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Re: ncBrowse problems with export

        Thanks for the bug report.  I have fixed the problem and put a new release (1.3.3B2) on the ftp site.  The problem occurred because of several issues: Creating the cdl file cause ncBrowse to run out of Memory because 1) I was creating a large internal buffer and not flushing it and 2) I didn't have subsetting of mult-dimensional variables implemented.  Both problems 1 and 2 have been fixed.

        I'm also including a MacOS X installation for Version 1.3.3Beta2.

Good luck,


At 01:44 PM 12/18/2001 +0000, you wrote:
Dear Donald Denbo

We are still having trouble exporting data using the ncBrowse program.  We are using 1.3.3B1 (which you sent to us to address this problem).  I've attached on of the nc files which is giving us problems.  It graphs perfectly but any attempt to export to cdl gives us empty files, nomatter how we set up the parameters.  We would be most grateful for your assistance and look forward to making better use of your software!

Best regards

Oisin Brady

Renewable Energy Systems Ltd
23 Grosvenor Rd, St Albans
AL1 3AW, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)1727 797936
Fax:      +44 (0)1727 797929
Web:    www.res-ltd.com

Donald W. Denbo    dwd@pmel.noaa.gov
Ph: (206) 526-4487   Fax: (206) 526-6744
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