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Re: ncbrowse

Message from the ncbrowse mail list.

         Thanks for the bug report.  I have fixed this bug and put the new 
installers on the site.  I have also included the latest bug-fixes for the 
graphics.  To get the fixed version please use release 1.3.3Beta4.


At 08:04 AM 3/13/2002 -0600, you wrote:

>I just recently downloaded ncbrowse.  I am using ncbrowse to view a netcdf
>file of ocean currents data.  The file was created using the USGS moored
>ADCP processing
>package.  The files use the number 1E35 (1x10^35) as the "special value" for
>non data.  The problem I have is with graphically displaying the variables
>that contain these special values.  In effect ncbrowse pegs out due to these
>extremely high values and therefore I get a screen of black with several red
>spots at the places where the special values are located.  Is there any way
>to keep this from happening?
>I have included a file for an example if you need to see for yourself.
>  <<1437S00.nc>>
>Bryan L. Mensi
>Physical Scientist
>Products & Assimilation Branch, Code N312
>Naval Oceanographic Office
>Stennis Space Center, MS 39522-5001
>(228) 688-4190

Donald W. Denbo    dwd@pmel.noaa.gov
Ph: (206) 526-4487   Fax: (206) 526-6744
Collaborative tools: http://www.epic.noaa.gov/collab/
Netcdf Browser: http://www.epic.noaa.gov/java/ncBrowse
Scientific Java Graphics: http://www.epic.noaa.gov/java/sgt
EPIC Oceangraphic Data Management: http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/epic

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