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Energy Services program

Western's Energy Services program helps our customers improve energy efficiency, explore and use renewable energy options, find new technologies and learn about programs and techniques at other utilities. Services include an equipment loan program, technical assistance and a full menu of publications available both on-line and in printed version.

Western's bimonthly newsletter, Energy Services Bulletin keeps customers informed about successful programs at other utilities, services available from the Energy Services program, marketing techniques, customer service and technological developments. Besides printed and on-line resources, the Energy Services program offers a telephone technical information service. The Power Line is staffed by energy experts who can answer questions on nearly any energy-related topic. To contact the Power Line by telephone, call 1-800-POWERLN (1-800-769-3756).

Western also has a Non-hydro Renewable Resource program that encourages the voluntary use of renewable resources. Its services include a Green Power and Market Research Newsletter that offers information on the availability of grants, renewable energy programs, legislation, marketing and other issues related to renewable resources. Western's Energy Services program has its own Web site containing detailed information on Western's programs, database of energy services and renewable energy information and other useful tools.