Peace Corps

World Wise Window

World Wise Schools' monthly e-newsletter, the World Wise Window, highlights educational materials based on the Peace Corps Volunteer experience. Sign up now!

Hot Off the Press: Spotlight on Music

Peace Corps Volunteers interact with music in amazing and inspirational ways, sometimes engaging in their host countries’ musical traditions, sometimes sharing their own musical talents, and always forging powerful links with the people they serve.

Watch a suite of videos highlighting the musical talents of volunteer Dave Fossum, who worked to master the two-stringed dutar during his service in Turkmenistan. Hear how Peace Corps Volunteer Louise Pascale served Afghanistan by returning traditional songs to its children. Read about Peace Corps Volunteer Amy Patanasinth's efforts in organizing a song competition in Togo to educate about HIV/AIDS.

Hot Topics

The World Wise Window focuses on a new topic each month, bringing educators stories with lesson plans from post-Tsunami Sri Lanka and Jordan to China and New Orleans. The Window examines global issues and cross-cultural understanding through folk tales, videos, slide shows, photos, and Volunteer-written narratives that come from a Peace Corps Volunteer's unique perspective on daily life in countries around the world.

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The Window is free and all you have to do is sign up. World Wise Schools will send you one e-newsletter a month and you can unsubscribe at any time. We only ask for your e-mail address and that address will never be used for any purpose other than our e-newsletter.

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