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Why medical review is needed

Most people enjoy driving and wish to continue doing it for as long as they safely can. However, for many of us the time may come when we must limit or stop driving, either temporarily or permanently. There are also cases where young adults with special needs may need to decide for the first time whether they are capable of driving. The following advice may be able to assist you or someone you care about.

Safety concerns
What are the warning signs that a driver's skills may not be at a safe level? Physicians and law enforcement professionals use numerous factors to evaluate drivers. Any of the following may raise a concern:
  • Not obeying traffic signals
  • Driving too slowly
  • Accidents or "close calls"
  • Inability to read signs
  • Fear or nervousness related to driving
  • Confusion
If you have serious concerns about someone’s driving­ skills–including your own–there are numerous places where you may seek help before contacting MVC’s Medical Review Unit:
Not all medical conditions should keep motorists from driving. In some cases, it may simply be advisable for a person to drive only during daylight hours or only on roads with posted speed limits of 50 mph or lower.