"Table 6: Top 10 Airlines, April 2007",,,,, Ranked by Number of Full-Time Equivalent Employees* ,,,,, Rank ,Airline,Total FTE Employees (000),Carrier Group,Apr 2006 Rank,Apr 2005 Rank 1,American,73.2,Network,1,1 2,United,51.8,Network,2,2 3,Delta,46.0,Network,3,3 4,Continental,35.6,Network,4,5 5,Southwest,33.1,Low Cost,5,6 6,Northwest,29.0,Network,6,4 7,US Airways,19.7,Network,7,7 8,America West,13.1,Low Cost,8,8 9,JetBlue,9.6,Low Cost,9,12 10,Sky West,9.5,Regional,12,11 Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics,,,,, * Full-time Equivalent Employee (FTE) calculations count two part-time employees as one full-time employee.,,,,,