completing learning modules and training courses. These may be formal or informal offerings from a recognized training organization, including in-house training course/sessions, which include some form of testing/assessment for knowledge gained.
    3. Performing Self-Directed Study. An individual can keep current or enhance his or her capabilities through a self-directed study program agreed to by the supervisor.
    4. Teaching. Employees are encouraged to share their knowledge and insights with others through teaching of courses or learning modules. Teaching is also a part of the Professional Activities category.
    5. Mentoring. Helping others to learn and become more productive workers or managers benefits the agency and the individuals involved. Mentoring is also a part of the experience category.

  2. Professional Activities
    1. Participating in Organization Management. Membership alone in a professional organization will not be considered as fulfilling continuous learning requirements, but participation in the organization leadership will. This includes holding elected/appointed positions, committee leadership roles, or running an activity for an organization that you are permitted to join under current ethics law and regulation. The employee must first ensure that participating in the management of an organization is allowed by the agency.
    2. Attending/Speaking/Presenting at Professional Seminars/Symposia/Conferences. Employees can receive points for attending professional seminars or conferences that are job related. However, the supervisor needs to determine that the individual learned something meaningful from the experience. Because significant effort is involved in preparing and delivering presentations, credit should be given for each hour invested in the preparation and presentation.
    3. Publishing. Writing articles related to acquisition for publication generally meets the criteria for continuous learning. Points will be awarded only in the year published. Compliance with agency publication policy is required.
    4. Participating in Workshops. Points should be awarded for workshops with planned learning outcomes.

  3. Education
    1. Formal training. ACMs and supervisors should use Continuing Education Units (CEUs) as a guide for assigning points for formal training programs that award CEUs. The CEUs can be converted to points at 10 CLP points per CEU.
    2. Formal academic programs. For formal academic programs offered by educational institutions, each semester hour is equal to one CEU. A three-hour credit course would be worth three CEUs and 30 CLP points, assuming that it is applicable to the acquisition function.

      Academic Courses: 
         Quarter Hour 10 per Quarter Hour
         Semester Hour 10 per Quarter Hour
         Continuing Education Unit (CEU) 10 per Quarter Hour
         Equivalency Exams Same points as awarded for the course
      Training Courses/Modules: 
         DAU Courses/Modules 10 per CEU(see DAU catalog) or:
      • Awareness Briefing/Training—no testing/assessment associated
      • Continuous Learning Modules—testing/assessment associated
      • . 5 point per hour of instruction
      • 1 point per hour of instruction
         Other Functional Training 1 point per hour of instruction
         Leadership or Other Training 1 point per hour of instruction
         Equivalency Exams Same points as awarded for the course
      Professional Activities: 
         Professional Exam/License/Certificate 10-30 points
         Teaching/Lecturing 2 points per hour; maximum of 20 points per year
         Symposia/Conference Presentations 2 points per hour; maximum of 20 points per year
         Workshop Participation 1 point per hour; maximum of 8 points per day and 20 points per year
         Symposia/Conference Attendance . 5 point per hour; maximum of 4 per day and 20 points per year
         Publications 10 to 40 points

    Note - All activities may earn points only in the year accomplished, awarded or published.

  4. Experience
  5. Experience includes on-the-job experiential assignments, and intra/interorganization rotational career broadening and developmental experiences. While agencies can use discretion in arriving at reasonable point value to be awarded for rotational and developmental assignments, a sliding scale is recommended. Suggested points for such assignments are in the table below.

    The assumption is that longer assignments are more beneficial than shorter assignments. The supervisor may feel that an individual may deserve more or less than the value shown. In determining the points for a rotational/developmental assignment, the supervisor should consider both the long-term benefit to the agency, and the immediate benefit to the supervisor’s organization and the workforce member. For example, a second rotational assignment of the same sort would be less valuable than a different type of rotational assignment.

    When experience or other non-assessed activities are to be used to earn CLPs, certain principles should be followed. Supervisors and employees should pre-define, as closely be accomplished, expected outcomes and learning opportunities. If it is an assignment, the individual should be mentored during the assignment. Accomplishment of a product, such as a briefing, a project design, a report, or other work product that shows the learning attained, is desirable. Sharing the knowledge and experience gained and the product with others in the organization is encouraged.

       On-the-Job Experiential Assignments Maximum of 20 points per year
       Integrated Product Team (IPT)/Special Project Leader Maximum of 15 points per year
       IPT/Special Project Member Maximum of 10 points per years
       Mentor Maximum of 5 points per year
    Assignment Length (Rotational Assignments or Training with Industry):Recommended Points:
       12 Months 80
       9 Months 60
       6 Months 40
       3 Months 15
       2 Months 10
       1 Month 5

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