Explore Air

Air Quality GIS Map Products


The National Park Service Air Resources Division uses a Geographical Information System (GIS) to produce map products that aid in the analysis and interpretation of air quality data and issues. There are two main topics of interest on this page. The first is a map of the NPS Units within nonattainment counties. A list of the park units in nonattainment counties is below the map. The second topic provides a list of the GIS Maps that are available.

NPS Units within 8-Hour Ozone NonAttainment Counties
National Park Service Units within 8-Hour Ozone NonAttainment Counties
Park Units in NonAttainment Counties
Adams NHS, MA John Muir NHS, CA
African Burial Ground NM, NY Joshua Tree NP, CA
Antietam NB, MD Kennesaw Mountain NBP, GA
Arlington House Robert E. Lee, VA Kings Mtn. NMP, SC
Ben Franklin NMem, PA Lake Mead NRA, NV
Big Thicket NPres, TX Longfellow NHS, MA
Blue Ridge Parkway, VA Lowell NHP, MA
Boston African American NHS, MA Lyndon Baines Johnson NMem, VA
Boston Harbor Islands NRA, MA Manassas NBP, VA
Boston NHP, MA Martin Luther King, Jr. NHS, GA
Cabrillo NM, CA Minute Man NHP, MA
Cape Cod NS, MA Mojave NPres, CA
Castle Clinton NM, NY Monocacy NB, MD
Casa Grande NM, AZ Morristown NHP, NJ
Catoctin Mountain Park, MD Muir Woods NM, CA
Cedar Creek & Belle Grove NHP, VA National Capital Parks NRA, MD
Chattahoochee River NRA, GA National Mall & Memorial Parks, DC
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal NHP, MD National Capital Parks-East, DC
Chickamauga and Chattanooga NMP, TN New Bedford Whaling NHP, MA
Clara Barton NHS, MD Ocmulgee NM, GA
Congaree Swamp NM, SC Pima (Hohokam Pima) NM, AZ
Cuyahoga Valley NP, OH Point Reyes NS, CA
Delaware Water Gap NRA, PA Presidio of San Francisco, CA
Devils Postpile NM, CA Prince William Forest Park, VA
Edgar Allen Poe NHS, PA Rock Creek Park, DC
Edison NHS, NJ Rocky Mountain NP, CO
Eisenhower NHS, PA Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front NHP, CA
Eleanor Roosevelt NHS, NY Roger Williams NMem, RI
Eugene O Neill NHS, CA Sagamore Hill NHS, NY
Federal Hall NM, NY Saint Pauls Church NHS, NY
Fire Island NS, NY Salem Maritime NHS, MA
Fort Necessity NB, PA San Antonio Missions NHP, TX
Fort Point NHS, CA San Francisco Maritime NHP, CA
Frederick Law Olmsted NHS, MA Santa Monica Mountains NRA, CA
Friendship Hill NHS, PA Saratoga NHP, NY
Gateway NRA, NY Saugus Iron Works NHS, MA
General Grant NM, NY Sequoia/Kings Cnayon NP, CA
Gettysburg NMP, PA Springfield Armory NHS, MA
Gloria Dei (Old Swedes) Church NHS, PA Statue of Liberty NM, NJ
Golden Gate NRA, CA Steamtown NHS, PA
Great Smoky Mountains NP, TN Stones River NB, TN
George Washington Mem PKWY, MD Thaddeus Kosciuszko NMem, PA
Guilford Courthouse NMP, NC Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace NHS, NY
Hamilton Grange NMem, NY Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural NHS, NY
Hampton NHS, MD Thomas Stone NHS, MD
Harpers Ferry NHP, WV Ulysses S. Grant NHS, MO
Harry S. Truman NHS, MO Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River, PA
Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt NHS, NY Valley Forge NHP, PA
Illinois & Michigan Canal NHC, IL Vanderbilt Mansion NHS, NY
Independence NHP, PA Weir Farm NHS, CT
Indiana Dunes NL, IN William Howard Taft NHS, OH
James A. Garfield NHS, OH White House Park, DC
Jefferson National Expansion Mem NHS, MO Wolf Trap Farm Park, VA
John Fitzgerald Kennedy NHS, MA Yosemite NP, CA

GIS Maps

The PowerPoint, Excel, and PDF files provide a general view of the GIS maps. Free PowerPoint, Excel, and PDF viewers are available.

GIS product description PowerPoint/PDF/Excel files *
2002 - 2006, 2004 - 2006, and 2006 12 Hr 3 Month W126 Ozone Estimates and Proposed National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) PowerPt (9 MB)
PDF (3 MB)
Parks in Ozone Nonattainment Areas for 2007 PowerPt (1.4 MB)
PDF (.2 MB)
Monitoring locations for each network in proximity to parks PowerPt (15 MB)
PDF (4 MB)
Anticipated Ozone Early Action Counties jpg version:
Ozone early action
Clean Air Act Amendments mandatory Class I areas in NPS, FS, and BLM areas (map) PowerPt (.5 MB)
PDF (.4 MB)
Class I areas with 50, 250, 300km buffers PowerPt (1 MB)
PDF (12.7 MB)
Pollutant emission inventories near parks (1999) maps for NOx, SO2, VOC, CO, NH4, NOx/SO2 ratio Shenandoah (2MB pdf)
Mammoth Cave (1.5MB pdf)
Great Smoky Mtns (1.8MB pdf)
Appalachian Trail - Air Quality Monitoring within 50 km (map) PDF (.5 MB)
Proportional circle maps of SUM06 ozone 1994 to 2002 PowerPt (3.4 MB)
PDF (1.3 MB)

*save files to your local hard drive first, then open the files from your local PC

For more detail or alternate versions of these maps, contact John Ray (303-969-2820).

updated on 12/04/2007  I   http://www.nature.nps.gov/air/maps/AirAtlas/gisprojects.cfm   I  Email: Webmaster
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