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Photo of white aragonite Photo of a pallid bat Photo of a lava tube (cave) entrance Photo of a shaft of light at the entrance of Carlsbad Cavern Photo of stalactites and soda straw speleothems Photo of someone looking toward the entrance of a cave Photo of stalagmites and aragonite speleothems
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Streams emerge from or vanish into many cave entrances. There are many exciting resources available for more information about caves including:
Learn more about Caves and Caving Web Sites Caves and Caving Web Sites
Learn more about Children's Books about Caves and Bats Children's Books
Learn more about Adult Books about Caves and Bats General Books
Learn more about Additional Print Resources Additional Resources

Caves and Caving Web Sites

Go to the American Cave Conservation Association Page American Cave Conservation Association

The American Cave Conservation Association (ACCA) is a national, non-profit association dedicated to the protection of caves, karstlands and groundwater.
Go to the American Cave Museum Page American Cave Museum

The American Cave Museum and Hidden River Cave are open year round located in the town of Horse Cave Kentucky.
For more information visit call:
Or write:
The American Cave Museum
131 Main Street,
Horse Cave, KY 42749
Go to the Cave Research Foundation Page Cave Research Foundation

The goals of the Cave Research Foundation are to promote exploration and documentation of caves and karst areas, to initiate and support cave and karst research, to aid in cave conservation and protection, and to assist with the interpretation of caves and karst to the public.
Go to the CaverNet Page CaverNet

CaverNet is a privately maintained web-site which includes many cave, karst and caving links from all over the United States and other countries. It is dedicated to advancement and enjoyment of cavers throughout the world.
Go to the Caver's Multi-Lingual Dictionary Page

Caver's Multi-Lingual Dictionary

This is the International Union of Speleology on-line multi-lingual dictionary of caving and speleological terms. It is a living dictionary that is constantly being added to and tuned as an International joint effort among cavers. Everyone is invited to participate - this could range from just correcting a mis-spelling to contributing a whole new language.

Go to the Caving Canada Page Caving Canada

An all-inclusive site for the Canada, which includes links such as: What is Karst?, Caving Groups in Canada, Canada's Longest and Deepest caves, Cave Science, Cave Rescue, Tourist Resources, Caving Publications, Cave Related Art and other Cave Related Documents
Go to the Caving.UK Page Caving.UK

An all inclusive site for the United Kingdom which includes: Descent magazine, links to Caving Clubs, Caver Directory, Caving Diary, UK Caving Shops, Cave Photography, UK Weather, Cave Art, UK Showcaves, Caving Notice Board, Cave Rescue, Cave Conservation, Caver Pubs, Caving Links, Caver Accommodation, and a section for caving novices.
Go to the International Union of Speleology Page

International Union of Speleology
The Union Internationale de Spéléologie (UIS) is the international body for caving and speleology. Formed in 1965, its voting members consist of a delegate from each member country. This delegate represents the country's cavers and speleologists, rather than its national body(s). An elected Bureau runs the affairs of UIS between the 4-yearly General Assemblies held at the International Congresses. The actual speleological work of UIS is done by the members of its Commissions and Working Groups, which are open to everyone who is interested.


Go to the Karst Waters Institute Page

Karst Waters Institute
PO Box 537
Charles Town WV 25414
As well as publishing the newsletter The Conduit, KWI occasionally issues other special publications. These may report the results of research that the KWI has been involved in, or may be abstracts, proceedings, and field trip guides from Institute sponsored symposia.

Go to the National Cave and Karst Research Institute Page National Cave and Karst Research Institute

From within the framework of the U.S. National Park Service, the National Cave and Karst Research Institute facilitates speliological research, enhances public education, and promotes environmentally sound cave and karst management.
Go to the National Caves Association Page National Caves Association

The NATIONAL CAVES ASSOCIATION, founded in 1965, is a non-profit organization of publicly and privately owned show caves developed for public visitation.
Go to the National Spelological Society Page National Speleological Society

The National Speleological Society was founded for to advance the study, conservation, and exploration of caves. With more than 12,000 members, clubs nation-wide conduct regular meetings to coordinate activities with may include cave mapping and exploration.
For more information write:
National Speleological Society,
2813 Cave Ave.,
Huntsville, AL 35810
Go to the World Cave Database Page World Cave Database

This is a database of long and deep caves from all around the world. It comes currently in 3 versions: sorted by depth (deeper than 300m), by length (longer than 3kms), and classified by country.

Children's Books

Exploring Caves Journeys Into The Earth Exploring Caves Journeys Into The Earth
By Nancy Holler Aulenbach and Hazel Barton
Follow Nancy Holler Aulenbach and Hazel Barton on their travels with an IMAX film crew to Greenland, Mexico and the U.S. Good photography. Strong science and conservation message. Published by National Geographic Society.
(Hardback, 64 pages, color illustrations).
Caves: A True Book Caves: A True Book
By Larry Dane Brimner
Early readers book all about cave formations, cave life, and human/cave interaction. Featuring photos by Kevin Downey and others.
(Paperback, 48 pages)
Limestone Caves Limestone Caves
By Roy A. Gallant
A children's book which describes types of caves and cave life. By Roy A. Gallant with photos by Kevin Downey and others. 1998.
(Paperback, 64 pages)
Bats Bats
By Gail Gibbons
Describes different kinds of bats, their physical characteristics, habits and behavior as well as the efforts to protect them. Illustrated with beautiful watercolors. An early reader book. 1999.
(Hardback, 30 pages)
The Dark Zone, Exploring the Secret World of Caves

The Dark Zone, Exploring the Secret World of Caves
By Stephen Kramer
An adventure of The Black Hole Gang, a group of kids who use the internet. They travel to Missouri to clean up a cave. 1998.
(Paperback, cartoon format, 92 pages, ages 8-12)

Bats: The Amazing Upside Downers Bats: The Amazing Upside Downers
By Phyllis J. Perry
A children's' book which discusses the evolution, physiology, conservation, habits and habitats of bats. 1998.
(Paperback, 64 pages)
Looking Inside Caves And Caverns Looking Inside Caves And Caverns
By Ron Schultz
Well-researched, overview for 8 to 12 years. Illustrated. 1993.
(Paperback, 46 pages)

General Books

The Longest Cave The Longest Cave
By Roger Brucker and Richard Watson
A classic of cave exploration describing events leading to the most famous connection in speleology.
Deep Secrets: The Discovery And Exploration Of Lechuguilla Cave Deep Secrets: The Discovery And Exploration Of Lechuguilla Cave
By Paul Burger, Larry Fish, Pat Kambesis, and Steve Reames
An account of the exploration of the deepest limestone cave in the United States. Numerous photographs, including many in color, as well as many maps.
(381 pages)
The Darkness Beckons The Darkness Beckons
By Martyn Farr
A beautiful, interesting and readable history of the development of cave diving. Full of photos.
Speleogenesis:Evolution of Karst Aquifers Speleogenesis:Evolution of Karst Aquifers
Edited by Klimchouk, Palmer, Dreyboldt and Ford
44 authors from 15 countries summarize knowledge of origins of caves and the approaches that have been adopted to study them.
(Hardback, 527pages)
Speleology; Caves And The Environment Speleology; Caves And The Environment
By George W. Moore and Nicholas Sullivan.
A beginning book for those seeking more information on caves, includes chapters on how caves form, what lives in them and how cave formations are formed.
Caves Exploring Hidden Realms Caves Exploring Hidden Realms
By Michael Ray Taylor
A book about the glories and dangers of cave in the companion book to the IMAX film Journey Into Amazing Caves soon to be released. He follows Nancy & Hazel as they explore Greenlands ice caves, underwater caves of the Yucatan and pits in TAG country. Includes 135 color photos.
Living With Karst Living With Karst
By Veni, DuChene, Crawford, Groves, Huppert, Kastening, Olson, and Wheeler
A well illustrated booklet which discusses karst related environmental and engineering concerns with guidelines for living with karst. Extensive lists of additional information. Includes poster. By notable researchers in the karst world.
(Paperback, 64 pages)

Additional Resources

Go to the Cave Books Page Cave Books
4700 Amberwood Drive
Dayton, Ohio 45424
Inner Realm Books Inner Realm Books
PO Box 622,
Golden, CO 80402
Telephone: 303-278-1891
(catalog sent on request)
Go to the Karst Waters Institute Page Karst Waters Institute
PO Box 537
Charles Town WV 25414
Go to the National Speleological Society Page National Speleological Society
2813 Cave Ave
Huntsville AL 35810-4431
Go to the Speleo Projects Page Speleo Projects
Lettenweg 118
CH-4123 Allschwil
Go to the Speleobooks Page Speleobooks
Post Office Box 10
Schoharie, New York 12157-0010
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Cave and Karst Program
Geologic Resources Division
National Park Service
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