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Surety Bonds

Department of the Treasury's Listing of Approved Sureties (Department Circular 570)

For Customs 3 Digit Surety Codes call
(317) 614-4484


  1. Acadia Insurance Company (NAIC# 31325) redomesticated from Maine to New Hampshire, effective December 1, 2007.

  2. AMERICAN CONTRACTORS INDEMNITY COMPANY (NAIC# 10216) is required by state law to conduct business in the state of Texas as TEXAS BONDING COMPANY. However, business is conducted in all other covered states as AMERICAN CONTRACTORS INDEMNITY COMPANY.

  3. American International Pacific Insurance Company (NAIC# 23795) voluntarily relinquished their Treasury Certificate of Authority effective June 30, 2008.

  4. Carolina Casualty Insurance Company (NAIC# 10510) redomesticated from Florida to Iowa, effective June 22, 2007.

  5. CUMIS INSURANCE SOCIETY, INC. (NAIC# 10847) redomesticated from Wisconsin to Iowa, effective May 3, 2007.

  6. Endurance Reinsurance Corporation of America (NAIC# 11551) redomesticated from New York to Delaware, effective January 30, 2008.

  7. Great Northern Insurance Company (NAIC# 20303) redomesticated from Minnesota to Indiana, effective November 28, 2007.

  8. International Fidelity Insurance Company's (NAIC# 11592) name is very similar to another company that is NOT certified by this Department. Please ensure that the name of the Company and the state of incorporation are exactly as they appear in this Circular. Do not hesitate to contact the Company to verify the authenticity of a bond.

  9. THE MIDWESTERN INDEMNITY COMPANY's (NAIC# 23515) name is very similar to another company that is NOT certified by this Department. Please ensure that the name of the Company and the state of incorporation are exactly as they appear in this Circular. Do not hesitate to contact the Company to verify the authenticity of a bond.

  10. Westport Insurance Corporation (NAIC# 34207) merged with and into Employers Reinsurance Corporation (NAIC# 39845) effective January 1, 2008. As the surviving corporation Employers Reinsurance Corporation (NAIC# 39845) changed its name to Westport Insurance Corporation (NAIC# 39845).

   Last Updated:  Monday June 30, 2008

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