Week of March 5, 2001
Green Power and Market Research News
A Weekly Electronic News Service from Western's Renewable Resources Program Covering Green Power, Renewable Energy and Market Research Strategies

Green Power

Enron Announce First Significant Facility to Allow Green Power Customers to Purchase Short-Term Wind Power
Enron Wind and Enron Power Marketing, Inc. (EPMI), affiliates of Enron Corp. (NYSE: ENE), announced the completion of a
transaction in which Enron Wind will build a 135-megawatt (MW) wind power facility near Iraan, Texas, in Pecos County, and EPMI will purchase the project's electricity under a long-term agreement for resale into the Texas wholesale electricity market. This will be the first major wind facility that allows wholesale customers to purchase portions of the wind power production. In the past, customers interested in purchasing "green power" were often forced to commit to 100 percent of a project's output over the 20-year life of the equipment.  The project, which consists of 90 Enron Wind 1.5 MW wind turbines, is expected to be completed in late 2001. The project will supply approximately 520,000 megawatt hours of clean electricity each year, enough to supply the annual residential needs of approximately 50,000 average American homes. The Enron Wind 1.5 is the largest wind turbine manufactured in North America.  "This project provides our customers the ability to effectively procure their green energy," said Kevin Presto, vice president, EPMI. "We are committed to providing innovative solutions to our customers as this project clearly demonstrates."  "We are pleased to see that wind power's competitive costs and the world's growing environmental awareness are opening doors to
transactions such as this that provide consumers with the opportunity to demonstrate their environmental commitment," said
Adam Umanoff, managing director, Enron Wind.  Market participants interested in discussing wholesale purchases from this project can contact Mike Curry of EPMI at (713) 853-4258. Source: Enron Release 2/28/2001 via PRNewswire via NewsEdge via Western Newsclips 3/1/2001.
For more information: http://www.eren.doe.gov/greenpower/   or   http://www.thegreenpowergroup.org/

Renewable Energy Technologies

EESI to Hold Briefing on Geothermal Energy
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) recently announced it will hold a briefing on geothermal energy on 2/28/2001 at 1:00 p.m. in room 1334 of the Longworth House Office Building. The briefing will be titled "Geothermal Energy: A Sustainable Answer to the West's Energy Crisis?"  Gordon Bloomquist, director of the energy program at the University of Washington, will examine the use of geothermal energy in district energy systems today, and their potential for the future. Karl Gawell, the Washington representative for the Geothermal Energy Association, will discuss the potential for geothermal energy to help address the electricity crisis in the western U.S.  EESI said it has invited Kai Anderson, legislative assistant for Senator Harry Reid (D-NV). Senator Reid recently introduced legislation -- S. 249 -- which would encourage the development of thousands of new megawatts of renewable energy capacity in the West. Anderson will discuss the policy options available to develop renewable energy capacity, and the recently introduced legislation.  EESI noted that the briefing is free and open to the public.  Contact: Beth Bleil, EESI, phone 202-662-1885, e-mail bbleil@eesi.org.  Source: EESI Release 2/26/2001 via EIN Renewable Energy Today 2/27/2001.

FPL Begins Construction on Wind Farm
FPL Energy, a wholly owned subsidiary of FPL Group, Inc., recently announced it has begun construction on a 25.5-megawatt (MW) wind farm in Iowa County, WI. The wind farm will be built, owned and operated by FPL and is expected to begin generating power later this year.  The power generated by the 17 wind turbines will be purchased by Wisconsin Electric, which will add the wind energy to its existing renewable energy portfolio. The wind farm will provide enough energy to serve more than 5,000 homes per year.  "We're very excited about this opportunity to provide low-cost, clean energy to Wisconsin Electric and the customers they serve,"  said FPL president Lew Hay. "New high-efficiency wind turbine designs have made wind power a more viable source of electricity than ever before, and we're pleased our customers are able to benefit from the expertise we've developed in this business."  FPL said it is a leading developer and operator of wind energy facilities in the U.S., with more than 1,000 MW of wind turbines in operation or under construction in seven states. FPL is an independent producer of clean energy, including natural gas, wind, solar and hydro-electric generating facilities.  Contact: FPL, website  http://www.fpl.com  .  Source: FPL Release 1/22/01 via EIN Renewable Energy Today 1/25/2001.

BP Opens First U.S. Service Station with Solar Canopy
BP announced the opening early this month of a service station in Indianapolis that features a solar-electric canopy.  The Indianapolis station is the first U.S. "BP Connect" store, a model that BP intends to use for all new or significantly revamped BP service stations.  The thin-film solar modules are being manufactured at a BP Solar plant in Toano, Virginia.  For more information about the solar modules, see:  http://www.bp.com/pressoffice/bpconnect/solarstory/default.htm  .  Source: EREN Network News -- 1/24/01.

Arizona Commission Adopts Renewable Energy Mandate
The Arizona Corporate Commission (ACC), which regulates the utilities in Arizona, announced early this month the adoption of a new rule, the Environmental Portfolio Standard, requiring the state's regulated utilities to generate a minimum of 0.2 percent of their total retail energy sales from renewable sources in 2001. That percentage will increase each year, reaching 1.0 percent in 2005 and
topping out at 1.1 percent in 2007. The ruling is particularly significant for solar electric technologies, which must be used to meet half of the requirement through 2003, and then must be used to meet 60 percent of the requirement. See the ACC press release at:
http://www.cc.state.az.us/news/pr02-01-01.htm  . For more information, including the full text of the order, see the ACC's "Environmental Portfolio Standard Developments" Web page at:  http://www.cc.state.az.us/utility/electric/environmental.htm .
The Environmental Portfolio Standard is one example of a policy that is generally referred to as a renewable portfolio standard (RPS). For more information about RPS policies, see the American Wind Energy Association's Web site at:
http://www.awea.org/policy/rpsbrief.html  .  Source: EREN Network News -- 2/28/01

Morongo Indian Tribe Issues 100-MW Wind RFQ
The Morongo Indian tribe has issued a Request for Statements of Qualifications (RFQ) for the development of 100 MW of wind power on tribal lands near San Gorgonio, Calif.  The RFQ calls for the provision of approximately 15 MW in the near term and the development of a "comprehensive, tribal-based, self-sufficient, renewably-based electrical generating micro-grid capable of sustaining and exceeding all present and future power requirements on tribal lands, including industrial, commercial, residential, and transportation applications projected to potentially aggregate 100 to 200 megawatts."  The Morongo Band of Mission Indians, a federally-recognized tribe, owns land in and around Cabazon, Calif. (Riverside County), approximately 20 miles west of Palm Springs.  The tribe currently owns a large casino and is making plans to expand its recreational facilities and develop an industrial park, to be built on a 1000-acre site contiguous to Interstate 10.   In order to accomplish the long-term goal of a self-sufficient power grid, the tribe plans to incorporate advanced energy efficiency and production technologies in the design of the new developments, including fuel cells, energy efficient architecture, and passive heating, cooling and lighting.  The RFQ also states that the tribe plans to eventually "transition to supplying all of the tribal land’s energy needs utilizing renewable sources, such as wind and solar, as well as building the infrastructure necessary to utilize hydrogen as a primary energy source." The RFQ states that the tribe is seeking a company to perform all the services necessary to develop a self-sufficient energy infrastructure, including efficiency audits, quickly building up to 15 MW of generation, and plan for the future energy needs of the development, taking advantage of wind and solar resources.  The RFQ also states that the tribe hopes to develop "an advanced energy technology research, education, and training center housed on tribal lands, and participate in projects that demonstrate emerging energy technologies, particularly those which accelerate the transition from a carbon-based energy system into one based on hydrogen." The deadline for submissions is 5 p.m. March 9.  Submissions should be addressed to: Cliff Gladstein, Gladstein & Associates, 3015 Main St., Suite 300, Santa Monica, CA 90405.  Submissions must contain a key contact, a description of the company's ability to meet the tribe's energy goals, resumes of key personnel, a client list, a list of previous experience with Native American tribes, references, and support materials.  For more information or a copy of the RFQ, contact Cliff Gladstein, phone (310) 314-1934, e-mail cliff@gladstein.org .  The screening committee will select finalists to make presentations to the tribal council.  These interviews are likely to take place in the third week in March.  It is the intention of the Morongo Tribe to enter into negotiations by April 15 with those companies it has selected. Source: AWEA Wind Energy Weekly 3/2/2001.
For more information on Renewable Resources go to:  http://www.eren.doe.gov/repis/

Outreach, Education & Reports

EIA Offers Educational Information for Kids
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) has developed a new Web site at: http://www.eia.doe.gov/kids   .   The site was developed in coordination with the National Energy Education Development Project.

FEMP Focus by E-Mail
If you want to stay informed of energy efficiency and renewable energy activities at Federal facilities across the United States, the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) FEMP Focus Newsletter is now available by e-mail.  Visit the FEMP website at:  http://www.eren.doe.gov/femp/newsevents/whatsnew.html  ,  and request the newsletter electronically.  There is no subscription fee to receive FEMP Focus.  Source: FEMP Focus 1/2001.

New Report Highlights Benefits of Rural Wind Projects
A new report by Climate Solutions highlights wind energy’s potential for revitalizing rural communities in the Northwest and lists policy options that could help spur the market.  The report, Harvesting Clean Energy for Rural Development:Wind, notes the benefits that wind farms can bring to their communities:  lease payments to landowners; construction and on-going operations jobs; and a new source of property tax revenues.  It also mentions that wind power is very compatible with other agricultural land use.
Harvesting Clean Energy for Rural Development is available on the Web at:   http://www.climatesolutions.org  .  Source: Wind Energy Weekly 2/2/2001.

The Green Schools Program
The Green Schools program helps schools use energy efficiently through building retrofits, changes in operational and maintenance routines, and changes in the behavior of building users. Students, teachers, custodians, administrators, and community partners all work together toward a common goal--saving energy and money.  Everyone Benefits from Green Schools!  Students benefit from hands-on lessons in energy conservation and efficiency that will pay off now and in the future.  Schools benefit from considerable cost savings, curriculum support, cross-functional team building, and community involvement.  Communities benefit from the partnerships established among key stakeholders.  The environment benefits from the more efficient use of polluting                      fossil fuels.  For more information on Green Schools see their Web site at:  http://www.ase.org/greenschools/  .
Source: E-mail from Jennifer L. Adams, Alliance to Save Energy, Green Schools Program
For more information on Educational Resources go to: http://www.thegateway.org

News from Washington

The White House's Office of the Federal Environmental Executive (OFEE)
The White House's Office of the Federal Environmental Executive advocates, coordinates, and assists environmental efforts of the Federal community in waste prevention, recycling, procurement guideline items, and the acquisition of recycled and environmentally preferable products and services. The Office was established by the President's Executive Order 12873, "Federal Acquisition, Recycling, and Waste Prevention." Read more about the Office at:  http://www.ofee.gov/  .  Source: February 2001 - Biobased Products and Bioenergy Newsletter

President Bush Budget Boosts EPA Grants To States and Tribes
President George W. Bush's budget for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released on Wednesday would give a record of more than $1 billion to states and tribes to administer environmental programs and would clean up abandoned industrial sites plagued by legal battles. The White House asked Congress to give the EPA $7.3 billion for the 2002 fiscal year.  That's $499 million less than Congress approved for 2001, but $56 million more than the Clinton administration had requested for 2001. The Bush administration said the reduction was "entirely due to the elimination of unrequested earmarks." The sketchy budget proposal for the EPA did not address power plant emissions regulations, livestock manure run-off rules, the phase-out of pesticides dangerous to children or other controversial EPA programs. The budget blueprint will be fleshed out in April with specific details for all federal spending programs. After that, Congress will spend months debating and rewriting budgets for all federal agencies for fiscal 2002, which begins Oct. 1. Source: Carbon Trader 3/2/2001.
For more information on legislative activities go to: http://www.kannerandassoc.com/fedenergybills.html

Marketing & Market Research

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Free Publications
"Within the Electricity Market Studies area, Berkeley Lab analyzes public interest policy issues and conducts R&D associated with electricity market restructuring, including issues affecting energy efficiency, renewable energy, electric system reliability, and retail competition and customer choice." -- Chuck Goldman and Joe Eto, Leaders.  The Lab's Web site has a significant number of excellent reports on Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Retail Energy Services, Assistance to Federal Customers, Electricity Sector Modeling, Power System Reliability, Bulk Power Markets: Structure and Organization, Private Power: Competitive Bidding and Market Results, Electric and Gas Utility Planning and Ratemaking.  Free download of the reports can be secured at:
http://eetd.lbl.gov/ea/ems/ems_pubs.html#re  .  Source: Brian Parsons, NREL 2/28/2001.

Green Power Reports Available From the NWCC
The National Wind Coordinating Committee Web site has a wealth of excellent information available for the taking.  In particular, they have three reports on green power programs, including: Understanding Non-Residential Demand for Green Power,                          December 2000, Updated January 25, 2001,  http://www.nationalwind.org/pubs/gpm/non-residential.pdf  .  Understanding Consumer Demand for Green Power 1999,  http://www.nationalwind.org/pubs/gpm/understandingconsumerbody.pdf  .  New Markets for Wind: Creating Competitive Advantage 1999, http://www.nationalwind.org/pubs/gpm/newmarketsbody.pdf  .  See the NWCC Web site at:
http://www.nationalwind.org/  .

Voluntary Reductions of Greenhouse Emissions by U.S. Companies and Organizations Triples
Although U.S. greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase, the voluntary reductions of greenhouse emissions by U.S. companies and organizations tripled between 1995 and 1999. A total of 201 U.S. companies and other organizations reported they had undertaken 1715 projects in 1999, achieving the equivalent to eliminating 226 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions -- about 3.4 percent of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 1999. Most of the reductions were achieved by the electric power industry. See the press release from DOE's Energy Information Administration at: http://www.eia.doe.gov/neic/press/press172.html Source: EREN Network News -- 1/24/01.

New EIA Website
Energy information is now easier to find with the redesigned website of the Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration (EIA).  The new site, http://www.eia.doe.gov  ,  has energy channels representing themes that customers most frequently follow in searching for energy information, such as by fuel, geography, price, or sector.  The channels intersect in content and offer several paths to information.  For example, electricity prices in Maryland can be found by following the price, geography, or fuels channel. Source: DOE This Month 11/2000.
For more information on marketing and research go to:  http://www.nrel.gov/analysis/emaa/index.html

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