About CCRC


As a legislatively established arm of State government, CCRC is a partnership of the state, city, county and private sector to plan for and ensure that the Capital District is a great place to live, visit, work and conduct business. CCRC acts as a catalyst to coordinate, initiate, expedite, finance and package redevelopment in the district resulting in increased integration of planning efforts and increased private investment.
The Capital City Redevelopment Corporation is a state agency, in but not of, the Department of Treasury. Created by statute in 1988, CCRC is charged with facilitating redevelopment in the Capital District of the City of Trenton.

Since its inception, CCRC has directly invested and/or leveraged millions of dollars in the City of Trenton. CCRC has been involved in several projects in the City of Trenton including the improvements to the Canal Banks, the establishment of a Capital District Loan Fund, the re-opening of the Downtown Trenton Commons, the construction of the Liberty Commons Garage and of the Trenton Marriott Hotel.

Today, CCRC continues its revitalization efforts in the Capital District of the City of Trenton, guided by two core principles:
  • Economic Development – CCRC will act as a catalyst to coordinate, initiate, expedite, finance and implement targeted economic development projects in the Capital District.

  • Planning & Land Use – CCRC will create more efficiency and ensure integration of efforts in the planning of redevelopment in the Capital District.