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Topic: Home > Policies > Defense

Defense: Revitalizing National Defense
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President Bush Speaks at National Defense University
    President Bush to Announce Eight Individuals to Serve in His Administration
    President Bush Speaks at Camp Pendleton, California
    President's Task Force to Improve Health Care Delivery for Our Nation's Veterans
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President George W. Bush descends the steps of the National Defense University before his ..
Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Signs Defense Appropriations Bill
President Discusses National Missile Defense
President Commends House for Passing Defense Bill
    U.S., China to Discuss Missile Defense
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President Discusses Defense Priorities at American Legion
President's Statement on H.R. 2216, the "Supplemental Appropriations Act, FY 2001"
    Press Conference by President Bush and Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi
    Dr. Rice Discusses Bilateral Meeting of President Bush and Russian President Putin
    Press Conference by President Bush and President Putin
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President Bush Speaks at Pentagon Assistive Technology Center
    President Bush Announces Four People to Serve in His Administration
    Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice - Warsaw, Poland
    Notice: Continuation of Emergency with Respect to Property of the Russian Federation
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