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new jersey department of environmental protection  
Water, Coastal & Watershed Information

Drought Information

NJ Ocean Beach Info - Beach water quality status updates.

Stormwater and Non-Point Source Pollution
Water Monitoring & Standards (Fresh Water and Biological Monitoring, Marine Water Monitoring and Water Quality Standards and Assessment )
Clean Water Council of NJ - Established in 1967 to serve as an advisory body to the NJDEP and to improve the Water Pollution Control Program in NJ.
NJ Water Monitoring Council
Dam Safety & Flood Control

Division of Water Quality
Division of Watershed Management
Freshwater Wetlands Program
Lakes Monitoring
Division of Water Supply - Drinking water, water supplies, and wells.


Delaware River Basin Commission
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
New Jersey District Office of the U. S. Geological Survey
Raritan Basin Watershed Management Project - A partnership project between the NJDEP and NJ Water Supply Authority to deal with issues affecting the Raritan River Basin.
US Coast Guard

While some of these links go to US federal, state, or other governmental sites, others go to commercial, educational, or other non-governmental sites. The responsibility for the content and function of these sites belongs to sites' administrators.

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Copyright © State of New Jersey, 1996-2004
Department of Environmental Protection
P. O. Box 402
Trenton, NJ 08625-0402

Last Updated: November 3, 2008

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