Explore Air

NPS Mission/Overview


The Air Resources Division, in partnership with parks and others, works to preserve, protect, enhance, and understand air quality and other resources sensitive to air quality in the National Park System.


Our vision is a National Park System where air quality and air quality-related values are unimpaired by human - caused pollution. We will be a respected national leader in all areas of air resource management and protection. We will be regarded as a responsive, valued partner in meeting Service - wide air quality needs. We will work cooperatively in a professional, stimulating environment characterized by effective leadership, clear direction, respect, trust, and recognition.

Program Overview

The National Park Service is responsible for preserving, protecting, and enhancing air quality and air quality-related values in units of the National Park System by ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Clean Air Act and the National Park Service Organic Act . Air quality-related values include visibility, flora, fauna, cultural and historical resources, odor, soil, water, and virtually all resources that are dependent upon and affected by air quality. The Air Resources Division oversees the national air resource management program for the NPS. Together with parks and NPS regional offices, we monitor air quality in park units; review permit applications for proposed major emitting sources, air quality legislative and regulatory proposals, and NPS and other federal or state air quality plans; develop data on sensitive park resources; research causes and effects of visibility impairment and acid deposition; develop meteorological and atmospheric dispersion modeling methodologies; and produce informational materials. The NPS could not carry out its air resource management responsibilities without the assistance and support of many partners.

updated on 01/31/2005  I   http://www.nature.nps.gov/air/who/npsMission.cfm   I  Email: Webmaster
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