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Topic: Home > Policies

President George Bush gives a thumbs up to a crowded cafeteria while visiting the Pentagon ..
Home > News & Policies > September 2001 President George Bush gives a thumbs up to a crowded cafeteria .. - 2.6KB
17 Sep 01
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President addressing reporters in the Oval Office September 13. White House photo by Paul ..
Home > News & Policies > September 2001 President addressing reporters in the Oval Office September .. - 2.2KB
14 Sep 01
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Pledging support for New York, President George Bush talks with Governor George Pataki and ..
Home > News & Policies > September 2001 Pledging support for New York, President George Bush talks with ... 20010913-4-1.html - 2.9KB
14 Sep 01
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Diplomatic Actions
America Responds to terrorism through diplomatic actions. - 13.2KB
12 Sep 01
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America Responds to Terrorism
America Responds to terrorism through investigative actions. - 9.9KB
12 Sep 01
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Homeland Security - Every American Can Help
The President Thursday announced two new initiatives to give citizens opportunities to support Homeland Security efforts, .. - 21.5KB
08 Nov 01
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Fact Sheet on Terrorist Financing Executive Order
The President has directed the first strike on the global terror network today by issuing an Executive Order to starve .. - 22.0KB
25 Sep 01
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Canadian PM: "We Will Be There"
Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien today told President Bush, "I think that you know you have the support of Canadians. When you .. - 23.4KB
24 Sep 01
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King Abdullah of Jordan to Visit Washington
President Bush will welcome King Abdullah of Jordan to Washington for a working visit on September 28. The United States .. - 19.4KB
24 Sep 01
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President Okay's Insurance Provision for Airlines
Provision of Aviation Insurance Coverage for Commercial Air Carrier Service in Domestic and International Operations By ... - 19.7KB
24 Sep 01
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