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Infrastructure > > ODI for EVS

Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS)

The NCI EVS Project invites you to join us in developing open source tools for developing and serving terminology content and ontologic structures, techniques and tools to validate terminology content and ontology structure, and techniques and technologies for federating terminologies and ontologies.

The primary mission and descriptions of the EVS Project components are found on the EVS Project Page. Projects for which we are seeking proposals may pertain to one EVS component only or span several, may address integration of EVS tools or services with non-NCI resources, or may address issues of terminology/ontology quality assurance and/or collaborative content development.

Our expectations regarding a "unit" of contribution are described in the Unit of Contribution Section in more detail but essentially can be an extension to the EVS UML Model, an architecture or code change, a functional enhancement, documentation enhancement or a training module. Among the EVS components for which we are accepting proposals are:  

NCI Extensions to Protege/OWL and PROMPT
Software to asses the quality of terminologies developed in OWL;
Development of techniques to support open, community-based collaborative ontology development, federation of ontologies, and related software that implements those techniques;
Training techniques, tools and materials addressing any aspect of using a contemporary biomedical terminology, especially BiomedGT, NCI Thesaurus or any other terminology found on the NCI Terminology Server Opens in New Window: NCI Terminology Server ; the NCI BioPortal Opens in New Window: NCI Terminology Server , or on the NCI Metathesaurus Server Opens in New Window: NCI Metathesaurus Server

To find out how to participate see below.

Wish List
We will accept and review all proposals from potential developers, but we also have a 'wish list' for which we would really like to receive proposals for future releases.

    In Protege/OWL :
  • Lexical search capabilities to supplement the AQP capability of Protege/OWL
  • Spell checking against biomedical dictionaries and thesauri
  • An algorithm for measuring the syntactical closeness of two strings. This algorithm can be used in developing advanced search, it can also be used in matching/mapping concepts.
  • A server side plugin for generating concept unique identifiers
  • Prevent a concept to be edited simultaneously by multiple users
  • Ability to classify a large (100,000 concept) namespace within Protege/OWL
  • Improved error identification in Protege of classification errors
  • In PROMPT :
  • Faster comparison of large namespaces
  • And anything else that would help adapt Protege/OWL and PROMPT to meeting the specific needs of those developing large biomedical terminologies
  • In NCI BioPortal :
  • Service oriented components tailored to needs of specific biomedical communities
  • Reusable JSP components
  • Documentation and Training
  • FAQs, lessons learned, how-to guides and similar materials that bear on using run time terminology services to provide practical solutions to a community need
  • White papers describing theoretical or demonstrated techniques for distributed development of biomedical terminology
  • In BiomedGT : NCI CBIIT and the cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG™) are launching Biomedical Grid Terminology (BiomedGT). This new ontology retains some features of NCI Thesaurus (concept orientation, description logic, public accessibility) and some of it's content, but introduces an open, collaborative content development model of operations and reliance on ontology federation. The content of BIOMEDGT will be focused on the needs of the biomedical community working in translational research. It will empower the community to directly participate in extending and refining the terminology upon which they depend. See the BiomedGT launch sheet. Contributions are specifically sought for:
  • Implementations to determine points of semantic overlap of namespaces.
  • Formal semantics and/or ontology modeling to support federation
  • RDF or OWL-based demonstrations of federation among two or more biomedical name spaces
  • And of course, you are invited to enhance the EVS ODI web page!
Next Release Line-up:
Features being added to NCI Protege/OWL 1.2  Here is the list of items and contributors working on next release of NCI Protege/OWL, the 1.2 release. Don't waste time on something already in the works!

How do I participate?
Visit the various GForge Project sites (follow the links above) and find out what is in progress and planed. If you are interested in contributing, either in an ongoing effort or in something new, request a NCI GForge login. Then join the project(s) you are interested in and let us know using the forum or tracker of your interest. We will evaluate proposals as they are received and work with you on a plan to incorporate accepted ideas into the relevant code base or documentation library. Once slated for a release, enhancement, or change order - and prior to moving from the development environment to quality assurance and integration testing - ODI contributors along with EVS team will reach a "go" "no-go" decision on each item based on unit testing results, the same as we do with internally developed code.

  • Virtual Software Development team meetings

    Each GForge Project group has regular scheduled informal Web meeting/teleconferences. See the respective GForge projects for the schedule folowed by each group. These meetings provide an opportunity to discuss software development issues, ideas and release plans. Contributors are invited to attend. This is where you ask for and get help and feedback on specific development items - exchange ideas or demonstrate prototypes - direct contact with the EVS development team.

  • EVS Software Developers List Serv

    Once becoming a member of a team, you are added to the project's list serv, which offers and opportunity to discuss EVS specific issues with other EVS developers.

  • caCORE Developers List Serv

    Once becoming a member of the EVS community, you are automatically considered a member of the caCORE development community. The caCORE development community offers an opportunity to interact with and discuss cross-functional software development related issues.

A unit of contribution can be as small as a bug fix or be a new feature or whole new tool. Contributors will be asked to describe the requirements their proposal is intended to meet via a use case format. A proposed unit of contribution will be evaluated based on contributor skills and fit within each of following areas:

Contributor Skills:
  • The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is expected to be understood and utilized by contributors
  • EVS/caCORE release cycles would be followed incorporating appropriate phases of design, development, testing and deployment
  • For suggested EVS model extensions, an understanding of the caCORE architecure and the role of the EVS in providing base semantics is expected and should serve as the launching point
  • Demonstrated skills in appropriate programming languages
  • Understanding of existing Protege/OWL and Protege applications or of EVS services and functionality.
UML Model Extensions
  • EVS model extensions including addition of new objects, new relationships or modification of existing objects
Architecture/Code Changes
  • New search or search paradigm
  • Extension to existing architecture or interoperability with other applications
  • User interface changes
  • Bug fixes
Functional Enhancements
  • Extension to an existing tool (i.e., take existing functionality and add additional capabilities to it)
Documentation Enhancements
  • New or enhancements to Technical Documentation 
Training Enhancements
  • New training module or tutorial

National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health