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Re: problem on win32

Message from the ncbrowse mail list.

         By default ncBrowse version 2.x will try to install in
{your root directory}\Program Files\ncBrowse (e.g. C:\Program 
Files\ncBrowse).  You can change this to another location at installation 
time.  To find where you have installed ncBrowse search for 
"ncBrowse.jar".  You'll want to execute ncBrowse.exe to run the software.


At 02:15 PM 7/23/2002 +0700, Dikshie wrote:
>Message from the ncbrowse mail list.
>I'm newbie on ncBrowse.
>I have downloaded ftp://www.epic.noaa.gov/java/ncBrowse/win32_install.exe
>and I have run it. But it didn't give me verbose messages where
>the binnary are installed.
>I use Windows XP and J2SDK-1.4.0
>many thanks !
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Donald W. Denbo    dwd@pmel.noaa.gov
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