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FCA Offices

The FCA Board approves the policies, regulations, charters, and enforcement activities that ensure a strong FCS. The Board also provides for the examination and supervision of the FCS, including Farmer Mac, and oversees the activities of the FCS Building Association, which acquires, manages, and maintains FCA headquarters and field office facilities. Leland A. Strom is Chairman of the Board. 

The Office of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) enforces the rules, regulations, and orders of the FCA Board. The CEO directs the implementation of policies and regulations adopted by the FCA Board. The office plans, organizes, directs, coordinates, and controls Agency operations and leads the Agency’s efforts to achieve and manage a diverse workforce. Leland A. Strom is the CEO.

The Secretary to the Board ensures that the FCA Board complies with statutory, regulatory, and internal operation procedures and requirements. The Secretary to the FCA Board also serves as secretary to the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation Board (FCSIC). In addition, the Secretary serves as the Parliamentarian and the Sunshine Act Official for the FCA Board. Roland E. Smith is the Secretary to the Board.

The Office of Congressional and Public Affairs (OCPA) serves as the Agency’s principal point of contact for Congress, the media, other Government agencies, FCS institutions, employees, System borrowers, and the public. OCPA develops and monitors legislation pertinent to FCA and the FCS, serves as the Agency’s congressional liaison, and prepares testimony for the Chairman and other staff members. The office provides information to external audiences through news releases, information brochures and fact sheets, the annual FCA Performance and Accountability Report, and other publications. OCPA manages media relations regarding Agency activities and the content of the FCA Web site. The office also coordinates special meetings, briefings for international visitors, and field hearings. Michael Stokke is Director of OCPA.

The Office of Examination is responsible for programs of examination and supervision of each FCS institution, in accordance with the Farm Credit Act of 1971, as amended, and applicable regulations. The office develops oversight plans; conducts examinations; monitors the System’s condition, risks, and emerging risks; and develops supervisory strategies to ensure that the System operates in a safe and sound manner and fulfills its public policy purpose. The FCA Board further defines the Office of Examination’s role in Policy Statement 53 available at www.fca.gov. Thomas G. McKenzie is Director of the Office of Examination.

The Office of General Counsel provides the FCA Board and staff with legal counsel, as well as guidance on general corporate, personnel, ethics, and administrative matters. The office supports the Agency’s development and promulgation of regulations, civil litigation, enforcement of applicable laws and regulations, and implementation of conservatorships and receiverships. The office serves as the liaison to the Federal Register, creates and maintains the Agency’s public rulemaking files, and handles the Agency’s submission of the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions. The office also handles Freedom of Information Act requests and matters pertaining to the Privacy Act. Charles R. Rawls is Director of the Office of General Counsel.

The Office of Inspector General provides independent and objective oversight of Agency programs and operations through audits, inspections, investigations, and the review of proposed legislation and regulations. The office promotes economy and efficiency within FCA and seeks to prevent and detect fraud, waste, and abuse in the Agency’s programs and operations. Carl A. Clinefelter is Director of the Office of the Inspector General.

The Office of Management Services manages and delivers FCA’s information technology, financial, human capital, and administrative services. The office consists of five service delivery teams: the Personnel and Purchasing Team, the Finance Team, the Client Services and Communications Team, the Technology Team, and the Applications Team. The Deputy Director serves as FCA’s Chief Information Officer. Stephen G. Smith serves as both the Chief Financial Officer of FCA and as Director of the Office of Management Services.

The Office of Regulatory Policy manages all policy and regulation development activities, manages regulatory and statutory prior approval activities, and conducts policy-related research of risks and emerging issues affecting the FCS. The office is responsible for developing regulations and policy positions that implement applicable statutes, promote the safety and soundness of the FCS, and support the System’s mission as a dependable source of credit and related services for agriculture and rural America. Policy and regulation development activities include the analysis of policy and strategic risks to the System, considering economic trends and other risk factors. The office also evaluates all regulatory and statutory prior approval requests from System institutions, including mergers, chartering, and other corporate approvals, as well as funding approval requests on behalf of the FCA Board. Andrew D. Jacob is Director of the Office of Regulatory Policy.

The Office of Secondary Market Oversight provides for the examination, regulation, and supervision of the activities of Farmer Mac to ensure its safety and soundness and the accomplishment of its public policy purpose as authorized by Congress. It also ensures that Farmer Mac complies with applicable laws and regulations, and it manages FCA’s enforcement activities with respect to Farmer Mac. S. Robert Coleman is Director of the Office of Secondary Market Oversight.

