United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses

Gulf War Reviews

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Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses Home
Subject: gulf war
Description: gulf war
Page Info: www1.va.gov/gulfwar/ | 25k | January 03, 2009

Subject Index - Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses
Subject: index, terms
Description: index, terms
Page Info: www1.va.gov/GulfWar/page.cfm?pg=7&template=main&letter=A | 15k | January 03, 2009

Subject Index - Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses
Subject: index, terms
Description: index, terms
Page Info: www1.va.gov/GulfWar/page.cfm?pg=7 | 15k | January 03, 2009

September 17, 2001
Summary: INTRODUCTION: September 17, 2001 GULF WAR RISK FACTOR REPORT REPRINTS The National Research Council defines risk communication as an ?interactive process of exchange of information and opinion among individuals, groups, and institutions; often involves multiple messages about the nature of risk or expressing concerns, opinions, or reactions to risk messages or to legal and institutional arrangements for risk management.?* Risk factors are those characteristics that affects the probability
Page Info: www1.va.gov/gulfwar/docs/riskfactor1.doc | 21k | January 22, 2002

Summary: GULF WAR RISK FACTOR REPORT REPRINTS Vaccinations, Including Anthrax and Botulinum The following article originally appeared in the May 2001 issue of the Gulf War Review newsletter. After their arrival in the theater of operations, some Gulf War participants received an additional two nonlive vaccines for protection against two biological warfare agents, anthrax and botulinum toxoid. There is some information about the immediate effects of this vaccine; however, studies of the anthrax vaccine
Page Info: www1.va.gov/gulfwar/docs/GRiskFactor7.doc | 31k | January 22, 2002

Summary: GULF WAR RISK FACTOR REPORT REPRINTS Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents The following articles originally appeared in the October 2000 issue of the Gulf War Review newsletter. In the last decades and before the Gulf War the most common warfare agents of concern were organophosphorus (OP) agents such as sarin, soman and/or VX, and blistering agents such as mustard agent. Possible Effects with Children of Gulf War Veterans OP nerve agents, including pesticides and chemical warfare agents,
Page Info: www1.va.gov/gulfwar/docs/Riskfactor6.doc | 41k | January 22, 2002

ID GulfWar May 2001Alt.indd
Summary: The ?Review? is published to provide information about the concerns of Gulf War veterans, their families, and others interested in possible long-term health consequences of military service in the Gulf War. Gulf War veterans interested in learning about the wide range of beneft programs administered by VA - contact a Veterans Benefts Counselor at the nearest VA regional offce or health care facility at 1-800-827-1000, or call the VA Gulf War Information Helpline at 1-800PGW-VETS (
Page Info: www1.va.gov/gulfwar/docs/ID_GulfWar_May_2001Nu.PDF | 990k | February 06, 2002

Summary: The theme of these projects is "VA Cares for Gulf War Veterans." The publications highlight VA's comprehensive program to help Gulf War veterans and their families. Veterans who participated in Operation Desert Shield/Storm are now referred to as Gulf War veterans rather than Persian Gulf War veterans. Representatives of veterans service organizations, including the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Disabled American Veterans, etc., may also be very helpful to
Page Info: www1.va.gov/gulfwar/docs/v06-2-pgr6-98.pdf | 144k | April 04, 2001

GW June 2002.indd
Summary: 3 June 2002 Department of Veterans Affairs GULF VETS VA Reevaluates Khamisiyah Veterans A study of death rates (mortality) by scientists of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) concerning veterans who served near the Iraqi munitions dump at Khamisiyah during the Gulf War found no substantial increase in deaths nor any unusual causes of death among veterans at Khamisiyah compared to all Gulf War veterans. VA Gulf War Research Advisory Committee Holds Initial Meeting On April 11-12, 2002,
Page Info: www1.va.gov/gulfwar/docs/GW_JUN_2002.pdf | 590k | August 14, 2002

Summary: 27 A Guide to Gulf War Veterans? Health iii Chapter 3. Studies of Gulf War Veterans? Mortality, Morbidity and Reproductive Health . 7 A Guide to Gulf War Veterans? Health Committee on Identifying Effective Treatments for Gulf War Veterans? Health Problems, National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine, ?Gulf War Veterans: Treating Symptoms and Syndromes.? Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2001. 9 A Guide to Gulf War
Page Info: www1.va.gov/gulfwar/docs/VHIgulfwar.pdf | 2749k | June 20, 2002

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