Week of September 17, 2001

Green Power

Climate Trust to Make Large BEF Green Tags Purchase
On September 6, the Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF) and the Climate Trust announced a 10-year joint purchase of wind-based green power worth over $200,000.  This purchase and retirement of 36.5 million kWh of BEF Green Tags will result in estimated displacement of approximately 2,300 metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year, and significant amounts of other harmful pollutants.  The transaction is unique because the CO2 offsets are being separated from the other environmental attributes and transferred to the Climate Trust.  The CO2 offsets will be retired.  BEF will retain and retire the remaining environmental attributes including offsets for nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, mercury, and other pollutants.  ìTwo environmental organizations, BEF and the Climate Trust, are cooperating to reduce pollution and mitigate the impact of human energy use on global climate change.  This purchase is equivalent, in terms of reducing pollutants, to parking 5,100 cars at the curb for the next 10 years,î said Angus Duncan, BEF president.  Mike Burnett, executive director of the Climate Trust, said, ìThis is appealing because each organization leverages funding from the other, and together we can pay for increased environmental benefits.î  The Green Tags are being purchased from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and will come from the new wind project at Condon, Ore. (see Wind Energy Weekly #906, July 21, 2000), or another Oregon wind project.  The Green Tag revenue received by BPA will be reinvested in the next generation of wind or another renewable energy project to serve Northwest electricity users.  The electricity generated by the wind project will displace electricity that otherwise would have been generated by burning fossil fuel at other power plants.  BEF was founded in 1998 to fund new renewable energy resources and watershed restoration projects.  Former U.S. Senator Mark Hatfield chairs the BEF Board.  Although BEF maintains a strong collaborative relationship with the Bonneville Power Administration, they are separate organizations.  The Climate Trust is a nonprofit organization formed in 1997 in response to Oregon legislation that limits the amount of CO2 that a new power plant can release.  Power plant developers can comply with the standard by making a payment to the trust, which uses the funds for projects that reduce atmospheric CO2 levels.  These projects are called offsets because they offset the release of CO2 from the new Oregon power plants.  For more information, contact Angus Duncan at BEF, phone (503) 248-1905, e-mail, or Mike Burnett at the Climate Trust, phone (503) 238-1915, e-mail .  Source:  AWEA Wind Energy Weekly  9/7/2001.

Green Power Sells Out in Virginia
AEP Retail Energy has fully subscribed a green power product being offered in Dominion Virginia Power's retail access pilot program. The product, generated from waste wood from Virginia-based timber operations or wood processing plants, was made available on a first-come basis to 1,000 customers at a fixed price of 5.3¢/kWh through December 31, 2001, reflecting a small premium (~0.2¢/kWh) compared to the utility's average price for residential customers of 5.117¢/kWh. The marketer also donated $25 to the Foundation for Environmental Education for each customer that signed up for the product.  Source: NREL Green Power Marketing Monthly Update 8/2001

Converting to Solar Just Got Easier
The Board of Supervisors has approved a proposal by Supervisor Ron Roberts to eliminate the permit fee and streamline the
permitting process for those seeking to install solar panel systems at their homes.   "Sunshine is one of San Diego's most precious resources," said Supervisor Roberts. "Our sunny weather adds to our quality of life, and makes our region a world-renowned tourist destination. Now our famous sunshine may also help us do something more - enhance our energy independence."  Under the plan the County will abolish its $100 permit fee, and call on each of the County's 18 cities to eliminate their fees, some of which can run in excess of $1,000. The fee elimination by the County applies only to residents who live in the unincorporated areas of San Diego County.  Prior to the energy crisis, the County processed about 12 permits per year for solar panel systems, technically known as photovoltaic systems. Over the last two years, however, the County has witnessed a rather dramatic increase in the number of permits issued. At the current rate of five permits per week, the County expects to issue upwards of 250 permits this year.  "This is a promising trend that we should actively encourage by making it easier and cheaper to install photovoltaic systems," added Roberts. "Not only do they provide long-term financial benefits, but solar power is also much cleaner than electrical generation."    Source: San Diego County News Release  7/17/2001 via Tor Allen Solar e-Clips 9/11/2001.
For more information:   or

Renewable Energy Technologies

Small Wind Turbine To Test Furling Response in Spanish Fork Canyon, Utah
The Utah Municipal Power Agency (UMPA) is participating in a DOE and University of Utah project to test a Whisper 40, small furling wind turbine.   The project has two main objectives; 1) Determine and demonstrate the reliability and energy production of a furling wind machine at a site where furling will be a very frequent event and extreme gusts can be expected during the duration of the test; and 2) Make engineering measurements and conduct limited computer modeling of the furling behavior to improve the industries understanding of the mechanics and -nature of the furling.  For more information, contact Bill Doty, 801-798-7489 or email at  Source Bill Doty, UMPA via Keith Bennett, U.S. DOE Golden Field Office 9/7/2001.

California Dairy Group Cashing in on Manure
The Western United Dairymen of Modesto, CA and the State of California are working together to convert cattle manure into electricity. The manure conversion process was developed to help farmers comply with upcoming Federal EPA regulations that will dictate what farmers can do with cattle waste. The process will produce power for the State by converting manure into methane gas that can be burned to produce electricity. The leftovers from gas production are usable as organic fertilizer.  Click here for the article:  .  Source: Biobased Products and Bioenergy Newsletter - September 2001

TRI Completes Research on Wood Waste
Timber Resources International, Inc. (TRI) recently announced that in the last several months the company has been conducting
extensive research on biomass technology using wood waste to generate energy.  The company said it found that biomass technology which converts wood waste and other waste products into electricity provides "a reliable alternative energy source." In addition, the company said biomass offers numerous environmental, ecological and economic benefits.   According to the company's analysis, wood waste is a renewable energy resource that is underutilized. TRI said there are considerable market opportunities for this energy source in developing countries as well as in developed countries for remote rural environments.
TRI said it has recognized this potential and has pursued research in biomass technology. The company has built a prototype
biomass unit to assess functionality and commercialization of wood waste-fueled power generators.  TRI Release 9/4/2001 via EIN Renewable Energy Today 9/10/2001.

Glacial Lakes Energy Breaks Ground on Ethanol Plant in South Dakota
The farmer-owners of Glacial Lakes Energy, LLC broke ground on a 40 million gallon-per-year ethanol production facility in Watertown, SD.  The plant is expected to be in operation by September of 2002 and will employ 33 people.  Fagen, Inc. - the Granite Falls, Minnesota design- build contractor - is spearheading the project.  Fagen has participated in over 20 ethanol projects.  South Dakota now boasts four ethanol plants and three under construction.  Visit:  .  Source: Biobased Products and Bioenergy Newsletter - September 2001

Advanced Dish Development System, Dish/Stirling System, Demonstrates 20% Net System Efficiency
For ten minutes on August 22, the Advanced Dish Development System (ADDS) first-generation (Mod 1) dish/Stirling system demonstrated a peak net system efficiency of 20% (i.e., 20% of the direct normal sunlight incident on the mirrors was converted to net electricity into the grid).  This measurement includes all parasitic power required to operate the system, including pumps, drives, fans, controls, and data acquisition.  Demonstration of 20% peak efficiency has been a goal of the ADDS project, and several modifications, including the use of hydrogen and the use of a heat-pipe receiver, have the potential to improve peak efficiency to 25%--a reasonable goal for future commercial deployments.  High system efficiency is an inherent advantage of dish/Stirling technology, and the overall objective of the Concentrating Solar Power Programís ADDS Project is to develop a 9-kW dish/Stirling system that is marketable by virtue of its efficiency, reliability, and cost.  Program Contact: James Rannels, 586-1720.  Source Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Weekly Report, September 7, 2001 via Keith Bennett, U.S. DOE Golden Field Office 9/11/2001.

Advanced Hydropower Turbine Facility Unveiling, Holden, MA, September 11, 2001
The Alden Research Laboratory in Holden, MA, will be unveiling its test facility on September 11, 2001.  The facility will be used for pilot-scale proof-of-concept testing for the advanced turbine conceptual design developed with the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energyís (EERE) Office of Power Technologiesí(OPT) Hydropower Program.  The innovative turbine design with advanced fish passage features will begin a  biological and hydraulic testing program in October 2001. Contact: Don Richardson, 202-586-4541.  Source Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Weekly Report, September 7, 2001 via Keith Bennett, U.S. DOE Golden Field Office 9/11/2001.
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Outreach, Education & Reports

Energy Crisis Brings Builders and Solar Electric Suppliers Together at Strateties Unlimited Conference
Silicon Valley based Strategies Unlimited, the leading market research firm for the solar-electric industry, announces its conference program focused on Solar-Electric - Builder Opportunities in the California Energy Crisis.   A one-and-one-half day conference at the San Mateo Marriott in San Mateo, California, brings builder and solar-electric industries together to address market solutions to the energy crisis.  The program on September 20 and 21, 2001 includes presentations and panel discussions on:

California's energy crisis has provided a focus for energy problems throughout the country.  In the aftermath of rolling blackouts and
massive debt in both utility and state coffers, homeowners are faced with escalating electrical rates and major uncertainties over their energy futures.  Photovoltaic market growth is accelerating as ratepayers are now offered the opportunity to regain control.  New, promising technologies are now available for use.  With the energy crisis and the dramatic increase in electricity, solar has suddenly become very attractive.  For further information on Strategies in Solar-Electric Building, please contact Strategies Unlimited at +1 650-941-3438 (voice) or +1 650-941-5120 (fax), e-mail at or check the company's website at  .  Source: Tor Allen E-mail 9/7/2001.

EPRI Journal On-Line
The EPRI Journal, produced by the Electric Power Research Institute (Palo Alto, CA) has extended its reach worldwide with on-line access.  The report can be accessed (without charge) on the internet at the EPRI web site:  or directly at  .  Source GRC bulletin, July/August 200 via Keith Bennett, U.S. DOE Golden Field Office 9/7/2001.

Case Studies of Integrated Hydrogen Energy Systems
Detailed and critical evaluations of ten international hydrogen based energy systems, with short reports on five additional demonstration projects are available at a DOE web site that was specifically developed to support the hydrogen development program.  The web page is: Source Cathy Gregoire, email at: via Keith Bennett, U.S. DOE Golden Field Office 9/7/2001.

Back to School Issue of the Green Schools Update
It's time for the Back to School Issue of the Green Schools Update Newsletter.  Please find the newsletter online at  .  Also please find the 2001-02 Earth Apple Awards application attached to this
email.  Table of Contents for this issue:

Source:  Jennifer L. Adams, Research Associate, Alliance to Save Energy, Green Schools Program,  1200 18th Street, NW Suite 900, Washington, DC 20036, Phone: 202-857-0666 Fax: 202-331-9588

Northeast Regional Biomass Energy Program (NRBP)
NRBP is one of the five RBEP regional programs established by DOE.  NRBP's mission is to evaluate biomass technologies and fuels and to provide objective, reliable information to consumers and policy leaders.  NRBP consists of eleven states including: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Learn more about NRBP at:>  .  Source: Biobased Products and Bioenergy Newsletter - September 2001

Southeast Regional Biomass Energy Program (SERBEP)
SRBEP is one of the other five RBEP regional programs established by DOE.  SRBEP is administeredby the Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) and eoncourages economic development through public/private partnerships that demonstrate bioenergy
technology applications in the southern states.  Fifteen states are covered by the SRBEP including: Alabama, Arkansas, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virgin Islands, Virginia, and West Virginia.  Learn more about SRBEP at:  .  Source: Biobased Products and Bioenergy Newsletter - September 2001
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News from Washington

National Energy Policy Promotes Bioenergy and Biobased Products Through Biomass Initiative
According to the Bush Administration's National Energy Policy, non-depletable sources of energy including biomass "are domestically abundant and often have less impact on the environment than conventional sources. They can provide a reliable source of energy at a stable price and they can also generate income for farmers, land-owners, and others who harness them."  Currently, the Nation is not taking full advantage of domestic biomass resources due to policy, market and outreach, and technology constraints. To remedy this situation, the NEP has provided recommendations in these areas to promote development and use of bioenergy and biobased products. These recommendations are now being implemented through the National Biomass R&D
Initiative, an effort led by the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This effort is supported by the Biomass Research and Development Technical Advisory Committee, comprised of industry, academia, and environmental representatives, who provide input on R&D activities implemented under the Initiative.  For more information on the BioInitiative, visit  .  For a copy of the National Energy Policy, visit the U.S. Department of Energy's website at  . Source: Biobased Products and Bioenergy Newsletter - September 2001

BLM Counters Environmental Claims on Energy Exploration
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is taking issue with environmentalists' claims regarding the amount of BLM land now available for energy exploration.  "Some environmental interest groups have asserted that 95 percent of the lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management are currently open to energy exploration," the BLM said in a statement this week. "That statement is factually misleading and incorrect."  Environmental groups have criticized the Bush administration's plan to open more public lands to energy exploration, charging that the vast majority of federal lands are already available for mining and drilling.  The BLM says that assertion is not true.  "Only lands that the BLM has already leased are 'open' for requests to explore and develop energy," the agency said. "Of the 264 million acres of land managed by the BLM, fewer than 25 million acres are  leased. On those 25 million acres, an operator requesting permission to explore for energy must comply with numerous environmental requirements. These restrictions may include stipulations that limit the operation's location or timing."  The BLM is responsible for assuring compliance with other significant laws, such as the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the National Historic Preservation Act, each of which requires careful analysis to justify what occurs on the ground," added BLM. "Accordingly, it is also misleading to imply that lands "open" to energy development are easy to access."  About 25 million acres of BLM land are closed to energy leasing because of special designations such as national monuments, wilderness areas and wilderness study areas, BLM said. The remaining 214 million acres are subject to the provisions of current land use plans.   "In practice, this means that some lands are essentially unavailable because of the need to accommodate other uses and values," BLM said. "These lands include some that have specific designations, such as Areas of Critical Environmental Concern and National Trails, and lands designated
under the Endangered Species Act and the National Historic Preservation Act." Source: Environment News Service (ENS) 9/7/2001.

House Introduces Bill HR 2774 to Establish a Loan Guarantee Program for Renewable Energy Source Facilities
On August 2, 2001, Washington Congressman Rick Larsen introduced Bill H.R. 2774, Renewable Energy Loan Guarantee Act of 2001.  The bill provides loans to qualified renewable energy source facilities.  Qualified facilities include facilities that generate electric energy for sale in, or affecting, interstate commerce using biomass.  Download bill H.R. 2774 at:   .
At the site enter the bill number in "By Bill Number."  Source: Biobased Products and Bioenergy Newsletter - September 2001

Clean Energy Policies and Proposals
Most electricity issues have been traditionally decided at the state, not federal, level.  As the electricity industry undergoes change, most of the action to date has been at the state level. The federal government also has a critical role to play, with many important proposals being debated.  Three policies in particular are being adopted around the country to promote renewables. Through the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) Web site you can find related links that provide information on the latest status of the Renewables Portfolio Standard, State Renewable Energy Funds, and Net Metering in various states.  See the UCS Web site at: Source: Union of Concerned Scientists, 2 Brattle Square, Cambridge, MA 02238, 617-547-5552,
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Marketing & Market Research

California Survey Finds Ethanol Capacity to Reach 4 Billion Gallons
According to the final survey report of the U.S. ethanol industry conducted by the California Energy Commission (CEC), U.S. ethanol production capacity is projected to nearly double to over 4 billion gallons by the end of 2003.  The report indicates there should be an ample supply of ethanol to meet California's needs in 2003 and that ethanol production would reach 4.4 billion gallons by 2005 under current regulatory and demand conditions.  The CEC reported data from 84 companies representing 104 current or planned ethanol production facilities.  "The survey results show that a major expansion of the U.S. ethanol industry is being undertaken.  If all planned capacity additions and expansions included in the survey results are realized, the industry's production capacity will double by the end of 2005," the report states.  "There have been understandable questions concerning supply from those unfamiliar with the ethanol industry.  This final report resolves those questions.  Ethanol production is growing at a record pace and there will be ample production of U.S. ethanol to meet California demand," said Bob Dinneen, Renewable Fuels Association President.

U.S. Ethanol Production (Million gallons/year)                                          2001     2002    2003    2004    2005
Existing Plants with Expansions                                                              2219     2481    2689    2774    2852
New Plants                                                                                            82        518      1329    1387    1575
Total                                                                                                      2301     2999    4018     4161    4427

The document, U.S. Ethanol Industry Production Capacity Outlook, is available at:
Source: Renewable Fuels Assocation's Ethanol Report 9/10/2001.

DOE's Energy Information Administration (EIA) releases 2000 Annual Energy Review
The report released in August covers, among other topics energy consumption by five sectors, including residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, and electric power. According to the report, the total energy consumption for the residential sector was 20,391 trillion BTUs in the year 2000, with biomass (wood) contributing to 433 trillion BTU.  This represents an increase of 19 trillion BTUs in comparison to 1999.  The total energy consumption in the commercial sector in 2000 was 16,994 trillion BTUs with biomass (wood) contributing 52 trillion BTUs.  This represents a slight increase by only one BTU compared to 1999. In contrast, energy consumption in the year 2000 for the industrial sector was 38,763 trillion BTUs with biomass (wood and waste) contributing to 2002 trillion BTUs.  This represents a decrease of 13 trillion BTUs compared to 1999.  In the transportation sector a total of 26,639 trillion BTUs were consumed with ethanol contributing to 139 trillion BTUs.  This represents an increase of 17 trillion BTUs compared to 1999. For the electric power sector, total energy consumption was 40,368 trillion BTUs with biomass (wood and waste) contributing to 663 trillion BTUs.  This represents an increase of 31 trillion BTUs compared to 1999.  Download the report at:  .  Source: Biobased Products and Bioenergy Newsletter - September 2001
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Grants, RFPs & Other Funding News

DOE Denver Regional Office-Office Award of Texas State Energy Program Grant
The Denver Regional Office, Office of Building Technology, State & Community Programs; awarded its final State Energy Program grant (EE-42, EE-34) for FY01 on August 31 to the State of Texas for $2,182,000.  Included in the Texas State Energy Conservation Office's SEP State Plan were various projects, such as demonstrations of photovoltaic technologies in public schools, providing for sustainable building design consultants for work with schools and state buildings, and funding for Rebuild America, Communities of the Future (Austin) and Clean Cities activities. Other innovative projects in the Transportation, Power, Buildings, General Education, and Industrial sectors are included in the Texas Plan.  Source Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Weekly Report, September 7, 2001 via Keith Bennett, U.S. DOE Golden Field Office 9/11/2001.

AFV Ethanol R&D Awards
The Department of Energy's Federal Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Utilization Supporting the Expansion of Refueling (USER)
program recently announced two project awards directly related to ethanol.  The first project, "Using the federal fleet to model the E85 way," promotes the use of E85 fuel through customer education and marketing.  The second project, "The technological research and development authority's deployment of ethanol fuel infrastructure for federal fleets in Melbourne-Titusville,"  will install and operate an E85 fueling station at the Kennedy Space Center. The total funding for the projects is $800,000 with 50% non-federal
cost-share.  Read more at:  .  Source: June 2001 - Biobased Products and Bioenergy Newsletter.
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