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Western's Power Line:

Regional Energy Services Managers:

Lakewood, CO:
Ron Horstman,

Billings, MT:
Michael Radecki,

Loveland, CO:
Linda Swails,

Phoenix, AZ:

Folsom, CA:
Sandee Peebles

Salt Lake City, UT:
Paula Fronk

The Energy Services Bulletin is published by Western Area Power Administration for its power customers. The mailing address is Western Area Power Administration,
POB 281213, Lakewood, CO
Telephone: 720-962-7508.

The mention of any service, product, or technology does not constitute an endorsement of same and Western, the Department of Energy, or the United States Government cannot be held responsible or liable for use thereof.

Editor/Web technician:
Kevon Storie

This issue of Energy Services Bulletin is dedicated to wind power, the fastest-growing form of generation in the world today. We welcome your suggestions for future theme issues.
Community colleges fill need for trained wind technicians

Progressive community colleges are preparing students to take their place in the new energy economy.

LADWP explores O&M options for utility-owned wind facilities

Maintenance is a responsibility of ownership, one that the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power is ready to accept for its new wind farm.

Western seeks customers for cost-share wind integration study

Utilities have the opportunity to participate in a cost-share study to answer the question, "What will an intermittent resource do to our grid?"

Topics from the Power Line:
Answering questions about wind power

Tourists ask questions about the San Gorgonio wind farms that are the same as the ones consumers ask about wind facilities.

Web site of the month:
Online wind resources
It takes more than one Web site to cover all the aspects of a growing, mainstream energy resource. Here is a short list of useful sites related to wind power.
Calendar of events

See Breaking news for updates and announcements throughout the month.

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