WEEK OF  APRIL 10, 2000
Green Power and Market Research News
A Weekly Electronic News Service from Western's Renewable Resources Program Covering Green Power, Renewable Energy and Market Research Strategies

Green Power

The Land and Water Funds Community-Based Campaign for Wind Power
The Land and Water Fund's Community-Based Campaign for Wind Power has expanded. They now have a Web site, http://www.cogreenpower.org, that makes it easy for residential customers in Colorado to sign up for wind power - most Coloradans now have this choice. http://www.cogreenpower.org . Source: The Energy Foundation 4/7/2000.

SMUD Seeks Increase in Greenergy Participation
Expressing disappointment with customer participation to date, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) wants to step up the marketing of its green pricing program.  The utility's "Greenergy" program offers customers the option to receive either 50% or 100% of their electricity from renewable resources for an additional 0.5¢/kWh or 1.0¢/kWh, respectively.  According to a March 6th article in The Sacramento Bee, SMUD would like to see program participation increase to at least 7% of all customers from the existing rate of about 1.4%.  The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) is planning a marketing campaign designed to draw more customers to its Greenergy campaign. The green power program is a two-and-a-half-year old project.  SMUD said it would spend twice as much on marketing as on generating renewable energy by 2004, under the campaign. The goal is to enlist seven percent of the company's existing customers, or about 33,000 homes and businesses compared to the current 5,000. In other regions around the country some green power programs have signed on as much as 4.6 percent of customers.   According to the Sacramento Bee, SMUD's board of directors has been pushing for a more aggressive approach to selling the green power.  A detailed plan will be submitted later this year. Many green power companies are being criticized for the decision to spend so much money on marketing campaigns and SMUD executives recognize this as a problem.   "Green power programs are largely dependant for their success on relentless, saavy marketing, just like any other product or service competing in the market place," said AWEA executive director Randall Swisher. "AWEA believes such marketing will be most effective if utilities demonstrate that their product comes from emerging renewable resources and is not a repackaging of existing renewable energy already produced and paid for by utility companies."   SMUD staff plan to submit a detailed marketing plan to its board of directors in May or June.  Contact: SMUD, Bud Beebe at (916) 732-5254. http://www.eren.doe.gov/greenpower/smud_0300.shtml  .  Source EPRI Green Power News; AWEA's, Wind Energy Today 3/21/2000.

Fast Food Restaurants in CA Turn to Green Power
The Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies (CEERT) recently announced that fast food restaurants in California have begun taking advantage of "green" power options offered by the state's deregulated electricity industry.  CEERT said a "parade of fast food establishments serving everything from sweet-and-sour pork to pizza to vegetarian cuisine" have decided to purchase energy generated from environmentally sound, renewable resources provided by Tustin, CA-based Commonwealth Energy.  "Every time we turn on the switch, we are making a choice that impacts air quality and threats like global climate change," said CEERT clean power campaign manager Kari Smith. "I find it very encouraging that so many restaurants have switched to renewable power in order to walk a little lighter on the earth." For example, Panda Express has switched its electricity supply to green power at its 42 locations throughout the state of California. CEERT said most of Commonwealth's fast food customers are located near the utilities' headquarters in southern California.  In northern San Diego county, Dominos Pizza has switched 14 of its restaurants to green power, while Subway Sandwiches in the Oceanside area of San Diego county has also begun using green power. Other green power restaurants in San Diego county include the Blue Collar Grill, French Gourmet, Sbicca: An American Bistro, St. Germaine's Cafe, Kemo Sabe, The Vegetarian Zone and POKEZ.  Commonwealth Energy purchases green power generated at Calpine Corporation's geothermal steam power facility in Sonoma and Lake County, CA. CEERT said the generic power supply to most restaurants has become "dirtier" in the past few years, with business purchasing power from out-of-state, coal-fired power plants whose air emissions are largely uncontrolled. Contact: Kari Smith, CEERT, phone 415-431-5182.  Source:  Business Wire 2/22/2000 via EIN Renewable Energy Today 2/28/2000.
For more information on Green Power go to:  http://www.eren.doe.gov/greenpower/   or   http://www.thegreenpowergroup.org/

Renewable Energy Technologies

Nation’s First Propane Fuel Cell Installed at Delta-Montrose Electric Association
(Montrose, CO) As the spectacular San Juan Range of the Colorado Rockies glistened in the distance from a recent snowfall, H Power technicians prepared for the start-up of a breakthrough power technology that will help protect such pristine environments. At 9:30 a.m., Monday, April 03, 2000, employees of the Delta-Montrose Electric Association (DMEA) made history with the start up of a 10 kW propane-powered fuel cell system at DMEA’s corporate headquarters in Montrose, Colorado.   This prototype, built by H Power of Clifton, N.J., is reputedly the first in the nation outside of a laboratory which runs on propane, a fuel readily available in areas served by rural electric cooperatives.  “We’re proud to be in the vanguard of fuel cell installations nationally,” said Dan McClendon, DMEA’s general manager.  “Sixty-two years ago our cooperative was formed to bring electric power to rural areas at a time when for-profit utilities were not interested in providing electric service to our communities.  Fuel cells--particularly propane powered fuel cells--represent an exciting way to continue our mission of providing power to areas not currently served through traditional means.  Fuel cells will also provide more options and benefits for all of our members.”  “We are very pleased to have delivered the first unit of our propane-powered fuel cell generating system to DMEA for field testing,” said Dr. H. Frank Gibbard, H Power’s CEO.  “DMEA was our first contact in the rural electric cooperative community.”  DMEA’s propane fuel cell is the first of a series of units which will be installed this spring by rural electric cooperatives working with Energy Co-Opportunities (ECO), a national cooperative created to assist electric distribution cooperatives  diversify  into new energy services. ECO recently entered into a partnership with H Power  (  http://www.HPOWER.com   ), a world leader in fuel cell technology, to bring residential and small commercial fuel cells to rural electric cooperatives and their members.  “The installation at DMEA’s building will help sharpen the cutting edge of this technology and hasten the time when ECO fuel cells will be available to members of DMEA and other cooperatives across the nation,” said Bill Cetti, ECO’s vice-president of distributed generation solutions.   “We appreciate DMEA’s leadership and hard work in making this historic event possible.”  “Rural electric cooperatives represent an ideal market for the first wave of residential fuel cells, expected to be available in the summer of 2001,” said Paul Bony, DMEA’s manager of marketing and customer service, who also sits on ECO’s technical advisory committee.    “There are many areas in rural America where it is prohibitively expensive to run power lines.  Fuel cells offer an economical opportunity to serve these areas with clean, reliable electricity.”  “Fuel cells will be an increasingly important component of the world’s energy future,” says McClendon.  “Fuel cells also support two important cooperative values--sustainable economic development and environmental stewardship. Our Board of Directors is especially pleased by the positive environmental aspects of this technology.”  The Delta-Montrose Electric Association will unveil its prototype fuel cell to the public on Earth Day, April 22.  DMEA will also host a press conference and industry/government forum on fuel cells featuring the H Power/ECO propane fuel cell on May 16, 2000.  For more information on this event, contact Tom Polikalas, at 970-240-1245. Source: DEA News Release 4/4/2000.

Medicine Lake Geothermal Project Plan Gets OK
Siskiyou County has conditionally approved construction of a geothermal power generation plant at Medicine Lake, about 80 miles south of Klamath Falls.  Air Pollution Control Officer William Stephans signed temporary permits to construct and operate the Fourmile Hill Geothermal Project March 31.  However, Eldon Beck, assistant air pollution control officer, said it was unlikely construction would begin at the remote site any time soon.  "We're a little ahead of the BLM and Forest Service on this," Beck said.
The Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service and Siskiyou County are jointly responsible for approving plans by Calpine Corporation to develop geothermal energy at the site.  The company proposes to build a 49.9-megawatt geothermal power plant, wells and a 24-mile, 230-kilovolt transmission line.  A final environmental impact statement analyzing the project in 1998 found it would have unavoidable impacts on cultural and religious values, particularly for Indian tribes who hold the Medicine Lake area sacred.  Janie Painter of the Medicine Lake Citizens for Quality Environment in Mount Shasta said federal officials had not yet signed a record of decision or ruled on an appeal filed by the group last November.  Two geothermal plants are envisioned for the area. The second plant, Telephone Flat, would include a 48-megawatt geothermal plant, wells, and 230-kilovolt power transmission lines. It would be built by CalEnergy Inc., through a subsidiary.  Source: Herald and News, Klamath Falls, Oregon 4/4/2000.
For more information on Renewable Resources go to:  http://www.eren.doe.gov/repis/


Empowerment 2000: Green Schools and Energy Wise Students
Empowerment 2000, a national forum to showcase energy education initiatives that provide innovative, hands-on learning opportunities for K-12 students, is a must for educators, curriculum planners, state wide policy planners, facility planners and resource managers.  Speaker abstract forms are on the website and will be accepted until February 15. Mark your calendars for June 14-16, 2000, in Madison, WI.  http://www.ecw.org/education/e2k.html  .  Source: e-FFICIENCY NEWS from the Alliance to Save Energy 2/7/2000.

Gridwatch Global Power Directory
A comprehensive directory of renewable energy companies, trade associations, research organizations, educational programs and publications. Standard listings are available at no charge, expanded ones available for a fee.  http://www.gridwatch.com  .  Source: The Energy Foundation 4/7/2000.

Electric Utility Restructuring Weekly Update
Click here to find each state's electricity restructuring status.  http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/electricity/chg_str/tab5rev.html  .
Source: The Energy Foundation 4/7/2000.

Electricity Label
The Environmental Defense Fund's Electricity Label Generator shows you how your electricity is produced and how much pollution is created in the process.  http://www.edf.org/programs/energy/green_power/x_calculator.html . Source: The Energy Foundation 4/7/2000.
For more information on Educational Resources go to: http://www.thegateway.org

News from Washington

Restructuring Bill Still Some Distance From Passage
While electric utility restructuring bills are starting to become dime-a-dozen commodities on Capitol Hill, real consideration and advancement of any one piece of legislation remains elusive, according to press reports and Hill observers.  "More than one month into the last year of the 106th Congress, only one hearing has been scheduled on a restructuring bill," said AWEA Legislative Director Jaime Steve.  "Adding to the inactivity are looming elections and a short Congressional session," Steve added.  Further sapping energy from the process is the recent announcement by House Commerce Committee Chairman Tom Bliley (R-Va.), whose panel is responsible for energy issues, that he will retire from Congress effective at the end of this year.  Meanwhile, Bliley's Democratic counterpart on the panel, Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.), has been verbally turning down the heat on restructuring.  Speaking Feb. 17 before a meeting of the "Women in Government Affairs" organization, Dingell said, "It's unlikely that we'll see significant legislation on this [electric industry restructuring] subject this Congress."  The leading House bill, H.R. 2944, sponsored by Rep. Joe Barton (R-Tex.), would repeal the Public Utility Holding Company Act (PUHCA) of 1935 that restricts large electric utilities from entering new markets.  It also would repeal the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA) of 1978. The bill encourages states, municipal utilities and electric cooperatives to voluntarily open their retail markets, but does not set a deadline for states to deregulate.  Barton's Energy and Power Subcommittee approved the bill, 17-11, on October 27, 1999, with many controversial amendments held over for consideration by the full Commerce Committee.  On the Senate side, Energy Committee Chairman Frank Murkowski (R-Alaska), has recently introduced a narrowly-tailored bill that would also repeal both PUHCA and PUPRA.  A hearing on his bill, which is co-sponsored by Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), is scheduled for April 12. To date, the Energy Committee has chosen to focus on the issues of nuclear waste storage and recent run-ups in the cost of home heating oil and gasoline.  Neither of the leading House or Senate bills contains a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) aimed at growing the  percentage of renewables in the market.  However, RPS provisions are contained in separate alternative bills proposed by Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) (H.R. 2569) and Sen. Jim Jeffords (R-Vt.) (S.1369).  Source: AWEA Wind Energy Weekly 3/17/2000.
For more information on legislative activities go to: http://www.kannerandassoc.com/fedenergybills.html

Marketing & Market Research

RDI Study Says More Capacity Will be Needed
Resource Data International (RDI) recently released a new study which predicts that the U.S. and Canada will require more than 200,000 megawatts (MW) of new generating capacity by 2012. The report, titled "Outlook for Power in North America," said the additional capacity will result from the efforts of investor-owned utilities working to improve reliability and from non-utility developers capitalizing on wholesale deregulation.  RDI said utilities and merchant power providers have announced plans to increase capacity by more than 189,000 MW, with the bulk of this construction boom expected in the next four years. The company noted that this amount exceeds its estimated capacity of 117,000 MW for 2004.  The report said the eastern U.S. and Canada is expected to add the largest amount of generating capacity, with just over 111,000 MW. The southeastern U.S. will likely require another 80,000 MW in order to meet load growth demands. RDI said the western U.S. and Canada is only expected to add 42,000 MW, with the majority of the added capacity planned for West Coast load centers.  RDI noted that the new capacity construction could produce a capacity surplus in some regions, especially New England and Texas. However, other regions, including California and Florida, could see short-term deficits due to demand growth outstripping construction.  RDI is a Colorado-based strategic information firm specializing in databases, consulting services, industry studies, and geographic information systems for the energy industry.  For more information, contact Chuck Van Note or Doug Logan, RDI, phone 303-444-7788.  Source RDI News Release 3/20/2000 via EIN Renewable Energy Today 3/21/2000.

Public Opinion Poll Finds 80 Percent of the U.S. Public Thinks Global Warming a Real Problem
In related news, a recently updated public opinion poll by the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) has found that more than 80 percent of the U.S. public thinks global warming is a real problem that requires action. The poll found that most Americans are not persuaded by the argument that taking action to reduce global warming will incur unacceptable economic costs. A strong majority also favored the Senate ratification of the Kyoto treaty on global warming. Unlike some pollsters, PIPA posts the actual questions, so readers can see that the questions are not slanted nor leading in any way.  See the report on the PIPA Web site at: http://www.pipa.org/OnlineReports/GlobalWarming/buenos_aires.html  .  Source: EREN Network News -- 3/1/2000.
For more information on marketing and market research go to: http://www.researchinfo.com/  or  http://www.nrel.gov/analysis/emaa/index.html

Grants & Other Funding News

Energy Foundation Grants
The Energy Foundation is a partnership of major foundations interested in sustainable energy. The group makes grants to nonprofit charitable organizations in five areas: utilities, buildings, transportation, renewable energy, and integrated issues. The foundation also supports the China Sustainable Energy Program and the U.S. Clean Energy Program, which is building momentum in U.S. businesses for a shift toward a low-carbon energy future. The site includes information about the grants, qualifying conditions, application instructions, deadlines for application, downloadable application forms, and information about past grantees.   http://www.energyfoundation.org/  .  Source: EREN Network News, 2/23/00.
For more information on funding solicitations go to: http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/index.html

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