Abraham Lincoln Institute Fifth Annual Symposium (Library of Congress, Thomas Jefferson Buidling, Coolidge Auditorium, Saturday, March 16, 2002 from 9am-5pm - The Latest in Lincoln Scholarship

Edward Steers, Jr.


Dr. Edward Steers received his bachelors degree (1959, Microbiology) and doctorate (1963, Molecular Genetics) from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.

From 1963 until 1994 he served at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland as a Research Scientist in biomedical research. During the last ten years of his career with the NIH, Dr. Steers was the Deputy Director for Intramural Research in the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

In 1994 Dr. Steers retired from the National Institutes of Health to pursue a career as a writer. He has authored three soft coverpublications (The Escape and Capture of John Wilkes Booth,The Quotable Lincoln, and Lincoln. A Pictorial History) and two book editions (His Name Is Still Mudd and Blood On The Moon, The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln).

Recognized as an authority on Abraham Lincoln and his assassination, Dr. Steers has made several radio and television appearances including C-SPAN's Booknotes and Washington Journal, The History Channel's Hard Cover History,The Discovery Channel, National Public Radio's Morning Edition, and the NBC Today Show.

Dr. Steers currently serves as the Internet Editor of the Lincoln Herald and is also an Associate Editor for North & South magazine.

Dr. Steers has received awards in both the field of scientific research and history including a Fulbright Scholarship, election to American Men and Women of Science, election as a Fellow of the Company of Military Historians, and the Lincoln Group of the District of Columbia's Scholar of the Year Award (1999). His latestbook, Blood on the Moon, has recently been selected by the Lincoln Group of New York as the best Lincoln book for 2001.

Dr. Steers lives in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia with his wife Patricia Steers.



Edward Steers, Jr. "A Civil War Field Desk," Military Collector and Historian. XXVI, No.3 (1974): 179.

Edward Steers, Jr. "The Historic Edgar CountyCourthouse. Paris, Illinois.," North-South Trader, VI, No.1 (1978): 16.

Edward Steers, Jr. "Keeping a Cool Head on those HotOccasions," North-South Trader. VII, no.6 (1980):33.

Edward Steers, Jr. "An Unusual Shoulder (lapel?)Patch Insignia from the Civil War," Military Collectorand Historian. XXXII, no.1 (1980): 38.

Edward Steers, Jr. "What's In An Ambrotype? Using OriginalGlass Plate Images for Modern Enlargements," MilitaryImages, II, no. 4 (1981).

Edward Steers, Jr., and James 0. Hall. The Escape and Captureof George A. Atzerodt, published privately by the SurrattSociety, Clinton, Md. (1981).

Edward Steers, Jr. "The Mayberry Cartridge," North-South Trader, IX. no.3 (1982):19.

Edward Steers, Jr. "A Corps Badgeof Battery F, First Pennsylvania Light Artillery?," Military Collector and Historian, XXXIII, no.3 (1982):132.

Edward Steers, Jr. "Inter Arma Silent Leges.The Military Trial of the Lincoln Conspirators," Lincoln Herald, 83, no.3 (1982): 7-19.

Edward Steers, Jr. "An Army of Northern VirginiaBattle Flag: A Different View," North-South Trader, X, no. 3 (1983): 14 - 15.

Edward Steers, Jr. and J. L. Chaconas, The Escape and Captureof John Wilkes Booth, Pamphlet. Privately published by MarkerTours, Brandywine, Maryland. (1983).

Edward Steers, Jr. and J. L. Chaconas. Everlasting in theHearts of His Countrymen. A Guide to the Memorials to AbrahamLincoln in the District of Columbia, Pamphlet.Privately published by Marker Tours, Brandywine, Maryland.(1984).

Edward Steers, Jr., "Lincoln's Ancestry. A NewDocument," Lincoln Herald, 91, no. 1 (1989): 13 - 16.

Edward Steers, Jr. " 'A Puttin' on (H)airs.' Lincoln'sLetter to Grace Bedell." Lincoln Herald, 91,no. 3 (1989): 86 - 90.

Edward Steers, Jr., ed., "Garrison Duty in Alexandria. The Red River Letters of Charles W. Kennedy, 156th New York VolunteerInfantry," Civil War Regiments, IV, no. 1, 1994: 104-117.

Edward Steers, E., ed., "My Dearest Katey, AUnion soldier's letters from Louisiana," Louisiana Life, 15, no. 2, 1995: 48-53 .

Edward Steers, Jr. "Nancy Hanks. West Virginian?", Lincoln Herald, 100, no. 2, 1998: 61-81.

Edward Steers, Jr. "The Deceptive Doctor," Columbiad 2, no. 2 (1998): 114.

Edward Steers, Jr., "Freedom Began Here," North & South, 1, no. 4 (1998):35.

Edward Steers, Jr., "Otto Eisenschiml, Samuel Muddand the "Switched" Photograph," Lincoln Herald, 100, no. 4, (1999):167.

Edward Steers, Jr., "The Lincoln Assassination.Do the Pieces Fit?," North & South, 2, no. 4(1999): 26.

Edward Steers, Jr., "Was Lincoln a Christian? A Questionof Faith. North & South, 2, no. 7 (1999):30.

Edward Steers, Jr., "His Name Is Still Mudd," Keynoter, 99, no. 1 (1999):4.

Edward Steers, Jr., "Was Mistah Abe Babsized?", Lincoln Herald, 101, no. 4 (Winter 1999): 164.

Edward Steers,Jr., "Montani Semper Liberi. The Makingof West Virginia," North & South, 3, no. 2 (2000):18.

Edward Steers, Jr., "Risking The Wrath Of God," North & South, 3, no. 7 ( 2000): 59.

Edward Steers, Jr., "Dr. Mudd and the 'Colored' Witnesses," Civil War History, 46, no. 4 (December2000):324.

Edward Steers, Jr. "A Rebel plot and germ warfare," Washington Times, 10 November 2001, B-3.

Edward Steers, Jr., "Precedents for military tribunalsdate to 1846," Washington Times, 29 December2001, B-3.

Edward Steers, Jr., "Bethlehem native played a rolein aftermath of Lincoln's assassin," [Allentown-Bethlehem] Morning Call, 6 January 2002, E-3.

Edward Steers, Jr., Terrorism - 1860's Style," North & South,5, no. 4 (May 2002): 14.

Edward Steers, Jr., "In Defense of Justice Rehnquist,Judge Boynton and Attorney General Speed," LincolnHerald, (in press, 103, no. 2, Summer 2001).

Edward Steers, Jr., "Maryland My Maryland. Charles Countyand the War of Northern Aggression," North & South, in press.


Edward Steers, Jr,. The Escape and Capture of JohnWilkes Booth, (Gettysburg: Thomas Publications, 1992).

Edward Steers, Jr. Lincoln. A Pictorial History, (Gettysburg:Thomas Publications, 1994).

Edward Steers, Jr., The Quotable Lincoln, (Gettysburg:Thomas Publications, 1996).

Edward Steers, Jr., His Name Is Still Mudd, (Gettysburg:ThomasPublications, 1997).

Edward Steers, Jr., Blood on the Moon, (Lexington: UniversityPress of Kentucky, 2001).

Book Reviews

Edward Steers, Jr., review of "Right or WrongGod Judge Me," by John Rhodehamel and Louise Taper, North & South, 1, no. 3 (1999): 41.

Edward Steers, Jr., review of "Lincoln's Men," by William C. Davis, North & South, 2, no. 5 (1999):89.

Edward Steers, Jr., review of "It Didn't Happen the Way You Think," by Robert Mills, North& South, 3, no. 2 (2000): 82.

Edward Steers, Jr., review of "Another Sunny Day," by William Russo, North & South, 3, no. 2 (2000): 84.

Edward Steers, Jr., review of "Lincoln As I Knew Him," by Harold Holzer,North & South, 3, no. 2 (2000): 86.

Edward Steers, Jr., review of "Everyday Life During the Civil War," by Michael J. Varhola, Civil WarBook Review, 2, no. 2, (2000): 45.

Edward Steers, Jr., review of "Southern Rights:Political Prisoners and the Myth of Confederate Constitutionalism," by Mark E. Neely, Jr., Civil War History, 46, no. 2 (June2000):158-160.

Edward Steers Jr., review of "The Rending of Virginia," by Granville Davisson Hall, North & South, 3, no. 7 (2000):86.

Edward Steers Jr., review of "Moonlight,"by John Evangelist Walsh, North & South, 3, no. 7 (2000):86.

Edward Steers, Jr., review of "Lincoln's Assassins" by James L. Swanson and Daniel R. Weinberg, North & South,5, no. 2 (2002): 90.

Edward Steers, Jr., review of "Abraham Lincoln's DNA and other Adventures in Genetics," by Philip R.Reilly, Lincoln Herald, in press.

Edward Steers, Jr., review of "Dispatches From Lincoln's White House. The Anonymus Civil War Journalism of Presidential Secretary William O. Stoddard,"edited by Michael Burlingame,Washington Times, submitted.

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