The Complete Solution

Qarbon's Unique Integrated Solution for On-line Presentations Provides Unmatched Benefits

The Complete Solution Datasheet

Whether you're a trainer, a technologist, a marketer or support personnel, ViewletBuilder and ViewletCam allow you to create and publish dynamic content such as interactive presentations, demos, simulations or tutorials literally in minutes.

Use Viewlets to greatly enhance the effectiveness of your web conference presentations. You can then use ViewletQuiz to perform surveys or quizzes to gather viewer response to your content and assess user understanding of your presentations.

Better yet, you can use ViewletCentral, a perfect add-on to your web conferencing solutions, to manage all your content creations in one secure place. Content experts can leverage on each other's expertise by sharing their projects, saving precious time and effort.

The end result? Your audience will experience world class online presentations while your organization achieves efficiency, savings and easy access to priceless information that enable you to successfully grow your business. And only Qarbon solutions can do this for you. Guaranteed.