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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Cohen Warns DoD Needs More Money by Month's End

By Linda D. Kozaryn
American Forces Press Service

MUNICH, Germany, May 1, 2000 – DoD needs $2 billion by the end of May or "the Army is going to have some serious problems," Defense Secretary William S. Cohen warned.

Speaking to reporters April 30 on the way to Europe, Cohen addressed the status of DoD's $2 billion supplemental budget request now in Congress. He said more money is needed to maintain readiness.

"I've taken about $200 million under a discretionary authority that I have and moved it out of Navy and Air force accounts to pay for activities in Kosovo," Cohen said.

He stressed DoD needs the money by the end of May or there would be serious consequences: "Property maintenance will have to be deferred. There may be a prospect of furloughs if it goes beyond the end of the month. We've tried to make it very clear that we need action as quickly as possible."