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Common Questions Continued

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Q. Will I be able to run ad hoc queries using the TRS business intelligence and reporting tools?

A. Depending upon your permissions, you will be able to run ad hoc queries using the TRS business intelligence and reporting tools. FMS expects that most agency users will be able to get the information they need from standard reports.

Q. Will I be able to access images of checks and remittance documents through TRS?

A. Yes. Images of checks and remittance documents that agencies currently access through collection systems will be available through TRS.

Q. Will the information currently housed in CA$HLINK II be transitioned for 7 years back, or will both systems need to be maintained simultaneously for information warehousing purposes?

A. FMS is currently working on a strategy to provide agencies with historical CA$HLINK II data. Once all of the collections systems are reporting to TRS, FMS does not plan to maintain both systems simultaneously beyond a short transition period.

Q. What file formats will TRS support?

A. For automated system to system exchanges, TRS will use the standard XML schema developed by FMS’s Enterprise Data Architecture Team. This schema can be found at:

Q. How will my agency download files from TRS?

A. Agencies will be able view, save, and download transaction detail and deposit summary information through a web browser. By using the Business Intelligence tools available in TRS, agency users will be able to create downloadable files that fit their agencies’ specific requirements. In the near future, agencies will be able to implement automated interfaces with TRS in order to receive files of their collection detail and deposit summary information on a scheduled basis.

Q. What types of access control will TRS have? Will it require multi-factor authentication?

A. Users will access the TRS application with a web browser over the Internet. No TRS application software will be installed on the client machine. The security model will be similar to CA$HLINK II. Groups within federal program agencies will be granted access privileges. Each group will designate specific individuals as security administrators for their group. The security administrators will be able to authorize access to other members of the group. TRS will not initially require multi-factor authentication, but multi-factor authentication will be required in the future.

Q.What system changes will I have to make to get information from TRS?

A. FMS is hoping to minimize the system changes required by your agency to receive files from TRS. If your agency uses the Business Intelligence tools available in TRS, you will be able to create downloadable files that may fit your agencies system requirements and avoid major system changes. If your agency needs an automated interface to receive data, then your agency will need to use FMS’s standard XML schema for automated interfaces. The standard XML schema is available at:

Q. Are there any special computer or internet requirements for TRS?

A. Yes, you must have one of the two most recent versions of Internet Explorer to use TRS.

Q. What is the current implementation schedule for TRS?

A. TRS is being implemented in phases. In order for TRS to provide collection transaction information to federal program agencies, TRS must first implement interfaces with various sources of collections data. As these interfaces are implemented, increasing amounts of transaction data will become available to agencies through TRS. TRS will begin piloting to agencies in 2008 and begin general transitioning of agencies in 2009. In all cases, TRS will work closely with your agency in planning an implementation process.

Q. How can I participate in a pilot with TRS?

A. To participate in a pilot with TRS, please contact TRS Project Manager Christina Cox at (202) 874-7207 or email:

Q. How will agencies learn about development with TRS?

A. FMS will provide agencies with the information through the TRS website on an ongoing basis and through direct contact with agencies from time to time. For any new or additional information, please check this website at a later date or contact Christina Cox.

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Updated January 07, 2009
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   Last Updated:  Wednesday January 07, 2009

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