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ncBrowse release 1.3.3Beta7 available

Message from the ncbrowse mail list.


	rel-1.3.3Beta7 of ncBrowse now treats dimension variables that are of 
type character as an index. Variable map entries in the variable list 
are now indicated by the color blue.

	This bug fix affect those that are browsing netCDF files with variable 
dimensions that are characters.  I anticipate that a future version may 
handle the character dimensions better.

	Please let me know of any netCDF files that ncBrowse can't read.  I do 
want ncBrowse to work with as large a range of files as possible.

Thank you for your time,


Donald W. Denbo    dwd@pmel.noaa.gov
Ph: (206) 526-4487   Fax: (206) 526-6744
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