Week of July 2, 2001

Green Power

California Munis Get $6 Million to Promote Renewable Energy
A consortium of California public utilities committed to advancing the use of renewable energy was awarded $6 million by the California Energy Commission.  The Public Power Renewable Action Team plans to help the state develop renewable-based energy generation projects to reduce costs and stabilizing power supply.  PPREAT aims to increase the demand for renewable energy among public power utilities and mainstream power planning; identify opportunities for public power joint ownership of renewable energy projects; increase local and federal development of projects and develop a model for joint-ownership of renewable energy projects.  Order to help balance the grid and not to drive up the prices.  For more information on California PPREAT contact Kirk Brown, Center for Resource Solutions, 415-561-2100 .  For information on developing a PPREAT chapter, contact Randy Manion, Western's Manager Renewable Resources Program at 720-962-7423 or .

CRS Grants Community Energy Green-e Status
The Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) recently announced that Pennsylvania-based Community Energy has gained Green-e certification for New Wind Energy, the company's renewable energy product. CRS said that all New Wind Energy is generated from windpower and will be sold as a "block" product to residential and commercial customers in the mid-Atlantic region.  "The availability of Community Energy's New Wind Energy product means that customers in the mid-Atlantic region will now, for the first time have the choice of 100 percent wind energy from newly-built Pennsylvania wind farms," said Community Energy president Brent Alderfer. "Green-e certifies to Community Energy customers that they are receiving environmentally superior wind energy, which produces no emissions and uses no fuel."  Community Energy said that its New Wind Energy will be sold in affordable blocks of pure wind energy. Additionally, the company said the price for each wind block is set at a fixed premium over conventional supply, currently at a rate of five dollars for each 200 kilowatt hours (kWh) of power. The power premium will go directly to the development of new wind resources.  "We welcome Community Energy's New Wind Energy to our list of certified electricity options," said CRS executive director Jan Hamrin. "When Community Energy customers see the Green-e logo, they can be sure they are purchasing electricity from reliable renewable resources that meet strict consumer protection and environmental standards."  Contact: CRS, W\eb site ; Community Energy, Web site:  http://www.newwindenergy.comSource: CRS Release 6/21/2001.
For more information:   or

Renewable Energy Technologies

Wind Farm Blows into Mid-Columbia
The Bonneville Power Administration and Washington Winds Inc. announced today they are working together to develop and build a 150-megawatt wind farm that will generate enough electricity on average to serve more than 36,000 Northwest homes. The Maiden Wind Farm would be located about 15 miles north of Prosser, Wash., in Benton and Yakima counties.  "This is one of several wind projects BPA is looking to acquire,” said BPA Acting Administrator Steve Wright. “Harvesting the strong, steady winds of the Columbia River Basin works especially well with our hydro power base,” Wright said. “When the winds blow, we can save more water in reservoirs. When the winds are still, we can release the river’s power. Wind farms add to our local renewable resources.”
Washington Gov. Gary Locke said of the project, “The Maiden Wind Farm will help alleviate the current energy crisis and provide clean, renewable energy for Washington. And because a portion of the project is located on state land, it also will help fund our schools. It’s a double win for Washington."  Under a predevelopment agreement, Washington Winds Inc. will secure the necessary permits for the wind farm. BPA will prepare an environmental impact statement.  Public involvement is slated to begin this June, when BPA will invite landowners, citizens and governments to suggest issues that should be addressed in the EIS.  “We are excited about the opportunity to bring a world class wind farm to the Pacific Northwest and provide clean, low-cost, renewable energy to enhance our quality of life which we have come to expect,” said Rick Koebbe, president of Washington Winds Inc.   BPA will purchase 150 megawatts of power from the wind farm for 20 years with an option for up to another 250 MW if siting and environmental reviews prove successful. The first turbines could begin producing power in late 2002. Power would be integrated into the BPA power lines that already cross the project site.   Each wind turbine would produce approximately 1 to 2 megawatts and sit atop a 200-foot tower.  The three-bladed turbines spin at 20 to 30 rpm and are easy to construct and maintain.  Each $1 million machine will have its own computer to keep the turbine facing into the wind for maximum efficiency.  "Wind power finally has traction in the Northwest. Today's announcement affirms that wind will be supplying several thousand megawatts of clean electricity to our region within the next few years. BPA deserves credit for realizing this potential sooner than almost any other regional player," said Angus Duncan, president of the Bonneville Environmental Foundation.  Chuck Dawsey, manager of Benton Rural Electric Association said, “Bonneville and co-ops need to work together to bring more cost effective renewable power resources to the region.”   "This project is yet another example of BPA's significant leadership on wind energy and its commitment to bring new renewable energy resources to the Northwest," said Peter West, Green Program director for the Renewable Northwest Project, a regional environmental group.  “We look forward to participating in the EIS process.”  Gary Ballew, Benton County Sustainable Development manager, added, "The Maiden Wind Farm not only helps the local economy through the creation of 100 construction jobs and highly skilled permanent workers, but the addition of wind energy also supports Benton County's efforts to become a regional leader in energy production and energy research."  “This project will help build local infrastructure and expertise to enable the development of thousands of megawatts of wind generation in smaller-scale installations throughout the region – locally owned clusters or single turbines providing clean, affordable energy for irrigation, ranches and rural utilities,” noted Heather Rhoads-Weaver of Northwest Sustainable Energy for Economic Development (SEED). “Mid-Columbia may well become the hub for construction, operations and maintenance of satellite wind turbines across the Pacific Northwest.”  Ed Prilucik, mayor of Sunnyside added, “Modern wind projects are a great way to diversify Sunnyside’s economic base.  This area of the state has an abundance of wind energy, and we welcome efforts to utilize the renewable resource in a manner that will add capacity and diversity to the Pacific Northwest’s electrical distribution system.”   Washington Winds Inc. is a subsidiary of Pacific Winds Inc., based in Boise, Idaho. The company owns and operates over 900 wind turbines in California.  For more information contact:  Tom Osborn, BPA; 509-527-6211, e-mail; Rick Koebbe, Washington Winds Inc.; (208).853.4602, e-mail;  Angus Duncan, Bonneville Environmental Foundation, (503) 248-1905; Heather Rhoads-Weaver, NW SEED 206-755-2064; Pete West, Renewables NW Project 503-223-4544;  Ed Prilucik, Mayor or Dave Fonfara, City of Sunnyside, (509) 837-3997.  Source: E-mail from Rick Koebbe, Washington Winds Inc. 5/6/2001.

Small Modular Biomass Power Project Successful
Community Power Corporation's Small Modular Biomass Power Project Successfully Completes Test Run.  Aided by cost-share funding from DOE's Biopower Program, Community Power Corporation (CPC) of Aurora, Colorado is developing a 12.5 kilowatt modular down-draft gasifier fueled by coconut-shell-derived-biomass.  In late May the gasifier, coupled with an internal combustion engine, successfully completed a ten day field endurance run.  Read more at:  .  Source: Biobased Products and Bioenergy Newsletter 7/2001.

Shell, Sun Oasis Sign Renewable Energy Agreement
Shell Renewables recently announced that it has signed an agreement with Sun Oasis Company, Ltd. in Beijing to supply solar home systems to as many as 78,000 households over five years in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region of western China. The project is supported by a $15-million grant from the Dutch Government and is part of the Chinese Government’s China Brightness Program to bring electricity to remote communities.  Shell said this is its first renewable energy project in China, and the project builds on the business’ rural electrification activities in South Africa, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and India.  "This project demonstrates yet again that solar power is starting to provide a solution for some of the two billion people in remote areas who have little chance of ever getting grid power," said Shell Solar chief operating officer Philippe De Renzy-Martin. "It is a big potential market that with the right product packages, and support where necessary, is going to account for an increasing part of our solar business. In fact, we see 10 per cent of our sales going to rural markets."  Shell Renewables said it aims to become a leading player in the global solar power market and earlier this year established a joint venture with Siemens Solar.  The Sun Oasis Company will be responsible for marketing, installing and maintaining the solar home systems for the Xinjiang project.  Shell will be responsible for the supply of the systems and will provide technical and management assistance. More than 10,000 solar home systems have been installed in the past 10 years in Xinjiang.  Contact: Nick Dockerty, Shell Renewables, phone +44 -0-20-7934-3641 or Web site at:  .  Source: Shell Release 7/2/2001 via EIN Renewable Energy Today 7/6/2001.

BPA To Help Customers Develop Wind Power
The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) has reached an agreement to support development of a wind energy project by an affiliate of Golden Northwest Aluminum Inc. (Golden Northwest) in return for the aluminum company delaying restart of BPA power deliveries to the company’s smelters in The Dalles, Ore., and Goldendale, Wash., for an additional six months.  Under the agreement, Golden Northwest agrees to curtail the full 236 MW of power the company otherwise would have received from BPA from Oct. 1 through March 31, 2002.  BPA also agreed that it would work toward an agreement to provide limited assistance to Golden Northwest to develop new wind generating resources.  Steve Wright, acting administrator of BPA said: "Golden Northwest has made a significant financial commitment to meeting its own power needs after 2006.  We applaud this effort and are making this commitment to support it." An affiliate of the company is building the projects.  BPA’s support would be limited to 200 MW of capacity.  "This agreement helps balance supply and demand during the ongoing West Coast energy crisis.  It allows BPA to avoid purchasing expensive power and will reduce what otherwise could have been a very large rate increase in October," said Wright.  "It will also help the region avoid power shortages next winter."  BPA previously had requested its aluminum industry customers to curtail all operations for up to two years and other customers to reduce loads by 10%. Because of Golden Northwest’s contractual obligations, it is able to commit to a six-month curtailment.  Aside from the wind power development assistance, the agreement is comparable to others worked out with aluminum companies, but for a six-month period.  Golden Northwest has agreed to provide wages and benefits sufficient to cover employees who would have worked had the company used BPA power to operate.  "While we always prefer operating over staying shut down, the BPA payments will allow us to minimize impacts on our employees and communities," explained Brett Wilcox, president of Golden Northwest. "We plan to produce aluminum again next spring after this curtailment," said Wilcox.  Source: AWEA Wind Energy Weekly 6/29/2001.

Tucsonans use Sun to Live off the Grid
Dave and Nancy Hall's electric bill for their 2,400-square-foot property in the Tucson Mountains foothills totaled $5.44 last month.  The month before, they paid $3.77.  The couple, who finished their solar home in November, take pride in beating the system.
"It almost gets to be like a game, where the way you save motivates you to find new ways to conserve energy and natural resources," Nancy Hall said.  Just a few miles west, neighbors Gale and Richard Marsland, owners of Solar Built Homes, have lived with solar energy for more than a decade.  They are independent of the TEP grid and have not had one electric bill since they built their 3,300-square-foot solar home and guesthouse.  They estimate their electricity savings so far at about $25,000.  Source: Western Newsclips Tuesday, July 3, via Power Marketers 7/03/2001.

Roundtable Discussion on Bioenergy and Bioproducts
On June 18, 2001, the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Biotechnology Institute held a seminar entitled, "Bioenergy and Bioproducts: Technologies, Policies and Markets" at the United States Capitol Building in Washington, DC.  The roundtable consisted of three speakers: Dr. Lee Rybeck Lynd from Thayer School of Engineering; The Honorable R. James Woolsey, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency; and Mr. Dan Reicher, former Assistant Secretary for the DOE's EERE.  The seminar is one of a series designed to provide the policy community with an overview of advances in biotechnology and the associated social and political consequences.  Read more at:  . Source: Biobased Products and Bioenergy Newsletter 7/2001.

Largest Residential Solar Community in U.S. Proposed at Bickford Ranch
Proposed community will generate more power than it uses during peak periods.  US Home Corporation today announced a partnership with the California Energy Commission (CEC) that will create the largest residential solar project in the country.  US Home has agreed to equip 917 homes and community clubhouses and maintenance buildings at the proposed Bickford Ranch community in Placer County, Calif., with energy-producing photovoltaic systems. The plan also includes the inclusion of at least 83 neighboring homes that will be able to participate in the solar program using Bickford Ranch's volume discounts.  The 1,000 home program will at times provide more electricity to the power grid than it uses during peak usage periods. Peak energy production from the Bickford photovoltaic system is projected to be equivalent to a 2-megawatt power plant.  "During sunny days, homes at Bickford Ranch can provide more power to the grid than they will use," Brian Bombeck, President of US Home's Sacramento Land Division, said. "Electricity meters on these homes will actually run backward during sunny days." The Bickford Ranch solar project is made possible by the CEC's Emerging Renewables Buydown program. "New home developers are realizing that their customers want more energy options. Developers like US Home have the vision to join the State of California in encouraging Californians to invest in their energy future," CEC Commissioner Michal (correct spelling) Moore said. "The Energy Commission's Emerging Renewables Buydown program offers rebates to make renewable energy more affordable, and I am excited to be part of this forward-thinking project that helps provide up to two megawatts of solar power to the grid." AstroPower, Inc. and Atlantis Energy will provide the photovoltaic systems used at Bickford Ranch.  "With one of America's premier homebuilders committing to the use of electricity generating roofing materials, a major milestone has been crossed in the way Americans power their lives,"  Steve Coonen, Vice President, Atlantis Energy, said. "The US Home installation is an important milestone for the solar electric power industry," said Dr. Allen Barnett, President and CEO of AstroPower. "There is no other grid-connected installation like it in the world. In fact, with 1,000 solar-powered homes within its borders, Bickford Ranch will be the world's largest grid-connected community of single-family solar-powered homes. Our agreement with US Home is a significant advance for the solar industry, as it brings the benefits of solar electric power to 1,000 homeowners. This provides further evidence that solar electric power has become mainstream."  In 1994, the Placer County General Plan designated the 1,954-acre Bickford Ranch for a planned community. The Bickford Ranch plan includes 963 single-family homes, a 917-home active adult community, an 18-hole championship golf course, a neighborhood commercial village, public parks, trails and facilities including a new fire station, soccer fields, athletic fields and a new elementary school site.
"From finding creative ways to address the energy crisis to setting aside 58 percent of Bickford Ranch as public open space and recreational areas, we are committed to providing benefits to the surrounding community," Bombeck said.  Public hearings on Bickford Ranch are set to begin later this summer. The Placer County Board of Supervisors is expected to vote on the community in the Fall.  For more information contact: Kevin Slagle or Mike Garcia at (916) 443-3354. .
Source:  Solar e-Clips 7/3/2001.
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Outreach, Education & Reports

Green Building Partnerships and Programs
Green building partnerships and programs have been established across the U.S. to assist in the design, construction, maintenance, and operation of sustainable buildings. Partnerships and programs also help to "green" the deconstruction and renovation of existing structures.  Electric utilities should be interested in promoting green building partnerships and programs because these are low-cost opportunities for strategic demand-side management of electricity.  These partnerships have been established to implement sustainable building practices into state construction projects, local government projects and schools. Several jurisdictions in states have developed green building programs in an effort to build a market for a more sustainable society.  For more information on green building partnerships and programs see Web sites at:

Overview of CEC Consumer Education Program  .  Source: CalPVAlliance, 6-27-01Meeting Notes
For more information on Educational Resources go to:

News from Washington

President Bush Touts Energy Efficiency, Announces Grants
President Bush delivered a message of energy efficiency to DOE last week, declaring that "ours is a program that says, we must conserve. We must advance technologies that are smart and reasonable and make eminent sense for the future of our country." In support of his message, the President announced $85.7 million in new federal grants to accelerate the development of fuel cells, advanced engines, hydroelectric technology, and efficient appliances.  President Bush noted that many appliances are energy "vampires" that consume significant amounts of energy even when turned off. The President said the standard should be appliances that use at most one watt when turned off, and said that this standard should be one of the Energy Star qualifications. The President also promised to issue an executive order directing all federal agencies to purchase appliances that meet the one-watt standard, wherever cost-effective. See the President's remarks on the White House Web site at:  .  Source: EREN Network News, 07/05/01.

President's Legislative Agenda for Energy
The White House also released a summary of the President's legislative agenda for energy. The summary notes that "recent House action on both the Energy/Water and Interior appropriations bills is consistent with and largely supportive of the President's National Energy Policy released last month… Based on the Secretary of Energy's preliminary review, the Committee's actions in both bills to include $285 million for energy efficiency and renewable energy research and development may be supportive of the President's objectives." See the summary on the White House Web site at: .
Source: EREN Network News, 07/05/01.
For more information on legislative activities go to:

Marketing & Market Research

Energy Intelligence Group
Energy Intelligence Group delivers news, data, and analysis to enable you to make well-informed decisions. EIG serves as your filter on the world, bringing you the key information of how rapidly unfolding events affect your bottom line.  In a world burdened by too much data and unreliable information, EIG provides the shortcut to understanding energy markets and the geopolitics of petroleum and natural gas -- and what they mean to you.  Energy Intelligence Group is an independent information company that specializes in providing the highest quality business intelligence on the global oil and gas industries. Our products have a proud history, forged from the changing patterns and pressures of the enenrgy business over the last half century. Our first publication, Oil Daily, was founded 50 years ago, and Petroleum Intelligence Weekly is 40 years old. With this web site we are moving these widely recognized titles into a new electronic medium that further enhances their value.  .

Online Exchanges In The Energy Industry
Energy Info Source is privileged to announce the release of its "Online Exchanges In The Energy Industry" report.  The report is a comprehensive 140-page analysis of online wholesale marketing, retail marketing, and procurement exchanges for the electric and gas industries.  The report focuses on e-commerce and online exchanges for energy trading and procurement with an in-depth look at the recent development and structure of online exchanges in the context of deregulation and information technology innovation. The report serves as a guide to the online exchange environment and seeks to clarify and answer the central questions surrounding online procurement and trading in the energy industry:

The report features profiles on 30 exchanges and case studies on 6 exchanges.  "Online Exchanges In The Energy Industry" comes in Adobe Acrobat PDF format and is available via email, CD-ROM or hardcopy.   For more information about the report, click on the following link  .  Source: Online Exchanges In The Energy Industry E-mail 7/6/2001.
For more information on marketing and research go to:

Grants, RFPs & Other Funding News

US/OTP Grants Program
The U.S. Department of Commerce invites proposals from eligible organizations for funding projects under the Under
Secretary/Office of Technology Policy (US/OTP) Grants Program.  Areas of interest include:  Identifying government policies that affect innovation, supporting state and local efforts to harness technology for economic development, and facilitating technology development and transfer.  Proposals due 9/30/01.  For more info, contact Karen Laney-Cummings, DOC, at (202) 482-2100.
(Federal Register 5/21/01). Source: Seattle Regional Office of the U.S. Department of Energy 7/5/2001.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture invites applications for Rural Empowerment Zone, Enterprise Community (EZ/EC) Round III. This program combines the resources of the Federal Government with those of State and local governments, educational institutions and the private and non-profit sectors to implement community developed strategic plans for community and economic development. Responses due 10/1/01.  For more info, contact USDA at 1-800-645-4712 or go to:  .  (Federal Register 6/5/01).  Source: Seattle Regional Office of the U.S. Department of Energy 7/5/2001.

School Construction
The U.S. Department of Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs seeks applications for education facilities replacement construction projects for BIA-funded schools.  Assistance can range from $6 million to $25 million.  Responses due 8/21/01.   For more info, contact Kenneth Ross at (505) 346-6544.  (Federal Grants and Contracts Weekly 6/11/01). Source: Seattle Regional Office of the U.S. Department of Energy 7/5/2001.

SBIR for Agriculture
The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, requests proposals for the FY02 Small Business Innovation Research Grants Program.  Areas of interest include but are not limited to:  Rural and community development, industrial applications, air, water and soils, aquaculture, marketing and trade, plant production and protection.  $6 million expected to be available.  Applications due 8/30/01.  For more info, contact Charles Cleland at (202) 401-4002 or go to  .  (Federal Register 6/21/01).  Source: Seattle Regional Office of the U.S. Department of Energy 7/5/2001.

Solar Turbine Maintenance
The Social Security Administration is conducting a sources sought/market survey to determine if there are any qualified sources to provide maintenance of solar turbine generators. The SSA is seeking information from qualified firms for preventive and remedial maintenance services on 3 Government-owned Turbine Generators in use at the National Computer Center, Social Security Administration located in Baltimore, MD.  Responses due 8/15/01.  For more info, contact Jane Warner at (410) 965-9530.  Refer to
Sol# 0869-02-7002.  (CBD 6/26/01).  Source: Seattle Regional Office of the U.S. Department of Energy 7/5/2001.

Solar Gas Turbine
The U.S. Department of the Air Force requests the services of a contractor able to provide 24 hour emergency services and annual preventative maintenance on 11 solar gas generator sets, Model T 1021S-21, 750 kW at Onizuka Air Station in Sunnyvale CA.  Responses due 7/18/01.  Refer to SOL Reference-Number-FQ234411430100. (CBD 7/5/01).   For more info, contact Jessica Barnes at (719) 567-3836 or go to:  .   Source: Seattle Regional Office of the U.S. Department of Energy 7/5/2001.

Geothermal Test Holes
The Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division plans to procure on a full and open competitive basis two (2) geothermal temperature gradient test holes to be located at the Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS), China Lake, CA.  Data generated from the test holes will be used by the Navy's Geothermal Program Office in its resource potential investigations.  Responses due 7/31/01.  For more info, contact Kay Eiband at (760) 939-4275 or go to:  .  Refer to Sol# N68936-01-R-0098. (CBD 6/14/01).  Seattle Regional Office of the U.S. Department of Energy 7/5/2001.

Geothermal Development
The U. S. Navy desires to enter into an agreement with private industry for up to 30 years for the development of geothermal resources located beneath Naval Air Station Fallon, Nevada.  Pre-qualification required.  For more info, contact Chris Henschel at (805) 982-3872. Refer to N47408-01-R-2231. (CBD 6/27/01). Seattle Regional Office of the U.S. Department of Energy 7/5/2001.

Wind Turbine Studies
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), through its National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), announces its intent to conduct a competitive procurement with industry to perform Low Wind Speed Turbine (LWT) Concept Studies.  The RFP is scheduled for release in 9/01.  Approx. $600K expected to be available for 4 to 6 awards of a 3 to 6 months duration.  For more info, contact
Neil Wikstrom, NREL, at (303) 384-6960. Refer to Sol# RAM-1-31235.  (CBD 6/11/01).  Seattle Regional Office of the U.S. Department of Energy 7/5/2001.

CEC Has $40 Million For Renewable Energy Incentives
To encourage such installations, the California Energy Commission (CEC) has announced its third auction of renewable energy incentives. The CEC has $40 million to provide to qualified power installations. Bidders will submit projects with both an estimate of their anticipated power production and the incentive they wish to receive, in cents per kilowatt-hour. The CEC will fund qualified projects starting with the lowest incentive bid and moving higher until the funds are exhausted. Successful bidders will receive
incentive payments of up to 1.5 cents for every kilowatt-hour of renewable electricity they generate during their first five years of operation.  See the June 28th press release on the CEC Web site at:  .  Source: EREN Network News, 07/05/01.

Overview of California Emerging Renewables Buydown Account  .  Source: CalPVAlliance, 6-27-01Meeting Notes
For more information on funding solicitations go to:

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