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What Data is Available?
Welcome to DCF's child welfare statistics and data page. We are working to regularly share information about our department's vast work in child welfare, and we are still testing ways to present data on this site. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our site or the data presented here, please contact us by e-mailing

Most data is updated in quarterly data reports, which can be found on the data ARCHIVE page.

Below (and on the left tool bar) is a list of the types of data available about DCF's services and about the children and families we serve.

DYFS Demographics (Updated through September 2008)
Here you will find helpful information about the types of children involved with the Division of Youth and Family Services, including kids who are served in their birth parent's homes and those who had to be removed into an out-of-home placement. You will also find up-to-date information about our efforts to recruit new foster and adoptive families.

Institutional Abuse (Updated through September 2008)
In this section, you will find information about DCF investigations that address allegations of abuse and neglect all public and private institutions and facilities, including schools, child care centers and foster homes.

Hotline Referrals (Updated through September 2008)
The data on this page will give you information about our statewide child abuse and neglect hotline, where people call to report any signs of abuse or neglect. It includes stats on how many calls were abuse/neglect related or requests for family welfare services, as well as information about abuse/neglect substantiations.

Children's Behavioral Health (Updated through September 2008)
Here you can learn about how many children are accessing our services to aid with behavioral and mental challenges. This includes demographic information about children in care management, in out-of-home placement, and benefiting from our mobile response program.

Workforce & Caseload Data (Updated through September 2008)
By clicking above, you will have access to the latest information about what the caseloads look like for our local DYFS office staff, as well as how it matches up with the targets set in the Modified Settlement Agreement. This includes information on intake workers (initial investigators), permenancy workers (workers with children being served in their homes and in foster care), adoption workers (caseworkers focused on finding forever families for kids in need), and supervisors. You will also find information about DYFS staff training.

Outcome Data
Outcome data is the way we track how we are making a real impact in the lives of the kids and families we serve. Right now, this section includes information about finalized adoptions and children who still need forever families, the number of kids in kinship legal guardianship arrangements, and data focused on the experience of children when they are placed out of their homes.
Health Care Data for DYFS Children
Information on pre-placement health assessments for children in out-of-home placements.

Safe Haven Statistics
Yearly totals on Safe Haven surrenders and unsafe infant abandonments.

Geographical Maps
View information on rate of child protective services and family service requests by county.

New Jersey Federal Child and Family Services Review

To report suspected child abuse or neglect, please call 1-877-NJ Abuse (652-2873)