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Moffett Field History
About NASA Ames Research Center

In 1933, the United States Government commissioned Sunnyvale Naval Air Station which was later renamed NAS Moffett Field. The original mission of the Naval Air Station was to serve as a home base for the Navy dirigible the U.S.S. Macon. Later, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) established what would eventually become NASA Ames Research Center adjacent to the Naval Air Station.

Moffett Field was closed as a military base on July 1, 1994. Supervision of Moffett's many facilities, two runways, and three aircraft hangars was turned over to NASA Ames Research Center. NASA now operates Moffett Field as part of NASA Ames Research Center.  Adaptive re-use of historic buildings is being planned and implemented by NASA at Moffett Field. For more information, visit

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