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National Cancer Institute Center for Bioinformatics
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CDE Browser Opens in New Window: CDE Browser
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Sentinel Tool Opens in New Window: Sentinel Tool
Form Builder Opens in New Window: Form Builder
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caDSR Repository and Administration Tool
CDE Browser
CDE Curation Tool
Sentiel Tool
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Infrastructure > > ODI for caDSR

Tired of waiting for implementation of your favorite feature or bug fix?   Put on your programming hat and help make it happen!!

The primary mission and descriptions of the caDSR components are found on the caDSR Project Page. Projects for which we are accepting proposals may pertain to one component only or span several, an integration of caDSR tools or caDSR and other NCICB applications. The expectations for a "unit" of contribution are described in the Unit of Contribution Section in more detail but essentially can be an extension to the caDSR UML Model, and Architecture or code change, a functional enhancement, documentation enhancement or a training module. The specific caDSR components for which we are accepting proposals are:  

CDE Browser Opens in New Window: CDE Browser
Curation Tool Opens in New Window: Curation Tool
Sentinel Tool Opens in New Window: Sentinel Tool
Form Builder Opens in New Window: Form Builder

See below to find out how to participate.

Wish List
We will accept and review all proposals from potential developers, but we also have a 'wish list' for which we would really like to receive proposals for our next release, currently anticipated to be in late fall.

  • Customized field selection for downloads from the CDE Browser
  • Query/UI for end user report generator
  • Bulk import – Web enabling Excel loader and XML loader
  • Registry to Registry Exchange/interoperability
  • "Read Only" caDSR
  • Multi-language support
    • Application level – display UI in other languages
    • Content Level – display content in other languages but UI in English
  • HTML UI bugs Display
  • Firefox/Safari compatibility
  • MAC compatibility
  • Web enable CDE matching functionality similar to that found in the NCICB CRT desktop application
  • Enhance and extend Form Builder to allow users to create eForms with skip patterns and persistence layer
  • Data mining and analytic tools based on the ISO 11179 metamodel and NCI Thesaurus
  • Enhance the caDSR ODI web page!
  • Update caDSR UIs to official NCI User Interface Standard
    • This includes 508 compliance, menu placement and content, and the header and footer banners.
Next Release Line-up:
Watch this space!  We will post a list of items and contributors as they are accepted and assigned to a specific release so you don't waste time on something already in the works.

How do I participate?
We will evaluate proposals as they are received and work with you on a plan to incorporate accepted ideas into the caDSR code base. Once slated for a release, enhancement or change order and prior to moving from the development environment to quality assurance and integration testing, ODI contributors along with caDSR core team will reach a "go" "no-go" decision on each item based on unit testing results, the same as we do with internally developed code.

  • Virtual Software Development team meetings
    Held most Wednesdays at 3:00pm Eastern time. These informal communications meetings are an opportunity to discuss software development issues, ideas and release plans. Contributors will be invited to attend. This is where you ask for and get help and feedback on specific development items - exchange ideas or demonstrate prototypes - direct contact with the caDSR core development team.

  • caDSR Software Meetings
    We also conduct bi-weekly end user caDSR Software Meetings on Mondays at 3:00pm Eastern Time. These meetings provide an opportunity to interact with our customers getting feedback and clarification on a variety of software development topics.

  • caDSR Software Developers List Serv
    Once becomming a member of the team, this list serv offers and opportunity to discuss caDSR specific issues with other caDSR developers.

  • caCORE Developers List Serv
    Once becoming a member of the caDSDR community, you are automatically considered a member of the caCORE development community. The caCORE development community offers an opportunity to interact with and discuss cross-functional software development related issues.

Join us in our exploration of semantic interoperability and the future of bioinformatics computing and "Feel the Force" ;-)

Contact can be made regarding potential contributions at to begin the process. Be sure to include "caDSR ODI" in the subject line. Feel free to utilize the caDSR users list at or join a bi-weekly end user caDSR Software Meeting to discuss your ideas, garner consensus or gather requirements. For email correspondence to the list serv, use "ODI" in the subject line to help make these types of email threads easily identifiable. Note that you must be subscribed to the caDSR users list in order to post comments. Subscribe here: Opens in New Window: caDSR User List .

Unit of Contribution
A unit of contribution can be as small as a bug fix or be a new feature or whole new tool. Contributors will be asked to describe the requirements their proposal is intended to meet via a use case format. A proposed unit of contribution will be evaluated based on contributor skills and fit within each of following areas:

Contributor Skills:
  • The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is expected to be understood and utilized by contributors
  • caCORE release cycles would be followed incorporating appropriate phases of design, development, testing and deployment
  • For suggested caDSR model extensions, an understanding of the ISO 11179 is expected and should serve as the launching point
  • Demonstrated skills in appropriate programming languages
  • Understanding of existing applications and functionality and role of caDSR within caCORE.
UML Model Extensions
  • caDSR model extensions including addition of new objects, new relationships or modification of existing objects
Architecture/Code Changes
  • New search or search paradigm
  • Extension to existing architecture or interoperability with other applications (i.e. interaction with other ISO 11179 registries)
  • User interface changes
  • Bug fixes
Functional Enhancements
  • Extension to an existing tool (i.e., take existing functionality and add additional capabilities to it)
  • New datasource for an existing function (i.e., creation and access of non-EVS vocabulary source for concept searches)
  • New functionality (i.e., Display content in different language based on existing model attributes; Role based “Portals”)
  • New tool (i.e. UML Model Metadata “browser”)
Documentation Enhancements
  • New or enhancements to Users Guides or Technical Documentation 
Training Enhancements
  • New training module or tutorial
  • Enhancements to existing training modules such as a series of exercises or creation of 'gold standard' caDSR content
National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health