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Agent Name Mold and algae derived allergens
Major Category Biological Agents
Category Plant & Animal Dusts/Aerosols
Comments Mold and algae that cause asthma, based on "Tables of Major Inducers of Occupational Asthma" by Chan-Yeung & Malo. In: [Malo] Includes:
Dictyostelium discoideum (slime molds)--technicians;
Aspergillus niger--technicians;
Aspergillus--beet sugar workers;
Aspergillus alternaria--baker;
Trichoderma koningii--sawmill workers;
Plasmopara viticola--agricultural workers;
Chlorella (algae)--pharmacists:
Neurospora--plywood factory worker;
Chrysonilia sitophila--logging worker;
Rhizopus nigricans--coal miner;
Various fungi and algae are reported causes of contact urticaria; [Kanerva 2004, p. 98, 100] Also see fungal enzymes in the category "Biological Enzymes."
Exposure Assessment
Skin Designation (ACGIH) Not evaluated
Adverse Effects
Asthma Yes
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Last updated: September, 2008